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Thursday, September 10, 1998 at 00:52:42
Name: Hardy Hess
Class: 66
Message: Message: Boy does this page bring back some great and not so great memories....mostly great. I recognize a lot of names but wish my yearbooks hadn't been lost in the move of '78. Does anybody know where one could get old yearbooks.
Looking through the teachers list brought to mind some of the unusual teachers/staff that were ommited, Kermit Bennet, Mr. Cracciolo, Mr. Lordi(God did he hate me!!) and Miss Joyce Selz, in whose office I spent a lot of time. Anyone knowing the whereabouts and/or staus of any of these let me know. Thanks.
p.s. didn't we all love the convex mirror located in the norteast corner window of the girl's locker room.
Wednesday, September 9, 1998 at 17:37:27
Name: Bob Campbell
E-Mail: soup44@earthlink.net
Class: 86
Message: Did not graduate from HHS but went there for the first 2 yrs of school. Found it interesting to see some familiar names!! Wonderful job on the site!!
Monday, September 7, 1998 at 21:45:49
Name: Cheryl Mercurio
E-Mail: cherylmerc@aol.com
Maiden: Mercurio
Class: 64
Message: Hi John,
Thanks for all your effort to put together this great website. My brother Rick said there was a very successful reunion of the 53-63 HHS alumni. We're all hoping there will be one for 64-74. Any news on that idea?
Monday, September 7, 1998 at 21:41:57
Name: Donna
E-Mail: danderson@orbitworld.net
Maiden: Anderson
Class: 71
Message: John, Happy belated birthday...I wish you well...Thank-you for constantly working so hard on this website..I'm sure all of us have really appreciated all the time and effort you've spent making this happen. I'd like to wish the 'Class of 71' well and to say Hi to all my classmates...
Monday, September 7, 1998 at 13:51:48
Maiden: BOLL
Class: 61
Sunday, September 6, 1998 at 00:57:19
Name: John Avery
E-Mail: JohnnyBtn@aol.com
Class: 64 Leuzinger
Message: Michael Wilking, thanks for getting back to me. . Is Kathy your sister? Did she and Jack get married? Where are they now? I was a good friend back in the 60's. We used to double date every week but lost track after I moved to Oregon. Thanks for your response.
Saturday, September 5, 1998 at 18:34:14
Name: Kathy Stonebraker
E-Mail: stoney@tminet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 1976
Message: Hi everyone! In case you couldn't tell from the last name I am married to Steve Stonebraker, Class of 1974. Steve's dad, Ken Stonebraker, worked for the Hawthorne Police Dept. during the 60's, 70's and retired in 1989. If you would like to contact any of us, just drop a note to our e-mail. We will forward Kenny's messages to him. Hope to here from you!!
Friday, September 4, 1998 at 22:50:01
Name: Nick Fitzgerald
E-Mail: NFitzge163@aol.com
Class: 1959
Message: I have never had so much fun going back in time. The names and the places. WOW!
Is there anyway I can get Sonja Laird to let me know where Harley is. Haven't seen or heard of him since 59 graduation.
Friday, 4 Sep 1998 09:10:30 edt
Name: Rick Hinojosa
E-Mail: rjdreamin1@aol.com
Class: 67
Message: John, Thanks for taking the time to keep those memories alive. Would like to
hear from any one who knows anything about three of my closest friends that
I've lost contact with over all these years. They are Cindy Choren (68) Jack
Lang and Mike Earnst(67) and welcome any of my class mates who want to chat
with this Cailfornian who's job has him based in a place called Atlanta
Georgia a long way from the Pacific.
Rick Hinojosa Class of 67
Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 23:41:29
Maiden: MOORE
Class: 1984
Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 21:45:29
Name: Joann Tippie
E-Mail: mowwer@doubled.com
Maiden: Pappas
Class: 1978
Message: A big thanks to the '78 reunion committee for making Aug 29,1998 a night that is filled with fond memories and could never have been better. It was so great to see everyone again. Joyce, have you recovered yet! I haven't.
Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 18:38:32
Name: Penny Prouty
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: Hi John!
It's been a while since I've "checked in" with you ....after catching up with several messages on our Feedback page, I discovered I missed your birthday! Sorry I'm just now getting my birthday wishes to you--but glad to hear it was "the BEST"!
You deserve it....you've got a lot of friends out here who really appreciate the gift you've given us!!! Have a wonderful "new year" ahead!
Love, Penny
Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 17:38:19
Name: Janet Fessler
E-Mail: jkf1jhf2@aol.com
Maiden: Russell
Class: 1970
Message: Hope all our well and having a good time. John and I celebrated our 26th, anniversary.
Wednesday, September 2, 1998 at 21:21:37
Name: Joyce Krzmarzick
E-Mail: joyce_krzmarzick@ycjusd.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Pineda
Class: 78
Message: Thanks to all who organized that great reunion on August 29th in Long Beach - Pam, Tammy, Kip, Brian, Luann. 20 years flew by didn't they? Everyone looked terrific - it was a ball! Can we stay in touch through e-mail?? A Yuca-Ipa hello right back to you in Hemet, Laura!
Wednesday, September 2, 1998 at 13:50:27
Name: Sherri Skanes
E-Mail: Sassy1962@aol.com
Message: Just a quick note to let you all know in advance that the tickets for the Carl Wilson Benefit Concert go on sale Friday throught Ticketmaster. The number of seats is limited, so don't delay in ordering them! The seating will be cabaret style, so not a bad seat in the house. The concert will be held the evening of Sunday, October 18th, at the Roxy. Scheduled to perform are Jackson Browne, Joe Walsh, Van Dyke Parks, Billy Hinsche, Desi Arnaz Jr, Myrna Smith, Smoke (sons of Carl and Dennis), Jeffrey Foskett, and more signing on every day! All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society, in memory of Carl D. Wilson, for cancer research. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions!
Thanks for your support.
Wednesday, September 2, 1998 at 11:01:50
Pam Betraun
E-Mail: pbetraun2@Philipinc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Just wanted to thank everyone who came to the reunion. It was so good to see everyone. I hope you had a good time. It was very impressive that alot of us still knew the alma mater. Hopefully we can get together for a 25 yr. party.
Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at 15:18:27
Name: Grace
E-Mail: Ldyiscrfty@aol.com
Maiden: Nelson
Class: 59
Message: John, just read that you had a birthday. Well, I would just like to wish you a very happy belated birthday!!!! Keep up the good work, the web site is great!
Note: Grace, Thanks for the Birthday wishes and the "ATTABOYS" on the website. That's what keeps me going.
Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at 00:37:15
Name: Laura "Twitch" Porter
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: Just a note from the designated underclassman...It was great seeing everyone Saturday night in Long Beach for your 20th. Got lots of great ideas from your reunion committee too! Hello to Joyce in Yuca-Ipa! Take care y'all and God Bless!
Monday, August 31, 1998 at 22:52:47
Name: Ray Nealey
E-Mail: Rockskiper@aol.com
Class: 62
Message:Would like to talk to any one from the class of 62
Monday, August 31, 1998 at 18:10:35
Name: Daryl Chaney
E-Mail: tdary@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Word-of-mouth pointed me to this site. I'm looking in for the first time.
Monday, August 31, 1998 at 10:04:26
Name: Karen Kuehl
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
Message: Checked it out and I liked it!! (Class of 62 Reunion Pics) It's a unique way of showing "now and then". I don't remember many people from '62 but it's fun seeing if I can find a familiar face.
Note: Karen, most of those "Then" pictures were taken from the 1958 Hawthorne Intermediate Yearbook.
Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 21:47:50
Name: Nancy McConnell
E-Mail: Simi4nem@aol.com
Maiden: Moffett
Class: 62
Message: Hi everyone! Glad to see this page.
Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 19:21:10
Name: Don Collins
E-Mail: DgladeC@aol.com
Class: 1976
Message: Thanks for the good work!!!! The word will get around. With a little help of my friends.
Note: Don, Thanks, and it is appreciated.
Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 03:57:04
Name: Randy Jackson
E-Mail: randy@abestco.com
Class: 1975
Message: John, You contacted me a year ago and I am amazed at the web pages you have put together since. Especially the number of people on the list.
Cruisin' from A&W to the Witchstand, then up to Stocker St. to Dance at Monty's on the Hill was a pastime my sister did in the 60's. She attended Lennox High (unfortunately). The principal of Lennox school came to Hawthorne but I can't remember his name or how long he stayed.
Thanks for a real nice effort on your part!
Randy Jackson
Friday, August 28, 1998 at 21:44:13
Name: Karen Kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
Message: I'm sure most of us didn't know it was your B-DAY. Happy Birthday!!! and that should go for all of us who love our website. A special wish goes to you for all you've given us. Hope it was the best Birthday ever!!!
We love you, John for the gift you've given us.
Note: Karen, And no one woulda' known either, if it wasn't for my good friend Linda Reynolds. :o)
Thank you for your kind words, however it's all the Alumni and people like Coach Chauncey who contribute to the site through Remembrances, adding themselves to the Alumni List or through this Feedback Page and Reunion Information. That's what it's all about to me. If all the people who visit this site would add something, then the Site would be enriched through them. Oh, and yes, I had a great birthday today. It was THE BEST.
Friday, August 28, 1998 at 12:41:03
Name: Norma Kinder
E-Mail: norkind@webtv.net
Maiden: Sondericker
Class: 60
Message: The place I remember, and is still there, is Foster's Freeze. It was a great place to just "hang out" and have a good time. They had great chocolate chip malts.
Note: Norma, And Great Cheeseburgers Too!!!
Friday, August 28, 1998 at 11:14:06
Name: Linda Reynolds
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
Message: For JOHN BAKER:
Put another candle on your Birthday Cake, and when you do....a wish you'll make...Put another candle on your Birthday Cake....You're another year older today....Happy Birthday to you.....You're another year older today....
Toot Toot!!
Happy Birthday John! Have a wonderful day.
Love, Linda
Note: Linda, Thank you for remembering. I just don't know how you remembered my birthday. :o)
Love you too, John B
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