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The Edsels
Rama Lama Ding Dong

Name: Jill Jaynes ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 5, 2008, 8:53 am - HHS Time
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Hey golfers, Bud, Wade and I will be meeting later tonight to discuss this years tournament and to firm some details up. Please check C-town for information. If any of you have any questions, please email Bud, Wade or myself and we will be happy to answer. We are hoping for a huge turnout, after all, this is the 5th annual! We are also hoping for more women to join us.
Hey Jill, I vote to have it on either May 3rd or before, or May 31st or after. 3 of my friends want to play but can't do it between May 10 and May 24th.

Name: Gary Kessler ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 10:14 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: Coto de Caza, California
Message: Does anyone know anything about Jerry, John or David Nicholson. Jerry was about 1956, John about 1958. Also any information on Lennox High alumni. This should give Nick Fitzgerald a challenge.
Hey Gary, I bet someone knows their whereabouts..... Lennox High has their own website. Go here

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 9:22 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
No E-mail
Message: No problem Miss Klein. Okay I have a not so exciting beer story. I do not drink alcohol. My last alcoholic drink was maybe 12+ years ago. I used to drink when I went to Palm Springs and I usually drank Marharitas which I made in my room for the whole hotel. I did get drunk in Honolulu once at a friends wedding. That was my worst. If you added up all the beers I have had in my lifetime it wouldn't add up to even a case if that. I would make one beer last a whole night. Just don't like the taste. I had my first beer ever about 2 years out of high school. I was with Craig Kukuk and Kurt Morlock I think. Just never got into drinking and I have never smoked a cigarette or even held a joint before. But I make up all this by eating. Thank you.

Name: Faelin ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 5:18 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Klein
Class: 1975
City & State: Chico, CA
Message: Keith thank you for the great conversation. Had a great time going back. Also for bringing up the non-profit I started years ago serving both children with and without special needs. If anyone would like more info about Sunshine Kids club please shoot me a email. If you have a child who has special needs and I can help please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Faelin

Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 10:46 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: I just spoke with Jerry. He sounds great for a guy who just had open heart surgery. We had a nice talk. He's the same great guy he was in high school. Thank you Debbie for keeping us up to date on Jerry's progress. He said they are going to get him out of bed in about 15 minutes or so. Our prayers are with you Jerry.
Thanks Sharon.....

Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 8:43 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita, CA
Message: For all the Jerry Miles fans out there, Jerry will be transferred to his own room (#2953) later this morning. The phone number is (916)537-5000 if you'd like to give a call. Thanks very much.

Name: Jim Schroeder ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 8:05 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Central Point, Oregon
Message: In the day, when I was a lad, and was a "regular" at Foster's, it was also referred to-- by those in the know -- as Walt's. I never questioned this nomenclature until now. Anybody know what that was all about? 1964,'65, '66. I shifted allegiance from Taco Tio to Foster's because it had the lot out back where you could drink Red Mountain from a wax cup-- in relative peace. Then I got drafted, which is a whole 'nother story.
Never heard of Walt's....

Name: Jim Gibson ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 4, 2008, 12:21 am - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Redding, CA
Message: Beer story...I'll try to make it short. Big brother Gary got busted by my parents after he & his friends "imbibed" @ our house, but neglected to clean-up a number of empty beer cans. Next time around, they thought they'd be slick, using a very large appliance box to serve as a receptacle for all the empties. They placed it in the center of the living room & everyone tossed their cans in the box. Perfect solution. Problem was, everyone got so hammered, when they all finally left the house, that big ol' box was still in the center of the living room!
Not to mention leaking the dregs of the cans through to the carpet We all were pretty naive back in the day.Thanks Gib.....

Name: Marilyn Ross ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Feb 3, 2008, 5:29 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
City & State: Garden Grove, Ca
No E-mail
Message: I graduated in 1956 and spent a lot of time at Foster Freeze. We never called it Frostys until Foster Freeze moved out. There was another Foster Freeze in Inglewood with the same setup with separate building with hamburgers at one time. I believe it was run by Russ's brother. The hamburgers were the same as the Hawthorne one. Don't know who actually owned it. When The Frostys was closed permanently Russ opened a hamburger restaurant in Lawndale call Russ's. I remember going there when my kids were very small. That would have been in the very early 60's.
Actually I think Russ and his Mom owned Frostys. The place he built on Inglewood Av in Lawndale is now a Mexican restaurant.

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Feb 3, 2008, 12:05 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: Now John, don't you know that it's BECAUSE of CTown that so many have gotten to know Jerry? Unless you & Jerry have a side bet on who is getting the most hits? (LOL) He knows about the posts, but he isn't quite up to using a computer yet. I think he's going to try and watch a bit of the Super Bowl. Hi Danny B., nice to see you post, can't wait to see the other picture of you on CTown!
Thanks Deb, Glad he's up to watching the game.

Name: Keith Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 2, 2008, 10:13 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: Talked to Faelin Klein a couple days ago. It was great talking about old times and talking with her. I am so proud of her and what she is doing. She started an organization called The Sunshine Kids Club up in Chico, Ca. She has dedicated the past 15 years to this organization that is there for kids with special needs and even normal kids. Please visit her website and drop her a line and if you feel like it you can always donate. I think what she has dedicated her life to is ultra admirable.
Hey Keith, Thanks for the update.....

Name: Karen Kuehl ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 2, 2008, 5:11 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
City & State: CA
Message: In answer to the Foster Freeze/Dairy Freeze question posted a few days ago, Russ did not own either. A lady named Rena Jones owned Foster Freeze. When she approached Foster Freeze franchise about putting in a hamburger stand, they said it went against their policy, so she went to Dairy Freeze, who had no problem with her selling hamburgers. Russ was Rena's son-in-law and manager and he built the hamburger stand in the back. It seems that everyone called it Frostee's right from the beginning even after the official name change. The picture of Frostee's was taken in front of the hamburger stand and was part of the ad from the El Molino. Most of the kids pictured each year were from the El Molino year book staff.
Hey Karen, Thanks very much for the information. I knew someone would know the answer. See you on Cruise Night, March 1st.

Name: John Achrem ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 2, 2008, 2:27 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: I would like to sincerely thank the Rael family for the privilege of allowing us (Gloria (V-6) and me) to attend the tribute to Danny last weekend. It was comforting to see how Danny touched a number of lives so deeply; especially as such a devoted husband and loving father. Also, I would like to thank Ricky Rael for sharing his heartfelt tribute to Danny and expressing it so eloquently. Your emotional tribute was a testament to the depth of your love for him. Your brave delivery was admirable and most certainly Danny was as equally proud of you, too. The video was beautifully done and brought back so many memories for everyone present. Lastly, our prayers go out to Erica, Eric and the remaining Rael family. We are truly sorry for your loss. God bless you, Danny and may you rest peacefully?

Name: Lil A. Reitan ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 2, 2008, 1:00 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: Cherry Valley, Ca.
Message: New E-mail Address update Thanks for the memories
Hi Lil, You have to change your email address through the Ctown Info System. You don't have a user name and password yet so click here. Add your Maiden Name like this; McRae not Mc Rae, Thanks very much.

Name: Danny Bellare ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 2, 2008, 3:23 am - HHS Time
City & State: Murrieta Ca
Message: Hi Debbie. Just wanted to say hi to you and Mark and Hi to the rest of Cougartown...Danny B.
Hi Danny....

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 1, 2008, 6:35 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: I called the hospital for an update on Jerry, and they handed the phone to Jerry! We spoke briefly, but this is a huge step from yesterday. Thanks to everybody for leaving nice and funny messages, I'm sure Jerry will enjoy them!
Thanks Deb, I just looked and he's getting more feedback than we are

Name: Anita ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 1, 2008, 11:40 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
City & State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Message: Just thought I'd pass along the latest about Jerry Miles. Word has it that he has been brought out of sedation and is progressing well!
Thanks Anita, for the update.....

Name: Terrence Poublon ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 1, 2008, 9:10 am - HHS Time
City & State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: From President Gloria Jaime-Ramos (HHS 1990) and V. President Sandra Castillo Suarez (LHS 1972)... The CVUHSD District Administration is holding a special board meeting on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5th, 7PM in the Leuzinger High School Rice Auditorium. The District Administration will prepare a presentation to address the State of the District (Hawthorne, Leuzinger, Lawndale, and Lloyd High Schools) for the Board Of Education. In attendance will be Dr. Darline Robles, Superintendent of Los Angeles County Schools. On behalf of Gloria and Sandy, Thank You!

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 31, 2008, 5:24 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: Hi Cougars! I wanted to wait til there was some kind of good word to post about Jerry. He is out of surgery and is stable and doing as well as can be expected. He will be in CSICU and can't get calls for a couple of days, but Mercy has an option to set up a web page to send well wishes and leave messages. You do need to know the name of the page. It's GetWellJerry. Here's the link to get there Thanks for all the well wishes, they are appreciated!
Thanks very much Debbie, I'll be sure to send my wishes tomorrow.

Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 31, 2008, 4:56 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: long beach
Message: My friends and I (Cathy and Lyn you know who you are) used to split a quart of Brew 102 when we went out. I guess you could consider that beer.
Yes you can....

Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 31, 2008, 4:42 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: long beach
Message: I am up here in Sacramento right now. I just phoned Mercy hospital to see how Jerry is doing. He's in ICU, and of course because I am not family, they would not give me any information. You are in my prayers Jerry.

Name: Neil Larson ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Jan 31, 2008, 3:54 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Crestview, FL
Message: Fellow 71?er Mike Kratz? My ?beer story? first time drunk... goes like this- I was working as a Bus Boy at Orville & Wilbur?s Steak House on Rosecrans in 73, pre- legal drinking age of 19. At the time Orville & Wilbur?s was a very hip place to hang out; I frequently waited tables for Dicky Smothers, Dave (Mr. Universe) Draper, Eric Braeden (a.k.a. Victor Newman (CBS), Glen Fry & Don Henley and the occasional Clint Eastwood from Pancho?s across the street. One night at a large group table one soft spoken man kept mentioning ?the S.C.T.A. & the dry lakes? so I eventually asked him if he had ever heard of ?Swordfish? Larson (my Dad) who raced on the dry lakes before the WAR. He said that the name sounded familiar, I asked his name, the man told me he was Craig Breedlove. I fell out! Holy Sheet, the world?s fastest land speed record human! Well we became fairly good friends after that; he would always ask to be seated in my section when he came to eat! One night he came in with a very nice lady, as they sipped champagne Craig told me to go get another champagne glass, I did, and he filled it & told me to drink it! As the night passed he would keep the champagne filled in all 3 glasses, as I went about my work in the restaurant, he would call me to the table & ?force me? to take a healthy sip every time I walked by. I had a bike for transportation at the time, so the ride home from Manhattan Beach to Del Air was a true adventure in balance & dizziness. When I got home, I must have made a hell of a racket because as I stuck my head in the upstairs toilet to Ralph my ?dizziness" my Dad pushed the door open and asked if I was ?OK?? ? to which I replied??Yeah. I?m fine, I just got drunk with Craig Breedlove, I?ll tell you about it tomorrow!!!? My father gave out a chuckle shook his head & went back down stairs to bed.
Good one Neil, thanks much....
