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.....this one's dedicated to Fosters Cruise Night The Beach Boys
Name: Lisa Ann Enriquez () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 19:06:10
E-Mail: temaint@flashnet.com
Maiden: Lisa Ann Enriquez
Class: 99
Message: I graduated in 99 and I was involved in Drama production and Dance production. I had a great experience at HHS. It was cool. I met my boyfriend Ryan Scott Phillips who graduated in 98. He is my love always! Ryan and Lisa Forever.
We had many memories in the school plays and of course Nyman Hall or Nyman theatre.
Hi Lisa Ann, I'm glad you joined in on our forum. You've got to be our youngest Feedbacker. Maybe your lead will inspire some of the older Cougs to take the plunge. See folks, it's easy. Thanks Lisa Ann, and be a Coug.
Name: BEULAH FELDERRUSTER () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 18:57:53
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Maiden: TYSON
My name is Beulah Felderruster the wife of 40 years of my beloved husband
Leeroy Felderruster. Leeroy is in fact a real person he is not some made up person that some of you claim. I have been married to the most generous happy person I could ever imagine to have found in my life. We are also as
opposite as two people can be. I attended Rice University in 1957-61 receiving my bachelor of arts degree in History. I then received my
masters degree in 1963 from Northwestern University in Chicago and then my
PHd from Stanford University in 1966. I met Leeroy in 1958 at Rice
University. He was a janitor at the university and seemed to be everywhere I was. At first he was irritating, then one spring day I twisted my ankle about 1 mile from campus and Leeroy who was on his way back to campus from lunch carried me to my dormitory. He spent an hour getting me ice and getting a campus nurse to come and look at me. I have been in love with him ever since. We were married the following year. Leeroy as you may have deduced from his writings is nearly illiterate and comes from a very poor
family. Leeroy did attend high school but nobody in his family before him ever completed high school. Leeroy has worked as many as 4 jobs at a time supporting myself and our children, although he did not have to do so. My
grandfather died in 1967 and left my sister and I nearly 20 million dollars. Leeroy said that could be for the grandchildren but he would provide for us; that was his job. He has put 4 children through Rice University two of whom
are medical doctors and one a professor of medieval history at one of the prestigious Ivy League schools, and one who has been recently received his doctorate in Biochemistry from Stanford on a thesis that I truly can not
remember and if I did could not do it justice, but it pertains to the muscle responses in our body and the interaction of proteins thereto. So Leeroy has done well with his family. I have recently retired and believe me getting Leeroy to even let me work has been no small feat, Leeroy wanted me to live in a warmer climate hence our move to Southern California. He has a job
driving a truck 14-16 hours per day and we do not need the money, he will not listen. So my point is as I have gone on long enough, Leeroy knows you
are making fun of him and he takes it pretty well, he knows people always get a kick out of him and when you get to know him in person he is really a charismatic caring loving kind person. However, two of you seen to think that you are better than Leeroy by the recent comments that you put on this page. I am sorry for you because whatever you are you will never measure up
to my Leeroy. His feelings were greatly hurt but he will always remember the kind words that some of you said to him and some of the nice sweet kind
words that you said to him on his email. Good luck Cougars and thank you for letting me have my say.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 16:40:43
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hi, Shannon (Lester) Hagerty! Terri Manos, last I heard, was a manicurist in Manhattan Beach. I believe she's still there... How's your brother Tim?
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 15:37:51
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Janet Amuchastegui: Thank you for that quote from Garnett Pollard! It was so good, I typed it up and am putting it on our bulletin board at work (for a bunch of electrical linemen who's morale is kinda low here right now .... don't sweat the small stuff, eh?). (With, of course, appropriate credit given to Garnett for the saying).
Name: Shannon Hagerty () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 15:16:27
E-Mail: shannon121@earthlink.net
Maiden: Lester
Class: 75
Message: To: Tony Manos
I assume you are Terry Manos' brother. Am I right? Where is Terry these days? Is she part of the family still in Hawthorne? She was a year behind me in school, but we hung out some, with others from Drill Team.
Name: Jay Fernandez () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 14:42:04
E-Mail: fernandez.jay@mayo.edu
Class: 76
Message: Hey all - just got back from vacation where I was able to catch up with some folks whom I haven't seen since HS. Too long to be sure. Its been years since I had been to Hawthorne, and although I've heard many speak about the changes, it is quite another thing to see them for yourself. Anyway it was great to see, Leslie, Jason and Brett Van Sloten, Dave Maisonneuve, Dennis Kilroy and his wife Jean (oops forgot her maiden name, but a coug too) Bill Denney and Brian Henry and all their families. Sorry I'll miss the Foster's get together. Thanks again John for making some of these mini reunions possible! A great weekend to all.
Thanks Jay, Glad you could get together with your friends. That's what it's all about.
From: Janet Amuchastegui Dear Friends and Family, I have deeply appreciated all your love and concern over the last 2+ weeks. Today Garnett was laid to rest in Southern California. I thought it fitting to celebrate his life with you by sharing what he wrote for his own AOL profile. Those of you who knew him will appreciate how true this speaks for who Garnett was. Janet
Name: carole ferruccio () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 13:53:16
E-Mail: caroleferr@aol.com
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
Message: hi john
I saw your picture of Broadway and Inglewood Ave, but it didn't show the big tank that looks like a golf ball (is it still there?) my house was a few doors down from it on eucalyptus. Before it was a golf ball it was a regular water tank. My younger brother Richard climbed up there and took
pictures. There are a few of hhs circa 1960 - 63 I would guess. I'll see if I can find any. I am proud owner of new scanner not yet used and can
send them to you. I hope this takes up some space so all youse guys can go to Frostys soon. I cant make it as we are building a house in lake
Isabella to retire to and spend every weekend working on it. My husband is from Washington high over in LA. Do you know if they have a web site, I can't seem to find one. Let the good times roll and the cars peel out for all of us not there.
Hi Carole, Yes, the "Golf Ball" is in that picture. Actually it's just the top of it. Look in the center of the picture, on top of the two story building.
Yes, I'd love to see your old pictures from atop the water tower. It seems that everyone's getting a scanner. To all who want to send pictures, please send them to john14@pacbell.net. It keeps the cougartown email clear that way. Also, if you send a picture, please don't expect to see it up on the site the same day. I receive lots and lots of pictures so be patient.
About Washington High. I had this same request about 2 days ago. I looked in Yahoo and Infoseek and could not find one single website. Sorry......
Name: Cathy Koerner () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 12:40:32
E-Mail: cporter@jps.net
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1974
Message: John, I had a terrific idea!! All those who are
planning to attend the 100 page party at Fosters next weekend need to have their $10 in hand to give to you towards our Cougartown newsletter. So folks...you've got plenty of notice so you wont "forget". John, you'd better bring along a strong box, because with all those awesome Cougars attending, that could run into some pretty big bucks. Enjoy everyone, and thanks for your support.
Geez Cathy, you were supposed to wait until they all got there and we coulda' robbed them at gunpoint.
Actually let's just all have fun on cruise night. I think Kathy Stonebraker is planning a 50-50 raffle though. Kathy is that right......ahh Kathy.......Kahhhtheeeee, are you out there??
Name: Myrna () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 12:25:15
E-Mail: mybizz@aol.com
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: Someone asked about Stephie Gustufson. She is married to Jerry Hangen and they live somewhere in the Pasadena/Glendale area, I think. Her mother passed away a few years ago and her Dad remarried, and I think still lives in their old house. Dave - good luck at RUHS, a Cougar will only make the Seahawks better!!! John - I seem to remember the verses a little different than you.....let me tell you 'bout a man, Baker was his name......
Name: Diana Calabro () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 11:37:28
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahoo.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
Message: Hi John,
Saw the picture of the dairy on the corner of Broadway and Inglewood Avenue. What memories we used to call it Pop's don't remember if this was
the name of it but this is what we used to call it. Joe and I used to go there often to get our RC soda's and munchies, it sure has changed.
Talking about old songs from the 60's, we have many, many old 45's luckily we have a record player to put them on, we did record most of them and put them on cassettes. We have some records like, Sea Of Love, One Summer Night (my favorite), Could This Be Magic, Kansas City and many many
Sounds great Diana, bring a tape to Cruise Night and we'll play it. Again, I think Kathy Lorig Stonebraker is going to handle the music, although I haven't heard from her in a few days. Kathy, are you out there??
Name: Judy Lundal () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 11:01:03
E-Mail: bluevet@earthlink.net
Maiden: Kappen
Class: 63
Message: John, Looks like cruise night will probably be the 24th. I was hoping for the 31st because on the 24th I will be at the Hollywood Bowl listening to John Williams. Have you thought about other cruise nights in the near future? Sounds like you are getting a terrific response! How many do you have signed up from class of 63? Also, in answer to your question, the little teardrop didn't fall too far from Hawthorne - we found it in Anaheim.
Hi Judy, Listen.....go by the Hollywood Bowl and pick up John Williams and bring him back to Fosters yeah, that'll work!!. Don't let him drive though cause we're running real low on parking.You have a great time, and yes there will be many get togethers, cruise nights, etc. for this group. I'm a firm believer in NOT waiting 10 years between reunions. I'm not sure about the class of 63 signups, but I do know they're a few in there. Take good care of the teardrop as I probably packed the wheel bearings on that one a few times myself.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 10:51:30
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Hi everyone,
This is a weird request. All you folks that live in Hawaii, maybe you can help me. There is this guy Robert at my work, who is a great cook!!! He has been hired to cook for a luau theme party. He is having a hard time finding recipes to go with roast pig. What kind of side dishes go with it? If you could e-mail I would appreciate it.
Thank you!!!
Name: Janet Burkett () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 09:58:46
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Class: 62
Message: All you early morning folks.....tune to channel 4 this morning. The Beach Boys are live on the Today Show.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 00:25:55
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message:I was so depressed about Robin's "planter" joke in regard to my Dodge, that I
took my Visa card and bought this Panoz. My husband dug out an old tape of
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Spanish spelling) and we'll show up with it full blast with the top down.
Name: Jorge Llaves () on Friday, July 16, 1999 at 00:18:14
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: So now we know the truth! After all her glowing comments on these pages like "be cool for your school" and "how great to hear from all you alumns" she isn't even coming to CRUISE NIGHT. It's pretty obvious she has captured some desert rat or a lounge lizard in Caesers Palace and has thrown the rest of us overboard. What makes it so bitter is I wrote a glowing character reference for her in 1974 when she robbed Hawthorne Savings and Loan. But justice will be served as the weather report says it will soon be 150 degrees in L.V. and she won't be able to find a single block of ice to sit on anywhere.
How disappointing in these " Golden Years" to find even your best friends no longer care. So now I shall retire to my pad and sob myself to sleep.
Buenos Nachos--- JORGE
"Ahh, I ain't had nothin' to do with this but I believe the fella's right"...... Bo Diddley
Name: Roni Kobel () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 22:47:36
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hey, Gloria... John Lydon lives in Torrance and works for IBM. His cute wife is Sheri Salazar (HHS class of 77). She was on the volleyball team with us. About 12 or 13 years ago I played volleyball with them at Eucalyptus Park gym every week (John Rodriguez from our St. Joseph class played, too...).
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 20:19:36
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: Howdy all. I've noticed a few posts about Alex DeLaO and was wondering if he had an email address? I would love to get in touch with him again. Speaking of Mr. D, do any of you former Band member's remember when we "goose stepped" instead of traditional marching?
A side note: I just checked the class of 74's response to the membership drive and either we are the poorest class out there or we are the least responsive. Only 7 have a gold star next to their names. Come on Class of 74, let's show John the Money!
Yes, the response is droppin a bit. I also need your Reunion addresses still. It will do no good to get the Newsletter together if we don't have anyone to send it to. Remember, this Newsletter is primarily for people who do not have Internet access. Thanks Kathleen.....
Name: Karen () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 20:17:53
E-Mail: karen.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Chuck, I think you are right about the dancing at the grand and the linedancers today, they look very similar. Robin, yes I am sure it was Dennis who saved me. I know nothing about his running over his surfboards, I am just glad he was there that day. Betty Lou where are you, you have not been on feedback in awhile. Let us know how you are doing out there in L.V. I must say I am getting real anxious for cruise night, just thinking about some of the old friends I have not seen in quite awhile. John B. Good, and I am holding off on Arturo's just for you.....
OK, and thanks Karen. Oh, BTW I will bring Johnny B. Goode on cruise night.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 20:16:44
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Chuck Currie-YES!! Try to get in touch with, lets see now, Sharon, Vicki, Linda, Elizabeth Estrada. Is that all of 'em? And we're still looking for Kathi Glenn.
Bill Sloey - would you know where any of those Poltash boys are????
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 20:00:47
Class: 66
Message: CHAUNCEY-Neither are playing this year as of now. Adam the baby, 6'2' was 225 now 205 is concentrating on baseball, they are transitioning him to a catcher, and Colby the Senior is a great soccer player hitting 450 in legion this summer. What classes are you teaching? Pam Bertraun-I remember Nick he was a great kid also, also real funny. I use to see him at Redondo from time to time. And Loretta my jokes aren't any good because you live with the funniest kid in america! I have at least a dozen Eric stories, that kid is a real treasure.
Name: TONY MANOS () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 19:38:40
Class: 1973
Hey Tony, Thanks for checking in and being a mid 70's Coug, you'll find plenty of friends here.
Name: Dewey Storie () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 19:30:33
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: Hey John just out of curiosity how many people have signed up for the big night at fosters?
Hey Dewey, 112 people and 50 some cars.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 18:00:31
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:People have been asking about the dairy on the corner of Broadway and Inglewood Av. This is the corner as of about 1pm today.
I spoke with the owner of Fosters today and he loves the idea of Cruise Night. He said we can pack the cars in the back as long as we leave him 5 or 6 spaces along the north side of the driveway. He also likes Beach Boys music and said we can set the music up in front and play it loud. Kathy, you're the Music woMan. Can you play it loud??
It's not completely official, but I would bet the farm that it's going to be the 24th of July, so make your plans to be there. Thanks.....
Name: chris prewitt () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 16:56:42
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
I took a closer look at the stripes on your Dodge. You have paint on the molding around the windows, you partially covered up a perfectly good cougar and the red is bleeding into the white paint. I think that you should contact Alan H. to really fix up the ol' Durango. Maybe some flames on the sides, we could put some lake pipes (if they're done right running boards could go on top). I think I'll get out the cutting torch and head over to your house!
Hey Chris, We really aren't too worried about the outside because when Mom "V" cuts loose with that inheritance money, we are going to be pulling up in the right lane along side of those 300ZX's, smiling, and asking politely if it would be all right if we could go first.We love you Mom "V"
Name: Bob Veach () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 15:44:34
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: Kim May-
Bryan was a few years behind me so I didn't know him too well. Mike was friends with my brother, Bill, while at HHS. In fact, both used to date Sue Bierman (c/o '74, one of the B? girls. I'll bet she wishes that wasn't brought up, John). Were you there for the 136th St 4th of July block party? I couldn't make it. My mom said it was huge.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 15:17:46
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Hi Michelle!!
Glad to see you there!! I check in every day to see who signs in. And I am trying to think of a interesting story from my high school years. Either I have totally lost my memory or I did not have anything exciting happen to me in high school. It is probably my memory old age has set in. I was on drill team and we did some pretty fun things. But in school I was shy. When I took Issues and Values I about died the first day I went to class and there was half of the varsity football team. I would try to talk and I stumble over each word. They voted most improved by the end of the semester though. I am now alot more out going, if I knew then what I know now WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!
John did you say that you need pictures from the 78 year book? There is someone at my work that can scan the book, so I will get that out to you.
Hi Pam, No, I think I've got that covered. At least I did. I will let you know.
Name: pam short () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 14:49:55
E-Mail: tshort@wyoming.com
Maiden: fulton
Class: 1971
Message: I'm alive and kickin' in wyoming. I'm married and have a 15 yr old son. We camp alot in the summer and freeze our butts off in the winter. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Bev Looman, I would appreciate the info. catch ya later. pam
Name: Dave Chauncey () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 14:41:25
E-Mail: bogey_shooter@yahoo.com
Class: 66
Message: Hey Sloey!! I'm looking forward to the change. Does your son play FB? Have him come by and say "Hi!"
The only teacher left at HHS from the '66 era is Barbara Takumi...still teaching chemistry.
Those of you that haven't been by the school lately would be very dissappointed to see the deterioration that has taken place in this district over the past 10 years.
Name: Robin () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 13:44:47
E-Mail: DurangoMan.com
Maid: Marion
Class: 60
Message: RE:V1 "I'm not making any obnoxious Dodge comments. I think Durangos are quite attractive"...Geeeeeeeeze Ricki what a kiss up!! Im surprised your not superintendent of your school district.:o) I wasnt being obnoxious..a little subjective at worst, but this is Cougartown isnt it? John I love the new Cougartown Durango. Im hoping we can get Mom V to advance us a little of that inheritance, so we can drop an all aluminum Mopar bullet in it. As for the Caravan....cut a hole in the top and they make a nice planter Ricki...Just kidding!!!!...Dave best of luck at RUHS...A big HHS loss. Just cant be the same without a Chauncey...Cousin Chuck you can do the trippin for me...A month of queer thursdays ago I tripped enough for this year...:o) Also cant you get the 5 "E" (Estrada) girls to give Cougartown a shout? We need a stronger 133rd st representation here. And Dave Krikac ...You and little Leo uncorked the Pizza Show for free beer? Too funny!..Only the son of a plumber could think of that...Later Cougs
Yeah, Cmon Mom "V" whattayasay, Paleeeeze!!!
Name: Michelle () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 12:58:06
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: I'm here Pam!!! Another '78er checkin in!! I've just been a lookie-lu lately! Haven't had nuttin to say or time to not say it...havin way too much fun in the sun and all!!! When you got season passes to Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor and two kids and their friends wantin to go...well ya GO!! know what I mean? Anyway, I can't let my sister out write me, although she's doin quite a job at it!! I also want to add to the pages to hurry up this 100 page goal! If it comes around at the right time, maybe I'll drag my sister and me there seein that she'll be in town soon! Blah, blah, blah just fillin up space now! Hey John, MY goal is to get you the cover of our '78 20 yr reunion book, so we can post before class of '79 does!!!! I'm gonna do it honest, just like I'm gonna send you my check! Mine was under my bills too, you know just like my big sis, yeah, yeah, that's it, under my bills!
Yeah Right!!!
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