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.......St Joseph people......remember, "we are NOT politically correct"Tom Lehrer
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 11:57:49
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Hi everyone!!!
Will there be anyone from the class 78 at Froster's? Jodi Wilbanks (Weishaar) and I are hoping to stop by. It would be nice to see someone from my class. At least Jodi will see alot of people from her class.
My son Nicholas had Jim Sloey as his Soccer coach when he was 5. Jim was the best coach!! We really enjoyed that season. Jim, Nick graduated from RUHS in 1998. It was really strange sitting at my sons graduation 20 yrs. after I graduated. My other son Corey will be a Jr. this year.
Hi Kim May and Laura Porter. Was thinking about crashing your reunion, but I don't think I can make it.
Come on all you 78ers Let's hear from you.
Name: Gloria Herlosky () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 11:37:50
E-Mail: Gpork
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Hey, it must be freezing in hell, Hahlbeck finally wrote in! (Valerie that is!) Dave Krikac, you crack me up, Still! Cindy Ediger can't believe I actually saw your picture on the site, glad to see life is treating you well. What ever happened to John Lydon? I saw him with his cute wife at the reunion, I don't know about Featherston looking like Redford, but John looked exactly like Steve McQueen! Don Collins congratulations on your upcoming stork event... it's gonna be great. Keith glad to see you signed in finally, we missed you man! Where is Stefi Gustafson? Betsy Watts, where have you been? Gotta go for now, but the spirit of 76 is definitely in the air!
Name: John Biller () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 10:55:27
E-Mail: ibbiller@lightspeed.net
Class: 76
Message: Hey Roni (Treckman) Kobel,
Dreaming about Mr. Andrade? Hey, I liked the guy but dreaming about him?? :) Seriously, he was a great teacher. I was a TA for him also. Speaking of science TA's, do you remember Shaun Straum? Shaun did some pretty crazy things when he a TA for Mr. Dunn, the chemistry teacher. It was not a very bright idea to allow Shaun access to the back room where all the chemicals were stored. Cougars in the front, let me hear you grunt!!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 03:19:57
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hi Jim Sloey, Eric says Hi coach, also thank you for the compliment. Yes he is a Senior and he still keeps them laughing, and through the years he has been known to have caused a little trouble in the class room with his clowning around and God willing, may that be the only trouble he gets in to!! He still loves his baseball, has not played in a few years, but is planning to try out this coming year. How are all your Boys? I see you do talk about them once in awhile too.
I too, enjoy all your little stories that you have been letting all of us Cougars in on and Im not going to say too much about your JOKES, just kidding. I see you plan to be Crusin at Frostee's
too, so we will see you there!! Have a good week.
Dave Chauncey, Good Luck at Redondo, Eric has a few of his friends that go there, It's a good school. You will be missed at HHS.
Harry Plokin,Thank you and we are looking forward in seeing you at the Homecoming Game. Also, Im going to see if Suzie Bell will be able to make the game that night. Bye for now.....
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 00:24:55
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: I sure wish I still had my metallic blue'55 Chevy with tuck and roll upholstery for cruise night. Even my '68 'Tang would have been okay. I can't drive my '65 bug 'cuz it's too small and it's getting ready to be painted. Gosh John, I'm embarrassed to say that we'll have to take our Dodge Caravan, "The Peeler." Sooooo, I'm not making any obnoxious Dodge comments. I think Durangos are quite attractive.
Hey, I'm looking for a high school, middle school art teacher. If anyone has the credentials, the enthusiasm and the desire to work for a great school district, a terrific administration and loves kids... give me a jingle. The school is in Lakewood, CA.
Robin, Do Not Mock the New Cougartown Durango.
Name: Beth Meade () on Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 00:21:01
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman (T1)
Class: 75
Message: Dave K. I bet you are thinking of Bill Featherstone?? Last I heard he was in Manhattan Beach and I can't think of anyone else who looks anything close to Redford. Cindy M. I meant to answer you long ago about Marla Manriquez. Yesterday I left a message on her machine to find out if she is connected. Haven't heard back yet. She's probably out of town. Beth
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 23:15:55
Class: 66
Name: Dave Krikac () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 23:03:59
E-Mail: dadkrikac
Class: 76
Message: Hey Val, Cindy, Jonesey, Gloria, Roni, Whit, etc, etc, it is getting to good! Maaaan everyone is jumpin in. Awesome. Come on in Bistolas, Vickers (Best Man at my Wedding)
Hey I am ALL over my main squeeze (and first wife) Sandy to get on-line. She needs prodding. Hey John, put up the Hawaii Water park ad and she will turn RED! and have to chime in.....Love you all. Hey who was that teacher that looked like Redford, lived in Manhattan Beach? I have a picture of the Reunion Chicks dancing with him.
Val...You look the same!
No Way! Chuck Currie-My favorite 133rd St. 1964 Grad. You probably still look 21. You have the best laugh of anyone i know. Good to see you here.
Remember the Pizza joint on the end of the block, Leo Estrada (74) and I would unclog their drains and get free beer and Pizza (Illegal?). What was the name of that place? Anyone?
Name: Roni Kobel () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 22:42:29
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Yea, Valerie!!! You did it!! Now don't be a stranger! Go Cougars!
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 21:58:06
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: John Biller- Give your Mom a big hug for me. She was one of the best. I taught 36 years at Dana and substituted there for 9 more - enough already! I live in Harbor City.
Loretta Cuiper- A big hello to Darla and Eric! I have October 15th on my calendar. Eric's a senior? What a nice young man!
Dave Chauncey- Good luck at RHS and it will seem strange not to have a Chauncey at HHS. Hi to Jan.
Love to all. HCH
Name: Valerie Svilarich () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 20:42:55
E-Mail: Valmomski@aol.com
Maiden: Hahlbeck
Class: '76
Message: Hi all! With much encouragement from Gloria Herlosky, Roni Kobel, brother Dale, and the rest (you know who you are), I'm finally taking time to write a quick HELLO! I have enjoyed reading everyone's stories .. so many to tell. I'm not going to give away ALL my stories right away ... I like to take things nice and slow! Glad to see Cindy Riggio on the site, and I understand Marsha (Riggio) Rhoades has also been made aware of the site .. we'll keep spreading the news. Good to hear from Dave Krikac every once in awhile and glad he and his family are doing well. Sharon Branigan, I miss you and hope all is well with you and yours. I'm living here in Seattle .. have been for the past 10+ years and loving it. I'm still in my first marriage (I'm proud to say!) and have 2 sons, ages 7 and 9. Glad to also hear the Bistolas' were tracked down.. hope Jim takes time to send us all a message soon! Well, don't want to bore all of you on my first try here in Cougartown.. I'll check in later and dig up some good stories to tell ... well, maybe ... :-) Love to all ... especially all you 76-ers !!!!
Name: Ray Castillo () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 19:49:33
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: I finally had time to check in to Cougartown again. My little boy's Little League season came to an end yesterday. He was a 9-10 yr. old Allstar, and after winning their first game, they went on to two consecutive defeats.His ability as a catcher is quite awesome. In three games, nobody was successful in stealing a base against him. He's been approached about playing on a travel team during the summer, but Mom and I are hesitant to let him. This puts us in his doghouse, but we just think it better that he find other pursuits. He is a truly fantastic kid with a fabulous outlook on life. He's an instant friend of everyone he meets (He gets that from his Mom). We're most proud of his scholastic accomplishments. He got thirteen "A"'s out of a possible seventeen on his year end report card. On the 4th of July weekend we had brother-in-law John Heine (class of 76) up for some of his patented hijinx. He brought many items that go BOOM in the night with him. We managed to add a few new pages to the family folklore with our endeavors. Speaking of pages,it looks as though page one hundred is coming up very quickly. Does Foster Freeze still have Root Beer malts? When Debbie was pregnant with our son, the only food craving she got was for a Foster Freeze chili dog. I got out of bed and drove to the Foster's in Lomita to get her one. I don't think we've been to a Foster's since. It's been ten years, I guess it's about time again.
Name: Kim Smith () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 18:29:54
Maiden: MAY
Class: 79
Message: Bob Veach, Those are my brothers! And our parents still live there also. You can't always find your fellow classmates, but it seems you can always find their parents. You must have been friends with Mike. Thanks to this web site, I found his friend Jeff (Mike isn't into the net yet). Any messages?
Name: Laura Porter () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 18:09:13
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: Hey all you Class of '79er's......Just a note to remind you to get your reservations in for the reunion on July 24. We've heard from quite a few of you but there is still some of you who haven't checked in...and you know who you are....come on and register...people have been asking about you....Seriously though it looks like it will be a sold out show that night so the House of Blues is looking for an accurate head count from us. If you are planning to go but are going to pay at the door or just haven't gotten around to sending in your form yet, send me an email so that we can assure you of show tickets. If you wait until that night we can get you dinner but there's a good chance you'll miss the show. The only excuse we MIGHT accept is that you'll be sucking down a Foster's cone instead of rockin' out with us.
Thanks John for Cougartown's support...we couldn't have pulled this off without you. We'll put in a plug for Homecoming night and the newsletter.. Is there any other announcements you can share? As soon as we get our address's together I'll send them to you too.
Thanks Laura, No, I don't think we'll allow 79ers at Cruise Night. Your 20th reunion is far more important. 79er's, I'm telling you now, DO NOT miss this reunion. You WILL regret it later. We'll have plenty of "Cruise Nights" be you have only ONE 20 year reunion.
Name: Gary Miller () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 17:57:07
E-Mail: Garyatsfo@webtv.net
Class: 64 1/2
Message: There are some Cougars who still live within 100 Yds. of where they did in the 50's, can anyone name some?
Name: Chuck () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 17:57:06
E-Mail: Currie
Class: 1964
Message: Jim Sloey - Thanks for the cool compliment! I have to admit what little cool I might have had back then, came from studying at the feet of my big cousin, orange hair and all, RL. The cool van will be crusin Fosters and milk crate has your name on it if you need a ride.
If someone can find "Let's Go Trippin'" by Dick Dale and the Deltones, I can bring home movies of Robin doing the dance. Speaking of dancing - Karen Hare, do you ever think if they took off their hats and boots and lost the twang, these Texas line dancers would almost look like they're doing the same dances we did at the Grand?
The parking lot at Fosters may be full on cruise night but it won't look quite right unless someone comes in on a Triumph Bonneville and a Honda 250 Scrambler. Robbie Evett are you out there? See you all at Fosters, Chuck
Hey Chuck, Thanks for the shout man, and look no further for the mighty Dick Dale and the Deltones tune. I will bring that one on my "Surfin Hits" CD.
Name: David Harlan () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 17:15:15
E-Mail: harlanda@slu.edu
Message: No, I'm not a Cougar, I'm originally from Arkansas (Fayetteville HS '79). I knew Hawthorne was the Beach Boys' hometown (except for Mike Love) and that was what drew me to your site. I'm very impressed with what is obviously a labor of love! Anyone who's putting together a high school alumni/reunion site ought to visit Cougartown; you've set a high standard. Thanks for indulging me!
Hi David, Thanks for the high praise.
Name: Dave Chauncey () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 15:11:22
E-Mail: bogey_shooter@yahoo.com
Class: 66
Message: Hi all-
Lots of fun reading all the messages. Saw Roger Lent yesterday. Met his oldest, Brett. Nice looking young man!
Well, it seems that good ol' HHS is going to have to survive without a Chauncey. After 18 years at HHS and 28 in the district, I'm going to Redondo. We figured out that this will be the first year in the last 50 that a Chauncey hasn't worked for the district. 40 of those at HHS. Hope they survive :-)) !!
I have been trying to have the school require all freshmen to spend 2 hrs at Cougartown. So far to no success.
Bye to all for now!
Dave, You're still a Cougar. No matter what they tell you. Don't lettem pin that sissy Seahawk title on you. Good Luck from all of us and please stay in touch.
Name: Myrna () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 14:16:44
E-Mail: watchyurback.john
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: DIE, JOHNNY, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....a poor mountaineer, barely kept his famil............
Name: Bob Veach () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 12:36:14
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.
Class: 1972
Message: Kim May, yes that is I who lived on 136th St., along with my brother, Bill. My mom still lives there. Were your brothers Bryan May and Mike Calalla who lived just a couple of doors from Inglewood Ave. next to those apartments?
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 12:35:14
E-Mail: cruiseacomingup.com
Maiden: Orange
Class: 60
Message: Marsha...Mike Lighter was a Cougar at heart with a sense of humor that lit up Frosties many a night..God Bless Him......And Perry Meyers is yes "Big Daddy"...Currie you got all but one..The Conductor was (and maybe still is)Robert Lamphere(sp),his arm swinging the lantern as he rode the monster 3-4 ft swells of 26th st. And Karen...Are you sure it was Dennis "the mammal" Campbell that saved you? He ran over his surfboard with his car after two days use!...Not a consummate swimmer either but hey..on any given day, and for a lady Coug, might have been?? Sloey I worked hard with cousin Chuck, teaching him the ins and outs of being cool. It was tough sleddin but glad to hear the work paid off... John you might need to hook up a U-Haul to that Dodge on cruise night..Throw a couple hay bails in it and take 10 or 12 cruisers. Ricki Im sure will sing a couple oldies and it solves your parking problems...Just be sure someone has a Chevy to tow the whole rig ...just in case :o) Later Cougs
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 11:46:02
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: I would like to know more about Alan Hauge's production of "James Dean: Am American Legend". I did find a couple of articles on the WEB, one being here and another being here. It would be great if we could know the date the film is planned to be released.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 11:36:02
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hi, John Biller...I, too, would love to know where Mr. Andrade is. He was one of my very favorite teachers - I TA'd for him after I had him for biology. I couldn't believe it when I saw your post this morning bringing up his name, because just last night, I had a dream about him! (Probably because I was up late last night looking at my yearbook, comparing male cheerleaders, and saw his picture and read his nice autograph.)
Remember all those colored pins sticking in frog body parts for exams? And where IS Brad White?
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 11:33:49
Class: 66
Boy am I dense, I just realized after reading all the Loretta Cuiper posts that you were Loretta Cuiper! Eric's mom!!! Right! How is Eric? He must be a senior this year? Please tell him I said hello. He was one of the nicest kids I ever had the pleasure to coach and the funniest without a doubt and he could play too, especially hit! Small world! I FINALLY CLICKED WHEN YOU MENTIONED JIMMY STONE AND PEGGY SUE!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 10:39:34
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Karen Hare-Is that the same Dennis Campbell who lived down the street from us? I remember his mom, Hank, and his little brother Jeffrey. Would like to hear from them. Jeffrey was part of our gang on Sundale.
Karen, we'll ride together Cruise Nite, okay? I'll call ya.
Boy, I hope people are thinking about car pooling, as we are OUT of parking spots at Fosters. If you can possibly get a ride with someone, please do. There're 111 total people signed up and about 50 cars. If anyone can speak Korean, please try and tell the owners of Fosters what is going to happen to their little ice cream stand on July 24th. Thanks....
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 10:38:02
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hi Mr. Plotkin, Darla wants to know if you will be there at the Oct 15th Homecoming Game, she will be flying in from Texas for the Game and their 10 year class Reunion the next day. She was hoping you would make the game, as she always thought you were one of the best. Also, this will be Eric's last year at HHS and he is hoping you will be there too! Please keep the 15th open, because I'm sure there are many of your student's that would love seeing you. Hoping to see you there--Larry/Loretta Cuiper
Name: John Biller () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 10:31:26
E-Mail: ibbiller@lightspeed.net
Class: 76
Message: Hello Harry Plotkin! Peggy says hi too. It's been awhile. What have you been up to? I'm sure you remember my mom. She's living here in Bakersfield - has been since my dad passed away in 1990. She's doing great. I had some great teachers going through school and you were one of them. Speaking of teachers, does anyone know where Mr. Andrade is? I remember enjoying his Biology class. Those of you who were in his class, do you remember the fruit fly lab where over a period of a couple of weeks we had to watch those little insects procreate? On the last day of the lab we had to count how many children they had and how many of them had red eyes, deformed wings and so on. The lab was a major part of our grade. Brad White was my lab partner and on the final day, as Brad opened jar to gas the little critters so we could count them, he dropped it. All those little flies spread out all over the room and began to procreate again. And our grade went down the toilet. Brad, if your out there somewhere, I never really got to thank you for that. So, thanks man.
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 10:29:58
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Good news! I just got off the phone with Jim Bistolas' wife (what a sweetie!). Gave her the web page address and she's going to let the Bistolas boys know to check in. AND ... since they don't live that far from us, we may be able to get together in the near future! Thanks John ... the Reuniter of Old Friends! (John the ROOF! Nah, we'll have to come up with a better one than that!).
Caring One Using Guts And Resources To Orchestrate Wonderful New Electronic Reunions......Yeah, that'll work.
Name: JoAnn Wright () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 09:57:29
Maiden: kumlin
Class: 66
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 09:44:52
Class: 66
Hey Chuckie, I remember the first time I went to Fosters, without the folks, I had just bought my first car, I was sitting on the tables talking with a couple of buddies you cruise in and cruise out. We all said someday I am going to be as cool as Chuck Currie, somethings in your life just never change! Chuck if I go with you I got the milk carton!!
Name: Roni Kobel () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 23:43:00
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hey, Peggy, good guess on the ugly cheerleader picture! I didn't really think it LOOKED like Jim Bistolas, but I was comparing it with the donkey basketball pictures on page 43 of the 1976 El Molino. Jim had on the same outfit, same wig, same, uh, cup size, but the shoes and socks were wrong. However, it could have been the same legs. I must say, it was kind of fun comparing all those legs! Glenn Vickers wasn't in the picture, but John Achrem (with a beard) was! Where IS John Achrem? Also, Clark Millman was pretty cute in the mascot outfit...
By the way, Dave Krikac, why don't you give Sandy a chance at the computer once in awhile?????
Name: Maureen Desmore () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 23:14:16
E-Mail: gdesmore@aol.com
Maiden: Manning
Class: 1964
Message: Dear Marsha,
Thanks for the note on Mike Lighter. You're right, he was a good person. Twenty-two years ago at Hawthorne Community Hospital I lost my mother. It was a very hard time for me. I was at the hospital everyday for a week before she died. Mike was working at Hawthorne Community Hospital and although he didn't know me very well he sat with me each day and was very kind to both me and my mother. God bless him.
Name: Cindy () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 23:01:58
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Hey John .... I know, I know, it's a rule to check in more often but I just have too much to say but it's not near as interesting as some of the stories that my classmates tell! Guess I just ditched too many classes to have great stories to tell ON campus. Live and learn! I just wanted to let friends of the Bistolas clan know that I just e-mailed what I hope is John Bistolas' e-mail address and told him to get his and his little brother's beehinds to this site and check in! I had his correct e-mail address last year and he gave me Jim's phone number but I never called (yea so what? Procrastination isn't always a bad thing) ... oh yea, and lost the address and phone since then (yea yea yea). They both live in Lake Oswego, Oregon. So cross your fingers that what I e-mailed is the right one! And Dave Krikrac, sorry I didn't call you but I just didn't feel right bugging you at work! (PS John: I noticed someone answered that they have the Percy Faith tune you're looking for so I won't run right out and buy it for you cause you know I would do just that ... only for you baby!). And to all you Western Washingtonians ..... isn't this weather BEAUTIFUL???!!!!!!
Well it is just about time you checked in here Cindy girl. We're having some real ice cream weather down here. You oughta' try and make cruise night. I think there's going to be just slightly more people at Fosters than are going to be at the House of Blues for the 79 reunion the same night. Yes, I think we've got the record problem solved. Thanks Cindy.........
Name: Kim () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 21:59:25
Maiden: May
Class: 79
Message: Lately I've been seeing the name Veach in the feedback page. Are you one of the Veach's who use to live on 136th Street? I think you use to be friends with my brothers Mike and Bryan, who lived on the same street. They are always looking for old friends, just wondering if you might be one of them
Name: Karen () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 20:34:34
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hey Jim Sloey is anyone else from the class of 66 going to cruise night besides us. Seems like I know more alumni from c/o 61 and 63 than ours.
Hope to see more Cougars from 66 going.
To Dennis Campbell yes it was me you saved from drowning at 26th st.
See you all at cruise night
Name: Marsha Russell () on Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 19:39:33
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: Robin Hood, is "Big Daddy" Perry Myers?
JB, I don't know if Tom is any relation to Mike Lighter.
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