Name: Sharon Clendaniel () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 18:47:36
City and State: North Pole, Alaska
Maiden: Williams
Class: 1965
Message: Hello, I noticed in the Feedback news there was comments about my father Sgt Donald Williams. He was a very special man and a great father. He did help many kids out and our house was always open to everyone. It made for a very interesting household during our growing up time. Of course behind every great man is a woman and that would be my mother Carol Williams, who never knew who would be at our dinner table but was happy to help anyone. I know that my dad did help many kids to be able to stay out of trouble. What a wonderful gift.
I am living up here in North Pole Alaska with my husband Randon Clendaniel (Class of 65) and have been since 1985. He retired in 1990 from the US Air force (Retired US Air force Pilot Officer) and has been busy teaching for UAA as an Adjunct professor in Political Science part-time. He has been designing and building homes here in the Interior of Alaska. He takes his Blue Goose ( an airplane which parks in our front yard ) on many hunting & fishing trips and enjoys the beautiful and open spaces of Alaska.
I have been busy working for the State of Alaska and can retire in about three years or work a little longer. I enjoy the life style of Alaska and am able to get out to the lower 48 every year to see family and grandchildren.
Please let Larry Biller know that my brother Douglas Williams is now living in Texas and if he wish to e-mail me I can give him his address and phone number.
Sharon (Williams) Clendaniel (Class of 65).
Hi Sharon, Thanks for letting all your friends know your whereabouts and for the story on your dad (one of my FAVORITE Hawthorne cops) Stay in touch....
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 18:08:48
City and State: Soon To Be SAN PEDRO!
Maiden: moving on up!.....
Class: 1972
Message: I am VERY excited to say that I stepped into the home owners world! I FINALLY found the most beautiful condo in the foothills bordering San Pedro and P.V. I'm right on the bluff over looking a wooded canyon, and have an oceanview from my upstairs bedrooms. How cool is that?!?! It's been a wild ride trying to find something for this single gal to afford in SoCal without going out into the high deserts, or having to rob a bank, Lol! I am so excited about having the country feel all around me, and still being in the city! Kathy Griffin, I'm going to call on you real soon and perhaps you can make a house call and fine tune this darn puter of mine. I'll fix you SUCH a nice Sicilian meal! Oh, Oh, went cruising around Sunday and finally made my way at the very end of Gaffey Street and after all the years I've been in SoCal I never knew there was such a huge, beautiful, peaceful park that overlooks the Pacific Ocean with an early Victorian Lighthouse sitting right in the middle. Would love to hear from any cougars that live in the San Pedro/P.V areas. Can't wait to set up house and start a new chapter in my life. Ain't life grand?!?! :0))
Hi Enza, glad you're a happy homeowner and yes, Point Fermin Lighthouse and park is a great place to spend a peaceful Sunday. This picture of Point Fermin Park was the very first picture taken with the digital. I go there often. See you on Cruise Night.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 16:21:02
City and State: Surf City, CA
Class: 1966
Message: My Lil OLe Boom Box doesn't have a mic plug in, John. So if someone else has a portable that does please bring yours. I will bring my player as a back up.
Thanks anyway Walter....
Name: John Baker () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 16:41:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Who remembers this setup when you were a kid? I spent hours outside in my grandmother's back yard (no nintendo then) trying to catch a sparrow but no luck. I would leave for an hour, come back, and all the bread crumbs would be gone.
Name: Mike Shay () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 15:03:54
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: For a good time call OS6-9393
Class: 1961
Message: Hello Cougars;
Hey John it looks like Cruise Night 12 is shaping up to be a terrific outing.
You know I'm going to be there as well as our good friend and my brother in law Richard Hanson Class of 56. Have you heard anything from Jerry Rigney lately? It's always more fun when he shows up.
Just a word of warning, don't order your new Mustang GT until they come out with the White and Blue stripped, 400 hp, supercharged, Shelby Cobra Tribute car and we can all order one at the same time!
See Ya Soon,
Hey Mikey, OK, we'll wait for the "Butt-kicker" to come out in honor of Carroll....I can't wait. See you guys on this special edition of Cruise Night 12. Everyone make plans for this one. Sue Bierman King HHS74 is in charge, and it'll be a good one.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, January 31, 2005 at 13:57:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: RE: Cougars on the Alumni List who have passed on:
Now that we have our NEW Alumni List in place, I would like to move our dearly departed Cougars from that list and place them on the Tributes Page. When you look at your list, please let me know if there is someone who should be moved to the Tributes Page. I have no way of knowing except from you, their friends. If you don't know for sure, please do not email me with "I think this person died". I just want the names of the people you KNOW are no longer with us.
Also, if you are on a reunion committee, and have a list of departed Cougars from your class, please forward that list to me, so I can add them to the Tributes Page.
Thanks much for your help on this one.....
Name: Danny de Viso () on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 23:09:57
City and State: dana point, ca.
Class: 1983
Message: its jan. 30 and today i found out about an old friends passing. steve dimmick, i will miss you. i know that you are with god and are looking down on us now with that smile(smirk) that you have.i am going to check out the website for steve that was put together by steve sanchez.good job mo.also the first thing i read on my first time on this web site had kelly vaughns name to it and i just want to point out that even though all these people may be away from the old haytown it makes me happy to see that people still care about old friends. take care all and god bless....danny d.
Name: Gina () on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 23:01:48
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Black
Class: 1980
Message: I believe the music store was Melody Music! I stood in the ocean today, at Oceanside!!! It had been months since I had seen her, and I miss the sea so much now that I live so far inland. We didn't know how lucky we were....
Name: Walter Holt () on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 16:56:16
City and State: Surf City
Class: 1966
Message: Shannon so sorry to hear about your brother...From his friends postings it sounds like he was a great guy...
John, great job on the new alumni class site..very first rate (as usual)...I will be attending the cruise night and bringing my collection of tunes....SURF REPORT....We have had two weeks of stellar 6' to 12' foot surf and it isn't letting up. Two of the days last week it took me 15 to 20 minutes paddling to get outside. Narley drop-ins, some great tube rides, ugly wipe-outs, big bruises, some ding repair and getting into great surf shape with this stuff. Cowabunga Cougs!!!
Hey Walter, if you have a microphone for your outfit, please bring it. Thanks....
Name: KIRK () on Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 13:35:57
Maiden: Cold in the Rockies
Class: 1976
Message: Shannon, I knew Bret as always smiling and having a kind word to say. He will be missed!
Name: Joe Bell () on Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 06:01:21
City and State: Artesia CA
Maiden: Like to meet her ?
Class: 1959
Message: This separate year e-mail list, is with pictures and everything, great style John. See you all on the 12th at Fosters.
Thanks Joe, see you there....
Name: Don D. () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 18:55:37
Email: dondt(at)
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message: Note that the following information is posted on the Cougartown Reunion page (Thanks John!)
A 2005 reunion interest survey for the class of 1975 can be requested
from Don Di Tomasso ( This survey will be used to determine
if there is enough alumni interest for having a reunion this year. If a reunion
is planned, survey results will also provide planning information.
After February 12, 2005, survey results will be available upon request.
75ers (and all classes), please check that your email address is current. Some aren't, and didn't receive Don's survey by email. Thanks....
Name: Edward Schatz () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 16:10:25
Email: easchatz1@netzero. com
City and State: Lakewood, Ca.
Class: 1970
Message: would like to have my name and info inserted on this website. married to HHS alumni Carol Jean Ricroft, class of 1975 for just over twenty wonderful years, so if anyone is looking for her, she can be touched at this e-mail. later all
Hi Edward, If you want your name to appear on the Alumni List go here, and in the upper left part of that page, click where it says "add yourself to our list" Fill in the info and you are on the list. Fill out one for Carol too. Glad to have you aboard.
Name: bud () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 13:35:27
Email: bud.rhoades@fullmerinc.comb
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: On another note fellow alumni.
Wade Greasby and I met last Friday to finalize the schedule and date for this years 2nd Annual C-Town Golf Classic.
Here is the scoop.
Friday May 20th. Pre tournament dinner at HHS Alumni Dory Gestone(Giulianos) restaurant Gaetano's at 6pm.
Gaetano's is located at PCH and Crenshaw.
2nd Annual C-Town Classic
Saturday May 21st - 9am
Fullerton Golf Course
2700 N Harbor Blvd
$100.00 all inclusive
I have last years list and will be contacting all who expressed interest last year who either played or not.
We have had a huge number of folks who have committed so far and it should be another amazing day.
May is not that far off so start making your plans. I'm sure John will help again by posting this on C-Town.
Thanks and i'll be talking to you all soon.
Hey Bud, Sounds like another fun Ctown golf tourney. Yes, I'll put something up on the site, maybe after Cruise Night. Everyone make your plans and mark your calendars for this one. I know we'll have a good turnout, so do NOT be left out. Thanks Bud....
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 12:35:04
Email: bud.rhoades@fullmerinc.comb
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: Shannon, we are so sorry to hear of your brothers passing.
As a fellow drummer from the same era, 1974, I got to know Bret well, we played the same parties at times and would share each others love of drumming.
He was without a doubt, light years ahead of me and one of the best to come out of Hawthorne..period. He had every John Bonham lick down to the tee, no easy task for any drummer. He is home with Bonzo and out of pain, God Bless you and your family throughout this trying time.
Bud Rhoades
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 11:50:40
City and State: Buena Park Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Shannon I am deeply sorry to hear about your brother Bret. I grew up around the corner from you guys on 118th Street. I reminder your house was always happening. Bret was one of the coolest guys of all time. He was a good teamate, I played on Senior League Teams with him in 72 & 73. Let me know if you would like for me to scan our team pics and e-mail them to you. Or if John wants to post them I can send them to John. And 73 was the year Dan Johnson was on our team also.Bret was always super positive guy to be around and never had a bad word to say about anyone.
Best Wishes to you and your family.
Name: Alan Campbell () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 11:41:49
City and State: Kern River Valley, Ca
Class: 1976
Message: Shannon, I am sorry to hear the passing of your brother. Bret and I had classes together at HHS. He was funny and a lot of fun to be around. A Led Zepplin fan to the core. He will be playing drums at the great gig in the sky. I will miss him very much. Alan
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 10:08:49
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: JILL! Come on down to Cruise Night!
I'll be there and that's close enough, right? 76 Reunion Committee is hoping to meet at 3:30 Feb. 12 to get things rolling. Contact me directly for details. If you are a 76er and live within 60 miles of HHS you are a prime candidate to help. Come on 76ers, it will be fun, I promise!
There you go, 76ers. Never too early for reunion planning.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 03:54:36
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: Shannon: I still remember vividly being in your home and hearing Bret playing that drum break in "Dizzy" by Tommy Roe on his kit -- this would have been circa 1970 or 71. Although memory fails me, I think he also was on the Aviation "Stars" with me around that same time. I'm so sorry to hear about his passing -- he was a terrific guy and I have great memories of him. Thanks for letting us in Cougartown know -- it gives us a chance to recall Bret and the celebrate our memories of him.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Friday, January 28, 2005 at 01:57:58
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Shannon, so sorry for your loss. I knew Bret well in high school. He was a great guy. I remember playing drums. He was so positive all the time and a great friend. I'm sorry.
Name: Shannon Keys () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 22:06:13
City and State: Colorado Springs
Class: 1981
Message: To the Cougartown family, and in particular those who attended in the mid-seventies, I convey the sorrowful news of the passing of my brother Bret today (that last sentence is painfully surreal right now to type). As some of you may know he was destroyed by diabetes. It finally took his body from us, but his beautiful soul will be alongside all of us?......always! Please remember him as the guy who could wail away on a drum kit with the best of em, and please, whenever you see a set of Ludwigs, remember the joy it brought to him and those he touched. Bret say hi to Bonzo for us!
To those interested, if you?ll send me an email, I?ll try and reply with any news on arrangements.
John It?s a tribute to this special haven you?ve created, that seemingly the first thing I thought of upon hearing of my/our agonizing loss, was to (attempt to) seek a bit of solace with my extended Cougartown family by way of ?going home? or having a virtual shoulder to cry on,??. if that doesn?t sound too weird. Thanks John.
Shannon, The loss of a close family member is always tough. I'm sure Bret had lots of friends here who are all grieving as they read this. You have a BIG shoulder in your Cougartown family....use it. Thank you for letting Bret's friends know, and I know I speak for many. Please accept our condolences in your hour of mourning.
Name: Jeanne () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 16:16:54
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Maiden: Burk
Class: 1959
Message: I was reading the tribute page and noticed that under Grad year 69, Kathy Jefferson's name was listed. She was a good friend in sixth grade. Can anyone fill me in on what happened? Thanks
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 15:26:52
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 1961
Message: Welcome to old friend Andy White, we had some good times back in the day..!
Welcome Andy....
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 13:57:50
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hey JB, great job on the Alumni list. It's pretty snazzy! Not sure if I am going to Cruise night, I need to work out babysitting arrangements. Is there anyone from the class of 77 going? Last Cruise night I was the only 77er there. Who knows, I might get my sister Denean to come too, I'll even drive!
Great Jill, see you there.
Name: Vincenza Benvenuta 'Enza' Nicosia () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 12:40:03
City and State: Still looking for a home....
Maiden: call my own......
Class: 1972
Message: I came across this website in the L.A Times a while back and saved it. I finally logged on the other day.... Wow! Check out I found the original passenger manifest of my dad's voyage to America in 1916 when he was just 4 years old, along with his 2 siblings and mama (his papa came over a few years earlier). Amazing site! It became crystal clear how our name went from Nicosia to Nicocia...miss-spelled going through Ellis Island, like so many immigrants encountered. The questions that were on the manifest even asked how much money they brought over....$34.00!; if they could read/write, along with other amazing interesting questions. It seems that the word "WOP" comes from "With Out Papers". Anybody out there know why these immmigrants came over in the early 1900s in droves? I even saw my great grandfathers voyage as well in the very early 1900s. The site lists arrivals from 1892-1924; 22 million people passed through Ellis Island and the Port of New York to begin a better life in America. Oh....if I only could of been a fly on the wall back then......
Thanks Enza, very interesting site.
Name: Barbara Duran () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 11:01:29
City and State: El Segundo
Class: 1972
Message: Hey John, great job on the updated list!
Thanks Barbara, just trying to keep Ctown up with the Joneses Name: Cal McDougal () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 10:06:12
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: John, The Alumni list is very impressive! I like the way yuo have secured the email address. Thanks for all the work. Ya' Dun Gud! as they say in Abalama!
Thanks Cal, Yes, the email address problem was bothering lots of people torn between leaving their address on the site for their friends to find, and worrying about junk mail. This system solves that problem
Name: Karen Kuehl () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 09:54:50
City and State: LV, NV
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
Message: Wow, JB1, you've been working hard on the Alumni list!! Great job!! I like it and it works just fine.
Hi Karen, always good to hear. Thanks....
Name: Art LaMere () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 07:43:26
Email: artlamere>
City and State: Bettendorf (cold) Ia
Class: 1973
Message: John very nice looks great. You have out done yourself again. Thanks for the site again. I know you have heard this time and time again but thanks.
Thanks Art, for the nice thoughts. Glad it's working for you too.
Name: Rhonda Montoya () on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 03:45:18
City and State: Lakewood, CA
Maiden: Herndon
Class: 1972
Message: Hi John. What is Foster's Cruise Night and where can we get more info.? Sounds like a blast from the past. I'm having a great time with your website. Found my old best friend whom I had lost contact with for about 30 years. Thanks so much. I was sad to see so many old friends on the deceased list. I was wondering if anyone knows how Bob Sessa ended up there. We worked together at United Hardware for several years (with several other Cougars). I noticed he turned up on the web-site search page but I don't know why. Is there any way of getting info. on our old Cougar buddys that have passed? Well, thanks again for your wonderful website and hope to see you at Fosters.
Hi Rhonda, Fosters Cruise Night is where we all meet at Fosters in Hawthorne, just like we did in High School. We play music, have a burger and talk with old (and new) friends. If people have an old car, they bring it. This time we'll be giving away a few Cougartown Tshirts. If you want to look at some pictures from the very first Fosters cruise night, go here.
On the subject of finding out what happened to a friend who's no longer with us, I would suggest just what you did; ask the question on this page. Someone will email you with your answer.
Thanks Rhonda, and we'll see you at Cruise Night 12.