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Roy Orbison
Candy Man

Name: Carl Tank ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Aug 22, 2007, 8:07 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: After many months of planning, the '71 and '72 Reunion is upon us. The confirmed attendees for this weekend's main event are up on our web site- We also hope to see many of you at the Stick n Stein on Friday night!
Thanks Carl, and have a great reunion...

Name: Karen ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Aug 22, 2007, 8:06 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Harrison
Class: 1971
City & State: Manhattan Beach
Message: is the girl in red just below gloria yorkey anita mccullum?
YES IT IS!!...thanks Karen

Name: Marlene Blair ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Aug 22, 2007, 7:03 am - HHS Time
Maiden: George
Class: 1967
City & State: Coto de Caza, CA
Message: To my big brother Bruce (class of '62).....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Seems like only a "few" years ago that I was riding in the back of your '57 Chevy with you and your friend's "longboards" heading to the beach...Love, Your Little Sis
John....we will see you at Cruise night...
Hey Bruce, Happy Birthday man. How about coming to Cruise Night with your Sis?? Thanks Marlene, see you there....

Name: Joyce ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Aug 22, 2007, 12:02 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Terry
Class: 1972
City & State: Haw
Message: Class picture...I kinda think the girl in the middle with the red shirt might be Anita..sorry don't know last name.
You nailed that one, Joyce, thanks....

Name: Keith Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 11:16 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: I got a call at around 11:30pm on Saturday from Brenda McCormick and talked to Rod Johnston, Dan Johnson, Mitch Shook and a few others. I mean it has been 30 years since I seen or heard their voices and it awesome. I truly wish we could have reunions every year. I moving to Vegas in about 2 to 3 weeks so it looks like I won't have a good excuse not to come. Hopefully we can plan a mega-multi-year reunion so I can see all my friends. I truly think about my past a lot and the people in it were awesome and still are awesome. And it looks like that Anaheim Walk is looking like City Walk up at Universal

Name: Karen ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 9:58 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Harrison
Class: 1971
City & State: Manhattan Beach
Message: Is top row third from right Stephanie Shaner? Second row middle girl I think her name is Gloria
Hey Karen, you got one of them....

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 1:54 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Manhattan Beach
Message: That picture is too funnny but it screams out for an explanation -- that is the three of us playing "air guitar" to the Cult's "She Sell's Sanctuary." By the way, that is my ring finger extended.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 10:42 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Message: I do appreciate all of the positive comments on the music, although it was really no trouble taking that trip down memory lane and creating iPod playlists. I thought the funniest music related thing I saw was a full dance floor to Stanley Clarke's "Rock n Roll Jelly" -- I never thought I'd see that! The reunion was a bit like a wedding -- there were so many people I wanted to see and talk with but the time just evaporated. For example, I kept meaning to say hi to the Greasby girls but kept getting pulled in a 100 different directions and never got the chance -- so "hi" Stacy and Leslie! I will offer this advice to future reunion planners -- if you do it at a place that has a curfew, try to start it as early as possible -- like noon. That way, everyone will have more time to try to talk to everyone they want to see. A few of us did close the BelaMar lounge -- did I mention that Robert "don't call me Bob" Poorman and Kelly McGrath are truly lunatics of epic proportions? Anyway, this is your reunion DJ signing off the air until 2017.

Name: Susie ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 10:03 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 1971
City & State: Too hot in ABQ
Message: Greg Guild next to Jeanne Aakhus, and Dennis Byrne in the top row, four over ....
Hi Susie, you got Dennis...

Name: Stacy ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Aug 21, 2007, 7:46 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Greasby
Class: 1977
City & State: Whittier, CA
Message: Better late than never! My kudos to Jill McFarlane and the reunion committee for putting on such a great and enjoyable evening. It was fun to see everyone and catch up with what they were all doing now. My sister and I had a wonderful time. Thanks again - we look forward to the next one.
Hey Stacy, Glad you had a great time....

Name: Chris Prewitt ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 8:33 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Coming near Disneyland there is a new shopping area called "Anaheim Garden Walk". On the third floor there is a rather large store called "Brian Wilson's" Does anyone know anything about it?
Not a clue....

Name: Karen ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 8:31 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Harrison
Class: 1971
City & State: Manhattan Beach
Message: I am not sure but think the girl immediately above the teacher could be Dottie Buzby...See everyone Friday and Saturday!!!
Sorry Karen, nice try....

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 7:41 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: I didn't go to Hawthorne Intermediate during Junior High, but some of those faces look familiar to me from when I was at HHS in the 9th grade. The person on the far right lower corner could have been Vince Lombardi. The person two people up from the teacher might be Tim McKay. The person on the bottom row and second person over might be Bobby Shelton, who lived across the street from me on W. 120th Street way back in elementary school days. The person on the far right side and two people down might be Dennis Byrne who I remembered from the track team. And the person 3rd from the bottom and two people over might have the last name of Hess. Wow, hey thanks for the pictures John. How about some class pictures from the class of 1971 when we were at Eucalyptus Elementary? Maybe I have some in storage somewhere, I'll take a look.
Hey Kyle, you got a couple, thanks and as far as class pictures go, be prepared to wait at least a couple of years as that's how long the line is

Name: Debra ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 7:34 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Lee
Class: 1972
City & State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hey Cougars, been a long time. Lots of stuff has happened. I'm looking forward to this weekend's reunion. I'm there with bells on, despite a pretty decent house fire. Been living in a hotel for almost a week, with a few more weeks ahead. I signed an agreement to sell my house on Monday and the fire occurred on Wed. Drama ... Anyway, like a good neighbor State Farm is there ... and I will be there for the reunion! Looking forward to a great time. Thank God for Firemen ...
Hey Debra, Glad you're OK, and back. See you this weekend....

Name: Dennis Kilroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 4:27 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: OC CA
Message: OK I have loaded a few Pictures from the Reunion. Right now they are in a flash album without names. So give me a little bit of time to add names and make it nice. (Soon I will add a section for downloading & printing) I tried to talk to everybody and take everyone's picture, but it is not possible. Our class still know's how to Party! What a blast! (Go to our site and click on "77Photos")
Thanks Dennis....

Name: Paul "DJ Flare" Hall ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 4:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1988
City & State: Gardena, CA
Message: I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still DJ'ing and look forward to play at any of your festive events. Take care, Flare(310) 968-9877
Hey Paul, Thanks for checking in and be sure to add yourself to our Alumni List.

Name: Bob Jensen ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 4:18 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Greater Los Angeles
Message: Fifth row down, third picture from the left is Jack Swanson. Absolutely the most influential teacher in my life. I have him to thank for my success personally and professionally. He taught me that anyone can achieve what ever they put their mind to do even if they are missing one of their senses. For those younger readers, Mr. Swanson went blind at an early age but achieved all of the goals that he set forth to do. Out of town people are starting to arrive for the 71/72 reunion. This is going to be a good one. Don?t forget about Friday night at Stick-n-Stein starting at 6 p.m. and don?t forget about Fosters Freeze on Saturday the 25th at 4 p.m. and remember the 71/72 reunion is at the Hacienda Hotel, El Segundo starting at 6 p.m. Neil, don?t get lost!

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 4:11 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: One more thing class of 77, I have one more thank you to send out, and that is to my Mom, Nancy McFarlane. She was the lady who took pictures as everyone started to arrive. If you want more copies of the pictures, or you didn't get yours, let me know, I will forward copies to you. Again, the people who attended made the reunion fun and enjoyable!

Name: Noreen ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 1:09 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Crotty
Class: 1972
City & State: Westchester, CA
Message: I think I recognize 3 people in the picture. 1st row - second person Jeanie Aakhus, 2nd row - second person Bill Booth, and 4th row second person - Bob Jensen. Hopefully I'll be able to recognize more than 3 classmates at the reunion this Saturday.
Hi Noreen, You are 3 for 3; thanks and good luck next weekend at your reunion.

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 11:27 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: The class of 77 just totally rocks! Thanks for all the kudo's, but I did not do this alone. I want to thank Dan Johnson for a great musical selection, it kicked! Dennis Kilroy for our website, which kept everyone in the know. To Mike Hinsch, who worked really hard on the DVD of the class of 77, by the way, we still have copies if anyone is interested in purchasing one, email me. The proceeds will go to either to the next reunion fund, or the HHS alumni fund. I also need to thank Carolyn Daves, Bevan Feist & Pam McLinden for getting there early and helping me with the set up. The memorabilia provided was a kick! Thanks to Kelly McGrath and Lily Reilley for helping me check people in. But the person who really deserves the kudo's for making this reunion so successful are the people who attended! It seems we are too old for dancing, but we still like to party! I had heard some of you closed down the lounge. Anyway, thanks to everyone that came and had a good time.

Name: Jim Schroeder ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 10:40 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Central Pt, Oregon
Message: Just got back from the 66/67 40 year reunion. Long walk to Oregon from Torrance. Happy to report that the boss babes of 66/67 are now lovely ladies. The Princess sandwich was the best thing on the buffet, and because Sloey was not present there was plenty of punch and cake for all. Great to meet King John in person. He taller and more handsome in living color than his Cougartown pictures can reveal. And as he says, "Don't miss your reunions folks." Thanks to the organizers and classmates for making it special. My terpsichorean talent - previously displayed on Lloyd Thaxton - was unwrapped again with the encouragement of Bud Weiser. It was like watching a train wreck. Catching up on feedback: Bart Graves (what a clod) broke his arm on the Ramona/130th hill on a skateboard. * I also was in attendance at the 1959 CIF Championship game vs L.B. Poly. Did anyone who was there find my wallet? I was sitting in the peristyle end (by myself) due to severe flatulence and a bout with juvenile rhonchus. I do remember several exciting kick-off runbacks. Willie Brown & Jim Reale. Anyone?
OK, well I may be a little taller, and Bud W. is the only way I'll get out there too. The more Bud, the better I do....until later when someone shows me the video.
That was Jim Reale's swan song as a Cougar. He didn't play the rest of the game as he had the flu bug. He said he'd been hanging around you that afternoon. Could it be that you caused our star running back's early exit, effecting the outcome?? Now it comes out. Thanks Jim, glad you made it back to God's country unscathed and good to see you too after 50 years.

Name: jim sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 20, 2007, 10:00 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: new york city
Message: John you said that the only way you would let me out of the next cruise night is, if and only if one of my sons got married. We are leaving tomorrow for Nick's wedding, #3 son, in the big apple on cruise night the 25th. I know it is not an excuse for you JB but I'll be in New York City. Be sure to watch the TODAY show Monday morning. Additionally I had a Cougar sighting yesterday. Returning from Florida Debby and I had lunch with some dear friends at the Daily Grill in El Segundo when who walks by but Chuck Griffin, class of '67. Looks like he is still 17. Good to see you Chuckie! On a further note, Colby #4 son, one of the golf pros at Trump in RPV has been dating a young lady, Amie Cochran, who yesterday finished even on the LPGA's Canadian Open.
Hey Jim, OK you're excused from this Cruise. I'll see you at the next one, unless Colby decides to get married on that day. Thanks for the Cougar Sighting too.
