The Las Vegas Reunion was a Blast from the Past

To all my "new" old friends

Our Mini-reunion in Las Vegas went off without a hitch, except that maybe it was too short. Of course they’re ALL too short for me. I, for one, had a total blast with this all class reunion.
At first I was apprehensive that maybe these reunions aren't the way to go. I mean we all went to HHS at different times, in separate eras. What could we possibly have to talk about. Hawthorne, that's what, and it was grand. I don’t think it matters a hoot if you graduated with that certain person. We all walked the same halls and talked the same high school trash. We ditched the same classes and drove the same streets. We loved the same teachers and hated the same teachers. These friends have always been out there. The friendship just needed to be kindled. People that miss reunions, for any reason, are missing out on one of life’s great pleasures. Like asking that favorite girl to go steady, and she says yes, or hitting a baseball right on the screws. These things are why we’re on this planet folks. I think we need a "Life’s Great Pleasures" page on this website. We’ll talk about that one later.

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m sayin’ it again.
Frank and Patty you’re the BEST!!

Folks, Frank Romano HHS61 knows how to live life. Frank had heart replacement surgery a little over a year ago. Not bypass surgery .... REPLACEMENT SURGERY. In Frank’s chest, beats the heart of a 25 year old computer programmer who wasn’t as fortunate as Frank. Frank is living life to the fullest, because he knows how precious it is. He’s taking anti-rejection medicines and this is not an easy ordeal to say the least. These are powerful drugs and yet he’s out there getting deals on rooms for the reunion, trying to find the best deal on DJ’s, setting up the menu, finding rooms for people (me included). Frank Romano, you are one courageous human being. Thank you for everything.

Patty Valencia, what can I say. Excellent work from a “Star Cougar”. When we were trying to get this off the ground, Patty walked out to the mound, picked up the rosin bag, and said “gimme the ball coach”. She took over from there and the weekend ran like a well oiled machine.

Patty, "It just don’t get no better’n last weekend."

Thank you both

Thanks to all the Cougars and their spouses. Without you, we had nothing. And a special thanks to Chris Prewitt HHS67 who sent in lots of Cougar pictures. You always seem to add special things to the website.

And now on to the Reunion...

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Revised April 20, 1999