Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 7:07 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita

Message: THANK YOU GLENN CRIST for your very generous donation to our HHS football team. This is exactly what we needed to get us to almost $4000.00 Now that's COUGAR SPIRIT!!
Name: Gail Oliver Beaird ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 4:42 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Beaird
Class: 1969
City & State: woodland hills, california

Message: To those that knew The Beaird family, their Mother, Elaine Beaird passed away today in West Hills from a long illness with cancer.. The five Beaird kids attended HHS from 1964-73.. Funeral is At Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills May 12, 2011..12:30PM. Little White Church
Thank you Gail for the info and our sincere condolences to the Beaird family.
Name: Keith Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 3:28 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Jones
Class: 1976
City & State: Honolulu Hawaii

Message: Aloha everyone in Cougartown :) my name is Jaime Ito I am Keith Jones daughter.. A friend of my Dad's told me I should post on here since alot of his friends are on here...But I am many of you know I lost my Daddy this past Jan 10 2011..But he maybe gone but I will never let his legacy go. He was an AMAZING Dad and friend to many, he always knew how to make me laugh. But..I started a foundation in his name and I am holding my very first fundraiser with 1 of my Dad's ex-girlfriends in Oahu on June 17th 2011 at The Villa in the Aloha Tower Marketplace..Tickets are $25, $10 will go to the foundation the rest goes to her Network808 business club..But I will be holding a live auction (surfboards, paintings,etc..) and a silent auction. All monies from that will go into the Keith D. Jones foundation. I need help to raise money for this foundation, but I really need items to auction off (since all that money will go to the foundation)..If you think you can help me please email me from my Dad's foundation website you can also go to the website to see what the foundation is about and to see how I plan to keep my Dad's name alive. You can also make a donation via paypal. We are a 501(c)3 and all donations are tax deductiable :) Mahalo Nui Loa for your Kokua.
Thank you Jaime, Keith was very special to us all and I do hope our Ctowners will help with Keith's foundation. Thanks very much.
Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 1:53 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca

Message: Hey, J.B.; Got a question, why Black "T" shirts and not CRIMSON RED or GOLD ?, does black make them look skinnier or something. Jorge
No, black is cheaper. Please don't make fun of the situation George, it's a very sore subject to me. All you cynics please stay away for awhile.
Name: Betty Rodriguez ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 1:05 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Kean
Class: 1969
City & State: Kingman, AZ

Message: Okay, okay! No auto shop? Black t-shirts for the band? Mycheck is in the mail. . .
Thank you Betty for the donation and thanks to Steve Curtin HHS64 too.
Name: Jim Frederick ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 11:48 am - HHS Time
Class: 1969
No E-mail
Message: For as many people that have signed up on Cougartown there should be as many on that list for donations! I didn't see that many names! Come on! The band has to wear black T shirts! Old and faded uniforms for the football team. The students don't even have auto shop! No wonder kids today are the way they are! Very disappointing
All cynicism aside. Where are the donors? Like Jim said, we have about 6800 alumni who all came through HHS. It seems we could get 10% to donate 20 bucks. You'll spend that on a case of Budweiser for Cinco de Mayo.
Name: Judy Blomsterberg ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 8:21 am - HHS Time
No E-mail
Message: Sidney, Thanks for the pom pom cheer and confirming what all you fellahs did in those islands. I use to think there was a naked girl under those hoods, because you sure weren't paying much attention to us. BTW--my Mom & Dad made donation and they aren't even alive. However, I know they would want me to because they loved Haw. and Calif. If you make a donation in your folk's name, it only shows what we're made of. "2 generations caring about what happens to our kids." Dad always made it clear that you're suppose to leave something behind better than you were. Until then, you have a job to do. And now I'm off to tint the grey out of my eyebrows for the reunion.
Thanks Judy, see you there on Saturday night.
Name: Judy Blomsterberg ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-May 5, 2011, 5:26 am - HHS Time
No E-mail
Message: Emailing Greg Bowman this morning telling him a story that I'd like to share while we're on the subject of donations for HHS. While working with the Jr. ROTC few years ago, one of the boys asked me if HHS had an auto shop when I attended school. You could hear a pin drop as he listened to me rattle on about how most boys had a jalopy of some kind and how they would constantly fix them up.. cruise the blvd., and meet with other boys to put their heads under the hood after school and weekends and loved every minute of it. The islands on Haw Blvd. always had cars in them with the hoods up and boys looking under. I explained to him that back in the 60's very few boys had a new car.. but they all created a "great car." Remember the song.."None of the guys go steady cause it wouldn't be right, to leave their best girl home now on Saturday night." This boy just loved the story and told me that he wished he was in high school back then because they didn't offer auto shop anymore.( funding cut ) I was shocked. High school and NO AUTO SHOP! I couldn't vision it! So you see, all this money is to give to kids what we had handed to us at no charge. It's not being handed to them. In return, some of these kids will remember this and do this same thing when they are our age and have a few extra bucks to spare. "They learn from us." If your attitude is that their parents should be funding these programs..well, how many of 'our parents' had enough money to give to HHS back then..they were too busy raising your brothers and sisters and paying off the mortgage. If you all gave a just a buck, we'd be there now. Oh, BTW-my boyfriend had a royal blue '56 Ford, 4 on the floor and the radiator blew everytime we hit 40 mph... (am I right Don Scheliga, Ray Scholl & Jerry Pat Simpson?) I'll be back Monday with a donation from our Women's Aux.
GREAT STORY JUDY, Gosh you took me back to the days when all we did on Friday and Saturday nights was cruise and work on our cars. I can remember changing spark plugs in the island on Hawthorne BL. getting ready to go racing. And yes, we car guys didn't date much. It would be like two-timing our first love....CARS. But we did go to all the football games with our teams dressed in Scarlet and Gold; our bands, flag girls and cheerleaders in full dress and no one ever thought or had a clue where the money came from. Now the band wears black Tshirts and the team dresses in mismatched, faded, and out dated uniforms. It's no wonder that school spirit and school pride has fallen off to nothing. Talking to the principal, not only don't they have auto shop, but no school newspaper. Yes the COUGAR IS GONE. They do not know the Alma Mater because there is no copy of the words ANYWHERE and the band doesn't have the music to the song. I've asked Bob Melendrez, class of 71, who is a musician to please put the music on paper for the band so this tradition won't end. We have the words here. It's time to give back Cougars. Everyone seems to be sitting on their hands and that won't work. Most of these kids are just like us but, nowadays, don't have anything to drive pride or spirit at HHS. Let's do something folks. This isn't what your school years should be remembered as and for sure the State of Ca. isn't going to help. Please give to our HHS footballers. Football sets the mood for the whole school year. It will bring back the "Be True To Your School" spirit we had many many years ago. Our car days are gone but school spirit and pride should always be with the students.
Name: Jim Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 10:22 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Randolph Ia

Message: On Cinco De Mayo my little brother Billy is celebrating his birthday. Happy birthday from the only known living person who kicked your butt, of course you were 3 and I was 12 but you take your victories as you can get them at this age. Happy birthday bro welcome to the old timers club!
Happy Birthday LITTLE BILLY!!!
Name: Janet Burkett ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 7:49 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
City & State: Ca
No E-mail
Message: Hey Jerry and Leo, Looks like it may be a busy summer for Nor Cal HHS alum. I am looking at being there for Brian's concert and Jerry, this get together sounds like a great time to be had too. Heard back from Glenn C and he is also checking his schedule. Hope to see a few Cougars during the summer this year!
There's two events for the NorCal-ers. Do not miss them, Cougs
Name: Gary Bickers ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 7:17 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: pve cal

Message: John, I looked at the Booster website. I did not see anything about a silent auction. Will they publish a list and a way to bid please.
Hi Gary, I have no idea. It says "we are in the planning stages" so it looks like the details aren't set yet. There's a CONTACT US link on their website if you would like more information.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 6:41 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1975
City & State: YORBA LINDA CA
No E-mail
Message: FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT HEAR ABOUT THE PASSING OF RICHARD HESS...n Loving Memory of Richard A. Hess "Rich" February 20, 1951-January 27, 2011 Rich fought a long hard battle for 8 months and lost to cancer. He lived life as a compassionate and dedicated person, personally and professionally. He built an exceptional special education program for the students of Troy High School spanning 36 years. He shared his love for music, travel and enjoying the beauty of nature with family, friends and students. Rich is survived by his high school sweetheart and wife for 36 years, Denise Hess; his children, Garrett, Drew and Emilee; his grandson, Skylar; his parents, Al and Virginia Hess; sister, Carol Ringold; and brother, Jim Hess. Rich enriched each life he touched and has made our world a better place! Services will be held at Pope John Paul II Polish Center in Yorba Linda Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. DONT PUT OFF GOING TO YOUR REUNIONS..YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOUR TICKET WILL BE PUNCHED BY THE BIG GUY..SEE YA'LL JULY 30TH...MISS YA MUCHO RICH...
Our condolences to the Hess family.
Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 6:37 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita, CA

Message: Some have asked what the students are doing to raise money for the football team. I received an email today from Sonja Simmons - HHS Football Boosters Club. I asked her what the students were doing to raise funds and this is her response.
Hi John, As far as the Boosters generating money, we are in the process of planning for our 1st annual Parking Lot Sale as well as a Silent Auction. Last season we opened the snack shop during home games to generate money for team meals. If you have ideas please let me know. The students sell community cards during the summer and we are currently selling chocolates as a fundraiser. Thanks.
Thanks goes out to Sonja and her Booster crew for helping out. They also have a website if you'd like to take a look. Thanks Sonja for all you and the Boosters are doing for our HHS footballers. They need all the help they can get and this has to be putting the pressure on Coach Joe and the team to have a spectacular season..... but good pressure
Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 3:58 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair oaks, CA
No E-mail
Message: Hi everybody. I just sent out several hundred emails to most of the NorCal Cougars but in case I missed you or you’re just going to be in the Sacto area this summer I have some exciting news. Anita Harmon Bell and I are having a little get together for us transplanted Hawthorne Cougars who now live in the Northern Regions. It is going to be held on Saturday, June 25, in Fair Oaks which is near Sacramento. Complete details can be found at Norcal Reunion I hope you can make it.
Thanks Jerry and Anita, Sounds like a fun day in Fair Oaks. Hope 2 or 3 dozen Cougars have a chance to be there.
Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 1:11 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca

Message: Hey, Jake & John; Hey my friends, wasn't this Turtle thing started by one of the early Astronaughts ?. I believe as I remember the story, back when the Astranaughts worked/trained at STL (Space Technology Labs.), when they were in town, they stayed at a Hotel called the "Pen & Quill" (don't ask me why I remember the name of this place) anyhow, it had a great upstairs bar. The place was located on or at the S/W corner of Rosecrans & Sepulveda, in El Segundo. That used to be one of my favorite watering holes. There were always a bunch of secretaries there for Happy Hour from STL & Xerox Corp. the festivities usually went until late evening, the pickens were very good. Jorge
Yes I remember the Turtle Club being there too. Not sure about the astronaut story though.
Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 11:26 am - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, Karloffornia

Message: Allegedly, President Kennedy was asked, "Are you a turtle?" at a press conference. Kennedy allegedly replied, "I owe that man a drink!"
Name: El Rojo ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-May 4, 2011, 6:49 am - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Kuna, ID

Message: Jorge, yes shes here and she gave the appropriate answer. If you look at the name on that card it's not mine. She worked at the Gateway Nat. bank on Sepulveda and Imperial at the time, mid to late 60's, just a stones throw from the Turtle club. I guess it was an easy lunch stop for them. Or maybe picker upper stop if they were having a bad day. Send the libation my friend JUST because you asked! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude
Name: Dennis Kilroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 8:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: OC CA

Message: Ok John my Donation check to the HHS Football coach is in the mail. We are doing a good thing. We are being the Change in the World we want to see. I hope we reach our goal.
You ARE the man, Dennis. Thanks very much for the donation.
Name: Patty Saville ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 7:31 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
City & State: Laguna Beach, Ca

Message: For you Big John.
Thank you Patty darlin' for a very nice donation. You are my heroine.
Name: Jim Frederick ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 5:59 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: West Hills Ca,/ Hanalei HI,

Message: .... BE TRUE TO YOUR SCHOOL! Yo B. Wilson ? Throw some $$$$ at your school BRO ! Nice 50 anni, present! Hey! How bout a B. Wilson fund raiser ? Maybe if we all join Brians FB page we could drop hints like crazy ? ? ?
I tried contacting Brian. He must be on the road.
Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 5:57 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca

Message: Hey, Judi; I just gotta ask, "Are You A Turtle", hey, Jake no wise cracks. Jorge
Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 5:11 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair oaks, CA
No E-mail
Message: John, the question begs to be asked. Are you a Turtle?
Hey Jerry, I'll buy you a drink
Name: Leo Ainsworth ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-May 3, 2011, 3:19 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Napa Valley

Message: For those Cougars in Northern California: The Uptown Theatre, Napa 1350 Third Street Napa, California 94559 phone: 707.259.0123 fax: 707.259.0333 August 25, 2011 8:00 pm.
An Evening With Brian Wilson
Thanks Leo.
