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Here's another great classic. It's The Volumes.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 19:29:51
Name: Jerry Miles
Class: 66
Message: John,
Gee, when we started this Mom and Pop stuff I thought we were talking bubble gum and licorice. But if we are really talking adult beverages for young Cougars I must change my vote to Snappies too. I don't remember that being the name, but it was just east of the Boulevard on Imperial so I guess that's it. They were very lenient on birth dates. Or so I've been told.

Note: OK OK OK......We're NOT scoring our favorite M&P because it was the easiest place in town to buy beer. If that were the case, Manny's Egg Town would win HANDS DOWN!! :o)
No, this place has to be one of those "Boxy" stores with a "Knudsen Dairy" or equivalent sign over the door. It had to sell candy and probably newspapers. There should have been a pay phone outside and a mail box within 50 feet of the front door. The place had to have "that certain M&P smell inside and it was probably kind of dark in there too, except for the counter area. We'll do the easiest place to buy beer later. :o) Thanks Jerry

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 18:53:08
Name: Cathy Porter
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1974
Message: Just learned about this wonderful web page dedicated to all those wonderful HHS alumni. I doubt many will remember who I am, but if you do, I'd love to reminise. I originally was checking in to see if any plans were made for a 25th class reunion. I know I am way late, but if anything is being planned, please let me know. Thanx!
Note: Hi Kathy, Do not sell yourself short. Cougars remember Cougars. There're plenty of mid-70's people on the site too. OK... who remembers Cathy?? Thanks Cathy for adding yourself to these pages. Now when someone goes to the keyword search and types in koerner, Feedback Page49 will come up.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 17:35:30
Name: Kathy Duran-Reese
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: Hi everyone! Keith, Jone's Firewood! I remember my ex-husband's parents going there for years. It must have been there for years. I know the new owners of Shaw's. They never even knew that there was a boxing club there. Do you remember when some of the boxers used to box in my dad's gym? Those were the days. They used to have some boxing teams from other countries that used to train at dad's.......Even girls!!!!!!!! It sure is fun reading all the letters...
Thanks John for your time and work spent on this site. See Ya!
Kathy Duran-Reese

Note: I remember when Shaw's had a boxing club and that was at least 1960. Thanks Kathy.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 16:30:06
Name: Loretta Cuiper
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: The Rendezvous sure did bring alot of memories back for Larry and me. It has been gone for many years now, but Balboa still is a part of our life. We still spend a week there every summer. We have so many memories spending time with family and friends, our children were swimming before they could walk. They really don't have dancing places like they did in the past, so Karen, thank you for bringing back another good memory. While we are talking about places in the past, does anyone remember the Light House on Hermosa Beach Pier, in the 60's they had some cool jazz, blues and at one time Ray Charles was there, I believe he was just there as a guest, but they talked him in to singing. They also had a big fish tank with fish that liked to bite fingers off. The Light House is still there, but it's different.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 16:12:58
Name: Keith D. Jones
Class: 76
Message: In regards to Off Ramp Liquor. I grew up on 137st across from Holy Glen Park and my brother and I and the Colbern Bros all worked at Off Ramp Liquor. I started there sweeping the parking lot for $30 a month. It was a very nice convenience store that was owned by a guy named Jule ? (forgot last name) He lived in Pacific Palisades in this huge tri-level home. Not a traditional Mom and Pop but he did give credit to the local families if they wanted it and let kids go in and buy cigarettes with a note from mom or dad. Alot of dads hung out there and chatted on the weekends (especially Sunday). Did everyone buy their firewood from Jones' Firewood on Rosecrans (no relation). How about Shaws Marine on Rosecrans and Inglewood Ave. They had a Boxing Club and gym in the back. Anyone out there played Middle League Baseball at Holy Glen Baseball Park. And how about all the people that had to sell their homes along Glasgow in Holy Glen for widening of the 405. Never happened did it. Lost alot of friends from moving.
Note: Great memories Keith, Thanks

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 15:44:24
Name: Robin Hood
Class: 60
Message: Was reading Mike Shays feedback and it brought tears to my eyes. Not his accordian attendance trophy but the Mustang....John I can honestly say that, to this day, a Mustang was the only thing in this life I wanted as much as a date with Carol Hess. (Yes I achieved the latter:o). But when my dad dumped his Triumph on the Harbor freeway going to work one morning, the Mustang dream was over at my house. Hey do you remember the "little store" as we called them on the NE corner of Ramona and 134th? Dr Fraser, my dentist made a living from the cavities that place created...And Dave Barrys column was great. Sounded like a real racer in his day.......later Cougs
Note: Robin, Yes I too wanted a Mustang OR a Whizzer AND I definitely woulda' taken a date with Carol Hess. I do remember thet store as my best friend in the 5th and 6th grade was George Gates and he lived on Ramona and 136th St. Talk about hanging out at a candy store. Yes, we loved those Wax lips, Black wax mustaches, and the little wax bottles with some kinda sweet juice inside. Does anyone remember Nose Whistles?? What an unsanitary thing that was.
Oh....and Robin, Dr. Wally Fraser's daughter Sally was my sweetheart in Miss Paterson's Kindergarten class at York St School. Yes I did start early. Thanks Robin

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 15:18:33
Name: Karen Kusumi
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Does anyone remember going to the Bel Aire Club in Redondo Beach, or the Rendezvous in Balboa. Those were grear dance places. I know Mary Kean and Teri Kluxdal should. Oh and the Cinnamon Cinder in Long Beach too.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 14:54:10
Name: Bob Veach
Class: 1972
Message: Oh yeah, John, tell that to "Mom and Pop" Stellino (yuk,yuk). Ok, I will concede to your wisdom on Off Ramp Liquor, but they knew all the kids in the neighborhood, sold the same items, and I could buy cigarettes there with a note from my mom, just like the typical M&P. There was another M&P on 111th St. between Larch and Freeman Avenues in Lennox, but I can't remember the name. Help anyone?
Note: Bob, From Rosecrans and the 405 (Off Ramp Liquor) to 111th between Larch and Freeman in Morningside territory. Where DID you live?? :o)

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 14:38:30
Name: Cindy Matthies
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Yes!!! That's it ... Fort Lee, New Jersey!! Thanks John, I couldn't remember that part. None of them beat the originals heh? And yes, Doty was the name of that street. Last time I saw that area, half of it was gone for the freeway. We lived just a few houses down from where the Wilson's lived on 119th (much younger ... I mean, later though .... hey Sis, remember all those baby pigeons that always fell from the big palm tree in front?). Hey, I forgot all about those klicker klacker things -- whoever thought those things up didn't like kids! Dangerous dang things (okay, yes I was clumsy too). Speaking of accordians: guess I'll have to go read that Dave Barry story since I took accordian lessons too (on Hawthorne Blvd) -- and we taccordian players need o stick together huh guys! You know, it sounds like there are a lot of Cougars up here in the Pacific Northwest so maybe that's another good place for a future all-class reunion. I'm in Gig Harbor WA (in between Tacoma and Bremerton) ... anyone living in my neck of the woods? And Tom Klingenhagen, where do you live? We're doing the Cancer Relay for Life walk here in June too! My company was the largest fundraiser last year. If any of you have the chance to participate, it's really a very touching event and also a blast! 24 hours of fun (and don't even think of saying you're too old for that much fun for that long ... we're never too old!). And it's for a great great cause too. The Cancer Survivor Walk and the luminaria display are very sobering. Hmmmm, Tom, maybe we ought to be doing some fundraising from some of these good ol' buddies of ours, eh? Thanks for this website John! I can't believe how many Hawthorne memories have been stirred up by reading these messages. You've done an outstanding job!
Note: Hi Cindy, Yeah it seems as though every parent liked Polka Music and wanted their little darlings to make it big in an Oom Pah Band. :o) Not many rock bands looking for accordion players huh.
Speaking of the Cancer walk. I received an email from Betty Collignon yesterday. She organized the 1998 Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer/Tribute Concert last year, raising over $60,000.00 for The American Cancer Society.(website:
The 2nd annual walk will be held in October. I will be adding it to the Whats New Page shortly.
A Pacific Northwest Reunion?? Sounds great to me. How many of you Cougs are living in Northern CA/Oregon or Washington?
Thanks for the nice words on the site too Cindy. It's always appreciated.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 13:55:28
Name: Angelia Crespin
Maiden: Crespin
Class: 86
Message: Been watching for some fellow "86" classmates to show up. Hi! Delia, I'm not sure if you remember me but I do remember you. Where are you Class of "86"?

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 13:03:34
Name: Gary Miller
Class: 64
Message:Lloyd Dennee's, The "shack in the back" (Food Giant after the one in front burned down). Ivy's,(El Segundo-Haw. Blvd.). Tom McAns shoestore (120th- Haw.)
Note: Great memories Gary.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 11:23:36
Name: Alan Nelson
Class: 73
Message: How about going to the Hollywood Palladium during Easter Vacation for the "Teen Fair" (Was that the name?) I remember seeing the classic short film "Bambi vs. Godzilla" there, and to this day remember laughing my rear off whenever I think of it.
Note: Bambi vs Godzilla....what a great short, and I DO MEAN short subject. Yeah, that was a true film masterpiece. I would love to have a copy if anyone has it.
I think it was called the "Teen Age Fair" and it was originally held at P.O.P. (see ad here). Thanks Alan

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 10:43:56
Name: Michelle
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: My sis is sooo funny, ain't she? Hey 'V' girls you can call us the 'W' girls! My sis forgot to mention klicker klackers (that the '90s have tried to copy but in a cheap kinda way!) or taking our 'glass' soda bottles into that Mom & Pop store (yes around the corner from the Wilson's) for our candy money! Unfortunately I can't EVEN match my sister's wit and I'll stop here!
Note: Michelle, Klicker Klackers...YES!! I even remember those things. Those "plastic bally thingys" that were tied to the ends of a couple of pieces of string. There's a memory flogger. Thanks Michelle, you did fine.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 10:01:47
Name: Shannon Hagerty
Maiden: Lester
Class: 75
Message: I heard there was picture of my brother somewhere on the site. My aunt was checking it out and found it. Gloria, you said some really nice thing about my brother. I only wish they were true. I'm only kidding. He really is a good guy and I don't remember you being such a brat. He is living in Moses Lake, Washington. He is married with 3 kids. Two girls and a boy. I haven't seen him in a couple of years, since they moved up there. They are supposed to come visit this summer.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 06:42:45
Name: Tom Klingenhagen
Class: 64
Message: It was sad to hear the news about Larry Hess. We lived on the same street and, I think, we were in Mr. Greenlands 5th grade class at Jose Sepulveda School. The American Cancer Society has a "Relay for Life" coming up here in June and I will see to it that a "luminaria" will be displayed in his memory.
Note: Thanks Tom, That's very thoughtful.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 23:33:57
Name: Mike Shay
Class: 61
Message: Hello All,
So many things are bouncing around in my memory since catching up on the feedback. Someone mentioned Phil's bike shop. Remember going in there and checking out the Cushman Motorscooters? That was a long time ago...I'm sure John Baker remembers one special ride on Tom Bell's Cushman Eagle...Anyone remember the scaled down motorcycle called the Mustang? Carlos Hermacillo at St. Joseph's had one in the eighth grade. He never rode it to school though. That Dave Barry story is a riot.... But he really shouldn't pick on accordions. When my mom passed away a couple years ago, in one of the boxes of stuff she kept for her nearly 92 years was a tiny little plastic trophy that I won in 1953 for perfect attendance at my accordion lessons. She probably kept it because it was the only trophy I ever won. I could play the hell out of "Lady of Spain" and "Oh my PaPa".
Hope to see some of you at the Car Show on Saturday.

Note: Hey Cuz. Yes I do remember a certain Cushman Eagle. MAN... do I!!!
What is that joke about accordions; What's the difference between an accordion and a trampoline? You always take your shoes off before you jump up and down on a trampoline.
Yes, I will see you there on Saturday morning at HHS for the car show. It should be a lot of fun.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 23:26:14
Name: Cindy Matthies
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: (I sent a really long message that day that they were all lost so I hope I can recreate what I wanted to ask! But you may all wish I can't after rambling on!). First off, hello again Sharon Bierman! You asked in your previous note 'whatever happened to Cathy something-er-other' ... not sure who you mean! Then I wanted to ask if anyone knew what year they stopped doing air raid drills. I seem to remember doing them in grade school but not sure if I'm having someone else's memories (oh c'mon all you 70's kids, I know I'm not the only one!). And was the Mom & Pop store near 120th by the Hawthorne airport mentioned? It was on a corner in a neighborhood (but then I guess they all were, weren't they?). Remember wax lips? And was it just my friends and I or did everyone put peanut M&M's in their Dr. Pepper? Okay, so we were just weird! How about Archie comics? Did you stand in the corner of the store at the comic book rack and read them all afternoon? Without buying any? Did anyone else have a Busy Bee pen? How about Dark Shadows at 4pm everyday? And Winky Dink and You? And ting ting ting! Richochet Rabbit! I think I liked Underdog better than Mighty Mouse. Did anyone else think that Mr. Tena looked AND acted like that guy on Dragnet? No offense, Mr. Tena, we liked that guy. Right, guys? Oh yea, here's the last thing: Hey Gloria Valencia: I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know the story behind that picture in the reunion section that says "It Just Don't Get No Better'n This" .... were you singing or did Patty step on your toe? ("You sure ask a lot of questions Mr. Richard Fader" or so said Roseanne Roseanna Danna).
Note: Cindy, What a refreshing and totally entertaining Feedback. There ARE some memory floggers here all right. I think the Market you're thinking about was on Doty around the corner from where the Wilsons lived. I don't remember the name, but I know someone will. As far as the Valencia picture. I took that one, and just could not resist putting it up there. These two are fun to be around. Gloria, would you like to express how YOU feel about that picture?? Thanks for the GREAT note Cindy. Please do NOT be a stranger up here. Great Stuff.
Oh, and is that Mr. Richard Fader from Fort Lee, New Jersey??

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 20:55:40
Name: Steve Anderson
Message: This is a great site and perhaps a wonderful resource for me to use in the classroom to teach my current HHS students about their high school's and city's rich history.
Thanks for providing such a service.
Steve Anderson, Teacher
U.S. History

Note: Mr. Steve Anderson, please add yourself to our Email List. Actually the teachers are added to the top of the 1954-1969 list. Please go here to add yourself and spread the word to our fellow HHS Faculty. Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 20:08:57
Name: Barbara Lewis
Maiden: Kmieciak
Class: 1968
Message: John, I wanted to share the feedback about a student's run-in with Mr. Nelson and his attempt to "control chaos" with my son. However I was a little slow in getting back to it and it is no longer on the feedback pages. Is it possible to retrieve a copy? Or am I just so computer illiterate (which I am) that I just can't find it? Help! And thanks for all the great memories! Our kids think we're nuts because we check Feedback every day. They were tired of "the good old days" before! Now we have hundreds of "old folks" helping us dredge up the past! Thanks!
Note: Hi Barbara, You're just a couple of pages behind :o) The one you're referring to is at the top of Feedback Page 46. Here's a copy of the Feedback. It's worth reading again.

Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 16:36:38
Name: Bob Veach
Class: 1972
Message: It was nice to hear about Mr. Nelson doing well. Although I only had two occasions to speak with him, I thought he was too stringent for my tastes.
The first time was when he visited Frank Graves' wood shop class and saw me using an electric sander without goggles. He made me stop and speak to Mr. Graves. I thought "man, what a pain in the a**".
The second time was when Chuck Ramynke and I had a fight in wood shop.We were sent to see him. He sent us home and suspended us for the next day. When I got home and explained to my mom what had happened, she immediatly called him explaining that suspending a student for simply fighting was wrong. That it would only encourage more fighting. He explained that if administrators were to allow this to continue, "there would be chaos on the campus". My mom thought he was a fuddy-duddy from the old school. All kids fight.
Well, after hearing about Littleton, CO yesterday, maybe his ideas weren't that old fashioned. Whenever I hear about violence on high school campuses, I think of him and that day he would not allow "chaos" on his campus.
Oh, if we only knew then what we know now. Thank you Mr. Nelson, I had a fun and safe high school experience. A lot of kids today do not enjoy that luxury.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 18:51:37
Name: Omar Azze
Class: 1977
Message: Great web page! Thanks for the memories!
Note: Thank you Omar, for being a loyal Coug.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 15:17:39
Name: Bob Veach
Class: 1972
Message: Ben's Market on 118th St. That's where I bought hot dog chewing gum and Big Red sodas. Thanks for that memory!
However, for Mom & Pop stores we mustn't forget Stellino's on 139th & Inglewood Ave, Lloyd's Market on Lennox Blvd. and Hawthorne or Off Ramp Liquor on Rosecrans by the 405.

Note: Bob, So what I consider a Mom and Pop market and what YOU consider a Mom and Pop market are two separate things. C'mon Bob....Off Ramp Liquor was NOT a Mom and Pop Market. Stellinos maybe, but it was upscaled from the typical "boxy" Mom and Pops with the Knudsen Dairy sign above the door that said "Your Name Here" Market. So, we'll give a vote to Stellinos and Lloyds Market. How's that. Thanks Bob

Name: John Baker
Class: 62
Message: For all you Feedback people that never go to the What's New Page, please go there and check out the Dave Barry story on the Beach Boys concert. It is well worth it. Thanks.

If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at
