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.....this one's dedicated to Fosters Cruise Night The Beach Boys
Name: christine baird () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 23:11:37
E-Mail: bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: el rojo...i don't know you...but i sure did laugh at your shining story! ") you are absolutely right...you must laugh all the way through your marriage...my husband and i have been married 20 yrs. and i am often the 'butt' of many of his jokes! and sometimes i laugh so hard it brings tears to his eyes! ") but please...for your wife's sake...do something about that shine! ") hehe ")
Name: Joyce Chance () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 22:43:21
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Sports Night Memories:
Jim Calkins(61)taking me home and asking my advice on how to win Carol Dunlap(61)back after a little spat. Guess he listened, they have been married for 36 years! We have been through alot together and I'm sure we will continue to be there for each other. They are the true meaning of Friendship, love you both.
Gordon Downing if you are out there, "Save the last dance for me!"
"Let friendships begun,stay true 'til the end."
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 21:12:17
Class: 66
Message: CROWN PRINCE? MENTIONED IN THE SAME SENTENCE WITH ROBIN HOOD? I should have bought a lotto ticket. I am not royalty but I always thought Robin was a Queen, No I am kidding Robin, I am truly truly flattered to be mentioned with Robin Hood, he was always my idol. And Chuck Currie was right about where to find coolness it be Robin! Well Sharon my plans are changed the tournament my son was to have played in next week is the following week, so I shall be there. I am bringing my brudder too and his kids and my lovely wonderful wife, and no she is not reading this and she may never see it, but it is nothing I would not say to her face! So crank up the Beach Boys. I told you Judy DeGrazia it would be the 24th! Lucky guess huh! Looking forward to seeing all you folks and Robin you should be here. It is not often we can claim to be royalty! See ya on the 24th!
Jim Sloey
All Right James. We'll see you and your clan on the 24th. It just keeps getting better and better.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 20:58:12
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Absolutely amazing.....these pages are multiplying faster than rabbits. I will be thinking of all of the Cougars lucky enough to be Cruisin' next Saturday night. I will be camping out and set up to sell at an antiques market that night. Looking forward to seeing the pics of the big event.
Thanks Sharon, I know you'll feel the "Good Vibrations" in Wisconsin.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 20:21:15
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Hey John, I am adding my few lines to the cause. I sure don't want you to lose your ranch. (you own a ranch????) Yes, Loretta, I always knew he liked you best :o( . Hey Russ, if you have been "completely bald" since age 25, why do they still call you el rojo ? (by the way, I like all your stories) Well you all, have a great time at Fosters next Sat. I wish I could be there too. Maybe my John and I will cruise the Dairy Queen in Klamath Falls. Hey John, maybe I can send my Lisa in my place. She would love it, you know how she feels about you. Whadda ya think????
Yes, Send her on over. She'll fit right in. The reason they call Russ "El Rojo" is because when he goes out in the sun and forgets his cap, well........
Name: el rojo () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:54:16
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen/kiester
Class: 60/61
Message: john and fellow COUGS. this little story is true and will get us a little closer to the REAL 100. even though Jude an I will be there in spirit only. its about how we've stay married as long as we have. you see i went totally bald by the time i was 25 and shes always fought her weight. well we both have given each other more than a little ribbing about this throughout our marriage. one summer night in about our 22nd yr or so of marriage, we retired to bed. there was a full moon and a gentle breeze blowing so we left our blinds and window open. i was just about to doze off and Jude says "honey" real soft. my thoughts immediately were "ooh, ooh i'm going to get lucky. i said "yes babe". she says "could you please roll over". i thought "what for" i'm not snoring or anything yet". so i responded "what for". and this is the GODS truth. she says to me, "well the moon's shining off your head and shining in my eyes and i can't go to sleep". then she started laughing like hell and says "GOTCHA". i couldn't do anything but laugh. we've never forgotten that to this day. Moral of this story, you've got to be able to take it as well as give it and laugh all the way! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL and ID QUEEN.
Man, I lost it on that one. I almost gagged up my SPLEEN!!! What a great story. Thanks El and ID. and Be a Coug'!!!
Name: Larry Biller () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:52:21
E-Mail: lbiller@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
Message: Connie Jax: I checked my 8th grade class picture
from Dana and there you are just to the left of me. Mr. Brunton was the teacher.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:46:14
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: I understand my email address is getting turned around. It is correct on the alumni page - dsc goes first then wingo. dscwingo@pacbell.net. Thanks for letting me clear that up. Look forward to hearing from you.
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:27:58
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: Sherry Peppers Wingo: If you are married to some guy named "Doug", then who was that man you were with when I met you at Sandy's back in June? I sure don't remember you introducing him to me as "Doug". I could be wrong...could be flashbacks from the 60's. Our parents DID tell us that what we ingested back then would one day come back to haunt us! Maybe I should take the fifth right about now...this hole is getting deeper. JB, only funnin' as LEEROY would call it. Sherry knows me better than that...right Sherry? Sherry? Come on Sherry, answer me. And as far as "Doug" goes, he has been married to an HHS alumni for many years and I think he should be considered an honorary alumni (this is called sucking up time). Have fun cruisin' next week.
OK, It's settled. Because Doug married an HHSer and because there are so many Wingos in HHS's past (ie Bill, Pat, etc.), I hereby decree that Doug is an honorary Coug. Doug and Coug are actually almost spelled the same' so there you go. Enjoy it Doug. No Charge!!
Name: mike angle () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:04:39
E-Mail: mangle4@aol.com
Class: 67
Message: Hi John! It's only mid-July and the FEEDBACK TOP 100 is almost to the mark. Almost as quickly as these many years have tumbled by. As highschool confessions go, I remember a typically warm Hawthorne day in 1964. A Saturday also in mid-July that reached at least 90 degrees by 1:30 that afternoon. We had arranged to meet in the front (pool parking lot) of the school about that time for a date to a pool/bbq party that a mutual friend was having.
Watching north along Inglewood Ave., I could see the heat rising in shimmering waves off the pavement and in the distant mirage I could make out a single figure. On the otherwise empty street, a late 40's Dodge/Plymouth sedan passed noisily, mock drag racing from El Segundo, past "The Dairy" on up toward the park and 120th. That hotrod made a "wolf whistle" as it passed the gym building at the south west corner of Eucalyptus Park. I was further distracted as my friend, Mike, who was "at work, as usual" called across to me from the dairy, "Yo...Mikie!!!".
I waved back then returned my gaze to the north and the approaching figure. Was it her?
The heat of the day made me somewhat dizzy as did the vision looming ever closer, rising up out of the heat like a Phoenix. A California blonde in a bikini top and cutoffs. The sight of her took mybreath away. Much closer now, she gently quickened her steps. Smiling, she reached and took my arm, holding my hand with both of hers. As we walked the next few blocks to the party, we talked and laughed and she continued to hold my hand with both of hers. This dream of a girl, this young goddess had consented to spend her afternoon and evening with me!
Life in our town? Oh yes, life was good!!
P.S. Connie, Larry hasn't changed much. He's just taller and wears a "cookie duster" mustache. And probably the reason you didn't see many HHSers at UNDER THE PIER is because it was a underage club (16 to 20 only) and didn't open until '73 or '74.
Thanks John for the opportunity to add just one more slice of Hawthrone life to an already great
Hey Mike, What the H-E double Christmas stockings kind of an ending to a story is that. You got us all worked up here man. Come On, finish the "Blonde in the Bikini top and cutoffs story", WILL YA!! Don't give me that "Life was Good" crud. How about the good part huh......please.
Name: Cindy Gardner () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:01:25
E-Mail: Cgar311524@aol.com
Maiden: Mulcahy
Class: 1973
Message: I have relocated back to the area and would like to get an update on anyone that went to Hawthorne during my tenure. Hope to hear from someone soon.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 15:48:03
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hello Hello Cheryl, Glad to see you too are still out there reading (OUR DAILY NEWSPAPER), now that you mentioned that time with BJ, I remember!!
Now, we can't get too upset with John, He has been working very hard to get things together. There was no special pull in getting Larry's picture in Cougartown, I just sent Larry's info back in February. I beat you by a Month. John we love you, you know it!! See Ya Saturday
Yeah Cheryl, I like Loretta more than you, that's all.Be a Coug.....
Name: Frank Romano () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 14:17:10
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: J.B. the truth shines... There are TWO! Now we know how so much work is accomplished at CT. You have a twin held captive... You can tell which twin is over worked by the eyes in that photo. Since there's been so much going on, you should at least take the fellow with on cruise night. Just how much ice cream could the poor devil eat?
Great job JB, and you too JB! Good to see all the feedback, and nice to see Jim Lambert check in along with all the other new entries.
Hey Frank, We thank you. No, actually I fixed that little technical problem that was only showing up on Internet Explorer browsers. There's only ONE of me again. If you see TWO of me, please use your Reload or Refresh button and that should take care of it. Thanks
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 12:54:54
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Jim Bistolas!! If you don't say hello to me I'm going to tell everyone some of your after high school escapades! I really will... My husband still owes you for all those spills on the ski slopes that you caused! Well, I will say this: Jim's wife says he's still the entertainer he was way back when!
Does anyone remember the Surfing Santa Claus in Hermosa Beach? His picture was on the cover of the Hermosa Beach Easy Reader every Christmas (or thereabouts). His name is Paul Matthies (yup, my husband's uncle). Just all this talk of Hermosa Beach made me think of it! Did anyone ever go to The Plunge in Hermosa (that indoor swimming pool)?
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 12:30:21
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: No, I'm no relation to Pat Wingo. I remember her though - think she was a couple years ahead of me. I've been married 30 years to someone who never attended HHS. His name is Doug. Thanks for this site. It's wonderful.
Sherry, Tell Doug we ARE sorry that he never got the opportunity to go to HHS. It IS sad really.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 11:56:01
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: JOHN : You have staff ???
I dunno, maybe I'm just paranoid but I suspect someone's stuffing the ballot box here ... last time I checked in it was 93 pages and that was only a day or two ago (or was it???) Cyndi Laird, I don't know your cuz but I found a phone listing and think I'll give her a call just to scare her... make her think she's been nominated to run some big Camp-O-Ree or something... this should be fun! Cindy Ediger I can't believe you have a 19 year old son! Guess you got busy early! Good grief we're only 29 now (!!) Beth (T1) I think you should delay the mountain trek (no pun intended...) to go to Fosters... bring the whole fam dam, that's what I'm doin'! Cindy Whitaker if you are in town you had BETTER be at Fosters... Valerie it's great to see you check in; time to warm up those memory banks and recall some of those great "PARTY AT HAHLBECKS" stories! Jim Sloey and Robin Hood I am so disappointed that you won't be at Fosters; I was really looking forward to meeting the Crown Princes of Cougartown. (JB you ARE the KING!) I hope you'll both be at the Oct 15 football game. Oh by the way, mom V always liked me best!!!
Thanks Swifty.... you may rise. No, I have no staff. Right now the Feedback pages are falling at a rate of one per day, so it WILL be next Saturday.
It's gonna be a fun night. Can't wait to see you, "The Ice Man", and "Second Story Al" again. Also looking forward to meeting Mom "B" in person, as well as the whole Branigan clan. See you all Saturday. Thanks Sharon. . . . .
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 11:27:32
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: the same
Class: 1975
Message: yes Dale, I'm planning on being there as long as I don't get knee replacement surgery between now and then to go with the matching hip. Need one more surgery on the hip to tighten the muscles. So as long as I haven't fallen and can't get up (private joke!,) I'll see you there. Maybe you get the Bionic Woman comment I made a few pages back now John! Hi to all my old friends from the class of 75 great reading your input!
Name: pam short () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 10:39:41
E-Mail: tshort@wyoming.com
Maiden: fulton
Class: 1971
Message: Hey, Gary Nelson....you probably dont remember me, but I used to visit your mom for cookies...Anybody else out there remember the sparkly sidewalks in (uh oh, having a brain fart here,,,)was it Inglewood? or the wooden floors in Newberrys on Hawthorne Blvd? I went to York, HIJH, and HHS. Anybody from my time and space? I was wondering if anybody knows Beth Williams, Debbie Weller, Becky Schneider (all '71).???
Pam, There's a David Weller HHS74 and Stephen Weller HHS75 on the alumni list ; also a Lani Schneider HHS72. You might email them and see if they're kin.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 10:10:05
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
Have you assigned anyone to bring nametags for Saturday's Cruise Night at Foster's? How about sharpie pens? I thought it would be a good idea for those of us who are "memory challenged". ;) I don't know many of the '70s people; why don't you volunteer someone from that decade to do the nametag distribution.
Leeroy, since you have all that money I think I will withdraw my offer to purchase an ice cream for you and move it to the "youngest" cougar there by 8PM. I hope you will understand. We may need to check California ID's. (John, you don't need to bring your fake ID because I know you are not the youngest!) I don't know what to do if they don't yet have a CID; b'cert?
Betty Kean Rodriguez HHS69 is having nametags made up, thanks to her children's inheritance, so we've got that covered. We'll try to get the nametags set up by the music, so they're easy to find. When you get there, please get a nametag and write BIG for us old guys.Chris, Again, please bring the Sharpies. If there's anything else that we're overlooking, please let us know. Thanks........
Name: Jim Lambert () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 03:50:54
E-Mail: landdtax@aol.com
Class: 62
Message: Hey John: Great job with Cougartown, especially covering the 30 year reunion for the Class of '62. I cannot believe that it has been 7 years since that reunion. I think you people are trying to make me feel old, :-0. I am looking forward to the 40th year reunion. I may even be a grandparent by then, ;-). I have spent an hour and a half perusing Cougartown this evening, and you and your staff are to be commended for a job well done. Thanks Jim
Hey Jim, How're you doin'. Hope to see you at Fosters next weekend. It should be a kick. Thanks for adding your 2 cents and do NOT be a stranger here. This is your site too. Thanks Jim..........
Name: Connie () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 03:30:41
E-Mail: sncbeverly@aol.com
Maiden: Jax
Class: 67
Message: To: Larry Biller. Thanks for the name of the club on the Redondo Beach Pier. I remember Dennis Higgins was a bouncer there. I don't remember seeing very many other HHS grads there. I think we had some classes together maybe algebra, english ( I had Baxter all 4 years, art, spanish(Bravo), Govt (Gore). Or maybe from Dana in 8th grade? How did your visit go with the Angle's?
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 02:47:51
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Class: 62
Message: Jennie and Karen Hare I was real sorry to read about Donnas' passing. I remember how much fun my brother, Jim and sister, Sandy had with her. She will truly be missed. I'm looking forward to Fosters Sat. night. Don't worry John I'm sure the 60's Cougs are reading their Feedback and will be there with real school spirit. Go Cougars
Sherry, Are you Pat Wingo's sister in law? Pat was in my class in 7th and 8th grade plus a few HHS classes. A fun classmate. You must be married to Bill.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 01:48:34
E-Mail: KewlDaad41@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: Sorry for my delay in responding to Feedback, wife
and I had disagreement on which carrier to use Earthlink or AOL. Well. I put my foot down and said "Its Earthlink or Nothing" Please see my new URL to see how I fared.....Hello y'all Looking forward to seeing most of you at Foster's. Susan Ciampi was only 5' 11"? seemed twice that tall to me?? Klingenhagen ya going Saturday to Foster's??? Hope to see some 75ers "representin" come 7/24/99 Note to John if you insist on putting "my grill" next to my responses, use my Senior Picture, only cool Hair Day I had for all my school pics. Keep the Peace Soul Dale
Dale, Sorry, I won't have your class until after Fosters. Can you Wait??Also, you should have listened to your wife and stuck with Earthlink.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 01:15:15
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Does anyone remember burying beers in the sand at 26th street on Friday night and digging them up Saturday afternoon after surfin for a "warm one"?? My ex Fred, crazy Craig, Larry Pogue, Danny Trepanier, etc.,etc., etc., used to be real good at it. (I, of course, just went along for the ride.) How 'bout the parties around 26th street where everyone poured their beverage of choice into a big, plastic, kid's swimming pool in the living room for our 60's version of "gator aid"?? The Insomniac coffee house in Hermosa? Dewey Weber and his start-up surfboard shop? The GREAT bakery just down the street from the 26th St Beach where we would all chip in for just one of those fantastic Napolians! Oh those were the days....beer and napolians and no calorie worries!!
Name: Beth Meade () on Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 01:08:53
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 75
Message: It is great how the CT feedback has rekindled feelings of school spirit! Today I went down to Hermosa Beach to watch my nieces (Patti's girls) play in a volleyball tournament. The Southern California lifestyle IS truly great--agreed! Anyway, when I was going to return to the Conejo, I decided to take a tour through Hawthorne again. It was exciting, especially after reading the feedback, connecting with old friends and checking out the other pages of this site. St. Joseph's looks great. It has a fresh paint job and lots of construction going on. HHS looks OK too - very different from 1975 - but of course my kids were interested in seeing where Mom went to high school. I drove by our old house at 118 St. and Menlo. Very interesting! The pine tree my dad planted is huge! Freeman Market used to be called Ben's Market (good place to buy pickles and pixi sticks). Thanks again for the great school spirit! Have a great time at Foster's. I'll be in Mammoth. Beth
Name: George Inman () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 23:57:42
E-Mail: drillsgt@gte.net
Class: 66
Message: e-mail me ..I was top of my Class...
The class of 66's Valedictorian??? You must have a story George.
Name: Cheryl () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 23:15:15
E-Mail: You Know
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: OK! Now I get it! "I" gotta BEG. Oh Fine! (You do make me smile, John Boy)
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 22:16:28
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Hey Loretta, "Sports Night", you got my attention. Yes, yes, first dance with B.J. Even took me home that night, along with Jim Hoel and Tonya. I bet she remembers too. Some things I DO remember. Oh yea, about "Car Pics", I ah, gave Our John Boy here, pictures of my Johns Red 61 Chevy months ago,(back in March) but still look for them to come up on "Car Talk" page, but no luck so far. You must have more pull than little ole me. (sigh)
OK OK now, I hate to hear a good friend get down on her knees and beg like a dog for a bone. Here's a nice shot of the right front fender.
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