Please check to see is your house is already listed on the sector page before entering your information. If it is, please do not list it again. If there is a problem with your listing:
Where did you live during your school years in Hawthorne? Your information will be added to our list so you can see who lived around you. You may be surprised how close you lived to other Cougartown grads.
As you probably know, addresses were changed in the 60s. Please add the new address if you know it, or old address, but not both. Also please no apartment numbers.
Please add as much information as you can. It will help pinpoint where you lived if I can't find you on a map.
Thanks to everyone for their information. This should be a fun project for all.
Because of the email I sent out on March 9th, 100s of Cougars are entering their addresses. I have to enter each one manually so PLEASE be patient. Please do not enter the information for each house more than once as it only slows down the progress. I will eventually get to your house.