I've been in this town so long that back in the city
I've been taken for a lost and gone
An unknown for a long long time >Our Boys
Name: Pat Underwood () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 23:31:28
Email: onefamilyhistorian@socal.rr.com
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Fred Moore, wow! You used to ticket me at least once a week on my blue 64 Triumph motorcycle. I had a short in my electrical system and my tail light would short out every time I stepped on the brakes. I thought for a long time that you and Jim Crawford had it in for me, but all you two wanted me to do was fix it. LOL. I saw Crawford about seven years ago and he asked if I ever got it fixed and I told him ?no, I sold it.? I lived next door to Bill Quinn on 141st street on the hill. I wonder if he went into the film industry like he wanted? Now that?s a shot in the arm about Hawthorne?s finest.
GEEZ, Jim Crawford gave me a ticket on my Honda 50 and he was on my Bowling Team in HS. Maybe he took lessons from Fred.
Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 22:25:05
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
City and State: San Marcos Ca
Maiden: She didnt say
Class: 1978
Message: Hello Al Murphy #022 Did you ride Motors with my Dad?
Name: Fred Moore () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 20:23:14
Email: fred1923@aol.com
Message: John, I remember you and that 58 Chevy real well. Sorry about the 60s in general. You guys were rebels and I didn't like it, but now I've mellowed. F. Moore HPD
Hey Fred, if that's who you are, No problem outside of my driving record looks like something Rodney King would be ashamed of. If you have any pull, please try and get a few of those 33 in a 30 tickets off my record. Name: Ron Dickson () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 20:10:49
Email: rond201@charter.net
City and State: Norco,Ca
Class: 1967
Message: John, all we need now is Larry Duncan & Freddie Moore to check-in. They were the friends of all the racers on the Blvd.
Larry yes, but Freddie was NOT a friend to ME, a racer, on the Bl. One night Fred pulled me over for a 37 in a 30 on Hawthorne BL. I was pissed.... He handed me his ticket book to sign the ticket. I signed it and immediately dropped it on the pavement. Now HE was pissed. He said to get back in the car and stay parked for 20 minutes until I cooled off. I left after 17.
Fred, if you're out there and have the cajones, give us a shout.
Name: Al Murphy () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 18:53:02
Email: pops83217@hotmail.com
City and State: Idaho
Message: Hi John, as I said before, I really enjoy the site and check it out often. Noticed Red Hayes name on it and I agree, he is a great guy. He was hired on H.P.D. a week before me and we went through the Police Academy together. We keep in contact by E-mail and tell each other ole salt stories. Jim, I grew up on Inglewood ave around 117th and also remember the trees. Went into the Marine corps in 1951, came back in 55 and things had started to change. I can remember standing in my backyard and being able to see Broadway and Hawthorne Blvd. I guess I'm not too old, I worked for Bill and Verla Williams at their Meat lockers back in 1947-48. Bought my 1st car, a 1935 2dr ford victoria sedan. Ran the wheels off of it going to Hermosa beach to body surf and play volleyball.{surfers rule} I went to Inglewood High and drove the teachers wild by being absent in the spring. {nice hot sunny days and nice waves just north of the pier} O'well, times change, but not the Memories. Well,have a good one and Hang loose, Al
Hey Al, Great memories from one of Hawthorne's finest. I think the Eucalyptus trees are where Eucalyptus School got its name. Thanks for adding to our Feedback. A&W Rules....
Name: Jim Peppers () on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 01:50:07
Email: JimPeppers@yahoo.com
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: All right John, this is pulling way back in the memory bank and I need your verification if I?m dreaming or what! I remember as a very small child in Hawthorne that the Boulevard seemed huge and very wide to me. I remember big poles, like tree trunks, going down the middle of the street and cars parked on either side of the poles. I also remember taking a street car then. Did we have trams/trolleys back then? I also remember Inglewood Avenue being lined with Eucalyptus trees. There was a very big storm and several of them blew over. Does anyone remember Sam?s market? He was just across the street from Stellino?s market at 138th street. Back in the early fifties we used to buy there on credit and Sam was the main source of Jawbreakers and licorice for a penny a piece. John, do you remember that far back? As El Rojo says, ?May the cougar be with you!? Jim Peppers
Hi Jim, Yes, before the parking area in the middle of Hawthorne Bl, there was curb parking on the inside lanes. The poles were trolley poles. See this page of Hawthorne Bl taken in about 1948. Also, I too remember the Eucalyptus trees on Inglewood Av.
Name: Larry Bach () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 23:24:25
Email: startnofyr@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: When the Lococos lived on Manor Drive, they also had a big trampoline that the neighborhood brats would jump all over. One day Andy Lococo got up on the block wall between his house an the next door neighbors (the Williams', Verla the seascape artist, and Bill the hunter, who owned those meat lockers in Lennox), and jumped butt first onto the trampoline. The canvas almost hit the ground and it REALLY bounced!! Being a little kid, THAT was impressive. I also remember staying at the Cockatoo Inn on my wedding night in 1980, before flying to Hawaii the next day for the 'honeymoon'. Funny, I don't remember any swimming pool...
Hey Steve, it's been a long time. I do remember that jungle of ivy and trees that was your front yard. It was a cool place to play "Combat", using pine cones or something as "grenades" until your dad would come out and chase the rest of us neighborhood brats out of there.
Name: Terrence Poublon () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 18:39:05
Email: Onterry@aol.com
City and State: San Jose, CA
Message: Hi John...
An exciting summer is coming upon us for 2005. I wanted to share the following information with you and your alumni.
For those of you living in or intending to visit the San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose areas during the summer months, please check the following website. The Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA has just announced their 2005 Concert Series.
Groups such as Styx, The Go-Go's, The Beach Boys, Hall & Oates, Huey Lewis and The News, The B-52's, Donna Summer, and The Doobie Brothers are scheduled to appear.
Just click on this for more information...
Tickets go on sale April 10, 2005 at 10AM. If unable to attend any of the events at The Winery, just click on the the various groups' links to see if their tour will be heading your way.
From Leuzinger's Olympians to All of Hawthorne's Cougartown,
God Bless You!!!
www.leuzingerhigh1981.com Thanks Terrence, I'm sure someone can use the info....
Name: Debbie () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 15:37:22
Email: pinkelephant10atyahoo.com
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Carl, it's my pleasure to have something to share with C-Town once in awhile. Also, I was looking on ebay this weekend and someone has posted a 60's postcard from the Cockatoo in it's prime. Here's the link for anyone interested.
Name: doris () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 15:26:02
Email: dorisjeanATmindspringDOTcom
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
Message: Baxter Dodd! How FUNNY! What did you call them? "Paper wads". LOL! I don't remember that so you must have succeeded with your gentlemanliness (whew! there's a word for ya!). By the way, what was the class we shared, and who were your buddies? Be sure to refresh my memory, PLEASE? signed: Miss Doris
Also, I remember Lococo's as being old-style plush and I really liked going there as a young adult, WELL after high school, however. In "those days", all you had to do was have an Italian name and the rumor mongers had you as a member of the mob!
Name: Steve Temoshek () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 12:11:34
Email: stevet@govw.com
City and State: laguna hills,Ca
Class: 1969
Message: Another andy lococo note, used to hang out with the lococo kids phillip, johnny and melanie. one day andy rode home on a scooter and gave all of us a ride around the block, my first experience with motorcycling.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 11:56:30
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: When I was a kid my dad was good friends with the Lococo brothers, I had heard all of the rumors about their connections but I am not too sure that I believe it. Even Red Hayes has kind words about Andy, he told me a story of how he always was helping people when they were in trouble. I would like to believe that they were on the up and up. I agree with you John. That is my .4 cents worth.
Name: gary bickers () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 10:50:57
Email: garybicdds@aol.com
City and State: pve cal
Class: 1963
Message: A quick Andy Lococo note. When I was a junior and after a football game at Redondo, my Dad told me Mr. Lococo wanted to see me. I went down to the newest Cockatoo with two other Cougars to be named later and sat at the bar and had cokes and a 30 minute conversation with himself.
What I always remember about the Cockatoo and the local area was it was ALWAYS crime free. I don't think Mr. Lococo would have put up with any crime; except his own.
All things considered, Andy Lococo was a Haytowner. He had children who went to HHS, and he was a member of our community. He contributed to our town and anything in his private life should stay there. Just my 2 cents.
Name: Carl Johnson () on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 00:14:40
Email: cjohnson73@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Class: 1969
Message: Just wanted to say Thanks to Debbie, class of 77, for sharing the link on the old car commercials. I highly recommend checking it out. I had forgotten all the crazy %^#* Cal Worthington used to do. Standing on flying airplane wings, riding Killer Whales, sitting in a car with a Grizzly that ate his head, petting Pythons and Skunks. That guy was and still is a Legend!
Thanks again, Debbie.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 12:54:44
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Yes Sharon I think it is really weird to find him just across the street. Red seems to be a world traveler so I can only hope to get him to a function, I will work on him for the Pinks run, maybe he will be in town. He was a true Haytowner, lived, worked and shopped in Hawthorne. He told me that he thought that we were all a good bunch of kids and has fond memories of that time.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 09:30:49
Email: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
City and State: Portland, OR
Class: 1981
Message: Call it a case of "Twilight Zone" but as I was surfing the web I came across a site that listed several airplane crashes in Calif during the 1950;s and 60s one of them was a crash that hit a 6 lane fwy in Orange County Nov. 23 1968. I hadn't realized it but there was alot of plane crashes back then comparing to our SAFE transport of today. One memeory jogged me was the Disneyland helicopter transport. I remember and seeing those helicopters flying over my house in Hawthorne. The flight departs LAX to Disneyland hotel and there was not one but 2 crashes of these in a 3 month time span. As I was still surfing I came across a town called Hawthorne Nevada. They even have their own airport called Hawthorne Municipal Airport. (small world huh?)Does anyone remember the Lover Lane murders in 1957(?) involving the murder of 2 young El Segundo policeman? I read up a story that they found the killer just recently due to fingerprints over the computer. I wonder if that made local headline news?
Yes it did.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 00:32:06
Email: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: Cindy, what an amazing coincidence! You really must bring him to the next cruise night. There are too many cruisers that remember him! What a small Cougar world it is!!!
Name: Jim Dally () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 22:25:47
Email: jmd619atnetzero.com
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Yes, Raymond Smith I remember that plane crash in the oil tank; made lots of T.V. news. It made my Mom ill at the thought of the loss. But, I checked in because of "The Mob & Controversy." Recently, I parked on Acacia Avenue near the Cockatoo Inn that is being torn down. I remembered when I helped out with the valet parking service and stood where it's no longer safe to stand. But, many, many years before this huge brick ediface was constructed the original Lococo's Inn was under scrutiny or so it seemed from all the talk about it that I heard as a kid. One foggy morning 'the news' was that Lococo's had burned. Well, being what? Seven or eight years old I mounted our families shared bicycle and rode over to the sight. It was foggy--couldn't see more than 25' (but, I could hear any cars) and I came around the place & could smell the soot and such and rode to Imperial and then towards the ruins. As I approached I could hear two men talking; I got close enough to see that it was Lococo himself and possibly his brother standing at the electrical box on the side of the building. As soon as they saw me 'silence.' Since I had heard that these guys were 'mobsters' I didn't stay and talk with them. Most people thought that the fire was deliberately set. After seeing 'the guys' in that setting, I did too. I hope the Lynn Brooks' home comes out OK after the tear down is complete. $$wise)
Name: Cindy Colby () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 19:44:15
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: My Grandson and I just returned from visiting Red Hays, of Hawthorne policedom fame. What a surprise to find that he lives just across the street from me, he was very happy to see us and we talked for quite some time, I will be going back, he is full of stories of old Haytown. If I can talk him into it, I will get him to join me at a cruise night sometime. It isn't a cougar sighting but this was really fun.
Bring him out, Cindy....
Name: Cheri Longanecker () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 18:54:25
City and State: Port Orchard, WA
Maiden: Longanecker
Class: 1965
Message: Rich Clark - we were thinking of the same thing today. I just looked up when the BIG 40 would happen. Can't believe it was that long ago - then throw in Dana Jr. High and Sepulveda Elementary School - oh my gosh!
Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 14:26:56
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
City and State: San Marcos Ca
Class: 1978
Message: Does anyone remember The Pink Lady from the malibu area in 1966 ?
I have photos but dont know how to post them I remember the Pink Lady....
Name: Rick Clark () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 14:04:04
Email: dontdoam@aol.com
City and State: Pine, CO
Class: 1965
Message: Trying to find information on a possible 40th reunion. It's important for Craig Ritchie, he probably won't be around for the next one. He may not be able to make this one (if there is one) I will bring him if he wants to come . . . rick
Hi Rick, The Class of 65 is planning their reunion for the weekend of October 28th and 29th. Just waiting on the details which will be posted on the Reunions Page.
Name: Robin () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 12:55:07
Email: RHood10542.AOL@com
City and State: Monrovia
Class: 1960
Message: Hi Raymond...I remember that plane crashing in one of Chevrons holding tanks...We were playing football in the street and all of a sudden these ashes the size of maple leaves filled the sky and landed as well. We didn't have a clue what it was and probably didn't care as the game went on....Good to hear from LeeRoy on his birthday John. Hope all is well with Haytowns most famous rifleman. Maybe we can get a brick campaign for him. His trailer is still on 133rd and Inglewood ave. Gary Bickers..You forgot an Adams. Before Joe there was Carol
Hey Robin, Yeah maybe donate a few bricks to prop up his front porch.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 11:09:05
Email: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
City and State: Portland, OR
Class: 1981
Message: Hello everyone. Been a long LONG time since I been in feedback but to no fault of my own! I wanted to share a story I came across in a magazine I was reading. I'm sure some of you must of remember it because it was BIG NEWS! Now I read this story a few months ago and I since lost the magazine because it's packed away in one of my moving boxes but the story is out of a magazine that talks about flying. There was a Northrop military airplane crash that occurred in or around 1958 and it crashed in El Segundo into an oil tank and parts of the airplane landed near a home. Anyone remember this incident?
Hey Raymond, glad you're back. No, that one I don't remember but I bet someone does....
Name: Debbie () on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 09:53:56
Email: pinkelephant10atyahoo.com
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Here's a link that is full of car commercials from the past. Hope you like it!
Thanks Debbie
Name: Susan King () on Friday, April 1, 2005 at 21:07:24
Email: sueking18ataolcom
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Wow, Senior Ditch Day at Pink's is also Harry Plotkin's birthday! What number is this? Whoohoo Harry and Kathy - we'll see you there! I guess I'll have to get my mom, the resident Queen Baker of Cougartown, to bake a Heavenly Chocolate Cake and bring candles for Harry. Remember, that's the famous cafeteria recipe....there was a contest at the first CT picnic years ago and mom won!...OK, everybody practice the birthday song!
Hey GREAT IDEA!! So Mom B is bringing the cake (although, chocolate cake and chili dogs....maybe not) and we can all practice the Birthday Song. Thanks Sue....
Name: James (Jim) Gibson () on Friday, April 1, 2005 at 20:31:53
Email: surfsup1765@sbcglobal.net
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: For those of you planning to attend the Beach Boys landmark dedication (May 20, 1PM), the following night (May 21) there will be a concert @ the Anaheim Heritage Forum featuring former Beach Boy, Dave Marks & The All-Star Beach Party Band. The band includes Al Jardine's son, Matt, & former long-time BB back-up band members. Be there or be SQUARE!. See you @ the dedication!
Thanks Jim.....
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, April 1, 2005 at 19:54:21
City and State: KUNA, ID
Class: 1960
Message: John you jog my memory of times when I felt like Gary Bickers mentioned in his post. I was awed, is that a word?, by those guys. Went to games as an 8th grader when at Dana(YEA) with people that were just as enthused by those guys in the scarlet and gold stripes( check old game film, LOL) as the kids Gary and you mentioned. Just wanted to be a COUG and play ball!!! Only reason I probably grageated. Good times, greaaat people, and if you look back, it really was fun. Now all you pessimists need not reply. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude! P.S. Loved the 57-58 Cougar teams. Tough, good athletes. Have fun at Pinks!
I guess you've noticed that I've not commented on the Middle League stars that were from RH Dana. I was an Eastsider and didn't even know you had Middle League on the west side of Hawthorne. Of course I missed Middle League and played Pony League (Middle League minors) in their inception year of 1958. Most of their players came from the Morningside area.
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Friday, April 1, 2005 at 16:46:52
Email: baxterldo@aol.com
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Careful Doris, You will make these kids blush. When Doris and I were in the same classes that were seated alphabetically we would end up in close proximity. Donaldson next to Dodd. Some times it was good and other times not so good. Good because my buddies who were in the same class had to be real careful when shooting rubber bands, paper wads, paper clips, etc, at me for fear of hitting Miss Doris. On the other hand I was afraid to shoot any thing back at them for the same reason. We were always gentlemen when she was present... However, she may remember it differently... Baxter