Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 06:47:09
City and State: Still overseas, but planning trip home
Class: 1959
Message: Okay, here is a simple test?if you have the courage.
List your best friends, and teachers from HHS. Don?t forget to include yourself. Next to your friends, list the promises you made. Next to the teachers, the aspirations they had for you. Next to yourself, the goals you set. Now score yourself on your accomplishments.
The Score:
90% - You?re lying!
80% - You?re still lying!
70% - You?re probably lying!
60% - You?re brilliant!
50% - You?re one of us!
40% - You might be an alien!
Keep trying, Bill
Name: Chuck Armstrong () on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at 00:31:06
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: A while back someone posted that Brian Wilson was going to have a special on NBC. I can't find it on TIVO, and I was wondering if anyone had additional information on the program. Thanks!
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 23:51:14
Email: jb1 at cougartown dot com
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: There seems to be a problem with the slide show to Frappr. I just got a phone call from Paco saying the Feedback page won't come up on his computer (he has Cox and AOL). I've disabled the Frappr slide show now and wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same problem? Please email me if you are. I will leave the slideshow disabled for now. Thanks Cougs.....
Name: Dave Tremblay () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 18:24:16
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1978
Message: Trivia Question: There was a sign behind the cash register @ Capris Liquor on Inglewood Ave. What did it say?
Don't take any checks from John Baker?
Name: William Anderson () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 17:16:45
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1969
Message: To Greg Olson, I would just like to say that: 1. Jack Larson has no brothers or sisters, therefore no one can claim to be his nephew. 2. Being as Mr. Larson is a homosexual, there is no way that he would've ever made that crude comment about golfers. Sorry for the interruption in this otherwise wonderful site. On with the program!
Glad that's cleared up. NOW, let's move on....
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 12:19:08
Email: enico72at
City and State: San Pedro Hill, Ca
Maiden: "It's Not Unusual".....
Class: 1972
Message: As a young teenager I was in LOVE with Tom Jones. When I lived in Las Vegas back in the early 80's as a Blackjack Dealer, I got to go backstage and watch his show and get a pic taken with him. Some of the excitement/love had faded over the years, but it was still fun. On another note, I had a flash back on returning empty bottles to Frank's Liquor on Broadway and Praire, at a rate of a nickel each. I also remember visiting construction sites with a neighbor picking up their empties. Got a whole lotta candy that way. And, who remembers the coupons that were on the back of Raleigh Cigarettes? I think they were redeemable for some cool stuff too; and I spent many summer afternoons along the railroad tracks behind Broadway finding cool treasures that were tossed so carelessly away. I think that was my first introduction to I find cool treasures on Ebay, flea markets/thrift shops and Estate Sales, and make a living at it...... Who knew?!?! :))
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 09:45:58
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: John, you asked what does Lois Lane (or Superman) have to do with HHS. Well, it has as much to do as a kid leaving Hawthorne Intermediate, Dana Intermediate or HHS after school to go down Hawthorne Blvd., Inglewood Ave. or El Segundo Blvd. to get home in time to plop themselves in front of their television set to watch their favorite television shows. Whether it was "Superman" in the 1950s and 1960s, "Dark Shadows" in the late 1960s and early 1970s, "American Bandstand", "Sky King" on Saturday mornings or, your favorite, "Polka Parade" (just kidding), these were as much a part of our lives as a
Christmas assembly, Donkey Basketball or a varsity football game. The old shows are a part of the nostalgia of our younger years. It is irrelevant if they were actually in Hawthorne or not. Talking about old shows or events is all a part of nostalgia (nobody asked what the shipwreck of the Dominator had to do with HHS a few months ago). Isn't that what this board is all about?
You are absolutely correct Armand and I do apologize for my comments. Thank you for the pictures and for your input to the Feedback page, which is always appreciated.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 03:12:30
City and State: Playa del rey, CA
Class: 1961
Message: Hey John - I have been reading the feedback about this guy who played Jimmy Olsen...and wanted to let all Cougars know I went swimming with "Flipper" least it looked like him. Only kidding, just trying to lighten things up.
Funny Alan, REEEEAAALL FUNNY!! The closest I ever got to a celebrity was in Roths Market and Little Oscar told me he was going to pound the crap outta me if I got back in line one more time, for a whistle.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 02:03:44
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: You are right John I am sorry. But I felt I needed to defend myself cause the guy basically called me a liar. All I know it was a guy who played Jimmy Olsen. Usually I have pictures to back everything I say. Well not this time since it wasn't a big deal. Done topic
Hey Keith, Really no big deal and what I said about this being an HHS and Hawthorne site; Jimmy Olson and Lois Lane were a part of Hawthorne in my youth, so sorry to you AND to Armand too.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 22:30:12
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Larson, I promise you I could care less about knowing your uncle. If I'm going to lie I would have said George Reeves or Louis Lane not your uncle. I am pretty certain it was him cause I do know the guy who did it played Jimmy Olsen. When I say I know someone I know them from working with them or appearing with them at an event. Please don't make it sound like your uncle was someone everone says they know to impress people. Still almost certain it was him if not maybe the guy who played him in the newer movies. But I do know it was the guy who played Jimmy Olsen. No reason for me to make it up. Like I said I would make up a more familar name.
Hey Keith AND Armand, so again why is this so important? This is a Hawthorne and HHS website. Is this Lois Lane thing Hawthorne related? Let's say you did play golf with Jimmy Olson and forget it.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 21:30:49
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Greg, when Keith posted that he was beaten by a hole-in-one by "the original Jimmy Olsen," I immediately figured he meant Tommy Bond (who passed away recently) and not Jack Larsen. Tommy was a member of "Our Gang" as Butch and played Jimmy Olsen in the two Kirk Alyn Superman serials. Jack was the Jimmy Olsen in the television show. I took this photo of Jack with Noel Neill at Noel's 85th birthday party last Saturday.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 16:02:05
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: 50
Class: 1973
Message: Thank You Enza and John for the Birthday wishes. My sons gave me a new set of Duck Fins and a Boogie Board. The waves were great this past Friday and Saturday. I was always the youngest one in my class and had to wait for my birthday to be able to drive, legally, and other important things. Today I don't feel a day over 30 but my body will disagree. I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and finished up their shopping on Friday!! I remember back to my Junior and Senior years when we were playing in the first rounds of the CIF football play-offs and my birthday was on the game day or the day after. Had to rush to the DMV, take the driving test, then get to the locker room by 5 to get ready to play. That is when the DMV was open on the Friday after Thanksgiving, '71 and Coors sold for a $1.30 a sixer at the BLUE BIRD.
Now THERE'S a memory Thanks wade....
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 12:38:03
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Yes John it is really taking off. It is really neat to able to just take a quick look and see where we have Cougars all oer the world. I hope the Europe Cougars put themselves up.
Also, anyone who wants to change their pic or whatever just email and I will do it. I am waiting for my password to be emailed to me so I can make changes. I forgot it. I made one change already but then forgot the password. Thanks John, for putting it up here. You are great.
Hey Keith, When you get your password you might want to change the size of some of the pics so we can see them without having to use the sliders. Thanks...
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 10:35:14
Email: jb1 at cougartown dot com
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: Our Cougartown map on is filling in nicely. Lots of people adding their pics and where they live. Nice to put faces now, to yearbook photos too. If you haven't done so yet, please add yourself to the map. It's fun and a good way to find a Cougar near you. Thanks again for adding yourself to the map.
Name: James Armour () on Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 08:50:43
City and State: Atlanta, GA
Class: 1970
Message: In case there is anyone out there that forgets this concept, one of the main reasons that Cougartown exists, if I'm not mistaken John, is our shared experiences of times past. We are also able to connect with others from that past by sharing memories, good and bad, with our Cougartown bretheren. For some, like myself, who are distanced, not only by time, but by proximity, it is refreshing to hear others reminisce about places and events that I have also experienced. I would suggest that ALL of us keep this in mind when we log on to this site.
Happy holidays to all and keep the memories coming.
Hey James... Yes, you are correct. Cougartown, and especially the Feedback page is for memories of Hawthorne and HHS. I must have missed something. Is there a disagreement going on here about memories?
Name: edward schatz () on Monday, November 28, 2005 at 22:22:36
City and State: state of confusion
Class: 1970
Message: man, a whole lotta people veritably swimming in nostalgia. every generation, when confronted by the worst their generation has to offer, longs for the days of yore, when everything was even and safe. but it was not exactly that for everyone, so temper the memories. good to see so many generations of HHS alumni entering the site, it can be healthy in moderation, as are all things.
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Monday, November 28, 2005 at 15:39:48
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Hey Jim Pasternak's book is almost ready. Go to There are references to "Hawthorne" so now we have Hawthorne pretzels and another great book! (Don't get any ideas about the pretty blonde on his book cover - that's his wife!)
Yeah, and don't get any ideas about the John Baker in the book either. He's a Coca Cola Exec. Thanks Cindy.... and Jim, good luck with the book.
Name: Penny Prouty () on Monday, November 28, 2005 at 14:31:42
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: Today, I just got caught up with the feedback for the past several days and saw the note from Marilyn Ross (class of '56)....Marilyn, I'm sure glad John could explain some of the spam going around..I'm sorry to hear of you getting caught with some of it, too...and no, it wasn't me that sent that email to you. But I will run my anti-virus program more often now. Thanks for letting us know!
Name: Bobby Jensen () on Monday, November 28, 2005 at 14:04:06
City and State: Los Angeles, Ca
Maiden: Osborne 6-4025
Class: 1971
Message: Well it is the day after Thanksgiving and I have started decorating for Christmas. As I started I could smell the fresh Christmas Trees as they would come out of the box cars in the train yard in Hawthorne. Memories! Regent Circle in Inglewood, the street in Bodger Park (now El Camino Village) where the whole street would decorate, the adornments along Hawthorne Boulevard, the decorated store fronts on Market Street and the Christmas scene in Connie Brower?s front window that her mother would paint every year! I love this time of year and the wonderful memories of my youth.
Hey Bob, Thanks for the good memories of the Hawthorne area. I remember them too, and those memories never change.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Sunday, November 27, 2005 at 02:58:17
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Saw the original Jimmy Olsen from Superman's show. I was playing in a golf tournament in Boca Raton. One of the holes was the "closet to the pin" hole. I was one of the last foursome through. I had a shot of around 4' and was winning the contest for the hole. Only had a couple more foursomes left. The prize was a cell phone for a year paid for and a pair of round trip tickets to anywhere American Airlines flew. Well I was in the clubhouse thinking I had the prize in the bag and celebrating with one of my teamamtes Dr. J, and over the intercom came that someone just hit a hole in one on the "closet to the pin" hole. I couldn't believe it. It was Jimmy Olsen. For the hole in one he also got a Cadillac for year paid for. Unreal. But, that's my story with Jimmy Olsen. No Cougar sightings lately
Name: Mary Ann Winfrey () on Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 21:26:32
City and State: Nashville AR
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
Message: Bill Peterson - you were a GREAT Cougar and it sounds like you've had a fascinating life. Could you share with us what your "field" is? And, just for the record, trips down the HHS memory lane's good for the soul, man! Take care and keep in touch with Cougartown, okay?
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 20:55:52
City and State: Tarzana, Karloffornia
Class: 1972
Message: John, you pretty much got my comment regarding Lot's Wife. I probably should have put one of these [;o)] with it just to let people know that I wasn't all that serious. Speaking of looking back, I attended the 85th birthday party today of Noel "Lois Lane" Neill and quite a number of stars of the television shows of our youth were there. I shared a table with Jon Provost ("Lassie") and Tony
Dow ("Leave It To Beaver"). Both are really nice quys. Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) was there as were Olivia Hussey, Lou Ferrignio ("The Incredible Hulk"), Patti Andrews (The Andrew Sisters) and Jack "Jimmy Olsen" Larsen.
Name: Steve Eide () on Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 09:49:14
City and State: Alexandria, VA
Class: 1966
Message: Am I missing the joke? I don't understand Armand Vaquer's posting. Where he urges everyone to remember Nixon's quote and not look back. I thought that was one of reasons that this site is so successful. I for one appreciate all the reminiscing while remaining very much in the present. I guess that means I am a candidate for sodium overload.
Hi Steve, I think Armand was speaking in the general sense, like Satchel Paige saying, "don't look back, something might be gaining on you". After Satchels career was over, I'm sure he liked reminiscing was his aging teammates about their younger days.
Name: Linda () on Friday, November 25, 2005 at 22:13:14
City and State: Saugus, CA
Maiden: Stonebraker
Class: 1989
Message: Hi Ya'll, My brother Gary Stonebraker is looking to get in touch with his old friends. Especially Pam Serrano, Joel Serrano, Kevin, Kelly, and Sean Sullivan. Gary is class of 76. Yes folks he is my much older brother. You can email me at
There you go Gary. Your little sis has opened the door. Good Luck connecting with your friends....
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Friday, November 25, 2005 at 17:22:21
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Re: Nostalgia. (Anita, et al.) Maybe we ought to take Nixon's advice: "Remember Lot's wife: don't look back!"
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Friday, November 25, 2005 at 13:31:03
Email: enico72 at
City and State: San Pedro Hill, Ca
Maiden: Put another candle on my b-day cake...
Class: 1972
Message: Wade, Wade, Wade. Happy Birthday, Dude! Wishing you all good things come your way in your 49th?? year. How did this happen? We are all reaching (dare I say it), middle age? Well, of course, I'M still sticking to my story that I'm 39 and holding....just like Jack Benny :)Ha! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanks Giving...and now the shopping begins! :))
Happy Bday Wade, and Enza if you're just reaching middle age that means your life expectancy is 102 years. Keep that dream alive, girl. Name: James Cicalese () on Friday, November 25, 2005 at 09:57:00
City and State: Lakewood ca
Class: 1974
Message: I think this is the season when we tend to think of days gone by and remember what life used to be like. I find myself day dreaming of my days in Hawthorne and that special HHS girl. Its been 31 years and I still think of her and it makes me smile. I read alot about how bad things are now and we all wish we could go back to those days. I'm not very good with words these days but I've found that if you look for the bad in the world you will find it. Just remember the only thing stopping the world from being better is us. Growing up in the 60's our generation was going to change the world, it was going to be easy, our parents didn't understand anything. Now here we are, our parents and not much has changed, it wasnt as easy as we thought.
Stop for a moment and be thankful for your health, family, friends and Cougartown. I'll get off my soapbox now :)
Well said, James....Thanks for that...
Name: Anita () on Friday, November 25, 2005 at 00:52:12
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Dr. Bill Petersen.....what a beautiful commentary ~ nostalgically speaking that is. Don't know if it's just because today is Thanksgiving, but I've had a touch of melancholy and nostalgia daughter and I saw "Walk The Line" today. It's as much a love story as it is a loving musical tribute to the mysterious man in black ~ but I highly recommend it, especially to those of us born in the 40's and 50's. And I think it was Ted Koppel who said it best....."It becomes increasingly easy, as we get older, to drown in nostalgia".
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 22:59:44
City and State: Tucson, AZ
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1961
Message: I have a lot to be thankful for today: A wonderful husband, a terrific family, a very sweet dog, a beautiful new home in Tucson and the knowledge that at the end of the day I can log onto feedback and flash back to a heartwarming and comfortable time in my life living in Hawthorne. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and God bless you all.
Hi Ricki, Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jim, and Sammy. Sounds like you had a great day.
Name: Don Burns () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 13:11:02
City and State: Downey, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, what Dr. Bill was saying in his feedback is pretty much true for most of us from the late 50's early 60's, it was truely a great time to be growing up in a fantastical place as Hawthorne, which by the way I couldn't wait to get out of at the time, but would give anything to recoup. Later Don
I agree, thanks Don....
Name: Keih D. Jones () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 12:32:44
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Hey John you mentioned Ouzo. I have friend here who has a home in Mykonos. He just came back about a month ago and he gave me a bottle of that stuff. He told me what it was. I think he said it was a liqour they use in cooking or something. Am I rright. I haven't opened the bottle yet. I don't drink alcohol but is it good in cooking. Happy Turkey Day to all Cougars. Unreal weather here. So hot and clear. Just beautiful. The sunset last night was exceptional. The beach streets were lined with people. It might be that way tongiht. If it is I will take a picture.
Hey Keith, I guess you could cook with it. You'll have to ask someone who cooks. Name: Chuck Armstrong () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 11:09:08
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Here's wishing all a wonderful Thanksgiving from the Central Coast. It's the one day each year when gluttony becomes a patriotic duty. Let the games begin!
I'm hip to that.. Happy Thanksgiving......