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Name: Ken Green ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 10:42 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Whittier, CA
Message: Thanks to the folks who made the Class of 69 reunion a great evening. But just one thing, if you happen to run into a sobriety checkpoint on your way home from a reunion, and if your wife tells you NOT to tell the officer you were at a class reunion because people tend to drink at reunions, make sure you take off your name tag first. Sure glad he had a sense of humor. Ken
Name: Anita Bell ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 9:15 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
City & State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Message: I exhausted! I just got home from an incredible weekend just about 2 hours ago. My feet and legs hurt and my back hurts, but I wouldn't have traded last night for anything. To the reunion committee - A MILLION THANKS! You guys worked your little tushes off on this and the live band was fabulous as well. Cheryl Baumgardner, Jack Buchman, Julie Cockayne, Billy Cox, and Vicki Daugherty. How fun it was to see all of you. And John Crotty... well, you left me speechless! God Bless You! Paul Wieber - I had fun dancing with you too - thank you. And to Robert Gunin, Roger Ridings and his brother and Marianne Woods...what a pleasure talking with you all. I am forgetting so many others I know, but please know it was great seeing all of you again. I only have one question however...where were you John Baker? Hugs to all! It was a great reunion!
Hi Anita, unforseen family thing. I know you all had a great time without me AND I was a little concerned at Cruise Night when Wayne was talking about the Tequila Shooters he and I were going to comsume on Saturday Cougars, NEVER miss your Reunions as they are magical.
Name: Miaaka Deforrest ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 7:21 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Lester
Class: 1977
City & State: Lone Pine, CA
Message: My chance I was in Hawthorne and able to attend Cruise Night at Foster's. What a great surprise and enjoyable time. Clark - it was great to see you and chat with you, always enjoyed our talks in school, my brother says he will try to get in touch when he comes down next summer. Denny I'm still waiting for those car keys!!
Name: Nancy Berry ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 7:16 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Lamb
Class: 1969
City & State: Vista, CA
Message: What an awesome time we all had at the reunion! Thanks so much to all that helped to make it such a success. I was really reluctant to attend because it's been 40 years after all but that is actually what really made it so much fun! Just seeing everyone in their now older version but still being the great people that you all are...a fun time was definitely had by all!! Beer, wine and of course Donna's tequila shooters!
Name: Paul Wieber ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 3:25 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Meadview, Az
Message: WOW! What a great evening at the 69'Reunion. My hats off and a big salute to the organizers and everyone who helped put on a good show. WAYNE, I love you man!! John Crotty, you showed great strength and fortitude by coming. Once again, this reunion showed how very close and caring the class of 69' are. Thanks Anita for the dance, that was fun! It was wonderful to see so many friends from the past that will continue the pace into the future. Missed meeting you JB, maybe next time around! I have seen many others, but this Hawthorne High Alumni website is by far the very best!!!
Thanks Paul, and you can give credit to Marna, Wayne, Donna, Bill, Jon, Mary, Melanie, and Donna for the Big Show last night.
Name: Ernie Nixon ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 12:48 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Jacksonville, FL
Message: Man, I sure missed being able to be there on Cruise Night. Probably only the second one we have missed. We finally made it here to Florida, so just a little too far to drive this time. I know everybody had a great time, as always. Noticed that today is Dan Petty's birthday. Happy birthday, Dan, a fellow A&W worker. I always want to thank you, John, for making all this possible.
Thanks Ernie, I was wondering where you were. Florida is a good excuse
Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 11:14 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Hey. Paco. Congratulations on your completion of yet one more orbit of Sol and wishing you many many more.
Name: Wayne Dickey ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 10:35 am - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: La Palma, Ca.
Message: WOW! That's what I can say about last nights reunion party. Again the class of "69" came out strong. Over 200 people showed up, to enjoy food, drinks, great entertainment, and most of all rekindle old friendships. I know I speak for alot of people who were there, that a good time was had by all. We saw classmates from many different years, and the memories are priceless. I want to "THANK" everyone who attended for making it the best reunion ever. Remember, "SIN, SEX, BEER, WINE WE ARE THE CLASS OF 69" Wayne
Name: Sue Walsh ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 10:07 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Jolly
Class: 1961
City & State: Hesperia Ca
Message: I also would like to send a big Happy Birthday wish out to Howard Duran. I hope you have a fun day, and a super year.
Name: Debra Elliott ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 9:49 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Reid
Class: 1969
City & State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Went to the "69" reunion last night and want to thank the committee for a wonderful time. I had thought I would not go to any more and last minute decided to and it was one of the best. Talked to people I really didn't know that well in school, was very laid back and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Name: Richard Sloan ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 9:20 am - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Laguna Hills, Ca
Message: John - Thanks again for organizing another cruise night for all of us to enjoy. It's because of all of your hard work and effort that you put into Cougartown that we're all able to enjoy the get-togethers that you organize. It's greatly appreciated. It's always fun to get together with old Cougars and friends. Keep up the good work. Many thanks again. Rich
Hey Rich, Thanks for the praise but none of this is possible without our Cougar Alumni showing up and helping out. Thanks to you and all for being there on Friday night.
Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 23, 2009, 7:19 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita
Message: Happy Birthday to our own Howard Paco Duran. Have a great day buddy. Fight On!!
Name: Bob And Karen Fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 22, 2009, 7:47 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Hawthorne, Ca
No E-mail
Message: Another awesome Cruise nite, John. Great turn out. Comfortable weather. Had a great time. It was so good to see Andie Dew and so many other good friends and especially a big wow to John Crotty- what a trooper. Hang in there , John, we are all rooting for you!! Hope the reunions are successful tonight.
Great turnout Bob, thanks for being there.
Name: Jon M. Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 21, 2009, 9:44 am - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Hawthorne,ca
Message: Why not let Wayne park your car?, can you think of anyone else that could repair any better then he? The reunion is tommorow night, there are few people that have worked hard to put this party together. Marna (Niles) Smeltzer, Wayne Dickey, Donna (Cook) Wright, Melanie (Rouse) Andrews, Mary Hamilton, Bill Sloey, and many many more. John Baker we would like to thank you for all of the help that you have given us in being able to get in contact with our fellow classmates. The class of 69 has been and will continue to be one of Cougartowns' best supporters Thank You From the Class of 69.
Hey Jon, Yes the Class of 69 is right on top, on the Statistics page (they've knocked my class of 62 right out of the top slot) and really add lots to Cougartown, feedback-wise. Thank you all for your continued support and have a tremendous reunion.
Name: Petey Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 21, 2009, 8:45 am - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Oregon
Message: I'm so proud of the University of Oregon. The UO made's list "10 of the Greenest Colleges in the U.S." From the Treehugger site: "The University of Oregon-Eugene (pop: 20,000) found a way to harness electricity directly from their students: Each run on the... treadmill sends power back to the grid. Getting around on two wheels is the norm--campus bike racks are packed with some 4,000 student bikes. "Way to go Oregon! Proud mom.
Name: Wayne Dickey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 21, 2009, 8:06 am - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: La Palma, Ca
Message: The weekend of reckoning has come. What a time to be a Cougar. Starting with our bi-annual Cruise Night at Fosters at 5pm. Continuing through Saturday with the HHS Pancake Breakfast at 8am. Then of course the reunion to beat them all. With so many people coming to the Lagoon, we the committee want to thank all that have responded. Also to let anyone who hasn't sent their money in yet, your $50.00 will be excepted at the door. We want nobody to be left out! Free food, free drinks, the best entertainment around, and even parking will be handled by the committee. Most of all, you will be part of a 1969 experience that is unequalled to any other reunion. Anyone thinking of not attending, you will miss the event that memories are made of. See you there, Wayne
Sounds great Wayne, but NOT let Wayne park your car. See you all tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night. Sounds like a fun weekend bash for the Class of not miss a minute of the action.
Name: Bill Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 21, 2009, 12:11 am - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Truckee, CA
Message: Hi all! Luckily, I am in the area visiting the grandkids and looking forward to attending my second Cruise Night. Although I grew up in Hawthorne from the late '40s until 1962, my time at HHS was limited to freshman and sophomore years 1960-61 (I moved and graduated from Morningside in 1963). I have great memories my HHS years and know a few of you who regularly post here from that era.
Re: the best athletes discussion on the Feedback Page, I'd like to bring up a name not yet mentioned - Tom Barnett. Though he didn't participate in the "organized sports scene" on school teams and formal competitions, Tom was an avid and well-rounded "intramural sports" participant in many lunch-time and summer games. He played basketball, volleyball, football and just about anything that was informally going on in the area. See you all at Fosters Freeze!
Hey Bill I remember Tom on the intramural football field BIG DUDE. Thanks for sharing and see you tonight at the Cruise.
Name: Susan King ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 9:42 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Hey Alan - that was really nice! And this, I think, is the perfect segue to my next CT commercial. So gang, this is what I'm thinking.....for those of you who have - or haven't - decided to contribute to CT dues (never required but always a good idea), I am announcing, but secretly so John doesn't hear, that he has a birthday this month. 28th to be exact. If you have enjoyed the site but never found the opportunity to send dues, it would be a good time to thank him for the good things that happen here each day. A little present via Paypal - see the membership icon (top of this page) and what a good time to kill 2 birds with one stone. Membership AND birthday surprise for the big guy. Don't tell him we did this though as he's somewhat humble.....the bottom line is, just what Alan said. If CT has given you fun, smiles, joy, reunions, new friends, old ones, whatever, what a nice time to let him know. I hope he doesn't kill me for this one.....XOXO John - Love, Sue
Yet ANOTHER shameless member ad from our own Sue Bierman. Thanks Sue and speaking of birthdays, I was treated to a free birthday dinner at the Proud Bird restaurant last night by our class of 62 Reunion Committee Members, Loretta Morelli Cuiper, Nancy (Cheryl) Brooks Kari, Eugene Obillo, Karen Hoffman Newkirk, Linda Jones Reynolds, and Big Dan Dye. Thank you all for the great time, decades of friendship, and sincere generosity. If I knew you were buying I wouldn't have ordered the Cup-O-Noodles.
Name: Alan Ibarra ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 8:32 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1973
City & State: Denver CO
Message: Sorry for the confusion regarding the double payment for membership. My computer "burped" just as I hit the submit button the first time and I wasn't sure the PayPal transaction took, so I did it over. My PayPal account name wouldn't have helped identify me either. Please keep both payments. Believe me, I owe you alot more than this for what your site has given me! Thanks.
Hi Alan, Well thank you very much.
Name: Rick Mckelvey ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 7:14 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Del Aire
Message: That was a great picture of the BB team. I only knew Bill D. as a kid, and of course Coach Semon, but they all look great. Way to go Champs.
Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 6:42 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Sharon, I tried to reply to your email and got rejected?twice! But I wanted you to know that you have it all wrong. We just turned 29 not 39. Gee girl, where did you learn your math? haha Thanks for the birthday hugs. And Mister Paco, your answer is awaiting you on your answering machine.
Name: Howard Paco Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 12:28 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Lake Forest
Message: Happy 39th to the Guru!!!Now,I need help converting .mov to .avi....
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 11:37 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach
Message: Jerry Miles, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What 39? Has to be your 39th as I celebrated my 39th this year and we are in the same class. Hope you are also feeling well. Cougar hugs.
Name: Jessie Koehn ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 9:48 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: What fun! first we can go to the pancake breakfast, and then to the BBQ!! I sure hope lots of Cougars show up to both! And let's not forget Cruise Night!
There you go Jessie....lots of things happening this weekend Cougar-wise.
Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 7:50 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita
Message: Monica Cervantes, Class of 89, is having a Summer BBQ at Columbia Park in Torrance this Saturday. All Cougars are invited. Please see banner above.
Name: Debbie Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Aug 20, 2009, 7:32 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: I just wanted to wish my brother Jerry Miles, a very happy birthday and am glad he is having summer like weather up in NorCal. It has been a cooler than average summer for sure. Hope a bunch of reunion goers will be able to make it to Cruise Night as well. I heard a rumor that some class of 79er's might be getting together at Pizza Show after Foster's closes, but that is not confirmed and if someone does have more concrete info, I hope they post it here.
Happy Birthday Jerry and Happy Birthday to my good buddy from our Hawthorne days, Bob Gross. Hope you both have a great day.
