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Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 02:23:10
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: Penny: Sorry to hear about Gary Persinger. He was a childhood friend. He used to live around the corner from me in Hawthorne. I saw him once when we were in college. I haven't reached Clayton Williams yet, but I will.
How about Kendall Ruskit, or Joy Cavanaugh? I lost touch with her and would like to know what happened in her life. Mike Shay was kind enough to drop the Hawthorne decade reunion film by my school and it was so much fun for me to see. I remembered so many people. I wish that I could have been there.
Is the class of '61 going to have a 40th in 2001? What a kick that would be. I'm already to go.
John, thanks again for the site and Mike, thanks for the film. You guys looked so good and full of the devil.
More later...Ricki
Friday, October 16, 1998 at 20:19:01
Name: Dale R Hahlbeck Jr
E-Mail: mhahlbeck.earthlink,net
Class: 75
Message: You know, with this new site, I am tempted to throw the biggest Hahlbeck Party yet...stay tuned for details!! Disco Lives!!
Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 22:19:02
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Hey all you Cougars and Cougarettes, does anyone remember John Heine from the class of 1977? It seems that he's met up with the love of his life, and he's gettin' hitched this weekend. He's going to marry the daughter of someone I'm certain we all know and love. He's marrying Coach Lou Jones' daughter Judy. They met on a blind date which was arranged by her son. They're a great couple, and I'm certain they'll have years of happiness together!!!!! GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!
Love, Ray & Deb
Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 16:09:02
Name: Carole Ferruccio
E-Mail: cferruccio@hotmail.com
Maiden: Anderson
Class: 1960
Message: I didn't graduate but my brother David Anderson did in
1958. he now lives in La Mesa, Ca. I quit in 1959
after going to Hawthorne for 3 years. I've been
looking for Judy Poore who graduated in 1959. She
married Gary Shapiro. Anyone with any info pls e-mail me. thx. Love this site.
Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 12:59:53
Name: Wendy Walchli
E-Mail: WWal833579@aol.com
Maiden: Rideout
Class: 1964
Message: Did not realize this page existed until I heard from my brother-in-law Mike Wilking, class of 65. Will check it out often and let others know.
Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 13:23:30
Name: Rodger Suihkonen
E-Mail: SuihRoCa@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: No one has mentioned that the Beach Boys played live at the class of 1969's prom at the Beverly Hilton. They were better in person than on tape. Whoever put that together deserves a BIG thanks from Rodger Suihkonen living now in Arkansas. I tell alot of people that and all they can say is "no way". Alot of people probably don't know that they also attended HHS at one time. Anyways that is something that I definitely won't forget and thanks again...
Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 18:49:23
Name: Penny Prouty
E-Mail: penny.prouty@trw.com
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: John,
What a great memory you have!!! Now that you mentioned it, I do remember the story about Mr. Palmer (at Hawthorne Christian School) and how he had lost his sight but didn't remember about his "relative" (Buffalo Bill Cody).... How neat! They were really a special couple...didn't they live in a little house, located on the school grounds?
And for Ricki (Valencia)....I don't know if you knew about Gary Persinger....I found out just this year (thanks to our internet connection) that Gary passed away (I can't remember how long ago)...He and his wife were close friends of mine many years ago...
Note: Penny, The Pike Family owned about 4 houses adjacent to the school on 136th St. The Palmers could have lived in one of them. Gary Persinger died in 1995 in Scottsdale AZ.
Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 11:01:50
Name: Cheryl Hoven
E-Mail: cheryl.hoven@trw.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 63
Message:Rose Levin contacted me and said to look at the "wanted poster". Where would I find that?
Thanks, Cheryl
Note: Cheryl, the "WANTED" poster, I think Rose is referring to is....well just
click here.
Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 00:15:23
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: Reading about all of the old schools and names of people really jolted some old memories. Like most of you, I too filtered through Hawthorne Intermediate. Remember the "Black Jacket" gang? Richie Marquez? He was intimidating, but quite harmless really. I remember Mr. Claydon getting up one day and yelling that if any of the Black Jacket gang slit his tires or anything... he would know and deal with it. I don't remember how. Does anyone remember George Newton? Boy did I have a crush on him in the 8th grade. I heard that he was student body president at Leuzinger later. And Dennis Meizenthal or Pat Contestable from Eucalyptus.
I went to St. Joseph's catechism classes and some of our kids at Hawthorne High were from there. In fact, Clayton Williams eventually married one, Terry LaMonte. How about Ann Smith, Bruce Smith, Harvey Mandlin, John Kindseth, Kendall Ruskit, Gary Persinger. I wish we could all get together again. I hope that we all find this site before our next reunion.
Thanks again John.
Monday, October 12, 1998 at 23:04:12
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: I can still kick "Earthquakes" fat West
Torrance ass, and who sent me those damn "We are
gonna miss you " flowers in the locker room???
P.S. I still owe Lorna Ingram a good night Kiss
after the Christmas Dance : (
Monday, October 12, 1998 at 20:59:15
Name: Penny Prouty
E-Mail: penny.prouty@trw.com
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: It's me again....Hi John!
Just finished catching up with your Feedback page...it's getting better all the time!!!
Hawthorne Christian School!....I was there during 3rd and 4th grade (left my 3rd-grade buddies at Juan de Anza and returned mid-year in the 4th grade to Anza). My memories at Hawthorne Christian School were not too happy.. although I'm not sure if everything really happened the way I remember it. But I DO remember the Principal, Mr. Pike, being an extremely strict disciplinarian. Did he really punish the "bad" kids in his office by swatting them with a paddle, or ruler or something? And it seems like there was an incident where a boy (or boys) was suspended or expelled from school, out in front of everyone on the playground, in an assembly or something like that? And I remember Mr. Pike coming into our class one day holding a boy up in front of everyone by his collar and asking us if he looked "sick" or not (guessing he must have gone to the nurse's office earlier, wanting to go home?)...just wondered if anyone remembers anything like that...On the gentler side of those memories was a kind, elderly man and his wife who invited new children to the school to visit and pray with them. Also the Christmas pageants the little children would perform for their parents... It was much different there and just made me appreciate Anza and my public school buddies all the more when I returned! (But I do remember Joan Munn being there the same time that I was there... so John, you and I must have attended around the same time.)
It's fun to remember some of these things! Thanks again John!
Note: Yes, Mr. Carl Pike was a disciplinarian. I don't remember him taking them to the office, but to the maintenance room. There was a paddle in there for ALL to see. He never embarrassed anyone that I recall, be he would come into class and remove a boy for punishment and it was like everyone knew it was "Dead Man Walkin'". He was strict. I also remember his wife, Mrs Margaret Pike. She was actually the principal, as I recall. Mr. Pike was the Reverend. I went fishing with their son John in the early to mid 80's. John Pike was in my classes from the first to the sixth grade. He was a nice kid. I don't know who you had in the 3rd and 4th grade, but I had Mrs. Davis in the 3rd, and Mrs. Johnny Ruth Moore in the 4th grade. I loved them both.
I remember Mr. Palmer and his wife. He was a blind man who would preach at the assemblies. He had gone blind in a mine explosion and had been partners with Buffalo Bill Cody in the late 1800's. Do you remember him?
Yes Penny, we must've maybe had a class together. Let me know if you remember any of these people, and thanks for sharing the experience.
Monday, October 12, 1998 at 19:15:02
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: John, You have succeeded in naming all of the HHS "lead-in" schools except one. St. Joseph's Catholic School (K-8) also had many students go into Hawthorne High. Although I'm a Eucalyptus (3rd grade during the tornado) and Hawthorne Intermediate Alumni, I think we should also recognize those from St. Joe's. (I don't know what it is about parochial schools, but those folks were some of the heaviest partiers I ever met.)
Monday, October 12, 1998 at 18:09:40
Name: Steve Eide
E-Mail: sreide@pacbell.net
Class: 66
Message: Yes there were other schools that fed students to HHS. I'd like to add
two others. Williams Elementary and Yukon Intermediate both on Yukon St.
Most of the students that went to these schools attended Leuzinger.
Those of us that lived North of El Segundo Bl. after about 1962 attended
Hawthorne High.
Our principal of many years at Williams was Zela Davis an veteran of
many years teaching in at least two schools in Hawthorne. Part of
Williams School was eventually named after her.
Some great teachers at Williams, were Leona Stindy, Mrs. Wilkes and Miss
At Yukon Intermediate there were Mrs Fritsche, Mrs Heminway, Coach
Carson among others. Great memories. Thanks again for sparking them.
Steve Eide 1966
Monday, October 12, 1998 at 14:03:17
Maiden: LEVEN
Class: 63
Message: HI JOHN,
Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 10:08:03
Name: Karen Kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: Graham
Class: 59
Message: Hey John, I remember Hawthorne Intermediate. I went there in the 8th grade. I had just moved from Inglewood and would've gone to Morningside HS. I had Mrs. Walker for my teacher. I was also on the Safety Patrol. Anyone remember that!?? I don't think they have that anymore!! I remember one day while on patrol, 2 huge boys (more than 6 feet tall) got into a fist fight where the bikes were parked in the alley way behind the buildings and one of the boys broke his leg. I was so scared but hung in there and did my duty. Mr. Newton, I believe it was, came out and helped the boy with the broken leg go to the hospital. A few years later, I was going steady with that boy!! His name was David Neuschafer, LHS class of '59.
John, you sure do know how to bring out the old buried memories!!
Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 23:30:20
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Hello all,
I love reading all the stories about RH Dana and Anza and all, but we had another side of Hawthorne and it was the kids from Washington, Hawthorne Christian, and Hawthorne Intermediate. Not to mention Jefferson, Williams, and York School. I went to York in Kindergarten and had Miss Patterson for a teacher. I often wondered where she ended up. I went there in the 49-50 school year and was allowed to walk to school (6 blocks and had to cross 120th St).
George Gates (LHS62) lived right across the street at the time and we'd walk to school together in the mornings with my trusty dog "Tubby" taking care of us all the way. When school was out,(about noon for Kindergarten) old Tubby would be there waiting to pick us up and walk us home.
Hawthorne Christian was 1st through the 6th grade. My best friend was Paul Bein. Paul, if you're out there somewhere, give me a shout. I saw your brother, Arnold's picture in the 63 LHS Reunion Group. I remember teachers like Mrs. Wilkinson in the first grade. She taught in the 30's in Hawthorne Schools. The only people that I remember who went to HHS from Hawthorne Christian were Deanna Peterson, and Joan Munn other than me. These two were also missing from our last reunion. There were some fine teachers from Hawthorne Intermediate too. Teachers like Mr Dana and Mr. Sweeney, the PhysEd coach. Miss Grace Hendrickson was our Principal at that time and she was a great person and another "Institution" in the Hawthorne School District. Mr. Newton was our Vice Principal and another great guy.
I'm sure lots of you guys remember Pat and Lee; two of the funniest barbers, Hawthorne ever had. I was sitting in the Barber Shop one day and Mr. Newton, our Vice principal was sitting in Lee's chair. I was in the 7th grade and was a little intimidated by Mr. Newton. He was balding at the time and Lee walked over to me and pointed back at Mr. Newton and said John, Do you ever call Mr. Newton "OLD BALDY" at school? I was so embarrassed I had to leave.
Other teachers that I remember were, Mr Clayton, Mrs. Walker, Miss Mingay, Mrs. Hornaday and Mr. Hughes.
I don't know, but I think I must be the only one who remembers those days at Intermediate. I remember I had a total crush on Deanne Allen in the 7th grade, but I don't think she knew I existed. I always wondered where she went after my Intermediate days.
Anyway, there were other schools in Hawthorne besides RH Dana. I remember....because a long long time ago, I was a part of them. Thanks for all the wonderful memories Hawthorne.
Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 20:17:42
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: John,
What a pleasure this site is...Reading some of the memories from Juan de Anza is really like traveling back to an earlier life. I remember Miss Bennett, I wonder if anyone remembers Mrs. Retzlaff (sp?). Our forth-grade class was her first teaching job after college. She was 22 years old and everyone in the class loved her. I have often wondered how she did in here career and life - She'd be almost 70 today... I remember she drove a Model A Ford and had a ?Stevenson for President' sticker on the back during the ?52 election campaign.
Mr. Helvey was another popular Anza teacher. He loved dixieland jazz and brought records to class for us to hear - I think my interest in music and jazz and Spike Jones, came from listening to Mr. Helvey's records. He taught at Dana later.
What a thrill to see Becky Donahoe's name, I had a crush on her in eighth grade in Mr. Fitzgerald's class, what a pretty girl she was.
Does anyone remember the old abandon factory buildings that were just west of Anza school? There were stories about kids being murdered there and it was strictly taboo to go near the
place after school, so naturally that's where all the boys would go to play. They later tore them down and expanded the school playground west over the lot where the buildings stood.
Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 16:08:15
Friday, October 9, 1998 at 00:39:34
Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 15:38:49
Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 14:15:56
Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 11:14:49
Tuesday, October 6, 1998 at 13:50:53
Sunday, October 4, 1998 at 07:34:58
Thursday, October 1, 1998 at 18:52:32
Name: Mike Wilking
E-Mail: mnwilking@t-online.de
Class: 65
Message: Thanks for the opportunity to hear from my sister, Kathy (Wilking) Dorio. Maybe if she gets hooked on your site chating with her friends, I'll find out how she's doing. I've lived in Germany for the past 14 years so we don't get a chance to talk much.
Thanks for a great back-yard fence we can yak over!
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 61
Message: Hi John and everyone. Wanted to let all of you know that my email address has changed. If anyone has sent a message in the last few days I didn't receive it. Also it was great to see Becky K.'s message on the feedback page. I remember when her daughters were at Hawthorne as well as she. Becky, if you happen to see this...a big hello from Ricki. I keep in contact with Clayton Williams and I'll let him know about Cougartown.
Take care!
Name: Penny Prouty
E-Mail: penny.prouty@trw.com
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: to Harry Plotkin:
It's so good to hear from our former teachers! And thank you for sharing that news about Margaret Bennett and Clara McGinty! "Miss Bennett" was Principal at both Juan de Anza elementary school and Jose Sepulveda elementary school when I attended. And "Miss McGinty" was also one of my teachers and I've often wondered how she's been doing....I'm sorry to hear she's passed away. I have good memories of both these ladies (especially the "fear" I remember of ever being called to Miss Bennett's office!).
Thanks again.
Penny Prouty
Name: Cheryl Kirk
E-Mail: Cheri C Kirk@Intel.com
Maiden: Carter
Class: 68
Message: I remember when Miss McGinty adopted her son; it was a very big deal at the time. For some reason I think her son's name is John, but I don't really remember. What I do remember was the significance of a single parent - and a working woman - successfully adopting a child. Today, this is not uncommon but in the 60's it was revolutionary.
Name: Harry Plotkin
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Hi John,
I check in periodically and am delighted to see new names in the feedback and elsewhere. Don and Sari Brann are recent converts. Both were students at Dana School and Don is the current superintendant - and doing a great job!
On September 14th, the first day of school, retirees from Wiseburn held their tenth annual "Back To School Breakfast". There were about forty in attendance. Don Smith, 91 years young and our first superintendent, was there. Don Smith hired Marie Gardener who was at the breakfast.
She called him Sonny since she is 97. They are both doing just great!! Also there was Margrate Bennett Gowder. She was the second principal at Anza School and the first principal at Sepulveda School. Also, she formerly shared a residence with Clara McGinty. Clara taught English and journalism at Hawthorne High School. You might remember her. She has passed away. Margrate told me that Clara was one of the first single parents to make an adoption. She adopted a boy. I just received a phone call and must leave. Continue your great work, John.
Appreciating you,
Harry Plotkin
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: My sister, Sari (class of 64)and her husband (class of 63)told me about the site. The whole family enjoyed browsing. Thanks for the memories.
Name: Jack Hammer
E-Mail: jhammer@rosenet.net
Class: 68
Message: Hello the class of 68 just had a reunion,I didn't make it (Oregon is a long ways away)but I sure would like to hear about it. Also pictures would be great. Did anyone else go bald?
Note: Yes... Come On Class of 68. We've been waiting patiently here. Isn't there someone out there that took pictures? We need to get your Reunion page up, for all to see.
Name: lynne mason
E-Mail: lynnemason@hotmail.com
Maiden: lubow
Class: 61
Message: Wow! What an amazing flash to discover this site and read all those names from the past. Ricki, I got your message today. Just made me grin. It made me visit this site to see what everyone is seeing.
I too am a teacher - middle school language arts and social studies. I've only been teaching for nine years. For twenty years before that I was a flight attendant for Western Airlines, now Delta. Took early retirement and started over. I love it.
I have three wonderful children. The youngest is nineteen, the oldest twenty-six.
I too recall Mr. Orrell, Mr. Pizarro, Mr. Williams. At one time I was an art major in college due, in no small measure no doubt, to Mr. Williams influence.
Who hears from Jimmy Pepper, Ronnie Bateman, Dennis Meisenzal, Jeanne Houck, Sue Jolly? Fun just remembering the names.
Thanks for the memories.
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