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Hawthorne Time and

Hawthorne Weather Report
Little Richard
Long Tall Sally

Name: Leopoldo Valencia ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 6:08 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Denver, CO
No E-mail
Message: John Baker, I extend to you a personal 'thank you' for your diligence in opening up and sharing such a wondrous outlet. The 'feedback' page(s) along with all the other features, exhibits, pictures, displays, etc. in Cougartown offer a great many a worthwhile endeavour. As I perused through the 'Tributes' page, I noticed a few of my fellow classmates from '64 had passed on, and though it's difficult to accept, I applaud you, John, for maintaining this page and allowing us to visit with our fallen friends, once again. Susan Loch-Boll and I worked together on a piano duet that never came to fruition, notwithstanding Mr. Allen's great desire to have us perform "The Great Gates of Kiev" during recital, but our individual music selection(s) were too demanding. Susan had a natural propensity towards piano and a radiant smile that illuminated every classroom. She was a respectful, compassionate person with high integrity and always sincere. Unlike my siblings (V1-Ricki, V-3-Cynthia, V-4 Carlos, V-5 Patty and V-6 Gloria) who reigned supreme at HHS, I faded into the woodwork, but met a lot of fine people and personalities along the way.
Hey Leopoldo (I'm extrapolating you're V2) Thanks for the comments and praise. Always nice to hear from an HHSer who relates an HHS story. Join in anytime.
Name: Betty Rodriguez ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 2:43 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Kean
Class: 1969
City & State: Kingman, AZ
Message: Fellow Cougars - I just spoke to Donna Cook-Dickey. She is doing okay, and is surrounded by family and friends. She asked me to convey her thanks to all who have written. It's a tough time, but with all the love and support coming her way (and Wayne's) they will get thru this. Betty
Thanks very much Betty
Name: Tammy Long ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 1:43 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Stiritz
Class: 1978
City & State: El Segundo, CA
Message: With a little more sad news, I know all of you former baseball players played baseball against El Segundo High. Long time coach (50 years +) John Stevenson passed away on Monday evening. My husband, Kip, had many memories of the big guy when Hawthorne played against El Segundo.
Name: Ray Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 10:25 am - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
No E-mail
Message: wow...Hawthorne and Portland temps are nearly identical! trippy. Anyone know how or why Hawthorne Intermediate School name was changed (it's now "Hawthorne Middle School). I also noticed York Elementary School dropped 6th grade so H.M.S. is now 6th to 8th. I find it interesting that H.M.S. now has a mascot.. "Hawks". (sigh)..I must of been out of town way way too long.
Hi Ray, The name, "Hawthorne Intermediate", has been gone for at least 5 years now and Hawthorne Intermediate's mascot has always been the Hawks.
Name: Jim Frederick ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 9:27 am - HHS Time
City & State: West Hills / Hanalie Hi.
No E-mail
Message: Donna ..... Will be lighting a prayer candle for your son and family ... Peace be with you ... Jim
Name: Cal Kappen ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 13, 2010, 8:31 am - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: Oceanside CA
Message: I am sad to say that Jim Benson class of 1966 passed away Saturday. He was fighting leukemia for a long time. Jim was my brother in law from a previous marriage. He and his wife Mary Jo would stay at Camp Pendleton. I would get to visit with them when they were here. He was my brother and I will miss him. Cal Kappen class of 1959. Mary Jo Benson - 2166 E Skokie Eagle Idaho 83616
Hi Cal, Very sorry to hear the news. I know you two were close. My condolences to Jim's family.
Name: Barbara Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jan 12, 2010, 2:50 pm - HHS Time
Message: Dear Donna, I'm so sorry.
Name: Noreen Culley ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Jan 12, 2010, 6:17 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Crotty
Class: 1972
City & State: Westchester, CA
Message: Donna Cook - Please know how much we care. My heart breaks for you. Noreen
Name: Neil Larson ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Jan 11, 2010, 9:58 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
Message: John Crotty - about our loss- It goes to being Human - I refer to your post about Donna Wright's son--- from what you have submitted we can only pray for the comfort of the families & friends of this adventurer...Some of us have first hand experience in regard to flying & flying with spiritual wings- I would submit that any pilot who undertakes the task of escorting others is deeply aware of the responsibility . It is our hope that those involved also appreciate the value he placed on the live in the air with him? Dare devil or not we know how to be responsible ? it is truly a blessing to know who our LORD is ? and with the utmost respect I submit my humble reverence to all families involved? God Bless those who passed on to the future ?
Name: Irene Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Jan 10, 2010, 2:46 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Manassa, Colorado
Message: I am trying to locate Sally Gillette. Have not heard from her in over 20 years. I was married to her cousin and would really like to get in touch with her. If you know how to get ahold of her, please let me know. Thank you!
Hi Irene, Her email address is on the Alumni List. It may or may not be current.
Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Jan 10, 2010, 8:57 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: I saw some people talking about gas stations. As a kid on Saturday morning was the day my dad put gas in his car and my mom's car. We always went to the Texaco station on Rosecrans and I can't remember the other street but it was by the freeway on ramp. Anyway, the guy there was Lloyd. He was so strong and had the most muscular forearms of any person I have ever met. He had muscle on top of muscle from turning wrenches all day. I can still remember his face and his demeanor. he was so cool. I was in owe of him as a kid. Does anyone remember him. Happy New Year everyone and thank you John for Cougartown.
Yes I do, although I can't remember his last name, maybe Davis? He played in our pool leagues back in the 70s and was very good at that too.
Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Jan 10, 2010, 8:11 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: Belated Christmas and New Year's blessings to each of you!
You too Mary Ann
Name: John Crotty ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Jan 10, 2010, 7:54 am - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: hermosa beach, CA
Message: I have permission to relate the following tragic news for all fellow Cougars. Yesterday, Donna Wright(Cook)Dickey, class of '69, lost her 31 year old son Donny in a plane crash near Lake Isabella, Ca. He owned one of the experimental airplanes and was giving rides when the plane crashed for unknown reasons. Both he and his passenger were lost. The plane was his passion and he loved flying it whenever the weather was ideal. He was extremely cautious about its maintenance and upkeep. The details are not yet available as to the cause of the tragedy. I have spoken to Donna and as you can imagine, she is devastated. I had the pleasure of knowing Donny quite well when Donna and I were roommates. He was probably the most upbeat, happy guy I have EVER known. His love for life was contagious and he made it his ambition to please everybody. He was a daredevil to a point, but was never reckless. Donna told me she hated that plane, but, as I stated earlier, it was his passion. She told me she was comforted in a small way that he died doing what he loved to do. I'm sure all of us feel her pain and no words will be enough to comfort her at this time. I'm just asking all of you to pray for her and her family during this horrific time in their lives. I love you Donna.
Very sad news indeed, John. Donna, my sincere condolences to you and your family in the face of this tragedy.
Name: Marilyn Ross ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Jan 9, 2010, 3:02 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
No E-mail
Message: Thanks to Jim Armour's suggestion that my problem may be Java, I am now back on track. I updated my Java - something I have never done. Now I can get into the Alumni list.
Glad you're back Marilyn and thanks Jim.
Name: Neil Larson ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 10:37 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Crestview FL
Message: I see on the Time & temp there in South Bay it is 10:30 pm- Friday and 64 degrees- Just So You Know- Sunny Florida (here) will be a sharp 8 degrees at 6 am on Saturday morning. I suggest everyone with a gas burning vehicle should use more fuel, drive more & gun your engines that way perhaps some of the man made global warming will "kick-in" and warm this planet up. I really hate it when nature makes fools of liberals...John & all YOU guys have a great Multi-School & Multi-Class Car "Rendezvous Cruise" Reunion Gathering Sharon great idea take photos & videos please
Stay warm Neil.
Name: Leo Ainsworth ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 10:04 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Saint Helena
Message: The Alumni page is working for great for me.
Name: Jim Armour ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 6:23 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: Acworth
Message: Art Cloakey died this morning, he was 89. For those who dont recognize the name, he was the creator of Gumby. I met him while living in Los Osos, Ca. Got his autograph on a Gumby.
Name: Patty Saville ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 6:21 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
City & State: Laguna Beach, Ca
Message: Page works ok for me John.
Name: Jim Armour ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 6:00 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: Acworth
Message: Im not having any trouble with the Alumni page. It may have something to do with the Java script. Happy new year
Name: Marilyn Ross ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 3:47 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
No E-mail
Message: I was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem I am having with When I click on the alumni page I get an error message that says "unable to return to" "The web site continues to have a problem". Then two icons appear on my desktop hs_err_pid and a number. Each one has a different number. Is this a problem with Cougartown or my computer?
Hi Marilyn, I just tried it and the Alumni List page works here. Anyone else having a problem with this page?
Name: Bill Cusac ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 1:51 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1965
City & State: South Lake Tahoe, CA
Message: Jim.. are you the one I bought a 1947 Chevy from for $100.00. Great old car Billy
Name: Enza Nicocia ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Jan 8, 2010, 12:12 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: San Pedro Hill, CA
Message: Speaking of gas stations. The one across from Washington School, which name escapes me at the moment, had these round'ish vending candy machines w/red baked beans, and jaw breakers. After school I made it a point to stop & get my sugar fix! The 'Hobby Shop' was a good place to get 'flapjacks' & other treats! They don't have those vintage machines anymore. Now it's a mini-mart & you can do your grocery shopping if you had to in them! :) Oh, to have someone pump my gas & check the oil, wash the windows & get blue/green chip stamps AND free glassware. Those were the days..gas was cheap to...38cents per gallon. I know, I know I'm getting older..I'm complainng ;)
Thanks Enza and Tanger Shell was the station.
Name: Dick Dixon ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 7, 2010, 10:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Indianapolis, IN
Message: Happy Birthday Bill Daquila ... HHS quarterback with the golden arm.
Here it is the eighth day of the new year and I'd be remiss by note wishing the CT community, and especially you JB, a robust twenty-ten. From the land of frozen racers - 2 degrees with a minus 8 windchill - greetings from Indy. A special Happy New Year to Janice Brown Marconi, '65, who continues to battle cancer. Cheers 'n gears to all
Happy Birthday Bill. Thanks Dick and the same back atcha.
Name: Jim Pasternak ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 7, 2010, 10:08 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1968
City & State: Maui
Message: Real funny, Dennis. No, I have Roxy, Jenny and I get bi-annual visits from YOU! You keep promising to bring Masters Baker and Paco with you but so far, nothing! If they show up this summer I'll get their photos (in board shorts) in front of the Four Season's and send them to TMZ so all will know that I have Cee-lebs dropping by! No, I wasn't part of the Chevron group. But I did pump gas at the Gulf Station on 118th AFTER Officer Larry Duncan busted me for running from him. Hey, I was speedy but not that quick! I can't recall my two accomplices that night...but they got caught too! Maybe they'll write in and fess up?
Name: Steve Temoshek ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 7, 2010, 3:17 pm - HHS Time
City & State: yelm, wa
Message: Right after Fred Bloom and I graduated in 69 we had the pleasure of working for john's chevron on hawthornd blvd. Man on friday and saturday nights it was crazy. All the hot cars would come in and fill up at the white pump. I remember a lime green 64 goat with a rat motor, a black camaro with a 427, my favorite was a red mustang with a vicious 289, and there was Wayne Dickey with all of those batteries in his trunk. lastly a powder blue nomad with a character always smoking a strange smelling pipe. Those were some fun times working on our own cars in the back bay till all hours of the night.
Name: Dennis Campbell ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 7, 2010, 8:51 am - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Mission Viejo
No E-mail
Message: It?s good to see Jim has friends, I thought Roxy was the only one he had. Speaking of Chevron station, Jim P was it your crew working out of my Chevron station on Friday nights or was that big Larry & Roger Johnson? Can?t remember, getting too old but I had to pick up all the cans and bottles every Saturday morning. lol
Name: Rick Gerend ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 6, 2010, 7:35 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Buellton Ca
No E-mail
Message: Jim, Thanks for the shout out hello. 40 some odd years but great to hear from you. Maui huh. Good for you. Hope all is well with you. Haven't heard from your brother Joe for awhile. He came in to my work a few times on his way to the Ranch to catch a few. Yes those names bring back memories of good times but I lost touch with all of them. Thanks again. Rick
Name: Ron Dickson ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 6, 2010, 7:15 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Norco,Ca.
Message: Hey Jim, Speaking of working on cars. Do you remember working under your brother Joe`s Nomad at your house?
Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 6, 2010, 12:19 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca
Message: Hey, Sharon Girl; Good idea, if you would add Aviation & North Torrance, that would cover all the schools I attended except Morningside, never made that one LOL. However, my ex-wife twice removed went to Morningside does that count LOL. Hey all kidding aside, it's a good idea (am I being redundant) a lot of us know and have friends who attended these other schools, the South Bay was a lot smaller in the old days, Maaan!!! did I say old days, Hawthorne Blvd. went a long ways north and south. Jorge
Well then Inglewood High would be invited too. Have some good friends (Jerry Carron, Randy Burns, Don Harris) that went to Inglewood, not to mention my dad
Name: Matt Peterson ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Jan 6, 2010, 12:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1974
City & State: EDH, CA
No E-mail
Message: I like Sharon?s idea too. Maybe we should have the get together at a picnic. I remember Sharon organizing some great picnics.
Yeah she did.
