Fosters Night....A Blast TO the Past

This was Incredible

What a turnout on Saturday Night.

Our little Hawthorne Fosters Freeze was first opened in March of 1957. It was run by 2 local couples, Willa and Victor Oliverra and Walter and Donna MacArthur. This "Stand" was known to the Fosters parent company as Outlet #18. I hope where ever these 2 founding couples are today, they realize how much pleasure they gave to us on Saturday last.

Outlet #18 is now owned by the Kim brothers. Leo Kim and I have been coordinating this little get together for a few weeks and I want to say Thank you to them for their generous hospitality and allowing us to once again invade our old stomping grounds. Thank you from all of us at Cougartown. We WILL do this one again.

Thanks are not enough for Kathy Lorig Stonebraker HHS76 and her whole Family. She took this over, and from the 50/50 raffle to the music, to the signs, to the membership registration, to the guest book; it all ran perfectly. Kathy, you and the kids did a great job, and "Killer", not a single El Molino was lost.

Thanks to Betty Kean Rodriguez HHS69 for our Cougartown Nametags and to Susan Ciampa Walling HHS77, Chris Prewitt HHS67 and his wife Kathy, Patty Valencia HHS74, and Janet Humphreys Burkett HHS62, for their help in decorating the place, and giving it that HHS "Scarlet and Gold" flavor.
OH and thanks to Peter and Allie, for decorating my truck and for making the King's Sceptre.

Thanks to the people who brought their Hot Rods. It added so much to Cruise Night. And finally Thanks to the "Rowdy Girls" for not busting the place up too badly. Great lookin' 57 Fairlane girls.

Lastly thanks to everyone who showed on Saturday night. Classes from 1955 to 1989 were represented, and thanks to the Faculty Mr. Key, Coach Plum, Mr. Plotkin, Ms Brooks, and the HHS Student/Faculty Ricki Valencia HHS61 and Roberta Burket HHS61.

There will be more pictures, but this should get us started.

And now on to Cruise Night.....

.....and here are pictures from others, who couldn't make it to OUR Cruise night, but had one of their own. Check these out

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Revised July 26, 1999