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Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 17:45:58
Name: Pam Lewis
E-Mail: plewis@Eentertainment.com
Message: Hello HHS Alumni,
I am a Producer at E! Entertainment Television in Los Angeles and we are doing a biography show on the Beatles Wives. As part of our show we will be covering the life of OLIVIA ARIAS HARRISON (class of '65 and wife of George Harrison). If anyone has any stories or information to share with us about Olivia, please e-mail me at plewis@Eentertainment.com or call me at (323) 692-6475.
Pam Lewis
E! Entertainment Television
Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 23:09:12
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@flash.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: To Penny P., John and everyone else to whom I have written messages: I read them the following day and find all of my spelling errors ie. miss led rather than misled. I think I'm half brain dead after work. I've told you all that I teach, but what I haven't told you is that I arrive at work at 6:00 am. It's a nightmare for an artist to retire before 2:00 am, and I have to be in bed by 10:00 pm. Well, I hardly ever make it, so I pay the next day. I am so embarrassed.
Note: Ricki, It's no problem. I do it all the time. People are always telling me about mizpelled wourds on thiz sight. It happens to everyone. Really, I will fix it. See!!
Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 22:47:17
Name: Sharon MacDonald
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Nice to see some more names from 1963. I attended HHS for my Junior & Senior years. Would like to hear from/of Lynne Johnson who transferred to HHS from Florida about the same time as I did.
Won't make the reunion in Oct. I have a conference in Houston, TX the week before. Too bad....would have liked to come.
Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 00:21:12
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@flash.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: Penny,
I think that I misled you. By catechism, I meant at St. Joseph's in Hawthorne. I do keep in touch with both Diana and Clayton. He'll be very happy to hear from you, if you get a chance to send him a line. He retired in Orem, Utah and has 2 splendid children. His son, Chris has a daughter, I believe, and his daughter received a degree in Art History. Chris, I believe, completed his doctorate. His wife Terry died several years ago, but he is doing just fine. His address is 1843 N. 470E Orem, Utah 84057. I would send you his phone # but I don't like doing that over the Internet. I live in Fullerton and am listed.
Next time there is a reunion please let me know. I think that I can talk him into coming. Actually, it's been a few months since we last spoke and I don't think that he is on line. I'll call him in a few days. It's funny that we really never knew each other because we knew the same people. Clayton has been a precious friend. I became an art teacher because of him. I now teach computer animation and drawing and painting. I love it. He touched a lot of our lives. It amazes me how many of his students succeeded as productive adults. Anyway, get in touch if you like. I really appreciated your note.
Monday, September 28, 1998 at 23:19:37
Name: Kathy Dorio
E-Mail: fredmartinez@earthlink.net
Maiden: Wilking
Class: 1966
Message: Cheryl, Billine and Janice: Michael called me and told me about this web page. This is great! I am using my sister's computer at the present time. I didn't think I would use one, but. . . I just moved to the East Bay area (Contra Costa County). Cheryl, I understand you live in Northern California near Sacramento. I just moved from there. Please let me hear from you guys. HEY, WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR 30TH REUNION?????
Monday, September 28, 1998 at 15:19:49
Name: Penny Prouty
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: Hi Ricki,
That was great receiving your message, Ricki....all those names you mentioned...what memories they bring back! I didn't remember running into you during that special time, thru the catechumenate (spelled right?) period at St. Margaret Mary's! How neat you were there! It was a great place to be and I'm glad I made the "journey". Diana Tijerina! Please give her a hug for me if you get the chance! It's great to hear she's doing so well. I always remember her patience with me as I continually coaxed her to try to teach me a word of Spanish here and there (which I really crucified in my pronunciation!)...
And your question about Chris Montez and Mr. Williams....also two of my favorite people. Mr. Williams was my favorite teacher at HHS....and I'm still hoping someone will let us know something about him....if he's around somewhere or keeping in touch with anyone... Chris (I remember him as "Zeke" Martinez in my art class with Mr. Williams)...I got to know him better and he became a friend when he was going with one of my girlfriends while I attended El Camino College. He's a very nice guy. I haven't heard anything about him in a long time....but last I heard, I think he was married and doing very well (that goes back quite a long time though).
Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 02:45:19
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@flash.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: While reading the feedback page yesterday, someone asked who the printshop teacher was during the early '60's. I think it was Mr. Graves. I found the old yearbook and in those days they had teachers by department, but not by course. By the way John, I looked you up and you do look familiar. Looking through the book made me wonder about a lot of people. I remember Jim Clairmont saying in Mr. Edward's class that he would be a millionaire. Hmmmm. I heard once that John Kindseth had a PhD. in psychology. How about Bill Lassiter, Ann Smith, Bruce Smith, Adrian Kumlin, Sharon Hall? Has anyone heard from Mike Mecey? Is anyone in touch with Brian Wilson? I read his book and couldn't help wondering about him. Rumors are so vicious and I don't remember those guys the way they have been portrayed. I guess I'm still pretty idealistic.
I hope that this continues with people telling some of the old stories because it sure stirs up the old memories. Youth is certainly wasted on the young. I don't know that I would change anything, but I wished I had appreciated it more. Gravity is taking over, and that's a fact.
Reading about the old times allows me to appreciate those days a bit more. Thanks again John.
Note: Mr. Chaffey was the Print Shop Teacher in 1960. I also remember Mike Shay borrowing someones 270HP 57 Chev to race Jim Clairmont's Black 58 Chevy, and Jim blew the doors off the 57, but I'm sure he didn't make a million in Dragracing.
Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 19:17:32
Name: Rose Leven
E-Mail: RLeven1072@aol.com
Maiden: Leven
Class: 63
Message: Has anyone ever heard from Suzie Donahue, Cheryl Smith, Marydale Johnson? If so do you have an address? Would like to contact old classmates before the reunion.
Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 12:14:45
Name: Cheryl Keohen
E-Mail: ckeohen@hotmail.com
Maiden: Bottolfson
Class: 1966
Message: Hi,
This is in response to Dave Chauncey's feedback on Olivia Arias. She lived on my block throughout school and her mom and dad continued to live there at least until a few years ago. My parents kept contact with hers throughout the years. I have a few stories, but have to reach into my memory bank to retrieve them. I did run into Olivia at the 1965 HHS 20-year reunion. George and Paul McCartney actually went "trick or treating" at my mom and dad's house on Halloween many years ago. I do believe they finally sold the house, but they still might be in Hawthorne. She also had her picture in Life magazine (a copy of which I kept).
Dave, if you are still looking for some information, please email me and I will try to help you.
Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 01:04:34
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@flash.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: John, I don't think that we ever met but I feel as though I've known you forever. I only slept about 4 hours last night and planned on going to bed early. However, I spent the entire evening reading through this incredible gift that you have begun for us. I have very fond memories of HHS. Three teachers paved the way for me and probably countless others: Mr. Orrell, Mr. Williams and Mr. Pizarro. I would love to have anyone who remembers, to write me. I continue to be in contact with Clayton Williams and I am sorry to say I have lost touch with Art Orrell and Manny Pizarro.
Penny Prouty, I remember you from church and catechism? I think that you were a friend of my cousin Diana Tijerina. She is working on her PhD, has two great sons and two grandchildren. She lives in Washington and we both thought that you had become a nun. It's okay, we're still Catholic.
Donna Smith... Remember when I tried to get you to come to church with me?
Does anyone know what became of Francis MacDonald, Hilda Kossoff or Bruce Griffin? Curious group.
How about Chris Montez? Does anyone remember at Eucalyptus when he was Ezequiel Montanez? I'm not sure of the spelling.
Daryl Chaney! We went all the way through school together...I even remember you at Eucalyptus.
Carol Ferges, Carol Moody, Don DeWald: How you guys doin'?
This is incredible. I hope I hear from some of you Janet, Mickey, Pat and Patricia...you guys look great. Those years were the best. Mickey Acosta always had a big birthday party. I think that those were among the first that I ever attended.
John, I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity. There have always been those people with whom you had one last chance. Now, maybe there will be many of them. Muchas gracias.
Friday, September 25, 1998 at 23:48:04
Name: Ricki Valencia Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@flash.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: I've already been placed on the alumni page...but I missed the last reunion due to illness in the family. I would very much enjoy attending the next one. Please let me know. I loved the reunion photos. It was great seeing some of my "old friends." Just kidding! I had both of Mike Shay's sons in my art class. Very talented!
I still talk a lot. Ricki
Friday, September 25, 1998 at 18:58:26
Name: Penny Prouty
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: Hi Rose!
I know your familiar face but I don't think we really knew each other. It's good to know there's a friendly, familiar face out there from Class of '63! Whatever you do, don't miss your reunion! Even if there aren't a lot of people who like to write back & forth (and some who don't have access to a computer)...the connection back to our "roots" and the bond we seem to rediscover is really special at this time in our lives. Have fun! (and keep writing!)
Friday, September 25, 1998 at 15:39:09
Name: Rose Leven
E-Mail: RLeven1072@aol.com
Maiden: Leven
Class: 1963
Message: Are any of the class of '63 alive? I know some of you are because there is a reunion. Send me an e-mail if you remember who I am.
Note: Cmon Class of 63. Where are you. Doesn't anyone remember her? Rose needs an email here.
Friday, September 25, 1998 at 11:07:02
Maiden: LEVEN
Class: 1963
Sunday, September 20, 1998 14:22:50
Name: Joe Gigliotti
E-Mail: g-joseph@ccountry.com
Class: 64
Message:I noticed a few people wondering about "Crazy Craig". His real name is Craig
Caldwell, he hung out at 26th and lived, for a while, in an apartment at
26th and Strand. He also could be found with us at the island in front of
Taco Tio, almost anyplace in Manhattan Beach, and occasionally at HHS. I
think he was enrolled at HHS, but I was never really sure about that. Craig
was a likable guy if you got to know him, and I don't think he was any
crazier than the rest of us. He just marched to the beat of a different
Joe Gigliotti
Sunday, September 20, 1998 at 11:55:39
Name: Chuck Collins
E-Mail: CKC1stCav@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Hail all Cougars! I'm Still livin in Hawthorne - Workin hard, keepin the faith and surfin the net. Drop a line and say Hi
Saturday, September 19, 1998 at 10:18:27
Name: Barbara Kritz
Maiden: Pierce
Class: 60
Message: I just want to say that Hawthorne High was the best place to be at that time. I didn't actually graduate from Hawthorne, but, I went there 3 out of the 4 years so HAWTHORNE WAS MY HIGH SCHOOL as far as I'm concerned. I hope I can continue to go to all of the reunions that they have. The A&W and the Witchstand was the utmost places and of course cruisin' Hawthorne Boulevard. I go back there every so often and I just want to cry how things have turned out. Even looking at Hawthorne High with the fence around it makes me very sad.
Barbara Pierce Kritz
Saturday, September 19, 1998 at 03:24:11
Name: Joe Gigliotti
E-Mail: g-joseph@ccountry.com
Class: 64
Message: I don't see any photos of Taco Tio! I think I have
some from around 63-64. Ill get back to you on that.
J. Gigliotti
Friday, September 18, 1998 at 16:54:13
Name: Barry Smith
E-Mail: bsmith@manhattan.k12.ca.us
Class: 74
Message: Thanks for putting together the Cougar Web site
Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 00:28:49
Name: Ken Hermansen
E-Mail: kdkwk@silcom.com
Class: 60
Message: Just received the video from the recent reunion and decided to acknowledge your web site. Looks great. please keep us informed of future events. Thanks
Ken Hermansen------------------ class of 1960
Dolores (Eldridge) Hermansen----class of 1960
Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 22:03:43
Name: Al Rocca
E-Mail: arocca1@ix.netcom.com
Class: 70
Message: I would like to see an article on Mr. Fix also. Anyone know whatever happened to Cindy Appleton? Class of 70/71. Keep up the great site. Thanks
Monday, September 14, 1998 at 19:19:29
Name: Patt Prewitt-Deckard
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: The Name of our classmate who married George Harrison is OLIVIA Arias.
Sunday, September 13, 1998 at 14:21:41
Name: W.J. "Bud" Nahay
E-Mail: bublerap@aol.com
Class: Leuzinger 65
Message: This is a great page! I especially appreciate the Vietnam section. I graduated from Leuzinger in 1965 and this has brought back some great memories.
Saturday, September 12, 1998 at 20:40:02
Name: Kimberly Morse
E-Mail: renekim@together.net
Maiden: Hamilton
Class: 1986
Message: Great web page, exciting to see my friends on the net! Makes me feel so old tho. How could I possibly have graduated that long ago?
Friday, September 11, 1998 at 23:05:10
Name: gary nieman
E-Mail: nie12@aol.com
Class: 67
Friday, September 11, 1998 at 18:18:39
Name: Dave Chauncey
E-Mail: bogey_shooter@yahoo.com
Class: 66
Message: Hi ALL!
I'm teaching here at HHS and just found out that Claudia Arias (class of 65) evidently married George Harrison (yes, the Beatle!). Entertainment Hollywood is doing a show on the Beatle's wives and has contacted HHS about her. We have gone through the yearbooks, but she doesn't appear to have been too active. Do any of you know her, have an anecdote or two you can share?? love to hear from you.
Thanks, Dave
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