Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jun 11, 2010, 9:32 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA

Message: Rick, you are correct. This is not funny. John, good idea about cross-checking Christine and my contact lists. I contacted hotmail, but have not heard back from them. They are checking to make sure I am who I say I am. So, in the meantime, someone is using that account and getting my e-mails. P.S. MicroSoft will not deal directly over the telephone regarding hotmail problems. They will only do it online. Just an FYI to all Cougs with hotmail accounts. Thank you, John. I will waste no more CT time on this. Besides, I'm still lapping in the memory and trying to recuperate from wine country weekend and the great time we had. I'm exhausted. I can't play all day and night anymore without getting wiped out. I’ll whine no more. Have a great Cougar day.
Name: Rick Tennant ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jun 10, 2010, 12:19 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969

Message: Sharon, I am a travel consultant by trade and by no means is this funny. I have a guest that I received the same email request needing help while he was supposedly on business in London. The only problem was that I knew for a fact that I hadn't booked him any trip to London. He and his family were actually preparing to go on a cruise. He also had a Hot Mail account. Good luck in getting things straightened up.
For all the hotmail email addressers out there. This is NOT necessarily a hotmail email attack. Someone, probably a Cougar, has an email virus of some kind. The virus sent this "stranded in London" email out from that person's email client and sent it to all the email addresses in their address book. I'd be looking for the person who has both Sharon Moore and Christine Baird's email address in their address book.
Name: Glenn Crist ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jun 10, 2010, 12:03 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Sonoma, CA

Message: Sharon You were in fact, hijacked off the plane headed for London and are being held in Sonoma, forced to eat the food and drink the wine. No one is going to ransom you so you're stuck in wine country. It's tough but someone has to do it.
Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jun 10, 2010, 9:17 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita

Message: Ed Sanchez; I received your email and tried to email you back but your email address doesn't work. I also tried your and it doesn't work either. Please send me the correct email address Thanks.
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jun 10, 2010, 9:17 am - HHS Time
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
City & State: long beach, ca

Message: To anyone who is receiving e-mail from my account, please know that my account has been hijacked. I am not stuck in London and I do not need money. I cannot even get into the account to cancel it. The account I use here on Cougartown appears to be unaffected. However, should you get an e-mail from the account delete it, do not reply. Delete this address from your contact list. Thank you John for posting this.
I also received the same email (Stuck in the UK) from Christine Baird's email address this morning. Cougs, please do not reply to any of these emails.
Name: Brett Loranger ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jun 9, 2010, 7:04 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Las Vegas NV

Message: Mike Kratz....pleae send me an to u soon.
Name: Linda Huthmaker ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jun 9, 2010, 8:29 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Huthmaker
Class: 1963
City & State: Torrance, California

Message: A long-awaited Cougar sighting! Yesterday, at North High Polling Place, as Inspector, I was happy to give a ballot to Ronney Meadows, class of 1963. I had not seen Ronney, in many years, so it was a real treat to chat with him, and know that he is doing well. It's always good to see a Hawthorne High School classmate. Have a great day, everyone. As ever, Linda
Hey Linda, Good one there. I remember Roy, Ron's brother, from the class of 61. Thanks for the sighting.
Name: Myrna Wood ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jun 8, 2010, 6:45 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Bell
Class: 1966
City & State: Nevada City, CA

Message: Hmmm.... blackmail..... hmmmm.....John, where would you like me to send the pictures?
To me.
Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jun 8, 2010, 4:25 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca

Message: John Boy; Checks in the mail, is it still $10.00 ?. Jorge
Thanks George, Yes it is.
Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jun 8, 2010, 2:27 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita

Message: YEARBOOKS AT HHS: There are still a few El Molinos from the 60s available. 1965 - 2, 1966 - 1, 1967 - 1, 1968 - 3, 1969 - 2, 1970 - 2. If you are interested please call Rushdi Bolous at 310-263-4417. They still have El Molinos in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s too, but the early years won't last long so please call TODAY if you want one.
Name: Sharon Branigan ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jun 8, 2010, 10:03 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
City & State: San Clemente, CA

Message: I'm starting to recover from WCW- someone forgot to put the "governor" on me Saturday night- but a couple glasses of Gloria Ferrer champagne on Sunday morning sure helped. Glenn, thank you SO MUCH for all the work that went into planning and executing this event. It was WONDERFUL and I feel sorry for all the Cougars who couldn't be there, these chances only come around once a decade! What fun we had, LeeAnn, Myrna, Sharon, Lenora, Janet, you girls are a hoot! Jim and Debby, two terrific people whom I just adore. Royal and Pat, so wonderful to see you again, and Milt, a pleasure to meet you. I don't remember meeting Max, Bill or Ed, my apologies if I did meet you, and I'm sorry I don't remember it... Gordon Bell you are a doll, it must run in the family. My sis and bro, Sue and Darryl, and niece Lori and NIL Rob, those young folks just bring so much energy to the table, I love you guys to pieces. Dave Homewood, thank you for hosting and joining us, I hope everyone goes on YELP.COM and writes nice things about Homewood Winery. And John, thank YOU for supplying the venue to bring this group together, without you there would have been no WCWII. It was a blast!!! xoxoxoxo
Sharon, you are a hoot as a "governless" woman Thanks so much for being there as you and your whole family add just the right amount of Sparkle to the Gloria Ferrer.
Name: Henry Cooper ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jun 8, 2010, 9:58 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Redway Ca.

Message: Jim and fellow Cougs. Here's what happened. I called Glenn Sat. Morning. He said "Friday Night was Fun and Sat. should be Better." In retrospect this is when i became too excited andwas not paying attention. I went on Cougartown saw Larson Family Winery B.B.Q. SAT. Night. Map Quest wouldn't come up so I went to Ask Maps Not Good. Checked into the Motel 6 in Petaluma at 4;30 put on my Dancing Slippers and headed for the Party after several attempts to reach the Larson Family had failed I returned to the Motel. And called Glenn at 6:30 it was Groovey Talking to you Jim I Thrive on Verbal Abuse, I'm a happily married. He gave me directions to the Party. I tried again at 7:30 the only thing that I found that resembled a Winery was a Convenience Store Which sold 12 Packs of Oly. Returned to my Room and with the help of Oly and some Humboldt Organic Outdoor I made it through the Night. Not my Best Mini-Vacation. Glad to Hear everyone had fun. Next time I will make a test Run a few Days prior to the Gig. Henry
Fun Night Henry, sorry you couldn't find Larson.
Name: Milt Calkins ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 9:15 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Oroville, CA

Message: Hi Sharon, This was the first time we met and I was very impressed with you. I never gave anyone an empty bottle of wine and they were happier than hell. It's too bad we didn't go to school together, you would have been a cheap (inexpensive) date. If you (or anyone who was at the wine event) want a set of my wine labels (Zinfandel, Syrah & Port), send me your mailing address. And the Reverend Dr. Mr. Morgan, Fred whatever you want to call him, blessed my port label and said "Forgive me, He was in my Band". John and Glenn, good job, sorry I couldn't be there for the full event, I'm looking forward to the next one.
Hey Milt, Glad you made it on Saturday man and thanks for the Port.
Name: Glenn Crist ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 6:34 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Sonoma, CA

Message: O. K., it’s time for me to chime in here. To everyone who was at the best Cougartown time I’ve attended in ten years, thank you. John Baker, webmeister of the most awesome high school gathering place in existence, I once again express my gratitude for holding all of the scarlet and gold together (and reconnecting me with old friends, I long ago thought lost). Dave Homewood (and Heather) of Homewood Winery and Tom and Becky Larson (and Molly) of Larson Family Winery, your friendship and kindness will not be soon forgotten. Sue and Darryl Joynt, Sharon and Mike Branigan, and Lori and Rob, I so very much appreciate your hospitality at 'A Captain House' and even more for all of your effort. Everyone who pitched in to make this a great event (you know who you are), I truly thank you. A special thanks to all of the wineries: Homewood, Larson Family, Wellington, Loxton, Kunde, VJB, Sebastiani, Ravenswood, Buena Vista, and Viansa for pouring some fine wines and taking good care of us. My hope was that everyone who attended, had a great time. I think, based on feedback, I can safely say my expectation has been met. To everyone else, I used to say, “there are a whole lot of things I’ve never done; I’ve never had too much fun.” Last weekend comes as close to having “too much fun” as I’ve recently had. Let’s do it again soon.
Thank you Glenn for graciously hosting our Wine Country Weekend. I was a GAS MAAAANN!!
Name: Nixon, Lee Ann ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 5:43 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Nixon
Class: 1964
City & State: Vancouver, WA

Message: I suspect you called off the blackmail because there was nothing to blackmail us about. We were a pretty tame bunch. Could it be that we are getting old? Say it ain't so.
Well there is that picture of you with ??? but I'll save that one for later
Name: Lee Ann Nixon ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 4:59 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Nixon
Class: 1964
City & State: Vancouver, WA

Message: Just got in a couple of hours ago. The wine country weekend was just so much fun. First and foremost, thank you to Glenn for putting this together - and in such a grand way. Meeting our needs clearly came first to him. Thanks, Glenn. You done good. I met HHSers that I never knew before and I have now established many old, new friends. Sue and Sharon - you were truly the life's of the party. I especially want to thank Sharon and Lenora for carting my butt around - we had so much fun and laughed all the way. Everyone else's posts before this have said it all and I will ditto all of their thanks. The races were just a blast - could've watched the whole 2 days if it were possible. And, John, what's this about blackmailing us with the pics?
Hi Lee Ann, Thanks so much for making the trek from WA to be with, and make new HHS friends. OK the blackmail thing is off but there will be pictures.
Name: Janet Burkett ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 2:46 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
City & State: Ca

Message: Glenn Crist, you are the king of events! What a great weekend you planned for all of us who attended the Wine Country Weekend. From the wine tasting to the BBQs and the races, there was something for everyone, and once again, you out did yourself. It was so nice to see everyone including Royal "R Lord" and Pat. There cannot ever have been a nicer Cougar than you Royal. And the about never looking older, Debbie and Jim what are you takin? Myrna, my roomie, what a kick you are! And brother Gordon Bell, they don't come much better, (that's that class of '62 thingy). Also '62er Milt Calkins...thank you so much for sharing your awesome wines. I will keep the bottle I took home for a special occasion and make a toast to the HHS band bunch, (I can't believe you remembered Mr. Morgan making us flag girls learn to play a band instrument!) Sharon M. I think I got to spend more time talking to you this weekend than ever and totally enjoyed it. John B, thanks for allowing these great events to get posted on Cougartown so all kinds of alums can join in the fun and thanks for trecking up and down those race track stairs with me! To Dave Homewood and Mike Doyle, thank you for opening up your wineries once again to all of us with that great Sonoma hospitality! Janet
Hey Janet, great seeing you again and thanks for being there.
Name: Max Roelen ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 11:33 am - HHS Time
Class: 1974
City & State: Citrus Heights, CA

Message: LaVerne and I are still recovering from Saturday (old age), but we had a great time at the races and meeting old and new members of Cougartown. Many thanks go to JB for bringing all Cougars together via his website. And thanks to Glenn Crist for the BBQ. It was a pleasure to finally meet Jim Sloey as well as everyone else who attended. Sorry we could not stay longer at the BBQ. Until next time, have a great COUGAR day!
Thanks Max and LaVerne for being there.
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 11:07 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA

Message: Wow, Glenn Crist, you really know how to arrange a party weekend. The best time I have had to many, many a moon. Hats off to you my man. You created the perfect wine country weekend. John, hats off to you too for putting us all back together again with CT. Jim, Debby is a treasure. You are a very blessed man, with a new granddaughter too. Myrna, I love, love your chocolate. The Bierman family what can I say, except the PERFECT family. Sharon and Sue, you honeys' are the best. Dave of Homewood, thank you for opening your winery to us for a Friday night BBQ. Lee Ann sorry Sue could not make it. I looked up my senior yearbook and, yes, Sue was in dance workshop with me. Janet, it is always a pleasure to see you. Milt your wine and wine bottles are superb. Thank you for allowing me to take the double gold bottle home. Lenora, it was like old times. Gordon, your sense of humor is refreshing. Max you still look like your high school picture and your wife is a picture of beauty. Bill it was a pleasure meeting you and your wife. Glenn, I really enjoyed the entire weekend, especially the food. Oh, and I really, truly enjoyed the Kunde winery and the tour of the caves. That was very exciting. All I can say is that anyone who missed this weekend really missed a great time with great people and interesting travels through the wineries of Sonoma. I have never had such an up-close and personal tour of these wineries before. Glenn, you’re a trooper and diligent about making sure everyone had a fabulous time. With so many people involved, that is not an easy task. We had FUN, FUN, FUN til the corkmaster took the wine away. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!
Thanks for being there too, Sharon. Thoroughly enjoyed your company, and the company of Cougars across lots of classes, this weekend. I used to think the class of 62 had all the fun people No so....
Name: Steve Maldonado ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jun 7, 2010, 9:32 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Longview, WA

Message: Wow...thank you to all my HHS classmates who sent me good wishes and encouragement during my recent (and surprising) open heart surgery. I am doing well and recovering nicely. I was amazed and how many classmates kept up on Facebook as well. I felt very loved and encouraged. Now THAT'S the Cougar Spirit! Thank you.
Hey Steve, yes we have a very loving Cougar group all right. Thanks for letting us know and here's to a full recovery.
