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.....this one's dedicated to Fosters Cruise Night The Beach Boys
Name: Ernie Nixon's wife () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 22:00:20
E-Mail: ErnBren2@AOL.com
Message: This message is for Beulah and Leeroy F. I sure hope you two come to cruise nite in Hawthorne next weekend. I NEED YOUR SUPPORT!! I am a small hicktown girl who married a Big City Hawthorne Boy (Ernie Nixon '63) way back on July 30, 1966. He finally gave up in 1969 and brought me back to this little bitty hicktown called Oildale, which is north of the Big City Hicktown of Bakersfield. We have done some compromising...He attends Country Concerts at Buck Owens Crystal Palace with me here in Oildale and I attend Big City Beach Boy Concerts At Cal State Bakersfield. (Our Children are a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll [surf actually] So are our two beautiful grandaughters, Betsy 6 and Emily 2.) Look forward to meeting y'all. Brenda from Oildale
Name: John Moynagh () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 21:50:50
E-Mail: CP Imaging@AOL.COM
Class: 63
Hello To All Fellow Cougars!
Days like today in southern California must be the reason I have stayed in the south bay area for all these years. Took the strand cruiser for a ride along the bike path through Manhattan and Hermosa Beach. I guess I still can't get enough of it and it was all happening surfing, skating, volleyball and girls in bikinis. To me that's what this place is all about and always will be part of my old high school life.
Looking forward to seeing all you old beach bums and cruisers at cruise night. Looks like that will be a week from today on the 24th just like Mr. Baker has been predicting.
Also looking for a couple of cougars from the past and if anybody knows of their whereabouts or how to get in touch with them please let me know. Pat McMahon of the class of 1965 and Milton Brophy from the younger generation and class of 1981. If Dick Dixon is out there somewhere I hope you can make it to cruise night Dick. It would be interesting to see what you would be cruising into Frosters.
Take care all of you cougars!
Hey John, Thanks for the shout. It's gonna be a hoot next weekend, I just know it. We'll see you there.....
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 21:37:06
E-Mail: Leonard-Linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: As usual I will miss out again on a fun time. Make sure you all take alot of pictures and when you put them up for all to see, please include who they are of. I would love to see one of the Sloey Brothers. John make sure you get in some too. Have a great time!!!
Hi Linda, Yes we will take pictures, but I'm not sure we'll get who EVERYBODY is. Many classes and I don't know them all YET.
The Sloey Brothers aren't coming. I don't know. Ask Them.
Name: debbi shrum () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 17:19:51
E-Mail: dlshrum@raytheon.com
Maiden: covey
Class: 74
Message: First, I'd like to say, I think the Foster Freeze night is a great idea!! My husband is a sergeant for Hawthorne P.D. and will probably be on duty that night. May, I didn't know you were Mike Callella's sister. How's that good ole guy doing? Tell him to get his butt in gear and get on line! who was it that was trying to get Vickers on line? Are you looking for him? I can get a hold of him -he lives in Diamond Bar. Susie Bierman, I still haven't heard from Marilyn, can you give me her e-mail address again. And last, John do you need any pictures from class of 74? .....l'll show you "the money" at Frosters.
Hey Debbie, I've got the class of 74 El Molino coming on Cruise night, and thanks....
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 17:19:10
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Ok John, Maybe we can get something else going here, How many remember Sports Nights in the Girls Gym. It use to be on Tuesday nights, I believe once a month. We had dancing in the Modern dance room, one side of the room we had Ping Pong and in the large Area Volley Ball!!!!
How many remember when someone they liked first asked them to dance, and how many remember sneaking outside that door, into the night for that first kiss with that girl or guy!! Also how about the Heap of the Month in our Cougar News paper, were you one of the guys who was lucky enough to make the news with your Car, Larry did one year, I think John has the picture and article of Larry's Chevy. Come on guys or gals, break out those old pictures and send them to John to have fun with. Remember that was a big thing of the late 50's and 60's, it was hot hot cars back then. Like John is saying, lets show these younger kids what we can do! I have to share something else with all, many of you remember that 26th street and 42nd street was the places to go, when it came to beach time. Alot Im sure, The kids around here have been going to those same places for years, first time I found out that these places were still the place to be, was back when Darla was in High School in the mid 80's, now in the late 90's, Eric and his friends got to he same places. I guess some things don't really change. Ok all, I opened some memory doors, now you bring yours into COUGARTOWN. Im sure there are some good stories to be told!!!!
See Loretta, I told you I was working on your stuff. I remember Sports Night as I broke my little finger in one of those spiking contests and it's still sore today. Yes, I know the early Cougs have some memories of sports night and stories of parties, dances, cruisin', parking at the airport, sub races, etc. It's time we all hear them, so who's gonna step up to the plate first. Thanks Loretta
Name: Susan () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 15:43:17
E-Mail: funds4kids
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hi, Laura, John, Amanda, Kathy and all you other band members out there. Hope you're all sending your $10.00 to John while I keep trying to talk Mr. DeLaO into buying a computer. Laura, I guess I'll have to jog your memory about all of those fun band trips. I have to admit that being right smack in the middle on the banner line wasn't exactly my idea of fun. From me standing 5'11" (and not done growing) to Myra Villareal at maybe 5'1", I'm sure we looked like a giant pyramid marching down the street. Hey, we certainly didn't have flabby arms then! I recently asked Alex DeLaO if they knew how heavy that banner was BEFORE they bought it. When they special ordered it, they didn't think about it being DOUBLE layer sheets of 1/2" plexiglass. Once it spelled out H A W T H O R N E , it weighed over 450 lbs! You have to admit, we looked pretty awesome coming down the street in our little plaid kilts though! At least we made the drill team look good! :-)
Name: debbi shrum () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 15:40:38
E-Mail: dlshrum@raytheon.west.co
Maiden: covey
Class: 74
Message: I just saw that J. Bistoles signed on. What ever happened your brother??
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 14:58:00
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:You know, I'm really happy that the mid 70's group has gotten together on the Feedback Page and are having little trouble communicating up here. That's what's supposed to happen. It's unfortunate that the 60's people aren't getting as much out of it. If it wasn't for Ricki, Frank, El, Robin, and a couple of others, the early 60's wouldn't be represented at all, and we hardly EVER hear from the 50's people, except to say that they'd like to "HEAR" from anyone. Come on, say something to your peers. That's what this page is all about. Reading feedback, or skimming through it until you find someone you know is fun, but it takes YOU to add something, so get in there 50's and 60's Cougs. Take a lesson from the 70's group. We'd like to hear about your days at HHS too.
Name: Dave Krikac () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 14:48:50
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey Cindy Riggio...Good to hear from you. Glad you & your family are doing well. Cool, that you are plugged in! Hey I just heard from Jim Bistolas in Oregon, maaaan that was the first time in 7-10 years or so. Hey 76 Gals XXXXX0, miss you all. Now let's get Vickers and Belisimo....
Name: Laura Porter () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 13:38:42
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: '79
Message: Hi Susan,
Most of my band memories are of how tall you were and how they always put you in the middle of that 400lb banner and short little me on the end. I'll never forget carrying the beautiful flag banners Mrs Villareal made in the very windy Santa Monica Band Review. I still know the piccolo part of Stars and Stripes forever thanks to standing next to Amanda Macko and Darryl Golden. It was also fun changing clothes under your clothes on the very crowded buses. A skill that has come in handy over the years. How are you?? Sorry I'll miss Fosters but we'll be at the House of Blues having our own freeze of the Margarita persuasion....have a cone for all of us '79ers.
Name: Cathy Porter () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 12:48:51
E-Mail: cporter@jps.net
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1974
Message: RUTHIE: I am so happy to see you found the HHS site. Congratulations. I know you'll find a lot of old friends as you look back on the past feedback pages. Take care of yourself, hubby, and those 3 beautiful children of yours. I'll talk to you again soon. CATHY
Name: christine baird () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 12:23:57
E-Mail: bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: could that 'but' pic be Jasna Begovich? just a guess
Christine, Sorry butt I don't recognize it, and Kathy won't tell me. We'll just have to wait until Kathy gets back from helping her neighbor move. Actually I thought maybe it could be "Chilly Cheeks".
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 12:11:34
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: DeGrazia
Class: 64
Message: WOW!! Just read feedback from BEULAH...LEEROY'S wife. Even us ROWDY GIRLS had tears in our eyes. We've decided to make Beulah an Honorary Rowdy Girl. ( no initiation necessary ) Been touching ground with a lot of Cougars lately.. thanks to CT.
It's good to feel and laugh like we're 16 again.... until you pass a mirror ha ha..
Judy DeGrazia (64 THE ROWDY GIRLS)
Name: Susan Walling () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 11:42:13
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hi, John. You are doing a great job, as always! Nice to see that so many Cougs are being reunited because of your dedication to the site. I am hoping that your scanner is broken today... or at best, you just don't have the 74-77 yearbooks.
Be nice John, and I'll put another $10.00 in the mail! Kathy, great idea for a 50/50 at Fosters!
Walt Krumbach, welcome aboard! What took you so long? Now, Lisa Marazzi, Teri Manos, Sheryl & Rudy Magdaleno, Maria (Lococo) Ricci, what are you waiting for?
Bill Bell, I missed the Friday Funnies but next week I WILL tell the story of the band trip to San Jose. Do you remember that night (or was it morning by then?)Kathy, Laura, and John?
Hahlbecks... now, that brings back some memories. Valerie! How are you? Dale, are you still coming to Fosters for Cruise Night? Bring Sheri, or at the very least have her sign on and let us all know what she has been doing for 20+ years.
Hi, Pam Heath! Where are you? See you all at Cruise Night.
Susan, Sorry, but I couldn't find your picture. I'm sure someone will let me know where to find it though. Thanks Susan, and will see you on Cruise Night regardless.
Name: Frank Romano () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 11:12:44
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: JB...Just checked in to see how things were going toward the first 100. Looks great. We've been busy getting dry. Almost back in order now. We can't make the cruise night, but I can wish that everyone there has a wonderful time, and keeps the greasy side down while cruisin'. Ricki, the stripes look very good, and Robin that block just goes to show you why some folks keep those cans instead of long necks.... JB 600 watts should get you folks noticed, not to mention the traffic. What a hoot! Gods speed to all.
Hey Frank, Glad to hear that you're getting back to normal. Yeah I think the Amp might be suffient. Of course nowadays 600 watts is nothing in Hawthorne. Thanks for checking in and I'll pick out a Sinatra song to play in your honor.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 10:33:21
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Anyone remember the funky little Shell station that stood where the Dairy at Inglewood & Broadway is now? I'm sure it was built in the '20's or '30's.
I won't make it to cruise night, but here's my quarter for gas. Bob
Thanks Bob, but that quarter won't get you "shotgun" as someone just gave me 37 cents. So get in the back seat.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 10:10:29
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: same as always
Class: 1975
Message: looking thru the 74 yearbook I believe that's Mary Ann Dowell. Why do men always go for the butt shots!
Uhh, Sheree......the pic was sent to me by Kathy Stonebraker. I just put up what they send me. Oh and because we LIKE the "Butt Shots".
Name: EL ROJO () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 09:23:59
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60
Message: John, no prob about the tape. its not "ALL" doo wop.theres a couple of surfin tunes that i really like, Walk Don't Run, for one and Balboa Blue by the Markettes which i really like. i think that a lot of you folks will enjoy the last side of the "A portion of the tape. you,ll have to gather them around the speakers. its a kick in the hindquarters, if you know what i mean. but the rest is quite a potpouri of songs. 1st side lots of WOP. 2ND side a little bit of everything. last song on the "B" side is for R. HOOD and the 70's kids. see you on the flip side. EL. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Thanks EL, It WILL get played.
Name: betsy watts wright () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 08:33:19
E-Mail: bettsann@aol
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: Hi to all my '76 buddies, wish I could see the west coast again, soon I hope. I work for a high school, so been running around since school let out, NC (my mom made me snap green beans and can peaches), Roanoke, ( my sister and I spent a hot nite remembering cheerleading routines) and today I'm venturing to New York to dine with the infamous Konnie Krislock!
Name: Judy Watts () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 05:26:43
E-Mail: dream-cakes@juno.com
Maiden: Toten
Class: 74
Message: Hey John, Kathleen said something about us '74's not showing you the money...where and how do I do that?? I sure don't want to let you down...since you've been doing such a great job with this site.
And Tony, my Mom still lives in Hawthorne. Is there going to be a 25th for class of 74?? See you all on the 24th!! Can't wait!!
Hi Judy, Just click here, or on the "Become a Cougartown Member" above, fill out the form, mail the ten dollars to the address at the bottom of that page and you're in the club....Thanks Judy
Name: David Barboza () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 03:19:38
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: To All Cougars: It is now 1:25am Sat. morning and I'm on my way out the door and up to the Sierra's for the week. Just wanted to tell everyone have a safe and wonderful week and I hope to see you all on the 24th. Hey Dewey.. We're goin to jail??? Hope they extend my vacation time man. Lookin forward to seeing everyone. See Ya!!
Name: LARRY BILLER () on Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 02:04:41
E-Mail: lbiller@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
Message: Just finished playing catch up on all theFeedback pages..my brain is sore..Lots ofmemories.
CONNIE JAX:I do believe that club you asked about on page 70 was called "Under The Pier". By the way I know we had at least one class together our senior year. Do you remember which one?
BROTHER JOHN BILLER:I mailed your CDS today.
ROBERT RUGGERI:Hey,do you remember Rick Soares,
John Slawson and I jammin at your house there on
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 23:10:10
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: John-Glad you finally got in touch with the owners of Fosters!! My son said we could hook up the music to his 600 watt amplifier! Is that loud enough?? To all you '74 grads out there, Steve says hi to all the dirt bike racers and Ascot aficionados :) Someday maybe I can actually get him to write in and tell his stories. They mostly involve beer, parties and girls.
Pam Heath - Steve says your brother Joel was a good friend of his brother Gary. Gary is living in the San Diego area with his wife of 19 years. See ya all Cruise night. Have we decided on the 24th yet??
Yes, bring the amp and the 24th will be the day. Thanks Kathy for everything.
Name: Cindy Riggio () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 23:04:02
E-Mail: CARiggio@AOL.com
Maiden: Ediger
Class: 76
Message: Ok, I couldn't stand not writing in again (especially since Valerie Hahlbeck actually wrote something now!) It is so strange to read about everyone - I don't know what a lot of the conversations are about, but will try to catch on. Dave Krikak--how are you?--are you still living in Diamond Bar? We are still in Phillips Ranch (which is next door to you)--last time I saw you our kids were in gymnastics at the YMCA! How time flies when you're having fun. Gloria - I've kept track of you through Valerie - it's good to hear you're fine after the "floods" in Vegas--haven't seen John Lydon since 20 year reunion - his mom moved away from my mom's house, so don't know what's going on with him - would be nice to know though. I'm really pushing my memory bank to remember a lot of things from high school - my kids are now that age so it's kind of weird - my son is now 19 and my daughter is nearly 16 - scary thought! Still married to first husband, Rick (Marsha Riggio's brother)--Marsha you better write something soon -- 22 years now--but, yes Gloria, it is true--I look the same as my senior picture! Well, just wanted to write in--hi to all you '76 people - Roni, Sharon, Kim, and all the rest of you. Hey, I'm reading a lot about Teri Manos, but haven't seen anything directly from her - anyone know? How about Carmen Fishler, Kathy Lynch or Tami Perius? Bye for now.
Name: Christine () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 22:20:02
E-Mail: Baird
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: sooo...that's what you've been doing kathy. i was wondering...since you seem to check CT more often than you write to your best friend i thought maybe i could catch you here. hehe ")
Name: Dewey Storie () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 22:12:26
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: Let me see if I have this right. I wanted cake & ice cream at 100 page...Chris wanted Fosters...hmm we have a 112 people + and 50 cars +...old surf music (by the way, Walk Don't Run is my favorite)... Kathy running an illegal 50-50 raffle...and John has Judy Lundal kidnapping John Williams from the Hollywood Bowl...Maybe Ricki was right...yep we're going to jail!...Does Jim Sloey give a Cougar Town Discount?
It might be close...
Name: Jerry Miles () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 21:57:08
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
Message: I for one am proud Leeroy was a Cougar if only for a short time. Nevertheless, once a Cougar, always a Cougar. What he lacks in prosaic ability he more than makes up for in character. On the Teardrop Trailer subject, it was owned by Larry '66 and Holly '67 Boyce's parents. I have lost touch with Larry over the years but the last I knew he lived in Cherry Valley. If anyone knows how to contact him, I would appreciate the information. Cruise night is almost here and I am sorry to say I will miss it. However, remember no mixed sex cars. It is strictly all guys or all girls. Unless it's your steady, then it's OK. And don't forget to collect the "gas money" so you can cruise the Boulevard a few more times. I hope everyone attending has a great time and for those of us that can't make it, lots of pictures please.
Hey Jerry, Thanks and we WILL take pictures. I don't guarantee keeping the guys and the girls separate. Lots of these people are married you know, but I'll do what I can.
Name: el rojo () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 21:33:12
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60
Message: yo JB, had a little problem with this new television, but shes purrin again. sent the tape this morning, you should have it no later than Weds. if i had known you had a CD player to play it on i would have recorded it on a CD. i do have that capability, and to the rest of you COUGS out there, you don't think i EL ROJO (guru of the DOO WOP) would have suggested JB playing my tunes if i didn't have them, did you. To Sandy Peppers Cooper, thank you for the wonderful e-mail. our computer did a little nose dive about a week ago or so and couldn't send or receive mail. did you ask Paul Penn why he hasn't gotten on the site yet? whats he scared of? Leeroy, tanks fos yos e-maLS teus. i tinks wez pud dat vetch vermit ins hez plas. dang fuz tale enways. by the way folks, talked to big Jim West last night and he and family are doing fine. says he hasn't heard a thing from Tim Lutz in years, for those of you who might have been interested anyway. also doesn't know his whereabouts. told Jim to give us some insight into some of the big games in 59. i hope he'll jump in and give us his two cents worth. by the way, JB and Robin, Bob V, I hope you know all my banter and put downs are all in fun don't you? well maybe not for RH. JB if you don't like the tape you can send it back. if its ok, then keep her for another Cruise. put her in the Cougartown Archives. By the way do i send my 10 bucks to your PO box JB? MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL.
EL, Thanks for making the tape. I know you did it up FULL of doo wop. I'll bring the beach music and the early 60's music and everyone else bring their favorite era music. Be listening for it Jakejude.....I know you'll hear it.
Name: David Barboza () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 20:37:20
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: TONY MANOS!!!!!!
Totally cool man. Haven't heard from or seen you since our days at Cheif Trucking. Or should we just forget about that place all together. Glad you found the site and hope you make it too cruise nite. Look forward too seeing you again... Just remembered, do you remember..."TONZO GO"
Name: Ruthie Blanchette () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 20:18:06
E-Mail: blanchet@strato.net
Maiden: Ruthie Chastagner
Class: "74
Message: Anyone who remembers me, please feel free to say hi!!
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 20:07:42
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: To Pam Betraun - I emailed your luau menu to your personal email. Hope it helps your friend. Now I have a "weird" request. Someone mentioned several pages ago that they used to wire colored lights so that they would illuminate to different sound frequencies. Whoever that was could you email me and explain how to do it. If it's not too difficult I thought I would teach my 6th graders next year since they will be doing science units on light, sound, and electric current. Thanks! And HI! to Tony Manos. I used to hang out with your sister Mona once in awhile. How is she?
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 19:22:18
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Yes John, I'm still here. Just been busy this week helping my neighbor move. I need to spend tonite catching up on this last week of CT happenings!
OK then...
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