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Here's a great oldie for you old people out there. El Rojo, are you listenin'?? Maxine Brown. Enjoy
Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 00:34:12
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 23:20:59
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 22:26:25
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 22:24:53
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 21:50:23
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 21:34:38
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 19:04:54
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 18:15:44
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 13:13:30
Name: John Baker
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 20:25:43
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 15:07:50
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 13:28:32
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 12:03:54
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 10:01:19
Name: Hardy Hess
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 03:52:07
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 03:44:02
Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 03:32:53
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:29:38
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:26:52
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:21:33
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 22:45:57
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 22:07:37
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 21:12:57
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 19:29:53
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 18:51:31
Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 18:42:50
Name: Hardy Hess
Class: 66
Message: The mention of beer and markets bring up memories of Snappy's Market on the SE corner of Imperial Hwy and Freeman. One could (of course not me) go in there anytime the Chinese people were working and buy all the beer and wine that one desired. It turns out that Chinese people, especially the ones that haven't been here too long, have difficulty with telling the age of Caucasians. I got this from a Chinese friend of mine. So let's cast one vote for Snappy's market and one for Ben's market....different eras of my development.
Note: OK Hardy, That's 1 for Snappy, 1 for Bens, 1 for Pound Penny, and 1 for Rays Market. Thanks
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: It was my pleaseure this weekend to play some music with a group of very talented musicians. It reminded me of the cultural richness I gained via people like Mr. Schwab, Mr. Upton, Miss Alt, and especially the wonderful music teachers at Melody Music. It was an honor to study guitar there. My particular teachers were Tom Moses and Larry Connely. Larry was a gifted jazz musician who was always prodding me to learn jazz. He said if a musician understood jazz, they understood PERIOD! Melody Music was quite the place. I remember one Christmas in particular, Santa brought me a 1963 Fender Jaguar. He got it from Melody Music, Glen the sales manager swore that it was Carl Wilson's old guitar, which may have been true, or may have been a superb salesman's hype. We could also go over to the record department, where Joe would let us listen to the newest 45rpm's of the day in a small listening booth. I remember that he had a totally cool white Van Dyke beard. When it was his break time, he would walk with the gait of a diplomat straight to the corner watering hole, and with a touch of grace, duck in for a liquid refreshment. He was always such a gentleman. Do any of you remember being able to buy nine "45's" and getting the tenth one free? I still have most of them. They also had a terrific selection of sheet music. With the advent of the corporate superstore, we have unfortunately lost some of the local color that was ours as children. I prefer to think that society is cyclical, and that one day soon, local stores which cater to local interests will once again flourish.
Note: Hi Ray, Great story. It's good to hear from you. I wouldn't bet on the mom and pop stores coming back though. I think the Internet will be the next place you find "Mom and Pop". I did get my 45 card punched at Melody Music though. In fact, the 45 at the top of this page was purchased there. Thanks Ray
Name: Susan Walling
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Here are three more alumni to add to your "Arizona residents" list, John. Cindy Leonard, Tim Miller, and Danny Webb. They were all HHS graduates from the late 70's. Danny was the tuba player for the band, and Cindy was on the flag/banner squad. Cindy and Tim are married and have two young boys. I hear from Danny that he and his wife have four kids now.
My question.... Why are you all in Arizona?
Note: Hi Susan and thanks. Sounds like more of an excuse to have an Arizona Reunion. Patty and Frank??
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed catching up with Konnie Krislock this weekend. What an amazing woman she is! We all knew that she was something special, even in our hormone-induced teenage haze. Now in the clear light of advanced age (just ask my husband) I can really appreciate her. Talent, guts, brains, beauty, style - she's got it all. I wanna be Konnie when I grow up! The Cougar and Fine Print publications were definitely ahead of the times. Topics were printed in the weekly paper that I'm sure most kids didn't talk about with their parents. If you saved any of the papers or magazines, go back and take a look.
You'll be surprised at how grown up we were!
Note: Hi Sharon, I don't know Konnie but have a great respect for her as I've heard from lots of people about her. Konnie, if you're out there tonight, I know you have a warm place for all your previous HHS students as I can hear their pride as they speak of you. Too few teacher/mentors get that honest respect from their students. You've got to be proud. Thanks for finding the site and please check in often.
Name: Kim Smith
E-Mail: A24X7MOM
Maiden: May
Class: 79
Message: Hey Susan Ciampa! I thought I recognized the name. You were very tall right (or I was very short). I was in Drill Team from 76-79. I too have great memories of all the parades, and Mr. D. Hey, next time you see Walt Krumback, tell "Talking Wall" I said "hi". I hope he remembers what I'm talking about. I still keep in touch with Mrs. Courtney too (Our Drill Team advisor and surrogate Mom in High School). Why is it that she never ages, and I do?
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: My vote on the Cougartown Mom & Pop store has to go to Penny Pound Market on Prairie - one reason is the name and the other was the fact that on Friday nights their only criteria for selling beer to us was that one of us be tall enough to reach the Brew-102 shelf.
Note: Bob, Now THAT'S funny!! I thought you woulda' voted for Ray's too, but Pound Penny it is. Thanks man.
Name: Jack Hammer
E-Mail: jhammer@rosenet.net
Class: 68
Message: There's a rumor going around that the class of 68 had a reunion awhile back (some say it was last summer)and said rumor also says that one or two pictures were taken at this aledged event can anyone shed some light on this tale
Note: Jack, I've asked and even left the notice on the What's New Page. Maybe your class has something to hide. :o) If there are pictures out there, please loan them to me. I will scan them and return them to you.
Name: Manny
E-Mail: napzmasta@dgl.org
Class: 1998
Message: Just want to drop by and say hi. wonderful page
Name: Hardy
E-Mail: Hess
Class: 66
Message: It's a wonder why everybody isn't on the internet already. But I suppose financial considerations may be a problem for some. There is now www.netzero.com. It's a totally free internet provider and if you can put up with their advertising banner on your screen it works very well. Fear of technology is not an acceptable reason to avoid being online. But then my wife still uses her typewriter. Life can be difficult at times.
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Cougartown experienced a problem with the mail server from yesterday afternoon to this morning. If you sent Feedback or Email after about noon on Sunday, then I didn't receive it. Please resend it.
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: This Website is deader than a Chesterfield King in the boys room after 2nd period.
Name: Ginger Haller Fruitt
E-Mail: ginyfruitt@aol.com
Maiden: Ginger Haller
Class: 1964
Message: An old friend told me about the website. This is really very nice. I see many names of people I remember well, and will drop notes as time permits. I am well and happy, living in Redondo Beach, CA. I'm very involved in West Coast Swing Dancing. Anyone else out there doing West Coast Swing? Let me know.
Name: Jerry Miles
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
Message: John B.
If we are going to vote on the Mom and Pop stores, put mine in for Ray's Market. Not only did he have the usual penny candy (live like a King for a nickel)but often got things that type of store didn't carry. Once it was army men, smaller than the normal, and hand painted. I remember they were glued to the display and it took forever to get the cardboard off. Ray was a great guy and we spent a lot of good times there.
Note: OK Jerry, One vote for Ray's Market on Felton Av. Thanks
Name: Charles E. Beckmeier
E-Mail: cebeck@gte.net
Class: 1960
Message: Sorry, we missed the first 10 year reunion. We will be looking forward to attending the 40 year re-union in 2000, n2w. Richard Sloan, please give me ample notification, vacation time needs to be scheduled. I still work as classified staff(maintainance,grounds) for Lake Washington School District.
Note: Hi Charles. Glad you found the site. Rich Sloan (HHS60) does not have Internet access as of yet, but I will email you his address. If there's a Class of 60 reunion in the Y2K, you'll know about it here too, so stay tuned.
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hi John and all....yes, it has been a long while since I have posted (shame on me) - have been quite busy but have stayed up on what's going on with you all. Actually I was preparing for this weekend with Konnie Krislock. For those of you who do not know, she was the Journalism advisor from 70-78 and, as Jorge noted, the resident rabble-rouser! Just kidding - Konnie was and is a wonderful human being who somehow helped students realize that they really COULD BE something, achieve goals, follow hearts, make a difference and SPEAK THEIR MINDS. It has been a great two days and now that we have found each other again, I shall never let us separate again like that. She was not only a teacher but a dear family friend, no, make that family. We shared some great memories this weekend and caught up on lives. She is EXACTLY the same!!! And she's right - you journalism junkies - CONTACT HER! She is good for the soul. Thank you Konnie for being a wonderful part of the Bierman clan. We love you. Note: the market referred to on 118th and Freeman was called Ben's Market and was owned by Gwen Nishinaka's dad, Ben. Gwen was a classmate of mine from K-12 I think. She was a sweet, quiet and VERY bright girl and I always liked her very much. Have wondered about her and others I went K-12 with. And yes, I loved going to Ben's with my pennies too for candy. What a very nice family they were.....Sorry to haved missed the LV reunion - sounds/looks like you all had a ball. I will be at the next one - promise!
Note: BENS Market... "That's IT!!"...... I'm telling you folks, if you need to know something about Hawthorne, just ask it here. Someone out there knows the answer. Thanks Sue for clearing that one up. Also, I'm holding you to that promise too. Glad to have you back up.
Class: 66
Message: Thanks Susan and John,
How is your cousin Betty? If you see her tell her hi. Last I remember she had a little daughter about 3 or 4.
Way back in the old days, 1961, I remember going to the "little market" to get Lucky Suckers and RC Cola. If you found a little sticker on the back of the sucker you'd get a free one. I think the guy that ran the markets was named Ben.
Note: Back in the old days, Hawthorne was filled with mom and pop markets. I remember the one's mentioned plus the one owned by the Boll family on Cedar and El Segundo and the one on 120th between Menlo and Oxford. Some of these places are still in business. Ok Cougs, what was your favorite mom and pop market in Hawthorne?
Name: Gary Miller
E-Mail: garyatsfo@webtv.net
Class: 64
Message: Skippys, Phils bikeshop, Lawrence Drugs, Food Giant, Vic Tannys
Note: My dad bought me my first REAL bike at Phils Bike Shop. A Schwinn Panther, with knee action, gooseneck and risers, horn and mudflaps, streamers, a headlight.....man that was stylin' in 1953. Phils, although it has changed hands over the years, is still open for business. I remember when the Wedworth's owned it and my good buddy Ron Wedworth(LHS 63) worked there. Great memories Gary
Name: Gary Miller
E-Mail: garyatsfo@webtv.net
Class: 64-65
Message: Is there anyone out there from the class of 64? How come there is no reunion? 65 has one. Gary from Washington, Haw Inter. and Haw High
Note: Hi Gary, Yes there're people from the class of 64 on this site. Please go to the Alumni list and look under 1964. There, you'll find almost 50 of your compadres. As far as a reunion is concerned, I haven't heard a thing yet. Class of 64 people, are you having a 35th??
Name: Wendy Zeller
E-Mail: WZPPD@aol.com
Maiden: Frye
Class: 79
Message: To Alan Nelson: After working a ten-hour shift patrolling the streets of Phoenix, it's a great feeling to check in and see such nice words from a fellow Cougar and Arizona Law Enforcement officer!!! It's also an excellent example of what a small world it is!
John, I'd like to thank you...and all the others who leave their mark on this web site and feedback page. Whenever I check in a new batch of memories comes back and it's always so entertaining. I was really glad to see a message from one of my favorite teachers, Konnie Krislock. It's not only great to hear from fellow classmates, but from teachers also!!!
And John...I did notice that some of the recent feedback indicates an HHS influence here in Arizona...Perhaps a reunion in the Grand Canyon State is a possibility in the future?????(Although Hawaii DOES sound awfully nice!?
Note: Hi Wendy and thanks for checking in. Yes, this is "memory flogger central" all right. I just love this forum.
AZ sounds like a great place to have a weekend get together. We'll work on it. I would love to get more teachers/administrators to these functions too. Jorge, would you like to help?? Thanks for the feedback Wendy, and stay in touch.
Name: Susan Walling
E-Mail: funds4kids
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hi Hardy,
Yep... that would be me. Betty Benzon is my cousin. As for the little store on Freeman, I bet one of the Treckmans could answer this since they lived next door to that family. I only remember calling it "the little store" and we went there every day and bought Bazooka Bubblegum for one cent... now there's a memory! Every time one of my kids has a rootbeer popsicle, I think of that little store.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Hey Russ, aka el rojo, what picture of the MAGNIFICENT 7 are you referring to?? And, yes, God bless the soul of our friend B. Johnson. What a waste.
Name: Susan Walling
E-Mail: funds4kids
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hi Kathy! I do rememeber the banner that we carried all over CA marching in parades! They couldn't have realized how heavy that thing was when the ordered it! Great news about John, and I'm not surprised that he became a band director. Remember Mr. DeLaO? Well... he is alive and well and just conducted the So. CA Top Talented Student Honors Band that my oldest daughter played in. What an interesting time it was seeing him after all of these years!!!! Four of my five kids are in the El Segundo High School and Middle School bands. (OK... no one can give me a hard time for moving West of Sepulveda to El Stinko!) Besides... I'm in good company here with people like Walt Krumbach. Great to hear from you Kathy!
Susan Walling
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: By the way, Where has the "B" girl been lately? We're missing you up here Sue. Are you out there? It's about time you made an appearance. I'm starting to worry yahno.
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: Hi Konnie Krislock:
While you were bragging about your HHS journalism feats you forgot to tell the loyal alumns you damn near got me fired--but it's OK I still love you dearly. Great to hear it is going well for you and fun to hear about your kids.
Stay in touch on this web and maybe I can buy you one at the next local reunion. JORGE
Note: See George, now you've got my curiousity going here. Either you or Konnie has to explain. :o)
Name: Hardy Hess
Class: 66
Message: Hi all,
Let's clear up this whole thing about the midgets. Actually they were dwarves. They lived in Apt D at 11838 Acacia. My brother owns the building. I lived there in Apt A. from 1975 until about 1978.
There were three people in the apartment. The oldest, Alice was a real character. She did a lot of circus shows as a young adult. Her daughter, Margie I think, and Margie's husband Maurice, aka Maurie. Maurie worked with my brother at Teledyne on Aviation in Hawthorne and was a watch repairman in his past. As far as them being Munchkins I don't know but I know they knew Billy Barty.
To Susan Walling. Are you any relation to Betty Benson, who lived directly behind the apartment house?
Hey what was the name of the market on the NW corner of Freeman and 118th. It was owned by a Japanese fellow whose name I also forgot.
Note: Hardy, Thanks for clearing that one up for us. Man, I don't think I ever knew a midg...dwa....small person who didn't know Billy Barty or Little Oscar. It's like trying to find an Italian that doesn't have Mob connections. :o)
I think the name of the Market on Freeman is called the Freeman Market.
Name: Jim Parisi
E-Mail: 2Parisifamily@home.com
Class: 1961
Message: I'm looking for Wally Ristow and Myron Ferdig. Please respond. Thank you
Note: Hey Jim, Good to hear from you man. Glad you found the site. If you need any help, just give me a shout.
Name: Konnie Krislock
E-Mail: 74512.3324@compuserve.com
Class: 70-78
Message: Susan Bierman King and I were having a Homecoming of sorts this weekend and she said I should get on line with you guys because I was telling some of my famous "cougar" and Fine Print stories about hundreds of you who are constantly in my repertoire when I do guest speaking engagements about high school journalism. Rich Allen (El Molino adviser) and I had dinner in Albuquerque last Friday night and remembered that during our tenure at HHS we had the single largest journalism program for high school students in the USA; he believes that is still a record. I am now a manager for Herff Jones, Inc. (the company that has printed the El Molino for a billion years) and live in both Logan, UT and Phoenix, AZ but travel 20 days a month for HJ still working with high school students and advisers to make better publicatons--some people don't go far from their roots. Zoe lives in Chicago where she is Gap store manager; Zak lives in Norman, OK where he is a bartender and someday will finish the final 8 units for his BA (maybe). This is a great idea for all of us; hope to hear from some of you journalism junkies from the 70s. Even Sharon Bierman who read some of the back Cougar issues last night admits that we were WAY, WAY ahead of our time.
Name: Delia Garza
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: John Darling,
You make me blush!!! Those were nice things you said!!!! ACTUALLY... I have been around lately... just lurking.. grin..
I can never resist popping into your great site! It has become a second home to many.
Keep it up!
(still blushing) Delia
Note: Delia, You have nothing to blush about. Everything I said, I meant. You are a class Cougar, and proud of it. I would hope that this site, through the voices of Cougar alumnus like yourself, could instill pride in the present day Cougars, by allowing them to see what class people have come before them. HHS was, and I hope will continue to be first class all the way. Delia, it's your site too. I just hang the history.
Thank you for being out there.
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