Name: Laura Anderson () on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 20:48:08
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: I teach third graders out here in the "IE", the Inland Empire where our unofficial motto is "Hemet is heaven but hot as hell". It's a long way from the sand and surf BUT today I was playing some Christmas tunes while my students were working and the song "Little St. Nick" came on. One of my students, who in all likelyhood will receive stellar grades ;) said "hey! I know who sings that! That's the Beach Boys!" Couldn't resist...had to tell him all I knew about our hometown boys. These kids were born in 1997 and yet they still know good music! Merry Chrismahaunikwanzaka! We are nothing if not PC and inclusive in the public school system.
Hey Laura, Thanks for the input and let me say Merry CHRISTMAS to you and all the 3rd graders in the Inland Empire, as we here at Ctown are NOT Politically Correct. It's funny that Corporate America has gone to Happy Holidays or Happy Winter Break or whatever, but still line their pockets from all the gifts purchased at CHRISTmas. I'm sure there's a place in Hell for all of them. Thanks again, and hope you not only tell your students about the Beach Boys, but also the meaning of Christmas, but then that might get you fired. Name: Anita () on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 20:11:03
City and State: Fair Oaks
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message:"HOT" off the press!
When Jim Pasternak first e-mailed me eight months ago, it was pertaining to something I had posted on CT. When he responded by saying "I was there and I remember you" I thought to myself
"Yeah...right". While his name sounded so familiar, it took us about 3 weeks until we pieced it all together. My Sophomore year and Jim's Junior year we spent in Miss Clara Mc Ginty's Journalism I & II classes. Back in April when he asked if I would be interested in reading a chapter of the book he was writing just to give him some "feedback", I thought, sure, why not? Well, what can I say? Reading that first chapter was like eating a Pringle.....I couldn't read just one and stop!
I'm sure that there are many of us who have never been a firefighter, flight attendant, paramedic, or pilot...yet I will challenge any of you to read FLYING EMBERS and not walk away feeling some connection or identifying with at least one of the characters in this book. Heck, maybe you've even known someone just like them? Or perhaps you may even recognize your-
self in one of them? I ended up using three tissues on just one chapter alone!
But may I say that simply through some e-mails and a few phone conversations, I became witness to a lot of what Jim wrestled with in getting this book published. While I wish I had known him better while we were at HHS.....37 years later, he has become a genuine friend. And never once did he let "hard to do" get in the way of something worth doing.
Congratulations Jim !
Name: Jim Sloey () on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 14:46:33
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Jim Pasternak's email address is
Not to be out marketed by the next pulitzer prize winner, UNCLE BUCK'S will send a box of pretzel mix to the first 5 who email the correct answer to these two questions found on the UNCLE BUCK SITE www.UNCLE 1. How many products does Uncle Buck offer?
2. What did little Billy call the pretzels [see the UNCLE BUCK story]
And for all you late Christmas shoppers, we can still get your pretzels shipped in time for Christmas AND for every box ordered by Cougartown folks during December Uncle Buck is sending a $1 to Cougartown.
Very cool, Jim, thanks; Merry Christmas and good luck to all.....
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 13:39:26
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: It has been ages since I've posted anything, life is just crazy! Don't have a cougar sighting, nor a memory of the Hawthorne days, just wanted to wish my fellow Cougars (Caution: I'm about to be polictically incorrect) A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope that the holiday season brings nothing but joy and happiness to everyone. Love the frappr map, thanks to Keith Jones for getting it going. If I'm ever in Hawaii, I'll make sure to look you up. Congrats to John Crotty on his retirement and thank you for protecting and serving. I guess our annual C-town golf tourney will be planned pretty soon, looking forward to that. All right, that's enough from me. Keep safe everyone.
Thanks Jill, Merry Christmas to you and yours.....
Name: Jim Pasternak () on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 11:07:45
City and State: Ladera Ranch, CA
Class: 1968
Message: Hello JB!
The book is finally available on the web site at
To start things off, the first 5 CTowners to email the correct answers to these questions will receive a copy of the book in the mail.
As found in the reader samples,
"Who authored the quote about GOSSIP?"
"What was written across Dawna's t-shirt?"
Winners will be announced as the responses come in.
This is a 267 page, 6x9 soft cover book. (Not to be confused with a soft pretzel)
Thanks, Jim
Hey Jim, As in High School, I don't do book reports. Good Luck to the ones with the answers
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Monday, December 5, 2005 at 23:44:49
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Last Saturday, Showtime re-ran that Brian Wilson documentary ?Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the story of SMILE.? Maybe that was the one Chuck was looking for. An interesting documentary, even saw a couple of photos from this site used in the opening intro montage of Brian?s time at HHS. Don?t see it scheduled to be run again soon. I like ?Mrs. O?Leary?s Cow? but can see how it could give anyone a nervous breakdown while creating it. --- Baxter
Name: John Crotty () on Monday, December 5, 2005 at 11:58:58
City and State: Hermosa Beach, CA
Class: 1969
Message: Hello JB and fellow Cougs, A few weeks ago, I posted that I was back. I received a few e-mails from people that asked where I had been. So, here's what happened:
Back in May I retired from the LAPD after 31 years. I didn't have a home computer and used my office PC for years. Since I wasn't there anymore, I had no access to CT and so went missing for a while. It's a simple as that. And man, do I love retirement. I don't miss LAPD one bit. Enough was enough!!!! But I do owe a debt of gratitude to the Department because I had an incredible career and worked many coveted positions and much sought after assignments. And best of all, the pension I earned allows me to live well and at this point in my life, not have to work again.
Sounds great, John. Thanks for the update as I was a little confused too.
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Monday, December 5, 2005 at 07:41:34
City and State: Abroad
Class: 1959
Message: Dave Tremblay,'re right, and by the way wasn't Sean Connery named the sexiest man in the world last year. Still laughing, Bill
So you ARE James Bonds, then... Name: Jim Dally () on Monday, December 5, 2005 at 03:28:53
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: I've found a business in El Segundo that really brings back memories from child-hood. The OLD TOWN MUSIC HALL at 140 Richmond St. (one block West of Main St and about a half block North of El Segundo Blvd). ONLY classic movies are shown, some silent, some w/sound. Silent films are accompanied by a Wurlitzer theater Organ with all the bells and whistles. I've seen Strike Up The band, Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki, Miracle on 34th Street and others. In January the Laurel & Hardy Festival will be there on Jan 20, 21 & 23rd. $7.00 admission, good snacks are just $1.00. Sure, you can call them for shows & info at 310-322-2592. It's much smaller than our Plaza Theater was but, has the same kind of ambience. Its just a good time!
Hey Jim, Yep the Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo is a fun time for anyone who wants to remember serials, slap stick comedy, and great old movies. Thanks for bringing it up....
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 21:45:06
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I like the grass knoll thing happening.
Name: Michael Aceves () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 21:34:15
City and State: Gig Harbor, WA>
Class: 1974
Message: Hello out there all fellow getting old Cougs. I'm trying to loctae an old pal that graduated HHS the year after me in '75. We were very close friends,pals and chums all the way till 1989 when I moved out of California and moved up here to the North West. We talked on the phone till right before X-mas time 1990 when we lost touch becuase she moved and forgot to leave her new #.
Does anyone know the wearabouts or what has become of Debbie Wyatt?
Debra Jean Wyatt, she also has a sister a year or 2 younger than her that went to HHS named Sandy.
She had a son Named Jeremy Wyatt fathered by Jeff White also of HHS, class of 1979.
If anyone knows of her email address or current phone# please contact me off the list at
I would love to hear her voice and catch up on where life has taken her since we last spoke. We were BEST of pals since we forst met way back in 1973.
Thank all you fellow Cougars for any help, take care Michael Aceves.
Gee rember when we thought we would never get old and be like our parents?
Ha ha ha, where does all the time go?
Hay you guys out that think Cindy W. looks nice. I see her around town here in G.H. and she still looks like the little cutie she was at HHS!
Yuk, yuk.... to bad for you guys.
Name: Dave Tremblay () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 21:25:32
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1978
Message: Bill,
Being called James Bond is a compliment. Keep in mind the Good News/Bad News. The good news is when us guys get old, we start to look like Sean Connery. The bad news is when our wives get old, they start to look like Sean Connery!
Name: Dewey () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 20:46:43
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Class: 1974
Message: I had forgotten about this Bach quote, till tonight and found it fitting for CT ... thanks for posting it
Hey Dewey, Very fitting, indeed. Our Cougartown and Hawthorne family fits this quote perfectly. Thanks again for posting it....
Name: Dewey () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 19:58:30
City and State: Chandler.AZ
Class: 1974
Message: The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
Thank you Dewey, and Richard Bach....
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 02:38:09
City and State: James Bond's House
Class: 1959
Message: Hi John Baker...not really sure what motivated your editorial comment about "James Bond." Seems a bit over the top to me. Well no matter, in the future I will limit my communications on Feedback, and when I do use the page, I will stick with simple "one-liners," which are not subject to misinterpretation.
Have a great day...Bill
Hi Bill, Didn't mean to upset you, but you have to admit you are a little mysterious, and little like James Bond. That's all I meant. No need to limit your comments to "one-liners".
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 14:50:02
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Okay for the people who submit pictures to the map, I can't resize them. The large picture you get when you click on the pic button will display in its original size. You have to resize it yourself then post. Sorry.
Thanks Keith....
Name: carole () on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 14:08:12
City and State: Lake Isabella, CA
Maiden: Anderson
Class: 1960
Message: John now that it is December I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope you can put a Christmas tree somewhere on the feedback page. We all grew up when there was no question about what holiday was coming. Hawthorne Blvd always had lights and even houses had lights. Inglewood had some great decorated houses. Why even our schools gave us Christmas vacation. We did grow up in a better time that I would not trade. I fear for my grand kids and great grand kids. It seems like someone out there wants to take all the fun and magic away.
Ho Ho Ho Long live Santa!
Hi Carole, I agree and I will find a Christmas tree too. Merry Christmas to all.
Name: Kim Baczynski () on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 10:40:05
City and State: Rocklin, Ca.
Maiden: Leveque
Class: 1982
Message: To my friends at Cougartown. I am now living in Northern Ca: Sacramento area. New address: 1009 Boardwalk Way, Rocklin, CA. 95765. Cell phone: 951-442-9395. Email: Latest: I have 2 beautiful daughters: Samantha 16 and Chelsea 4. Single after 23 years (Wow!) and having the FUN you all had at 18 when I got married! Remember me at reunion time; I wouldn't miss it! P.S. LOVE to my beloved classmate, Steve Dimmick, whom I still think of so often. Can't believe you are gone; Rest in peace baby!
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 07:22:23
City and State: Overseas
Class: 1959
Message: Hi Peggy Sarvis: Peggy, your insight and warmth means a great deal to me. You?re right, our beginnings are what made us what we are today. Who our current realm of friends and colleagues are has nothing to do with it. That is precisely why I am looking back, and thanking you all for the friendship, the caring and the love. I count the days when I will be able to face you and tell you just how much it all means to me. Some time ago I looked back on the whirlwind of the last 45 years, and found it hard to believe how enthralling my life had been. My work, the people I?ve met, the places I've been. I had to put it into perspective and started to write a novel, highlighting some of the people and events that have crossed my path. After first reading the manuscript, my agent said: ?It is a compelling story, but Bill you will probably be sued by at least a dozen people. You?ve got to make it clearly fiction.? I am just about finished interweaving fact with fiction and disguising the characters. Next I will pick a group of people to read and critic the manuscript. Can I put you on the list? You will find it enlightening. My best form of contact is through the above email address.
OK I've got it...You're JAMES BOND!!!
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 22:50:18
Email: cindywhittaker
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Wow, I'm flabbergasted and blushing. You guys are way too nice! Thanks for making my day. No relation to Michelle Lee though. Although I do have a sister named Michelle. She's actually the cute one in the family! But I'm still blushing...
Nice way to start a weekend huh Cindy. I've been told that I too look like a movie star.... the reciprocal side of Trigger.
Have a great weekend, Cougs.... Name: Keith D. Jones () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 21:55:26
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Okay I finally got the password for the Cougartown Map. I know some of you wanted sonething done. If you could please email me back and tell me again what you need. I can get it done right away. Thanks the map is looking good but I want to see more Cougars abroad.
Name: Dave Tremblay () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 20:41:40
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1978
Message: Terence,
You're right there is a resemblence, but Cindy is prettier!
Name: Terrence Poublon () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 19:48:32
City and State: San Jose, CA
Message: Hi John... Terrence Poublon of Leuzinger's Class of 1981 Website here. Tonight being the 25th reunion show of "Knot's Landing" on CBS, I just wanted to comment on how much Cindy Whittaker of Hawthorne's Class of '76 looks so much like Michele Lee. Michele Lee is such a beautiful actress. Cindy's resemblance is strikingly close!
Cindy... any chance that you ladies are related? Name: Judie Mitchell () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 11:35:39
City and State: Eugene, OR
Maiden: Monroe
Class: 1958
Message: Would love to hear from old friends. Judie
Lots of 58ers here, Judie. Thanks for checking in....
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 11:27:53
Email: ENixon @ bak. com.
City and State: Bakersfield Cal.
Class: 1963
Message: Brenda and I had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. We drove up to Portland, Or. to visit my two sisters, Lee Ann and Susie, classes of 1964 and 1966. We had a very nice visit and they are doing well. Thanks, again, John. Ernie Nixon
Hey Ernie, Long drive for a turkey sandwich. Glad you had a great time with your family. "Tis the Season"
Name: Peggy Sarvis () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 09:18:16
City and State: Lakewood, CA
Maiden: Westbrook
Class: 1959
Message: Hello Bill Petersen--Seeing your e-mail is wonderful. Having worked on quite a few of our "59 reunions, you have always been a person of mystery. We have tried high and low to find you. And some of the stories that have circulated around your name I'm sure will give you a big laugh i.e.-you were an undercover cop who got killed in an international drug bust, you were part of the underground working for the CIA, you were part of the MOB-and when we couldn't find you we assumed you were dead. I'm so glad you are not. I am sad, however, that I couldn't locate you because over the years you have missed out on some wonderful reunions. And as the years have gone by and we have lost alot of our classmates to death, we realize how blessed we are to be living and still in touch with each other. And whether we sweep the streets or touch elbows with kings, deep down we all know where we started from and it doesn't matter who we are today. So welcome back. If you would e-mail me at the URL given and give me information on how to keep in touch with you, I'll be more than happy to catch you up on what's been happening with our class and when the next get together is going to be. AND AGAIN WELCOME BACK BILL, WE'VE MISSED YOU.
Couldn't have said it better, Peggy....
Name: Alan Hauge () on Friday, December 2, 2005 at 00:55:06
City and State: Playa del Rey, CA
Class: 1961
Message: John - I wanted to remind Cougars that if you know anyone who is struggling with Methamphetamine addiction, which is the worst drug epidemic our nation has ever faced, I am willing to provide free DVD's of our two productions to anyone on CT. These shows have helped a countless number young and old escape meth. For immediate help go to:
For the free DVD's, just contact me via email with a name and address at and I will see to it they are mailed right away.
Alan Hauge
Thanks Alan....
Name: Bill Cusac () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 21:50:04
City and State: South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Class: 1965
Message: Brain Wilson was on QVC last night selling is new Xmas CD. He did about 4 of the songs on the show. Did anyone else see him?
Sorry, I was watching Smackdown...
Name: Angela () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 20:44:53
City and State: Lake Elsinore,CA
Class: 1977
Message: I hear Hawthorne has changed alot
Name: Dave Tremblay () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 20:18:58
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1978
Message: Mike, I almost forgot, your prize is a case of Lucky Lager (only $3.79 in 1977). Complete with the bottle cap puzzlers...
Name: Dave Tremblay () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 18:57:53
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1978
Message: Hey Mike,
Close win. It said "Helen Wait is our credit manager, if you want credit go to Helen Wait. She's been my credit manager ever since.
Good one, Dave, Thanks....
Name: Mike () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 16:10:05
Email: Castro
City and State: LAX
Class: 1977
Message: Trivia answer re Capris Liquor, short version: If you are looking for credit, go to Helen Wait.
Hey David, Is that the answer you were looking for?
Name: Anita () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 10:15:31
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: To Chuck Armstrong.....
Brian Wilson appeared last night in New York "Christmas at Rockefeller Center" December 6th he is supposed be on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. December 11th Extreme Home Makeover and on December 13th The Today Show and The View.