Attention Reunion Committee Members: If there are Reunions in the works for 2025 please let me know so I can get you your classmate's address information and post your info on the Reunions page.
To All Class Alumni: Please make sure your address information is correct on the
Cougartown Info System so you can be contacted by your Reunion Committee.
NEW Missing Cougars Page:Be sure to check our NEW
Missing Cougars Page for classmates that aren't on the
Alumni List, or ARE on the Alumni List, but have No Current Email. This list should now update regularly as our friends add their info to the Cougartown Info System. If you are on the Missing List, please add or update your email information. If you don't know how to update your email address, please email me at
and I'll help. It is very important that your info is up to date so your friends and Reunion Committees can find you.
Thanks Cougars, for your help and support.