Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 07:15:35
City and State: Still Overseas
Class: 1959
Message: HHS in the mid to late ?50?s. No wars, no terrorist culture, no gross fluctuations in the stock market, no major threats to world health, no worldwide water crisis, no fuel crisis, no catastrophic natural disasters, and no ex-wives. Life was good. The cars were cool and the chicks, well?they were HHS girls. After getting my head correctly attached to my body, I got myself educated and departed overseas to make my way in the world. I have homes in two countries, a driver and bodyguard, have among my friends a prime minister and a king, have international recognition as an expert in my field, and am a lonely man. I don?t dream about my black Hummer, I dream about my burnt red ?55 Chev. I certainly don?t dream about my gang of ex-wives, I dream about a girl from HHS. I close my eyes and picture myself cruising Hawthorne Blvd., at Fosters after the game, a beach party at Hermosa, and that one special girl. I would give anything to recover that time in something other than a dream. I guess reality precludes that from happening. In my travels I have found that through the Beach Boys, Hawthorne High became an international cultural icon for surf bums everywhere. I have always been quick to tell them that I was a part of it, and I have surfed in places not known to everyone. Simply, I love you guys, and thank you for all you gave me during our short time together. Keep me posted on the next get together. I will travel from wherever I am in the world to be with you. Warm regards on this Thanksgiving Day, Bill.
Hey Bill, On this Thanksgiving day, Thank you for this, as it pretty much tells it like it is/was. That's what Cougartown is all about, bringing not the past back, but the memories is very important. Thanks again.....
Name: Jim Peppers () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 00:57:31
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: Overseas? Just where is Bill Petersen? Just curious. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Cougars! With fond affection, Jim Peppers
Hey Jim, Right back at you and have a shot of Ouzo for me, willya'?
Name: Don Burns () on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 00:45:29
City and State: Downey, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, Happy Thanksgiving to All. Later Don
Hey Don, Thank you for being out there and Happy Thanksgiving to you too....
Name: Jake N jude () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 23:26:27
City and State: Kuna, Id
Maiden: Jacobsen/Kiester
Class: 1960
Message: Just wanted to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving . Have a wonderful day. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Hey Jake and Jude, Here's hoping you two have a great Thankgiving too. You two deserve it all the way. MTCBWY two too...WE LOVE YOU GUYS MAAAANN!!!
Name: Stephen () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 17:45:44
City and State: Castaic, Ca
Message: Hey Dan Dye, I grew up next to Connie Brower. It has been a long time. Do you know what happened to Eddie Brower?
Hey Dan, Please email Stephen, Thanks buddy....
Name: Stephen () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 17:30:11
City and State: Castaic, Ca
Class: 1968
Message: Country Joe McDonald is still a thriving voice in the American discource. C J and the Fish were da bomb too. But...if you want see what Country Joe McDonald has to say today...type his name in google and check out his website...and stay away from corporate media!
Name: Gina Rodriguez () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 16:54:03
City and State: Ft. Irwin, CA
Maiden: Mohammed
Class: 1996
Message: We are starting to plan the reunion, please give any info or ideas!!! Gina
Name: KELLEY () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 14:51:35
City and State: ENGLEWOOD OR
Maiden: CURRIE
Class: 1967
Thanks Kel....
Name: Al Rocca () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 11:53:23
City and State: Mesa, AZ
Class: 1970
Message: Just wanted to wish all Cougars a Happy Thanksgiving
Same to you, Al....
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 05:06:54
City and State: Way Overseas
Class: 1959
Message: John, the penny just dropped...I mean the reason I'm not on any list. It's the spelling of my name...I don't think HHS ever did get it right. If I cannot be found under PETERSEN, maybe PETERSON would be more productive. Thanks to you all. Since sending my first message a few hours ago, I have had the chance to get my nostalgia fix by neglecting my work and vicariously spending time with old classmates. However you wish to spell my name, don't forget me when the reunion comes around. Warm Regards, Bill.
Hey Bill, Thanks again, and please don't forget to add yourself to our list by clicking here.
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 01:35:19
City and State: Not in U.S.A.
Class: 1959
Message: WOW! It's been said that when you reach a certain age...nostalgia sets in. Well I've just had an attack of melancholy and feel the only cure is to reconnect with my past. I am one of those missing persons who has been missing so long it seems I have been dropped from all the alumni lists. My work has kept me overseas most of my adult life, but now would really like to get in touch with old friends from the class of '59.
Hey Bill, You came to the right place. We have 59ers hanging from the rafters around here. Be sure to add yourself to the Alumni List so others can find YOU and come on back anytime "HHS homesickness" sets in.
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 23:57:52
City and State: Englewood OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: My Cuz Steve is right We all lost a wonderful Aunt..The most interesting thing I heard about people who when to her service, were 12 women that went to Loosefinger with Auntie Jean..They had kept in touch planning reunions...I found this so cool..I believe with Cougartown this will be a very common thing..oh by the way I think My Mom told me Auntie Jean graduated in 1944..That was a long time for 12 school mates to connect, and go to a friends service....I'll miss my Auntie Jean..
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 23:22:24
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I think Mr Fix had a couple reunion parties at Tequilla Willies when I worked there for the Little Rascals or Our Gang. Something like that.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 21:15:17
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: I got a whole slew of SPAM today. 7 had the same subject. "hi, ive a new mail address". One address was from Penny Prouty. This was obviously junk mail so I never opened it. I'm sure Penny did not send it. I don't know how they got her address and hooked it up with me - we don't know each other -but I may not be the only one that got this as they had to get the addresses from cougatown. Ya think?
No, they didn't get the addresses from Cougartown. BUT, someone, most likely a Ctowner, who has a computer virus, has Penny and Marilyn in their email address book. The virus randomly takes two email addresses from the book; places one in the From line, another in the To line and sends it on its way. Anyone with Marilyn and Penny in their address book, please run your anti-virus program.
Name: john crotty () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 20:48:22
City and State: hermosa beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: I'm back...............
Good, I thought you were gone. Name: Jean () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 15:16:04
City and State: Langlois, OR
Message: Hi, On page 336 you said "Hey Steve, George Macfarlane (1928-93) was "Spanky". I talked to Mr. Fix a couple of years ago about the "Little Rascals" part of his life. He played in some not so famous "Our Gang Type" shorts that came BEFORE the famous Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla group.
Someone told me that Spanky used to live in Langlois OR. Was that Mr. Fix?
Hi Jean, I don't know where Spanky lived, and don't think Mr. Fix even knew him, just that the REAL Little Rascals came after him. I see you're researching it on the Bandon, OR info site. Good luck....
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 08:33:37
City and State: Bruceville, Texas
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: Happy Thanksgiving to all in Cougartown!
We are traveling to Anaheim tomorrow to spend a long weekend at Disneyland and celebrate Turkey Day as well as Disneyland's 50th Anniversary.
Hey Sharon, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Keep a look out for Chris Prewitt as he's always at Disneyland.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 21:59:59
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Kinda a cougar sighting. Did anyone else see Joyce Savisky Chance on television? She was in the back of a truck that was carrying the toys for all of the Kids. Joyce please give us a few weeks notice before the next ride.
Thanks Chris, next year I'll make sure it's up early.
Name: Debbie () on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 21:47:11
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Hi, John. You don't need to post this, but Mark and I are signed up for a toy run this coming weekend and the toys are going to be donated to a local (unnamed) Children's Hospital. I just wanted to let you know that I would've gladly donated in honor of your son!
Just a bit late, and good intentions on my part! ;-)
Hi Debbie, I WILL post it because Joyce and I were talking last night about her Toy Ride. I was saying how much it mattered and how it not only involved her ride, but I'm sure it spills over into others getting involved in other toy donation programs. Thanks Debbie for the Feedback and for the donation. It doesn't matter where you help out, just THAT you help out.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 14:53:10
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: YEA! we have hit 100 on the Cougartown Map. And we finally have our first "foreign" entry by Scott Martin in Norway. I know we have more. Be sure to sign in. It is fun to see at a glance where Cougars are in the world. Thanks John for helping
Yes, now we're getting a good idea where lots of our Cougartown family are living. If you haven't signed in yet, please click on the link, above. Thanks Keith and thank you all for adding to the map.
Name: Paco () on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 14:38:47
City and State: LF
Maiden: OS6-2378
Class: 1961
Message: Congrat's to the parents to-be! Mary Ann and Gary!! All kidding aside, only the best to both of you!!
Name: Cindy Wernicke () on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 08:38:19
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Congratulations Mary Ann and Gary, I am so happy for you, I hope you have many happy years together.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 23:28:40
City and State: Crestline, CA
Maiden: why would I change it really
Class: 1975
Message: I actually still have and play my Emmitt Rhodes record, scratches and all and hope to transfer it to cd as soon as I get my son to do it for me. Not real smart in the computer thing. I made a real neat cd for my kids of my parents music, (Glenn Miller, Louis Armstrong) and took it all the way thru Radar Love, All my friends are the low riders, Hooked on a feeling, Benny and the Jets, kinda my life growing up just minus Bobby Sherman. The next one will be the boys as kids and growing up. And yes, I have become comfortably numb by Pink Floyd will be on it. For sure.
Sheree, P S John thanks for the new picture
Name: John Baker () on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 23:27:14
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Gary Winfrey (HHS59) and Mary Ann Walton Martin (HHS61) are happy to announce their marriage yesterday, November 19th, in Mineral Springs, Arkansas. The couple will reside in Nashville, Arkansas. Congratulations on the marriage you two. Hope you have many happy years together. Name: Debbie () on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 17:55:30
City and State: Wish I was in Fullerton at the moment
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
Message: I sure wish I had known the exact date for the Toy Run, I'm just an overgrown Girl Scout, and would have been honored to have donated, especially for your son, John.
After a many year dry spell, I had another Cougar siting. My neighbor, Xavier went away for the weekend and told us his brother would be staying at his house while he was gone. Turns out his brother is Joe Galindo, a classmate from the 70's!
Jim R, I hope someone in the Stiritz family sees your post and you and Jim S. reconnect.
Thanks Debbie, and I hope everyone isn't feeling guilty about not making the Toy Ride or donating. I was just relating the situation to you.
Name: Steve Fraser () on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 14:00:30
City and State: Laguna Woods, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I really appreciate the messages from the Greasby's regarding the loss of our mother. Some of you may or may not know, but Robin, Tim and Chris Hood, as well as Chuck and Kellie Currie lost a wonderful aunt also.
Steve, Debbie, and Kathy Fraser
Name: Art La mere () on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 22:36:15
Email: same
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: John thanks a lot for the site, I just read the feedback from Joyce and your input John I was reading my church newspaper today and it was about two little twins that are at the Mattel's Childrens Hospital that they both need heart transplants and that they are waiting for them. Joyce I want you to know that the blessing that you and the other rides will get for doing this wonderful thing is just great. The little and big kids need to be lifted up a little. Thank you for doing this and god bless you and keep you safe. That is my prayor for you and the other riders.
Thanks Art, Yes, there's lots of kids being lifted up by Mattel's AND Joyce's Toy Ride.
Name: Chris () on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 20:52:41
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: To all of you who have memories of Hawthorne Youth Camp, you will be glad to know it is still alive and kicking. I personally didn't grow up in Hawthorne however as a Girl Scout Leader, I have been taking groups of girls up there for our Winter Snow Camp since 1986. Some of these girls also went there for 6th grade camp and as counselers. Will be going again next Feb for year 20 Found your thread while looking for some historical info on the camp. Great to read all your memories.
Thanks Chris, I went in 1956 or 57 and had a week of great fun, Some I can talk about and some I can't. Hawthorne Youth Camp was, and is, a fun place for all who attend. Thanks for the Feedback.
Name: James Armour () on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 20:50:53
City and State: Atlanta, GA
Class: 1970
Message: I wanted to wish a slightly early Happy Thanksgiving to all my extended family at Cougartown. My wife and I will be away for a week to Tybee Island, near Savannah, for Thanksgiving and a quickie fix of ocean air. Its not the pacific but it will do for now. On the Thanksgiving note, I give thanks to John Baker for his hard work running this site and bringing us all back together. By the way, if you have never been to Savannah, make the effort. Its amazing!
Hey James, Thanks for that and have a great time and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 11:18:07
City and State: La Habra,Ca.
Maiden: Savisky
Class: 1962
Message: Thank you once again Richard, class of'69, for driving all the way to Fullerton to make a donation for my son's memorial Toy Ride to Mattel's Children's Hospital.
Hugs, Joyce
Thank you, Richard....And for all that don't know, Joyce has been doing this for the last 16 years, in memory of our son, Johnny, who died in 1972 from Cancer. He was given the best of care at Mattel's (formerly UCLA Childrens Hospital). The toy ride started out small, but has grown dramatically through the years. Today thousands of toys, baseball caps, and Tshirts are donated and are given out over the year to kids, many terminal, who just need something to smile about. The Toy Ride starts at the Park and Ride at Orangethorpe and Magnolia at 9am tomorrow, and from there they make the trek with a big truck loaded with toys to Mattel's Childrens Hospital. It's a fun event and does so much good for all the children at Mattel's. Joyce puts a bunch of time into this event every year and does a marvelous job. Just her way of giving something back to the kids and the hospital. Thanks to you too, Joyce. You are adding to the quality of life for thousands of children.
Name: Howard Graham () on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 10:20:37
City and State: Houston, Texas
Class: 1960
Message: As of 11/08/2005 I am a great grandpa for the second time this year. Lord am I feeling old.
Hey Howard, Yeah but think of it this way. You are one of the very youngest Great-grandpas around. Congratulations....
Name: Wade Greasby () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 23:37:53
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Fraser Family
Class: 1973
Message: My deepest regards to Steve, Debbie, and Kathy with news of your mom. She was a fun loving woman and a great companion to your dad. My prayers are with you. Wade
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 19:56:59
City and State: KUNA, ID
Maiden: UCLA
Class: 1960
Message: Jim I know ,I know--- U.C.L.A, U.C.L.A, U.C.L.A, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!! Beat those ...other guys! My favorite school other than, uh HHS and Boise State. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude!
Hey Russ, "those other guys" have to beat Fresno St. first. Hopefully by December 3rd your guys will be a little rusty. Name: Jim Rowley () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 18:57:13
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Class: 1979
Message: Stiritz, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I used to be best friends with her brother Jim.
Name: Larry Bach () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 16:21:07
City and State: Torrance
Class: 1972
Message: Since the HHS yearbook was named El Molino, or "The Mill", a motto like "Illigitimi non carborundum", or "Don't let the Ba****ds grind you down", might have been more fitting.
I kinda like the Possum Lodge's motto. "Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" ---- When all else fails, play dead.
Name: Andrea () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 13:38:06
City and State: hawthorne, ca
Maiden: guglielmo
Class: 1996
Reunion planning is in the beginning stages. More information to come. If you have any suggestions please email me at
Thank You,
Andrea, when you get some details on your reunion please email them to me and I'll add them to the Reunions page. Thanks....
Name: Debbie () on Friday, November 18, 2005 at 09:59:21
City and State: Del Aire
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
Message: I had a Cougar siting. I ran into Tammy Stiritz (78). She was on her way to pick up her kids from school, and the little one with her looks just like her Mom.
Thanks Debbie, Love those Cougar sightings....