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dedicated to "Fosters Cruise Night".... The Beach Boys
Name: Karen () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 15:06:34
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Just want to say hi to Barbara Norris and I will be looking forward to seeing you on cruise night . Actually I will be looking forward to seeing all my old Cougar friends. My sister Jennie (63) wanted to be here also, but is unable to, so she is planning to come into town for the football game in October. All you Cougars have a safe and Happy 4ty of July, you to Leeroy.
Yeah, LeeRoy.....you stay away from the blastin' caps in the nitro shed now, you hear me!!
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 14:05:40
Class: 66
Remember Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month of July. JOCK TUESDAY! And why are we ending joke Friday? We'll be waiting for a 100 to click for ever. ICE CREAM ICE CREAM!! I say we make Joke Friday the last Friday of the month and we limit it to funny gut splitting stuff that happened when we were in High School. What do you think? Can we have a vote? Call for the question? All in favor signify by signifying!
As for cruise night, I concur with my brother these are not 8 1/2 x 11 or 14 pages, when I copied a page it was 17-18 pages long in the Word setup. So how Dear John do you determine a page? Wasn't that a sitcom? And isn't it coincidental that Keith quit writing in when LEEROY came on the scene? KEITH are you LEEROY? Was there a prize if I am right? Back to cruise night,I think we shall top 120. Let the voting begin send them to me at hartje@gateway.net. That way John won't be burdened with another one of my hair brained activities! See ya Tuesday teach! JOCK TUESDAY!
Jimbo, If you want to limit it to funny gut splitting stuff that happened when we were in High School, then that's great, but NO EMAIL FWD JOKES!!! They won't be considered. How's that.
Name: Robin () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 13:50:13
E-Mail: MomV is #1.com
AKA: Ol' Hoody
Class: 60
Message: Frank ...You get backstage and tell Zeke to post some feedback with an 8X10 glossy or we are forming a posse to bring him to CT! So good to hear hes still at it. Also cruise night I will jump on my Honda 50 (what a crotch rocket!) and hit the local Dairy Queen for a double throwdown Strawberry topped swirl.... Ricki I cant remember my last sentence but some things you just never forget. Mom V's so very accurate perception of people is one of them...John dont take it too hard...sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're bug:o)....Jan B...You get that Kenny B. on here ...if Howard can do it so can he! John and all my fellow Cougars...have a great and "safe" holiday weekend and be carefull out there...Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it. Later Cougs...
Hey Robin, I guess I gotta concede this one. "Mom V always liked you best".
I gotta go along with Robin on this one Frank. Take your laptop with a cell phone hookup and have Chris beam us a message from backstage. Also tell him we don't want one of those crummy Promo Pictures. We want something special. This is for Cougartown man. I know you can do it Frank.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 13:27:00
E-Mail: ErnBren@Aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Ernie's wife here just was looking over feedback and saw some others are attending Beach Boy concert in Bakersfield tonite. Ernie, Daughter son-in-law and granddaughter as well as myself going. We are all excited to see them, me for the second time, also in 1965. Ernie is curious how many of you actually now live in Bakersfield? Breda (Ernie's wife)
Name: John Moynagh () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 13:09:48
E-Mail: CP Imaging@AOL>COM
Class: 63
Message: Happy Independence weekend to all my fellow cougars out there.
I may be one of the old time cougars who still lives by the old neighborhood. I have been in El Segundo for the last 22 years and before that I was in Manhattan Beach for ten years.
I go through Hawthorne quite often and see the houses that some of my friends grew up in. When I see there houses I wonder where have they all gone.
As I browse this website and see so many names I recognize from the past I do wonder where they all are. There must be cougars all over the country. So Mr. John Baker, I would like to suggest that maybe you could add a column to the alumni list that would show the location of all the cougars if they wanted to supply that information. They could put the the town or state they live in. Just a thought John, What do you think?
I would like to say hello to a few very special friends on this Independence week end. Hey Richard Boureston (class of 62) See you on the 24th. Melinda (Anderson) Keenan (class of 63) lets get together soon. Ed Chesson (class of 63) see you at the Hermosa Beach fire station.
And a final thanks to all you Vets out there of which this 4th of july weekend is all about. You are the ones who made it possible.
Hi John, Yes, That's planned for the next phase of the Alumni list, after we gather address info for the Newsletter. It will be on a volunteer basis only and will not be the address, but most probably the State.
Yes, Happy 4th Richard B., and Happy Independence Day to all the Teachers, Alumni, and there families out there. Be safe this weekend.
Name: Bob Veach () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 11:51:33
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: John, thank you for the picture of 119th St. and Doty. My wife and I bought our first house there in 1979 and had a hard time finding it a couple of years ago due to the 105 Freeway. It was the second house from the corner of Kornblum and 119th St. on the north side.
After moving in in '77, it wasn't until we met our new neighbor next door that we learned she had bought her house from the Wilsons, which was right on the northwest corner of Kornblum and 119th St. Since I grew up mostly on the west side of Hawthorne and in Lennox, I never met the Wilson Brothers. It was great listening to the older folks in the neighborhood tell stories about the Wilson brothers growing up and the beginning of their band.
BTW, was there still a big tree at that corner standing at 45` angle? When we were moving in '79, I was parking the moving van at the curb, asking my friend to "spot" for me as I backed up. It was AFTER I heard the van hitting the tree that I heard my friend say "that's far enough!"
Name: Frank Romano () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 10:42:57
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: It's wonderful that Ricki has given her word to be at the cruise night. As for those of us unable to attend (distance) we will visit our local cold stone store... Oh and John, I believe that the V girls mom being the "lady" that she is... kept her comments short... something like "dirty" is close, I'm sure. Happy Holiday John, and to all the Cougars everywhere. We're going to the Riviera tonight to catch Chris in the show there.
Hi Frank, Have a great weekend yourself and tell Zeke about the website. It's nice that you'll be reporting on the Chris Montez show in Las Vegas and Kathy and Steve will be reporting on the Beach Boys concert tonight in Bakersfield. Early 60's Hawthorne LIVES !!!!
Name: Matt Peterson () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 10:22:45
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
Message: Is today joke day? Here is a joke the ladies should like. A princess walking in the forest comes upon a pond. She hears a voice say "Hey princess over here." She turns and sees a frog sitting on top of giant lilly pad. The frog says "Kiss me and I turn into a handsome prince. We could get married and live in the castle with my mom. You could do all the cooking and cleaning and we would live happily ever after." The princess thought a lot about what the frog said, that night, at dinner, while eating her frog legs.
Thanks Matt.....for that. And with that, Joke Friday is closed..... FOREVER!!! Not that I'm against levet.....levit...livet.....FUNNY stuff, but we tried it once and frankly, I felt it cheapened the Feedback Page. Not that we keep our Feedback standards REEEAL high here, but there are plenty of joke sites on the Internet.
Go to any Search Engine and type in "Jokes". Of course now if it's a Patty "Frozen Butt" joke, then I say tell it!!! Thanks Cougs....
Name: Susan King () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 10:04:36
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Oops, I need to correct my earlier post.....John Angle was my first CRUSH, but Alan Nelson remains my first love - HE'LL always own a little piece of my heart.....
And to my baby sister Sharon, (and hubby Mike) congratulations on the completion of camp (affectionately forever to be known as HELL WEEK) !! I am soooo proud of the two of you for what you have done. When is the first planning meeting for next year? hahahahahaha Saturday eve Sharon, Mom, my daughter Lori and I are heading over to the local display of the travelling Vietnam Wall and will be volunteering to assist visitors there. Stopped by last nite to see Mike who was working a shift and get some training. I think I will make pencil rubbings of all of the Hawthorne men there.....if anyone wants any info on them let me know.....Anyone who wants to experience this should come by thru Monday - it's held at the cemetery 1/2 mile north of the 101 Fwy at Lindero Canyon Dr in Westlake Village. Let me know if you want details. Such a healing and moving experience...
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 09:04:49
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: The short message that I sent from D'land was just to prove that people can still log on and read and write to Cougartown from nearly anywhere! On the bottom floor at "innovations" there are maybe a dozen laptop computers. I wanted to prove that they weren't completely secure! I wrote to John yesterday asking for permission to try to post a message from Disneyland. He granted me permission and you see the results.
Everyone have a great 4th of July. Remember it is Independence Day, you may want to take time to think of the people in your lives who have fought to keep, or further back, fought to give us our independence.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 06:47:05
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Today is the last day of Conejo Valley Cub Scout day camp and I must say I am thrilled! Am looking forward to getting my life back again. I just wanted to say a public THANK YOU to two HHS alum who have worked all week at camp putting on a dynamite program for 245 boys:
Beth Treckman Meade, 75, and Debbie Duval Fitzgerald Murphy, 69. Beth taught volleyball, her specialty, and Debbie worked the archery range teaching the boys how to properly and safely handle bow and arrow. You two helped make this camp one of the BEST in the nation!
I'm so proud of our COUGARS!
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, July 2, 1999 at 01:00:57
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Okay! Okay! Okay! Illness, God forbid, is the only thing that will keep me away from "Cruise Night." My mom can talk me out of the slammer. If that doesn't work she'll bake a cake with a file in it.
Name: Dean Karels () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 23:38:44
E-Mail: dolfindiva@aol.com
Class: 65
Message: Hey there this is Dean's daughter, Erin. He had heard about Cougartown and had asked me to check it out for him. He wishes all of you well and is doing very well himself.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 22:20:38
Class: 1967
Message: Chris From Disneyland Innovations
Name: Connie Beverly () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 21:49:46
E-Mail: sncbeverly@aol.com
Maiden: Jax
Class: 67
Message: To: Chuck (Tuna)Armstrong
Thank You for that walk down memory lane with Monty and the Crystals. I agree they did serve up the best soul in the South Bay. I ran into Artie at a relatives wedding about 10 years ago still looked the same. I think you guys need to do a reunion tour. Maybe a club the night we do the Foster's cruise deal. Have you kept in touch with any of them?
Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 21:02:27
E-Mail: SAME
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60
Name: el rojo () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 20:57:54
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: jacobsen
Class: 60
Message: this message is to GLENN CRIST. we didn't run the "triple reverse" on kickoffs, because JIM REALE couldn't run 3 ways at once. sorry coach i didn't mean to butt in. el rojo. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Name: Kim Bueltel () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 20:55:55
E-Mail: Golfnut32@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hi, just found out about this site from my brothers...I am trying to read as many back pages as I can...go Cougars!
Name: Shanda Campos () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 20:08:45
E-Mail: scampos@webtv.net
Maiden: McCutcheon
Class: 88
Message: What a great website! Excellent job! My mom is Pamela Newan (66). If you happen to have a senior photo of her, I'd love to see it! Also, if any other 66ers out there remember her, I'd like to hear what you have to say (memories, etc.). And for those of you from '88, see, I didn't actually drop off the face of the earth. Thanks for putting together such a nice site!
Thanks Shanda and here's what your mother looked like about a third of a century ago. Enjoy...
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 19:36:14
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: This is for LEEROY: When you were attending HHS and more than likely had NO accent, and if you were that unfortunate to have a drawl I'm sure the teachers in the English department would have worked on you severly to correct that drawl, what the hell happened to you? What did Arkansas do to you? I've been working in Arkadelphia for the past eleven months and I swear I have no hint of this southern twang. And when the day comes when I notice that I am beginning to speak like you I'm packing my car and heading back home to Colorado!
JB, the web site looks great, I check it quite regularly and enjoy the news from so many alumni.
To Howard Duran, thanks for the new nick-name! Just like high school you haven't changed a bit - with the exception of less hair (and who among us is not in that category?) To Pat Desmore, maybe Kenny does not check in often but his little brother does. To Bill Daquila, you too have a cool middle name!! To everyone, have a safe and happy 4th!
Name: Janet Amuchastegui () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 16:26:04
E-Mail: jamuchaste@valint.net
Maiden: Amuchastegui
Class: 68
Message: Tomorrow my grand daughter and I were to fly to Ontario, CA to spend two weeks with Garnett. He had been here just last week.... live each day as though it is your last is good advice, and add to that, live each day as though it is your first. Garnett and I had so many dreams yet to live, and I am so grateful to say we kept on dreaming, living and sharing with all gusto. He gave me such love and joy... when my son Matt died I thought my life had ended, but when Garnett found me on the Internet ( 31 years since our high school breakup!!), I discovered I was still alive. Jim, thank you for the kind posting of Garnett's unexpected death and for the love you expressed to his friends and family. He leaves behind two sons, Brian and Kevin. My sons, Brandon, and Aaron and grand daughter Morgan and my parents are saddened for the loss of this dear friend they had welcomed into our family. We will find such an empty space that he filled in our home and lives, but with time we will find a way to adjust and then live each day as though it is our first and our last.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 14:46:45
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Message: HOWDY!
Wal I's ben to lil Rock an bak. An I's see we ain't had no ice creme. Ways I's sees it wes a monf a ways frum it to. welps i's leavin tonit be bak suun i's surs hopes to see ya at ice creme specially dem boys unfried and hanson dat be a reel pleasur meets dem boys. see yaal
Beulah stay in Lil Rock. dis time.
Where you been LeeRoy?? I was worried. Thought maybe you went coon huntin' with Kujo or sumpthin'.
Name: Chuck "Tuna" Armstrong () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 13:41:35
E-Mail: tunafamily@msn.com
Class: 67
Message: Reading all 80+ pages of thoughts and impressions from those who attended Hawthorne has stirred a lot of deep emotion in me. I realized how much I had forgotten/chose not to remember.
My fondest memories are of the days I spent in Monty and the Crystals. It all started as a chance meeting between Art Verduzco and me. We were in the 7th grade. For almost 9 years we played some of the best soul music in California.
We were the best of friends. The dynamics that made up the group were incredible. I miss those days and I love each of the members as soul brothers.
Here's to Tom Wilson, Art Verduzco, Norman Haddad, Tim Awayan, Frank Lucio, Wayne Dickey, and Tom Orth. And all the interim band members, who graced our lives with their talent.
Papa's got a brand new bag. Thanks for the memories.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 10:49:05
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: DeGrazia
Class: 64
Message: Last night ran into Kathy Duran (64). Hadn't seen her since graduation. I told her about the cruise night and she and her sisters will be there too. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Look for the rowdy girls, Marsha Russell, Barbara Norris and me! We'll be looking for you.
Judy DeGrazia 64
Can't wait to see the "Rowdy Girls". Sorry Kathy, not you.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 10:11:41
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: 1961
Message: TV Star Michael Landon once said, "Somebody should tell us, right from the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Because there are only so many tomorrows."
Name: LARRY BILLER () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 06:58:24
Class: 1967
Name: Glenn Crist () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 01:35:48
E-Mail: gfcrist
Class: 1964
Message: Hey Coach (Hal, that is...)
The 1959 season was sort of the culmination of a wonderful string of seasons at HHS. But I also remember hearing you fondly recount your second (at least I think it was the 1954 or '55) season when Joe Contestible and [I'm ashamed to admit it but I don't remember who his receiver(s) were (someday you'll be my age and you'll understand)] broke the national records for the most TD's and most yards passing for a single season. Correct me (please) if I'm not remembering it right. Also isn't there a Romper Room connection in there somewhere, too?
Yah, 1959 was a fantastic season, but there must also be some other great ones too; how could you choose a best; my guess is that it would be about as easy as choosing a beauty contest winner. I'd be happy to hear your recollections.
And what ever happened to that triple reverse on the kickoff returns?
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 00:52:22
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: John - What a great picture of Bens' (Freemans') Market. Having lived on 116th and Menlo, I used to stop by there a lot on my way home from school.
Don Collins - Good to see you on CT. How's your brother Ron? My kids still tease me about what he wrote in my senior yearbook (I'll never tell :) Tell him I said hi if you can.
Susan (Ciampa) - Are you going to Mr. DeLao's birthday party on the 10th of July? It would be great to see you again. I'm trying to get in touch with Jasna (Begovich). I think she still lives in the area and see if she wants to go.
JB-I think I'm going to attempt sending those pictures again so be prepared! Don't worry about the HPD on cruise night. I think Steve still might have some pull ;-)
Hi Kathy, You don't have to convince me, I'M GOIN'!!! However, I think Ricki might be a little concerned. Don't worry Ricki. They haven't made a cell yet that can hold a Valencia, right Patty.
Kathy, when you send the pics, please use the john14@pacbell.net email address. Thanks....
Name: Patt Prewitt-Deckard () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 00:39:25
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: What happened to Garnett Pollard?? He was in my class!
Name: Larry Ford () on Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 00:35:48
E-Mail: lamafo@yahoo.com
Class: 80
Thanks for helping me to try and get back in touch with Beth. I will check in on a daily basis.
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