Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 12:24:59
City and State: Kona,HI
Class: 1976
Message: Kathy Peterson guessed the school motto back on the 15th didn't she. Anyway, the map is looking good. Hoping more Cougars from abroad sign-in. Like Jim Peppers in Greece. I want see Cougars all over the globe
Hey Keith, Kathy guessed what the motto meant, but she didn't guess the motto; "Men Sana En Corpore Sano". Yes, if you live outside the Country, please leave us a Feedback.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 01:11:11
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: Hello Cougars,
The school motto was in Latin, if I'm not mistaken. It was: Mens sana en corpore sano. Which is: A sound mind in a sound body. I'm not sure if my Latin is correct and what a shame! I have a bachelors degree from UCLA in Latin. All that time and money for NOTHING! Take care one and all and have a happy and delicious Thanksgiving. Jim Peppers
YES YOU HAVE GOT IT!!! Thanks Jim and I was going to give away the all expense paid trip to Greece but I see you're already there so how about a free chocolate dipped cone at the next Cruise Night? Thanks Jim, I didn't think anyone remembered that one except Jerry Miles and me.
Name: Brenda Hilburn () on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 20:50:47
City and State: Colorado Springs CO
Message: Looking for Leonard family. Dennis, Nancy or Patty (Patricia). Old friend from Hawthorne, but graduated North High in Torrance
Name: Kirk Greasby () on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 20:40:19
City and State: Colorado Springs, CO.
Class: 1976
Message: To Steve, Debbie and Kathy Fraser. I am truely sorry for your loss, Your mother was an Outstanding Lady, and she will be truely missed. God Bless you and your dad. Give him a hug from the Greasbys. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you.. Kirk..
Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 17:13:14
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: As of yesterday I am a Grandpa. "Kingsley" and mom are doing great.
Congratulations Grampa Larry. Name: David Neuschafer () on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 10:43:10
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, I have been trying to e-mail Joanne Bulmer direct to connect her with her friend JoElla Suggs (See post from Saturday)I believe the address she gave isn't correct. If she would e-mail me at my address maybe I can connect them. Thanks Hey David, Where have you been, boy? Good idea, I hope Joanne didn't go away.... Thanks Dave
Name: Glenda () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 23:15:37
City and State: St.Paul,MN
Maiden: Wilson
Class: 1958
Message: Hi Donny Burns, I am so sorry. I meant to Say Donny Burns and hit the "D" instead of the "B" when I was thanking you for tuning me into "cougar town" I did get a responds from Jerry Regney. class of 60' He told me that he knows Janice Hall and called her to let her know I am asking about her. This is great news to me. Thanx again
Glenda, I know you're excited about Ctown and are new here. Just to let you know, the Feedback page is for Memories of Hawthorne or asking questions to the masses. All other responses to an individual should be emailed directly to that person. I know sometimes we all go over that line, including me. Thanks for understanding.
Name: Glenda () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 23:04:12
City and State: St.Paul, MN
Maiden: Wilson
Class: 1958
Message: Hi Jerry, I sure do appreciate you e-mailing me to let me know where Janice Hall Rigney is. See how great this Cougartown program is? It's the best.
Thank you Glenda AND Jerry....
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 17:24:15
City and State: Dongguan City, China
Maiden: Send Food
Class: 1961
Message: Hey Paco, Thanks for adding on the Halloween pictures to Pacos pics. First time I?ve seen them. Were you and Sharon there? I see all the rest of gang?s pictures. The bubba picture was that JB butt? ?Loddy Miss Cloddy??O guess I wasn?t there as well see ya later got to get ready for work. Be home Sunday.
Yes it was.....
Name: Timothy () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 17:22:18
City and State: Torrance Ca
Class: 1976
Message: To Shannon Keys & Family....I am so sorry about your brother Bret. He meant alot to me growing up.
Tim Dinger
Name: Kathy () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 16:38:15
City and State: Marietta, Ohio
Maiden: Peterson
Class: 1970
Message: The noon movies I remember were free, and on rainy days when we couldn't all fit into the cafeteria for lunch. They were black and white versions of "You were There". Sometimes panel discussions or reinactments of history like the "Salem Witch Trials" with Walter Cronkite and other people chain smoking while they educated us. My memory is a little rusty, so I may be wrong.
Wasn't the school motto A Sound Mind In A Sound Body?
Kind of, but not quite....
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 14:04:44
Email: jfmilesATpacbellDotnet
City and State: Fair oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: To answer the question about the duration of the noon movies, they stopped my Junior or Senior year (65-66). We were told it was because not everyone could afford the dime a day fee. But I?m fairly sure they started again in later years. Maybe our 70?s people could shed some light on this.
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 13:19:56
City and State: Woodburn, Or
Class: 1958
Message: Yesterday when I asked how long the noon movies lasted, I had in mind, for how many yrs. Could it be they are still doing this?
Good question, anyone know?
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 13:07:44
City and State: Crestline, CA
Maiden: what else
Class: 1975
Message: ok, ten slashes with that wet noodle, Happy Birthday to brother Tom class of 64, and to Heather Reoch Ruggirello, class of 75. Been busy and it all just passed me by, so, so sorry. Tom I hope you got the family pictures, not many people have a Thanksgiving menu from the Kasaan Bay Air Craft Carrier from 1944, don't lose it! Heather, thanks for being there for me, sometimes life can be a real lets see, rhymes with itch. Love ya all,
Hi Sheree and Happy Bday to Tom and Heather.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 12:47:01
Email: jfmilesATpacbellDotnet
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: No John, that is not correct. But a good one would have been what was posted on a large sign over the clock in one of my Freshman classes. Time passes, will you?
Name: Dave Chauncey () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 11:56:07
City and State: Prescott, AZ
Class: 1966
Message: Been away too long. Hi to all alums. It's great to get go through all the messages and get caught up on things.
I'm teaching at Prescott H.S., in Az. In a lot of ways it reminds me of HHS in the late 50's and early 60's. Small town, small school, everyone knows each other...but we had better football teams! :-)
Best wishes to all!!!
Hey Dave, Thanks for the Feedback and glad to know you're still out there. Please go to the Alumni List and click on "change your email", as yours shows No Current Email. Thanks again....
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 11:38:58
Email: jfmilesATpacbellDotnet
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I checked out my handy dandy Student Handbook Bell Schedule and found the lunch periods were forty minutes long, 11:23-12:03 and 12:23-1:03. I remember you always had time to grab some goodies to take with you to the noon movies so they played for about 30 minutes a day. As movies were about 2 hours long this worked out well. For the longer movies, Fridays were free.
I also noticed the school motto in the handbook. Anybody remember what it was? Does anyone know if it still is?
Wasn't it: Do your school work or be expelled? Name: Glenda () on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 11:20:29
City and State: St.Paul, MN
Maiden: Wilson
Class: 1958
Message: Thanks So very much Don Burns for tuning me into Cougartown. It has been fun trying to get in touch with friends of my past. I e-mailed Janice Hall, Fern McNeeley, Judie Monroe, Maxine Woo and so far no answer. Does any one know anything about them??? It would be great to get in touch with them and any others out there. Please feel free to contact me. Would love to here from you.. My Brother Mike Wilson, Class of "60" (posted a few weeks ago) and his wife Aide are here visiting with us. They will be here for Thanksgiving. Speaking of that, I wish all of our Cougartown friends a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
Hi Glenda, Glad you're trying to connect with your HHS friends. If anyone can help contact Glenda's friends for her, it would be appreciated. Thanks too, to Don for spreading the word.
Name: Kieth D. JOnes () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 22:15:04
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: That Jones Soda co. makes the whole thanksgiving dinner in a soda. The Turkey and Stuffing soda, mash potatoes and gravy soda, cranberry soda and pumpkin pie soda. They are a weird company
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 20:36:42
City and State: Woodburn, Or
Class: 1958
Message: Emmit Rhodes lived 2 doors down from us in the 50's and I recall a lot of noise coming from the garage on many an occassion.
Saw mention of the play Harvey, the school drama club did a presentation of Harvey in 58 with Ray Shelley being in the cast.
Anyone know how long the noon movies lasted at school? They were a regular during the 50's. Near new movies shown over a 4 day period and cost $.10/day. $.40 for a movie wasn't all that bad. In Inglewood a ticket to either the fox or UA would cost about $.90 if I remember correctly.
I don't remember exactly but they couldn't have been much more than 40 minutes a day.
Name: Mike Shay () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 18:16:37
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: OS6-9393
Class: 1961
Message: I especially like the Brussels Sprout Soda in the "Big Mouth" bottle. Remember the good old days when we'd go pick up a couple Giulianno's Specials and a bag of chips and really enjoy an ice cold "Sprout" to wash it all down with?
I think you're referring to Mickey's Big Mouth. Now THAT was a soda. Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 18:07:37
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: Hey Susan, I've heard that Shrine Auditorium/Eagles story! Who remembers cruising Van Nuys Blvd on Wednesday nights before the cops put a stop to it?
Name: Donna Gohr () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 16:28:27
City and State: Torrance
Maiden: Van Douris
Class: 1969
Message: Hi gang--it's been ages since I've posted. This should count as some type of Cougar Sighting. An old family photo of my cousins is featured on one of the labels in the Jones Soda Holiday Pack. Linda Kemp-1975, Brian Kemp-1976, and their younger siblings John and Jennifer are on the bottle of Brussels Sprout soda. I've never really paid any attention to these bottles on store shelves, but when I found out I had family on the label I had to pick up a few boxes at Target before they sold out. I hope the approaching holidays can be a time for looking back at good old memories and making new ones.
Nice picture but Brussels Sprout soda?? MMMMmmmm Name: Kelley () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 14:51:27
City and State: Englewood OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Happy Bday Chuck....
Name: Susan King () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 11:36:25
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK Bud Rhoades and Betsy Watts - tonite my 25 year old daughter is taking me and Aunt Sharie to the Eagles concert at Staples - that's about 32 years since the last time we were all there when Betsy and sister Sharon, Betty Upegui and Janey Crews as the HHS Sophomore cheerleaders came out on stage and introduced them at the Shrine. (Bud and I got to go as chaperones and drivers!) What a blast - then and now! I'll let you know if the magic is still there!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 00:12:37
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: Keith, I knew you were in bodybuilding but that photo of you on Frappr is amazing. You and EJ are the only two guys from that era who look better now than they did in the 70s.
Name: Sharon () on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 00:02:24
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: I want to thank all the Cougars who have been helping me get my e-mail problem straightened out. Also, I hope you don't mind this John, but my husband, Jim, is in a play at the Bellflower Theater in Bellflower. The play is called "Harvey." Some of you might remember the movie with Jimmy Stewart about the invisible rabbit. It's been running for the past three weeks and has two more weekends left. If anyone is in the area and interested in going the telephone number is 562-867-3524. If anyone is thinking about going, let me know when and I'll show up that night too. You will need to call ahead to reserve a spot as they have been selling out every night. John, I hope you don't mind my posting this. Hope everyone has had a great weekend and if you have tomorrow off have a good one and remember the people who have given their lives to keep us free.
Go Jim......
Name: Dewey Storie () on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 18:32:12
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Class: 1974
Message: I was cleaning out the cobwebs today and came across this song By Emmit Rhodes I know there has be discussion about Emmit in the past. Our own Sue Berman King has an article that she did for the Cougar back around 1973 about Emmit. I have posted a song that he did about a class of 1969 Cougar, Cathy Hockner (spelling?) I hope you enjoy it - 07_(Vinyl Rip)_Merry Go Round_You're A Very Lovely Woman.mp3
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 14:15:37
City and State: Woodburn, Or.
Class: 1958
Message: Have been getting familiar with Cougartown again. Was looking back a few pages and saw someone posted a pic of an old Helms bakery truck. I'm sure it brought back memories to some of us old timers. There was a 31 Helms bakery truck brought up here last yr to the annual antique truck show. It looked new and all the drawers were stocked. Too bad the faux pastry didn't taste all that good. Ha! This yr there was a 32 Ford Model B on display that is owned by R.C. Wells & Son from Inglewood. Never saw the owner but sign said family has been in business in Inglewood for several generations. Anyone know the family?
From looking over a number of posts it looks like the Cougars have ventured out beyond the South Bay. See a number of Cougars nearby but they are way younger than I
Hey Mickey, We've got lots of Cougars checking in here, around your age or older. Doris Donaldson, Russ Jacobsen, Dennis Unfried, Marilyn Wisham, Ray Shelley, etc. Join in anytime with your memories of the area.
Name: Charlotte DeSanto () on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 08:05:33
City and State: Pleasant Hill CA
Maiden: Newcomb
Class: 1961
Message: Sorry to report the passing of my friend and alumnus of Class 1960, Gary G. Nelson
Thank you Charlotte....
Name: Larry Bach () on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 03:07:10
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Veteran's Day is a good time to reflect on the sacrifices others have made for the rest of us. There is also positive things one can do to support current service members. Other than getting an abundant share of scornful looks and rude treatment from people when I was in the U.S. Army as the Vietnam War was winding down, (a lot of folks hated anyone wearing our country's uniform back then), the most discouraging thing was not receiving mail from home on a regular basis. This hasn't changed over the years, and there are a lot of lonely GI's overseas who never get mail. For those interested, suggest checking out "Soldier's Angels", perhaps even "adopting" a service member. There are other organizations helping out service members, but these folks are all volunteers.
Name: Gina () on Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 00:13:37
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Black
Class: 1980
Message: Hi everyone!! I'm still alive and grooming dogs in the Temecula Valley! Ray Smith, you naughty never invited me to your parties!! The map is really cool, I posted my picture too.
Hey Gina, Glad you're still with us. Thanks for checking in and for adding yourself to our map.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 15:52:23
City and State: Garden Grovde, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: Thanks to Penny and Patty for the 50's nostalgia. My family got our first TV in about 1950 so it's all very familiar to me. Love all the pics and the music. Looking forward to more!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 15:24:38
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Centinela Park was huge. It must be the Central Park of the South Bay. We had the Boy Scout Jamboree there a few years. Thousand of scouts camping in the park.
Name: Sharon () on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 14:33:08
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1969
Message: I'm a day late, but I want to wish a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bobby Jensen.
I went and check to see how many people have added their names and pictures to the map website. It is really great. So many people have added their names and pictures. It's so good to see everyone's pictures. Thanks Keith and John for putting the link on CT.
Name: Joanne () on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 13:50:16
City and State: Auburn Washington
Maiden: Bulmer
Class: 1959
Message: this is for Dendan2@aol
found all this by it love it.......
I too was in Miss Hicks 8th grade class.....the new girl at the time from New York.........definitely scared by Joe Bell....BUT what has peeked my interest is the reference to JoElla Suggs....whom I was quite friendly with up to and including her early days of her first marriage.......would love to be able to communicate with her. Please pass along my e-mail address........Thanks so much. Hopefully I will find this site again!LOL
Hi Joanne, Welcome to Cougartown...
Name: Sharon Stowe () on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 13:42:13
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1972
Message: This is the e-mail I got back from my friend with a better memory of our childhood together.
"Wow! I hadn't thought of that in such a long time. It is the park that had a TARZAN ROPE that we would swing on!! In reality, it was called CENTINELA PARK. It must have been in Inglewood, Westchester or Culver City! How did you ever remember it?"
I told her about Cougartown.
Thanks Sharon...