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Brian Wilson;
Classic Beach Boys sound.

This one should take you back
to your days at HHS thinking
about your HHS sweety,
and how long it's been
since you've seen him/her.
Fairy Tale

Name: Mike ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 9:53 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Hinsch
Class: 1977
City & State: North Plains, OR
Message: I just want to give "THREE BIG COUGAR CHEERS" to Jill for a job well done on the 77 reunion. My wife Nancy even said "you had some great friends in school" as she had a great time at the reunion also. It was great talking to Chuck Stoops, Greg Staffon, Kurt Morlock, Sally Hashinsky, Julio Zambrano, Debbie Miles, saying hi to Ernie (EJ) Cursio again. Dennis Kilroy and Chuck Stoops...Your wives are dolls....they are such fun people to come along and enjoy themselves as much (or more) than we did. For those that couldn't make it...we missed you as we stuck around and partied until security herded us up to the bar. Dan hit it on the head with your music selections....what a great era for music which made the memories all come flooding back."THANKS AGAIN JILL" now take a vacation and then get back to work on your wedding! Have you ever thought about becoming an event planner? Mike

Name: Maria Ricci ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 11:02 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Lococo
Class: 1977
City & State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: What a beautiful evening we had for our 30 year reunion! I wasn't ready for it to end when I left at 1am! Thank you Jill, Dan, Dennis and Mike! Hard to believe how fast the time has flown. I remember leaving our graduation ceremony and thinking, "Now what". 30 years later life has taken us on a wild and wonderful ride. Jill rest up and enjoy your wedding. You'll make a beautiful bride. xx

Name: Bob Poorman ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 6:08 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Jill, Dan, Dennis and Mike, Thanks so much for everything! What a blast. I thought I'd see a couple of people that I remembered and maybe a few would even remember me but it turned out that everyone's memories were better than I could have ever imagined. We're all a few (okay quite a few) years older but in the end we're all the people we were way back when. I really enjoyed myself (maybe too much) and will cherish the memories for years to come. Great seeing you all, don't ever change. Now we need to start a count down to the 40th. Thanks again to the team and let's all stay in touch. Take care and take advantage of John's never ending efforts by keeping in contact. I hope to hear from many of you.

Name: Eugene Obillo ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 4:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Harbor City, Califor
Message: I have been reading some of the feedback thoughts of do you remember. One of my favorite things while in school was Green Farms on the corner 132nd and Hawthorne and while working at Boston Store I would often cross the street and by a slab of ribs and a half chicken to eat in the stockroom (certainly can't eat that much anymore. Another favorite was raisin bread from House of Raymond Third favorite place was BBQ Petes. Does anyone else remember these eateries of the past? Just wondering since they have been gone for such a long time.
Hey Eugene, I remember them all. BBQ Pete's chicken was great. I liked the roast beef sandwiches at Green Farms with one of their great pickles too.

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 3:28 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: I grew up on top of the hill of 130th Street, between Hawthorne Boulevard and Ramona Avenue. Great skating there! I could go all the way to the alley before the boulevard and sometimes had to grab the No Parking sign to stop. The steeper side to Ramona was bad news. Sometimes homemade boxcars or scooters collided with cars on that intersection, even with lookouts. No telling how many toes of shoes I wore out having fun with the keyed on skates. I think having your key around your neck on a shoelace was a big thing. Riding my bike up-and-down the street wasn't as much fun. When my boys were in elementary school here, they used to spend hours on Saturday nights going around-and-around the indoor rink wearing shoeskates. I have pictures of me and my old fashioned skates and they thought I was weird - but, they couldn't ever skate backwards!
Great memories Mary Ann, thanks....

Name: Dennis Kilroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 1:51 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: OC CA
Message: Hey John, we had a blast at our reunion last night. Wow! What an event! Thanks to Jill for all her hard work. We will be posting the pictures in the next few days or so (at our site I will let everyone know when. We will also be selling Mike Hincsh's Great Class of 77 Video. More Details to follow. Thanks to all for being there.
Hey Dennis, Glad it was a success and looking forward to the pictures.

Name: linda huthmaker ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 1:48 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: huthmaker
Class: 1963
City & State: torrance, california
Message: Hi-I've just read of Gary Westbrook's passing. I am so sorry, as a fellow classmate of 1963, and send my deepest sympathy to his family. Take good care, everyone, and see you at the Cruise Night this Saturday. Linda Huthmaker
See you there Linda...

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 12:55 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: Hi C-Towner's. Just wanted to express my thanks to the reunion committee for the opportunity to see old friends and get to know some classmates better. It's been said before, but it's very true, that going to reunions is an event not to be missed if you can help it. Looking forward to seeing how Dennis' pictures turn out!

Name: John Heine ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 19, 2007, 3:01 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Torrance, Ca
Message: I just wanted to be the first to thank Jill, Dan, and Dennison on the great job they did with our 30 year reunion. Outstanding!! It was great seeing all of you.. p.s. Mr. Poorman, send me email or I'll have to stage a student walkout without you!! Best to all........

Name: jim sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 6:05 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: solvang, yes solvang
Message: Tracy Jones was right handed as was little brother Heath but middle brother Terry was lefthanded. The Jones boys could play. You may remember that Tracy and Paul O'Neil came up at the same time with the Reds. Tracy got all the PT in right field until he stumbled over a pitching mound along the right field line in San Francisco, I believe. He tore up his knee and was never the same. At the time he was hitting well over 300 and was on his way to a great career. Then George bit him and it all went downhill after that.

Name: Terrence Poublon ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 6:00 pm - HHS Time
City & State: San Jose, CA
Message: I have a Cougartown sighting to share with you. I spent a July weekend in Hood River, Oregon with Linda Stoddard Frizzell and her husband Norman. Linda is a 1960 Hawthorne High Graduate... and was my 4th Grade Teacher at Williams Elementary (1972-73). I've got photos on The Leuzinger High School - Class of 1981 website that I am very proud to share with you! Linda is just as beautiful as she ever was. The Best People seem to come out of Hawthorne High School. Now, why is that? Must be "Cougartown PRIDE!"
Thanks again, Terrence, but I think it's COUGAR pride.

Name: Terrence Poublon ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 5:49 pm - HHS Time
City & State: San Jose, CA
Message: Hello John and Cougartown... Gloria A. Ramos-Jaime of Hawthorne High's Class of 1990 and Sandra Castillo Suarez of Leuzinger's Class of 1972 are running for Centinela Valley High School District Board Member Seats. Both candidates are very involved in The Hawthorne and Lawndale Communities... and will bring about positive changes for the students and the schools. To learn more about them, go to The Leuzinger High School - Class of 1981 website news page... Thank You For Your Support!
Hey Terrence, I've met both personally and you cannot go wrong with either. Gloria, a very talented and well spoken Cougar who heads up the library among other things at Lawndale High and Sandra, a fine Olympian, and who I haven't seen in a few years, but is very instrumental in all the goings on with Leuzinger's Memorabilia Days. I say it's a pick'em. Thanks Terrence for the info....

Name: Jim Peppers ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 5:46 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Athens, Greece
Message: I wonder how many of us that attended HHS also went to Ramona elementary school. Most of the time on the feedback, it seems other schools are mentioned. When Mary Ann brought up the square dancing at Ramona, it certainly brought up fond memories. I remember it well and had a pretty good time the few times that I went. My sister, Sandy, was really into it. What I recall the most was the square dance dress that my mother made for her. I also remember the skating parties, but I don?t remember where they took place. I loved them. I was pretty good at it. But the skating that I remember with the warmest feelings were with the metal roller skates with their skate keys that we used on the sidewalks. We didn?t wear helmets or knee pads or any other protection that I can think of. Some of the crashes were absolutely spectacular. Of course there were lots of skinned knees and elbows, but what a blast! Thanks Mary Ann for the ?blast from the past?. Jim Peppers

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 3:29 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: Yep, Howard - those were the days. Night time swimming "dates" at the HHS pool, girl's softball and boy's baseball. None of us were quite old enough to drive yet. Mr. Haskell was a nice man and he also coached American Legion. Dr. Fraser was my dentist and neighbor - he always asked about the team. I look at girl's athletics now and the opportunities and college scholarships available. Does anyone remember the PTA Hawthorne Intermediate skating parties at the Westchester rink? I think my dad feared that I'd end up a roller derby skater! Going back a bit further, does anyone remember the square dancing at Ramona School? I kinda sound like Happy Days, huh?
I remember HIS skating night, but I always thought it was in Culver City. My good friend, George Gates went to Ramona and tried to get me to go to the square dances numerous times but I always chickened out.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 18, 2007, 7:44 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Manhattan Beach
Message: Tracy Jones, another great moment in my "athletic" history. '76-'77 HHS basketball at Lawndale. We're playing a zone defense and I'm down on the left block. Jones (who I believe was a sophomore at the time) gets the ball on the wing, fakes left (he's lefthanded remember), freezes me (we called it "faked me out of my jockstrap") and then crosses over and goes baseline for a lay up. The coach pulls me from the game and berates me for being "lackadaisical"! Are you kidding me? My 100% effort was no match for a superior athlete making a great play. But at least after 30 years I'm no longer bitter. See everyone tonight

Name: Cathy ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 10:14 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Taylor
Class: 1987
City & State: Billings, MT
Message: In reference to Clarks note about Sr. Square. I was looking at some old pics that I have and one we had 14 people sitting across one of the outside walls with room for at least 2 more on each end. Dont know footage wise, but hope it helps. Oh and I cant wait to see some Cougars NEXT week. Our 20 yr reunion is only a week away!!!!!!! I plan on draggin the old man over to Fosters to meet some Cougartown folk beforehand.
Hey Cathy, Look forward to meeting you and your hubby on the 25th of August. All the August 25th reunion people please come by and do the same.

Name: Howard "Paco" Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 9:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Lake Forest
Message: Mary Ann, the wife Sharon played on that team. Mr. Haskell coached the team and was sponsored by Dr. Fraser. Boy, those girls could play and fun to watch!

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 5:46 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: Eddie was one fine pitcher, coached by HHS alum Bebe Jones - father of former Big Leaguer, Tracy Jones. I always thought the Jones brothers got their genes from mom, Susan Haskell - also a Cougar grad and former Song Queen. I played a lot of softball at Eucalyptus Park for Mr. Haskell and with Susan and her sister Charlene. We even had a mother's team associated with Wiseburn LL - lost one game in two years. Bebe was one tough coach.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 4:53 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Holly Park
Message: Holly Park, scene of my greatest athletic failure. Aviation LL v. Wiseburn. Bases loaded, two outs, bottom of the sixth, down one run. I had been coaching third base the whole game. Coaches called me in to pinch hit against Eddie Saez (sp?). I struck out and we went to Dockweiler so my tears wouldn't flood Hawthorne. On the way, we heard "Hold You Head Up" by Argent. And if it hurts, don't let them see you cry you can take it . . . " Uh, not really :-) When I was 9, I actually played a year at Hawthorne American but they changed the boundries which lead me to Aviation.

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 3:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: I always considered Holly Park (not Holly Glen) to be a neat park. Back in the day it was considered an unincorporated part of Hawthorne, What was kind of cool about it was watching small aircraft come in for a landing at Hawthorne Municipal. I think this park had kind of a wilderness area too. The park is probably gone now.
Don't remember the wilderness area but do remember the baseball parks.

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 17, 2007, 2:29 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: One more message from the reunion czar! I have had a few people ask me about other hotels in the area for Saturday night. I have compiled a list of nearby hotels, and the info should be posted on our reunion website. If not, please email me directly and I will be happy to email you one. I will also make copies on hand at the reunion tomorrow night.
