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Friday, August 21, 1998 at 11:47:04
Name: Sally Rand
E-Mail: fandancer@hotmail.com
Class: 60
Message: Dear John,
You have really out done yourself. I am listening to Let's Dance by Chris Montez or Zeke as we knew him in high school. Sunday I was showing my aunt the web page and accidently clicked on the Juke- box. I couldn't hear the music as she didn't have speakers on her computer. This is the first time I have been able to hear the songs on the Juke-box. This site is "so cool". Keep up the good work You have done a fantastic job. Tell me something, is this your life's work?
Note: Sally, Thanks for the praise on the website and sometimes I do feel like this IS my lifes work. :o) Thanks again
Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 17:31:07
Name: John Avery
Class: 64
Message: Anyone remember Cathy Wilkie,Cathy kliza or Jack Trant? What class were they in?
Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 12:39:26
Name: Chris Ferguson
E-Mail: cferguso.bethel.k12.or.us
Class: 70
Message: Linda Sue Dunn-Wilson (LSD) wherever you are, I would love to hear from you.
An Old Neighbor and Bud
Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 23:51:36
Name: Renee Chaput-Bartlett
E-Mail: naedreb@aol.com
Maiden: Chaput
Class: 1991
Message: Hi fellow Cougars! I'd love to hear from some 'old alumni over the net. Where is Lourdes del Rio?
Take Care,
Renee Chaput-Bartlett
1991 Cougar Mascot
Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 23:50:46
Name: Leslie Bradley(Gumtz)
E-Mail: lattelesli@aol.com
Message: 68 class from Leuzinger Great Website!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 18:33:55
Name: Thelma Coplin
E-Mail: trcopli@cyberramp.net
Maiden: Jordan
Class: 62
Message: I didn't graduate from Hawthorne High. I did go to school with a lot of the people I have seen here and would love to see them again. I moved before we started to high school.
Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 18:08:19
Name: AL Rocca
E-Mail: arocca1@ix.netcom.com
Class: 70
Message: Great site!! Is there a site for class of 70??
Friday, August 14, 1998 at 16:35:06
Name: Janice Rosenkrans
E-Mail: Jayare@thegrid.net
Maiden: Pulcifer
Class: 66
Message: I have been looking for Joette Faran since graduation. I'm so saddened
that the first clue I've had of her turns out to be a notice regarding her brother Daniels' death in Vietnam ( 1969). If you have any news of Joette or her family please e-mail Jayare@thegrid.net.
Jan (Pulcifer)(Woodin) Rosenkrans
Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 20:29:41
Name: Lynne Mason
E-Mail: lynnemason@hotmail.com
Maiden: Lubow
Class: 61
Message: Hi from Half Moon Bay, CA.
Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 19:42:55
Name: Dave Butner
E-Mail: dbutner@earthlink.net
Class: 1974
Message: Hello John,
I am from the class of 1974. I was very pleased to find the web page. You have done a great job! I will check back often to see the updates. Keep up the great work.
Monday, August 10, 1998 at 16:26:00
Name: Linda Kissam
E-Mail: tearific@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1967
Message: Happy Dancing!
Monday, August 10, 1998 at 16:22:22
Name: Adrianne Morrison
E-Mail: adrianne.morrison@boeing.com
Maiden: Sargent
Class: 1967
Message: Great site! It's fun to roll-on-back...
Monday, August 10, 1998 at 10:11:40
Name: Jacquie Brissey
E-Mail: jacquie_brissey@aon.com
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 1968
Message: To all of those classmates who attended the 30 year reunion, it was great to see you! To those of you who didn't, you missed a wonderful evening. Having not seen any of you for 32 years, it was great to learn what you are doing, where you live, hear about your lives since living dear old HHS. Spread the news about this website...it's such a great way to connect to a big part of our lives.
Saturday, August 8, 1998 at 11:49:17
Name: Georgia Fiorante
E-Mail: topock@earthlink.net
Maiden: Cook
Class: 68
Message: Penny, I was so excited to see your message. I just discovered this page. We have so much to catch up on! I'm going to try to e-mail you. I'm kind of new at this. I recently met one of Bonnie's nephews up at Lake Isabella on the 4th of July. Almost died when he said he was related to you. E-mail me as soon as you get this.
Friday, August 7, 1998 at 18:43:49
Name: Janet Burkett
E-Mail: janet.burkett@cox.com
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Hi Shirley, Of course I remember you. It was nice to see you and so many other 62' gals and guys at the reunion. If any of you are down Orange County way, at least in the near term, give me a call and we can maybe "do lunch".
The more the merrier!!
Friday, August 7, 1998 at 14:19:49
Name: Shirley Roy
E-Mail: sroy@clerk.ci.la.ca.us
Maiden: Roy
Class: 1962
Message: My e-mail is my work number, soooooo! it might take a little longer to get back with you. I now live in San Fernando Valley and will be here for the next two years, so If any one remembers me please give me a ring and maybe we can get together and talk about old times.
I am really new at this so forgive me if I don't make any sense.
Thursday, August 6, 1998 at 01:10:42
Name: Sande Gosper
E-Mail: Gospinc@aol.com
Maiden: Bashaw
Class: 68
Message: Dear Class of '68:
To all you "lost" classmates, please try to keep in touch with this awesome website so our 40th reunion will be successful. If you haven't responded to our information sheet, please do so we can add you to our "address book." This will be mailed out in approximately 3 weeks. So get those names and addresses to me as soon as possible. It's still not too late to come to the reunion. It's Saturday, August 8th. See "reunions" in this home page for further information. Look forward to seeing all who are attending.
Sande (Bashaw) Gosper '68
Tuesday, August 4, 1998 at 20:41:47
Name: David Bridgwater
E-Mail: DABRIDG@aol.com
Class: 1973
Message: Greetings to all HHS Alumni from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas!
I'd love to hear from any of ya out there!
Tuesday, August 4, 1998 at 17:35:21
Name: Ginny White
E-Mail: whitegi@mail.northgrum.com
Maiden: Virginia Beck
Class: IHS '54
Message: I enjoy reading all your material even though I didn't go to Hawthorne High but I did graduate from Inglewood High in 54.
I still live in the Hawthorne area and my kids went to Hawthorne High.
Tuesday, August 4, 1998 at 05:04:14
Name: Laury "Butch" Frazer
E-Mail: butchfrazer@hotmail.com
Class: 1972
Message: Near the A & W on Hawthorne Blvd during December, remember the Boy Scout Christmas Tree lot Troop 262 of Hawthorne. Sponsored by Northrop's Recreation Club. We even camped out on the lot during scout week in February. I wouldnt want to do it these days.
Butch Frazer
Monday, August 3, 1998 at 18:42:15
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Does anyone remember the name of the Printing Shop teacher in the 1959-60-61 era - probably after that? I think he was also the advisor to the Cougar student editors.
Monday, August 3, 1998 at 14:43:41
Name: Penny Prouty
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: John,
I love how you're displaying our Alma Mater, too!!! It's really neat.....brings back a lot(tune and all)...just seeing it that way on the Homepage!
Thanks again! Penny
Sunday, August 2, 1998 at 23:02:37
Name: Cheryl Keohen
E-Mail: ckeohen@hotmail.com
Maiden: Bottolfson
Class: 1966
Message: I just visited the First Decade Reunion and just loved it!! Thank you for your dedication in starting this page and keeping it going for all of us!!
Sunday, August 2, 1998 at 22:23:29
Name: Karen Kuehl
E-Mail: KayKay@tcsn.net
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
Message: I love what you did with the Alma Mater "Oh Scarlet and Gold". That really is neat and I hope each and every Cougar will sing it in their heart (and remember the tune!)
Thanx again for letting us indulge ourselves in the past!!
Thursday, July 30, 1998 at 12:13:54
Name: Sally
E-Mail: fandancer@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rand
Class: 60
Message: Hi John,
I check out this site as much as I can. Love it, This makes my day. I received a message from the past that brought back many memories, back to the seventh and eight grades. The things we forget as we age. Many memories came back like missing the seasons back east, however, California became my home, as I got older and married, then moved to Oklahoma. Boy! I really don't miss the seasons anymore. Guess I have to stay in Laughlin where it gets very warm, like 120 degrees on good days my arthritic limbs can't take the cold. This is a great site, and I will check back with you and the alumnus. Would like to know where Kathy Kelly or Pat Gregory Matthews are. I have not found my El Molino yet. Must have it packed up still. Sure hope I did not give it away.
Always Sally
Thursday, July 30, 1998 at 06:58:28
Name: Debbie Cholley
E-Mail: Chaplain@sofnet.com
Maiden: Shock
Class: 79
Message: Great site - full of memories! Would appreciate any info on Mr. Wing- Choir Also, more info on Danny Fix would be appreciated. Remember the wall, the Drop-In dances, the garage-band Eclipse?
Wednesday, July 29, 1998 at 23:15:39
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Keep up the good work. Nice to see us represented on the WWW........How about an article about Danny Fix in the Teachers section?
Editors Note: Great idea Ray. Anyone want to write a few lines on Mr. Fix? He came after my time, but was a very popular teacher to many students. It would be a great addition to the Teachers Page.
Sunday, July 26, 1998 at 01:49:22
Name: Margie Bryant
E-Mail: ecb729@earthlink.net
Maiden: Melgares
Class: 72
Message: Monty Meacham, Debbie Farraro, Brenda Crabtree, Norma Rodriquez, Debbie Fleming, Maria Menendez, Don or Dan Oldes, Larry Workman, Patty Pino Where are you guys?????
Saturday, July 25, 1998 at 07:03:44
Name: Vince Dwyer
E-Mail: smirnoffyd@aol.com
Class: 1970
Message: Any information concerning Mr.Wing. He and Morgan worked together, Wing was the chorus teacher and Morgan the band teacher. Any info you have on Russel Wing please mail back.
John, what you're doing is great
Vince Dwyer- '70
Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 23:09:55
Name: Brad Larson
E-Mail: balarson@access1.net
Message: I did not graduate from Hawthorne High, but my first eleven years were at the corner of Sundale and 122nd. I found many familiar names, and relived some memories. I would of graduated in '72, I hope to make some contacts from the alumni list.
thank you very much, Brad Larson
Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 19:33:23
Name: Disa Wammack Isakson
E-Mail: Nevrgan@aol.com
Maiden: Wammack
Class: 80
Message: This is so great ! I grew up on 123 st all my life, just 3 blocks from H.H.S.... my Cousin Randy Chapman graduated from there also in the late 60's. Thanks for letting even a little tyke re- live some fond memories !
Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 14:12:43
Name: Joyce Cuiper-Titchener
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Cuiper
Class: 57
Message: Hi, John
This is GREAT, keep it going. Im looking for some classmates from 57/58.
1957: Bobbi Jo Yancey, Marjorie Harrison and Ron Hagathorne.
1958: Lenore Jean Allen and Bob Guy.
If anyone knows where I can find them, please E-Mail at my Brothers E-Mail, he will forward
the information to me.---Thank You---
Also the reunion was fun, did'nt see too many of my old Friends, but it was fun to see Larry and
Loretta's Friends. Im looking forward to another REUNION.
Monday, July 20, 1998 at 23:37:59
Name: Barbara Johnsen
E-Mail: barbaraj@linkline.com
Maiden: Johnsen
Class: 1969
Message: One thing that I remember was going the the "Haunted Church" in PV. But half the fun was trying to remember how to get there. Was the best place to "Make-Out".
Sunday, July 19, 1998 at 04:38:18
Name: Kathryn Hendrix
E-Mail: Nogoodski@aol.com
Maiden: Egger
Class: 75
Message: Dropped out right before end of Senior year didn't actually graduate until 85. Looking for Jeanie Faye Smith.
Saturday, July 18, 1998 20:44:58
Name: Leonard Dietrich
Email: Leonard-Linda@juno.com
Class: LHS 61
It is so much fun reading your Hawthorne page.In our house we have both
schools represented. My wife Linda (Dawson-'69)can relate more to the
Hawthorne High part of this web site, I on the other hand enjoy seeing my
old school Leuzinger mentioned from time to time. I know that this web page
is supposed to be for Hawthorne folks, but whether you went to HHS, LHS or
any of the other schools in the local area, most of the memories are much
the same. I thank you for allowing us LHS'ers to participate. For those of
us that went to LHS there is a high school registration page for LHS at
www.infophil.com/sc/alumni/LHSL/ . It's just a registry and not as much fun
as this page. Thanks again for this chance to re-live memories that never
go away.
Leonard Dietrich , Leuzinger class of '61.
Saturday, July 18, 1998 20:56:16
Name: Kathleen Purchase
E-Mail: LPurch6636@aol.com
Maiden: Hamler
Class: 68
I really think I see Miss Cone in the first batch of Reunion photos, nine rows
down and 5 across. Can anybody verify?? She was an HHS grad and came back to
HHS to teach English. She probably came to the Reunion as a "student" rather
than as a "teacher"! When I had her as an English teacher in the sixties I
think she said she was 28. She was a tremendous teacher (though I think she
liked my younger brother Kevin "best.") I think she married Mr. Lyle in the
late 1960's or early 1970's.
I REALLY think "it's her." If it is, she gives me great hope in the aging
Kathleen ("Kathy") Hamler Purchase
Class of 1968
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 03:12:57
Name: Lucille Johnsen Tarvis
E-Mail: LuluHB@aol.com
Maiden: Johnsen
Class: 67/68
Message: This is great! Nice to see lots of familiar names. I was in class of 68 until 67 then all of a sudden had enough credits and graduated early. My heart still belongs to the class of 68 :)
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 01:39:20
Class: LHS63
Message: Hello John: Just checking your new home. Also checking to see if you are going to join us for our reunion July 25th? Sure hope so. We have really enjoyed sharing your website with everyone. You have truly done a great job!! We all would like to meet you! Do hope you will join us. It is looking to be alot of fun and you will probably know alot of the people! Let me know. Keep up the great website, we are all loving it!! THANK YOU
Sylvia Davenport Franke
Leuzinger High Class of 63'
Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 00:08:25
Name: Joan Soldwisch
E-Mail: Somom@aol.com
Maiden: Klimas
Class: 60
Message: I moved to Chicago my Junior year......but I have many memories of the two years spent at HHS....not to mention the years spent in Hawthorne. Many, many thanks for the memories!
Friday, July 17, 1998 at 23:04:46
Name: Melinda Anderson Keenan
E-Mail: birdie @ telis.org
Maiden: Anderson
Class: 63
Message: Dear John,
I can't thank you enough for all of your efforts in creating this site for those of us who still have some memory left! My brother, Mike Anderson (Leuzinger '68) alerted me to this site and I have been checking in fairly regularly. I would love to get in touch with some of my old buddies like Carole Dyess, Jan Jolly, Sue Achen, Robin Hays, Bettye Johnston, John Moynagh, Linda McVeigh or anyone else from this era (I know you're all out there!!) Thanks again, John, for giving us a taste of our youth! Melinda Keenan
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