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26 Miles Across The Sea
The 4 Preps

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Oct 5, 2006, 5:09 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: I went to the HHS official website today, I was looking up some information, and I saw a picture of what I think is our mascot a Cougar. It just looked so weird. It looked nothing like the macho Cougar we grew up with, more like a softer version of it. Anyhow, it was just weird. Anybody else notice it? Was our old Cougar not politically correct or something?

Name: Sharon Stowe ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Oct 5, 2006, 4:49 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1972
City & State: Lawndale, Ca
Message: WOW John,Looks like a great time was had by all.Beautiful pictures of the Class of 62 turning 62.Nice looking group! ss
Hey thanks Sharon, We might be heading towards the top, but not quite over the hill yet.

Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Oct 5, 2006, 3:47 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita, CA
Message: OK 62ers, the Reunion Pictures are FINALLY on the website. I still have the Friday Night party at the Marriott pictures to add. I will get to those just as soon as possible.

Name: doris ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Oct 5, 2006, 3:10 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
City & State: Twin Falls, ID
No E-mail
Message: Have to tell you, I am really impressed with the '62 "In Memorium" video. Jerry and John, you did a great job! Now then, John ... how could I go about setting up a specific category for those in the class of '57 who have passed on. I've been thinking about this for a long time and would like to add something similar to what's been done for the classes of '87 and '84 under CT's heading of TRIBUTES, i.e. a box with the heading of 1957 and a list of names (nothing fancy). I know of several without even researching it, but like to do some research and really get this 1957 memorium set up. HELP! Also, if anyone knows of someone who is no longer with us on this good Earth from HHS' class of '57, please email me and let me know. Thanks very much.
Hi Doris, Just email me the list and I'll add them to the Tributes page. I've been looking for deceased lists for all classes. Reunion Committees should have them, so please email them to me. Thanks....

Name: ray castillo ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Oct 5, 2006, 9:51 am - HHS Time
Class: 1973
No E-mail
Message: Happy Birthday Neil Larson!

Name: Dennis Kilroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 10:22 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: OC CA
Message: Hey John, I didn't know Al Jardine Broke his leg playing football for HHS ? Check out the link below it has some cool infoon it. "November 7th Culver City, CA Hawthorne High School Cougar Al Jardine?s leg was broken as a result of Cougar quarterback Brian Wilson calling one play and executing another." I might have missed this on feedback in past posts ?
Hey Dennis, Everyone knew that. HEY, Where did they get that COUGAR, That picture of DENNIS, FOSTERS, and HAWTHORNE BOWL PICTURE!!??

Name: Steve Hutchins ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 6:07 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: St. George, Utah
Message: On Friday October 4, 1957, 49 years ago this evening, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, tying up my shoelaces and getting ready for a date. Then over the radio a somber sounding voice announced that there was now a man-made satellite orbiting the Earth. I thought: "Cool,we got that up sooner than I expected!" Then came the announcement that it was a Russian or Soviet satellite, Sputnik I! I thought to myself "Well that's s*****!", but at the time my date seemed more important! Monday AM I ran into George Valentini ('59) on the way to class. He asked me: "I wonder what we're going to talk about in Aviation today? (Mr. Harvey's 4th Period Aviation class). Sure enough, we talked about Sputnik! This was a huge event at the time, but seems hardly remembered today.
I remember that little orb with rabbit ears. Thanks Steve, for bringing it up.

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 4:46 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
Message: Attention class of 1977, it's me again, your reunion organizer? We will be sending information out next week, and Dennis Kilroy is in the process of putting a website together for any information you may want to know about this reunion. As soon as we get it up and running, we will let you know. I am really encouraged that we will have a great turnout. Thank you for all of those that have responded, your enthusiasm is contagious. August can't get here soon enough!

Name: Janet Burkett ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 4:27 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
City & State: Ca
Message: Thanks to everyone who helped to make the Class of 62 turns 62 reunion such a success. Linda and Cheryl, you two are the best. Dan Dye, all your worries about whether the dinner and other plans would work, were for was ALL great! John and Jerry, thanks for the touching video and George, as always, a great MC.So nice to have so many of us "band geeks", (I include we flag girls, drill team and Majorettes in this group!) together after all this time! Darryl, so glad we've kept in touch and to my special "ole" friend, Fred Rand, you never change....that's good! Warner, I almost forgot how funny you are, especially when teamed up again with Fred. Eugene, and all the rest, so glad to see you once again and hope we'll "DO IT AGAIN"...SOON!
Thanks Janet and thank you and all the rest who were there. It's always nice to get together and, Cougs, you don't have to wait 10 years to do it.
Yesterday and today I've been setting up the Reunion Pictures. They should be up by tomorrow afternoon, so be looking for them.

Name: Rick Straube ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 11:58 am - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Palmdale, California
Message: I had a great time at the reunion. It was a lot of fun seeing and chatting with all of you again. Familiar faces, memories stirred.......WOW! Larry, it was great seeing you again. Sharon-still looking good! Noreen, the same goes for you. I hope to see you all again next year!

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 10:33 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: I started at Docs in 73' during the summer when Coach Minami told me I need to get bigger. I would have made the Varsity Baseball team my freshman year except my size he said and also that I would basically only be a backup catcher cause Bruce Phelps was the starter and he was awesome, so I eneded up playing JV. I loved going to Docs and got my brother to start working out. My brother (Les)was the biggest guy on the football team his Senior year without ever working out. Well he got into the workout so much he ended up being one the the regulars and so much so that he bought the house next to Docs to be near. Remember all the pics on the wall of the gym being built. If I recalled Kurt Morlocks dad helped build it to.

Name: Linda Reynolds ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 9:52 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Jones
Class: 1962
City & State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Hi John, I just downloaded the Memorial video of those who have passed away from the Class of 1962 and it only took 15 seconds to download. When you showed this at our recent "Class of 62 Turns 62" Reunion, there was not a dry eye in the room. Now, sitting here at my desk at work, I'm crying again. Beautifully done with music reaching right into our hearts. Thank you.
Hi Linda, While working on the video with Jerry Miles for the last 5 months, and seeing every intermediate version (about 15 versions) it blew me away EVERYTIME, and still does. Pretty powerful, indeed....

Name: Paula Bondi - Springer ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 9:30 am - HHS Time
City & State: Rescue, CA
Message: Exciting News! Media giant Virgin will be publishing the long awaited David Marks biography "The Lost Beach Boy" by Jon Stebbins. Virgin expects a March '07 publication date for the hardback edition.
Thanks Paula....

Name: Clark Millman ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 8:36 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: Steve Maldonado, you mentioned that I picked you up for the senior awards night, heck that's what friends are for! One of the most important things I learned at HHS is that friends take care of each other and are there when you need them. I was honored to be considered your friend! While we have so many Cougars from the 60s chiming in on C-town, I'd like to know when Docs gym opened up over on 134th! I worked out there from 77-80 with a great bunch of guys including John Dye(HHS 74) Les Jones, Mikey Hammon(75), Mike Whit(82), Mike Callela and various other gym rats. I think Doc must have opened up in the 60s because he trained Rink Babka, nationally ranked discus thrower in the 50s. Somebody from the early days chime in!!Thanks!
Doc was Paco's dad. He can answer that one.

Name: Ingrid ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Oct 4, 2006, 7:48 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Larson
Class: 1974
City & State: Long Beach
Message: Time, once again, to wish my brother, Neil Larson, a very happy birthday. He's way across the country out in Florida, but with the help of the Internet I can reach out to him and let him know I'm thinking of him today, on his special day!
Happy Birthday Neil....

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Oct 3, 2006, 8:37 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks
No E-mail
Message: Keith that is too damn funny. Given the passage of 31+ years, my recall wasn't too bad! I was standing right there when it happened! "as the players began to take the field, the marching band refused to yield . . ."

Name: Kris Hayhurst ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Oct 3, 2006, 7:45 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Killeen, TX
Message: well, surprise, surprise...I go back to check posts today and find that Steve Maldonado is still at large...maybe he's livin' large, too. I used to go to the same church as that guy...really, really funny and just plain silly. He once piled a bunch of youth group teens in his tiny vw bug. we laughed all the way up and all the way back. You have Steve as an alumni, but I'm still proud to be an OLYMPIAN.
Hey Kris, Olympians are welcomed here too. Thanks for the shout....

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Oct 3, 2006, 5:48 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: Dan Johnson I think I told that story on here before about Earthquake. I was the HHS fan who was thrown around like a rag doll. If I remember right it was me Donald Dy, Scott Huehn, and someone else was going to bump into Earthquake as they were going back onto the field. Well as we got close they pushed me and I fell into him. He grabbed me and was going crazy throwing me and hitting me. And the funny thing I didn't feel a thing. But man he tossed me around.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Oct 3, 2006, 12:01 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks
Message: Jeff, I specifically remember that game against "Earthquake" (and he was on West Torrance). As the teams were walking to the field from the locker rooms before the game, a HHS "fan" (and I don't remember who) was screaming at "Earthquake" about what a fat slob he was, etc. and things got heated and then suddenly this "fan" was in an altercation with 4 or 5 of the West players, including Earthquake, right by the fence that lined the track. This "fan" scraped it up pretty good with them and emerged dishevled but smiling (this "fan" was buzzed out of his mind -- just like 90% of the other teenaged "fans" in the stands).
El Porto -- of course, in our day El Porto had not yet been annexed by Manhattan Beach. We used to hang out there because the LA Sheriffs did not spend as much time in El Porto as the Manhattan Beach cops did on the south side of Rosecrans (meaning we could get into a lot more trouble without consequences).
Jill is doing a bang up job (with very little help from me) on the reunion. To the extent that any of you can help her (including paying in advance for your tickets), please pitch in.

Name: Pat Underwood ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Oct 3, 2006, 11:02 am - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Hawthorne
Message: I watched the 1962 HHS Memorial Video and I must say it was a fabulous tribute to those that are no longer with us. I was a friend of Jim Lambert and his brother Steve. Steve and I played marbles as children and argued all the time, Jim was always our referee. Jim went to Hawthorne High and Steve went to Lawndale High, I often wonder how that worked. I married Cheryl Cordy HHS (1966) and the first house we bought was next door to the Lambert?s on 142nd Street, so my memories of them spanned many years. Thanks for the memory John. By the way John, it only took 20 seconds to download.
Thanks Pat, for the Jim Lambert memory. Jim was a good friend and an all around nice guy. He is very much missed by his classmates.

Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Oct 2, 2006, 10:29 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: I was perusing around looking for websites for old bands and came across this one from the pride of Westchester High School: Flo and Eddie are still around and have east coast and west coast Turtle bands going.

Name: Steve Maldonado ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Oct 2, 2006, 9:10 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Longview, WA
Message: It's been just over a month since the '76 Class 30 year reunion. Ever since then I've been thinking about all the episodes in school comprising the many memories of Hawthorne High. For example, I remember the hours I spent on Cougar staff with Konnie Krislock continually challenging me; the time that one tough guy--I don't even remember his name--happened to be driving by my house came to the rescue when these 3 guys I didn't know were on the verge of beating me up; the time when no one from my family could attend the Senior Awards ceremony and Clark Millman and his Mom picked me up and took me (thanks Clark, I'll never forget that); and the time when Bob Kyllonen, my school advisor made it possible for me to be a counselor at 6th Grade camp; or the time Kenny Krikac (Dave's brother) and his friends campaigned for me on their unicycles. Attending the reunion brought a flood of memories back and made me realize that high school was pretty darn amazing!

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Oct 2, 2006, 11:47 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Last week, I sent out a "Save the Date" via email to all 1977 alumni that are signed up with Cougartown. I have had such an amazing, positive responses from a lot of you, to date about 65! If you are on Cougartown, and did not receive a Save the Date, check in your junk file or whatever protection you have for spam mail. If you still haven't received, perhaps your email address is incorrect in the C-town database. Please email me with your email, and mailing address. Thank you
AND update your email address on the Cougartown Info System...Click here to do that right now. Thanks Jill....
