Name: Terry Ramirez () on Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 01:57:10
City and State: Torrance,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Hey Cougars howz it gang hope all is well with everyone, take care see you all at the thirty year if anyone gets it together, we need someone to do it so get going please.
I agree Terry, it's never to EARLY to start getting it together. When you DO start something, email me and let me know so I can get it on the Reunions Page.
Name: Jan Peterson () on Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 00:50:40
City and State: Carmichael, CA
Maiden: Freeman
Message: I am going to Nevada this weekend to see Cathy (Swallow) Turner c/o59. She is my, dearest, closest friend and she just had surgery and it was very successful and she is doing great. (Good Haytowner stock) But before I go I want to wish a very Happy Birthday Sunday to John Baker. In my eyes and heart you are the Pride of HHS and all of us that love it!! You give us presents every day with CT. You always tell us that this is our website, but it is only ours on loan from your tireless hours of love for your roots. Happy Birthday John!! You are the best and I, too...LOOOOVE YOU MAAAAN!! Jan
Well thank you Jan....This is the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! No, really, I do appreciate all the accolades, but you and the rest, including DAN JOHNSON, are the reason Cougartown exists. I LOVE YOU TOO, MAAAANN!! and let's keep this thing going for as long as we are able.
Name: Jennica Gonzalez() on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 23:15:43
City and State: Chico
Class: 1990
Message: John, I love you so much. I would have graduated in 1990 if my parents hadn't moved me to northern califria. Thank you for all this and for keeping this web sight. I loved hawtorne and all my friends to but that was a long time ago. Please no that I'm for ever in your gratitude for starting this sight and keeping me in touch with friends. You are the greatest and happy birthday to you. Hi Jennica, and thank you for the nice thoughts, but GEEEZZ, although "I love you so much" aren't words from the sixties unless you were up in Palos Verdes on a Saturday night and with your best girlfriend, AND weren't 9 years younger than my daughter. I realize what you're saying though, and thank you for the birthday wishes, and glad you are re-connecting with your friends. Please join in anytime and if you ATTENDED HHS, please add yourself to the Alumni List.
Name: Charlie and Frank () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 23:15:43
City and State: Laguna Hills
Class: 1961
Message: Happy Birthday John. Frank and I will come over and help you sign up for social security and Secure Horizons in a few months...Uh-uh..
Thank you, C&F I appreciate it ALL, whoever you are. Name: Steve Fraser () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 23:03:10
City and State: Laguna Woods
Class: 1966
Message: To Pat Underwood, aka, "Beach Boy Historian", if you can sing "Help Me Rhonda" better than Al Jardine then you can spout off that he can't sing. If not, keep your "Historical Knowledge" to yourself. I would have sent this to you personally but you had to be "cute" with your E-Mail address. HBJB
MAAAANN, I agree and I wasn't going to say a thing until someone chimed in. GOD, if you think Mike Love has a voice you are TONE DEAF!!!
Name: sharrie () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 20:04:42
City and State: hawthorne, ca
Maiden: gibson
Class: 1973
Message: Is that you Britt Stonebraker my step-brother?
Greetings to all you HHS Stars
Hey Sharrie, Welcome to Cougartown...
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 18:23:22
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Birthday greetings to Sharon B. Hope you have a great one! Rarely is my name mentioned in two posts on the same day, I am amused. I do own a "Which One" shirt. As far as "whose your mama" pretty funny stuff, not my intention when I wrote my post, but I got a giggle. You C-towners are great. Have a nice weekend.
OK, so they sold two Tshirts....
Name: Robin () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 18:15:18
Email: RHood10542at
City and State: Monrovia
Class: 1960
Message: Have a very happy B-day Big John, and thanks for all you do. Now you can start planning the c/o 62 turns 62 you talked about 3 years ago. Sharon , Sharon turns Fourty seven!?! Have a great B-Day as well, although your c/o 76 turns 76 will have to wait a while...:o)
Hey Robin, From what I hear our class is still working on that one. Sharon's bones are creakin' now, so I can see her slam dancin' at a reunion in 2034. Thanks for the wishes....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 17:13:03
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Fort Wayne Indiana
Class: 1977
Message: Happy Birthday Sharon! Hey, Jill has a Which One's Pink? t-shirt and it looks a whole lot better on her than on some guy who shared boat drinks with Mailander on the Red Line! The only thing in my life that I ever did that was feeble was attempts to get dates while enrolled at HHS.
Funny Dan, REAL funny Name: Larry Bach () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 17:07:24
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Many Birthday wishes John. I wouldn't put all those candles on your cake or the fire department will show up to extinguish you and then you'll have to share the cake with them.
There was a question about crabs in the South Bay during the 60's. Oddly enough, I used to hear about "crabs" from kids at Eucalyptus school, but never saw any myself. The kind of crabs I saw were skittering among the rocks and along the pebbly shoreline at Lunada Bay and Rocky Point, as well as around the wreck of the "Dominator" (finally claimed by the sea now). In the early 60's we would hike down the trails from the top of the cliffs and see the latest (old) cars driven over the side before there were homes on all the points. Always seemed to get there too late to "salvage" any parts. Even the engines were stripped down to the bare blocks (stripped before they went over the side, no doubt). Also remember a dead pilot whale washed ashore that felt and sounded just like a tire when "thumped" on. Now there are often "surfers" and associates who push a their juvenile attitude over the cliffs onto unwanted visitors intruding on their "territory". I've been haunting their "territory" since before these "kids" were born and once they find that out and see the big trash bag I carry around to pick up assorted rubbish, then I'm suddenly Mr. Cool. Nevertheless, to avoid some knucklehead slashing my tires for daring to access public property, I still park around the corner on a populated street and walk a block or two to the cliff access.
Thanks Larry and if you were down around the car parts, you probably said hello to Mike Shay's 53 Ford V8 and tranny. We "publicly parked" it over one of those cliffs.
Name: Marsha () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 16:33:21
City and State: Redondo Beach
Maiden: Russell
Class: 1964
Message: Happy Birthday to John Boy AND Sharon, two of my favorites. Hope you both have a great birthday and many many more. XXOO Marsha
Hey Marsha, I plan on staying on the green side for a few more years yet. Thanks for the wishes....
Name: Jim () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 16:06:15
Email: Gibson
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Sloey's new business venture in pretzels makes perfect sense, & I'll take some credit for it. I "crossed him up" many times when, as a catcher, he would call for the breaking ball away, but I threw the heat up & in. And I wasn't the only one. No wonder Jimbo's (evidently, to this day) a little "twisted". - Gibby
Come to think of it, those big ol' pretzels do kinda look like a catchers mitt.
Name: Pat Desmore () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 15:50:41
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Class: 1961
Message: Happy Birthday to Mr. Cougar. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and all your wishes become a reality. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. You truly are Hawthorne High.
Hey thanks Pat, I don't know about Hawthorne High but sometimes I feel like the driveway we used to peel out of coming onto Inglewood Av. Name: Pat Underwood () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 15:40:42
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Happy birthday this Sunday John. I?ve heard guys ask, ?who?s your daddy?, but when Jill said that you would soon be as old as her son, she was asking you ?who?s your mama?. Getting older is kinda creepy ain?t it John?
Hey Pat, No, it's actually rejuvenating. I'm walking about 5 miles a week and riding my bike about 40, so it's kinda like before I had a drivers license. Thanks for the wishes....
Name: Pat Underwood () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 15:29:59
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Mike Love and his ?Beach Boys? were on the ?Today? show last week and I have to admit with all the younger boys in the group, they did sound just like the ?Beach Boys? of yesteryear.
There are also groups that sound just like the ?Beatles? and we also have a bunch of ?Elvis? sound a-likes. Which I might add is quite a tribute to the bands of the sixties.
I was quite surprised that Mike Love could still sing at his age, but remember he has those sound a-likes in the background and he has his own group, but we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
Brian Wilson has lost some of his ability to hit the high notes that he was so famous for and he has his own group also, but we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
Al Jardine never could sing, but he was sure was good as a backup singer and he has his own group also and he is the nicest one of the group, but we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
David Marks was one of the original ?Beach Boys? (first two albums), but had to step down when Al Jardine quit Dental School and because his mom said he was to young (14-15 years old) and he has his own group. But we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
Denis Wilson died on December 28, 1983 while diving off a friend's boat. Denny was the one that pounded and beat the drums like a native Indian. But we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
Carl Wilson passed away on February 6, 1998 from cancer. Carl was the one that added the soul to the sounds of the group. But we still watch him because he was a ?Beach Boy?.
The ?Beach Boys? are a part of musical history and I thank the lord he allowed me to be a part of their journey through this short life.
As a young man I loved the ?Beach Boys? and dancing to their music. As an old man I still love the ?Beach Boys?, but my dancing ability has succumb arthritis, but I still watch them, because they are the ?Beach Boys?.
Name: Kathy () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 14:46:38
City and State: Redondo Beach
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Johhhnnnn,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu.
Sincerely, Kathy
Well thank you Kathy. You have a lovely voice. Name: John B () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 14:44:14
Email: jb1 at cougatown dot com
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: I've just been informed through email by sister Sue (without Internet access today) that today is Sharon Bierman Branigan's 47th birthday, so Happy Birthday to you Sharon and may you have a Strawberry Daquiri filled afternoon. Then tomorrow it's back to Shipper Sharon and Ctown Tshirts. I LOVE YOU MAAAANN!!
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 14:21:42
Email: I-DY-HO
City and State: YOU KNOW
Class: 1960
Message: Hey "young man" good on for you. You've given me a heck of alot of fun over the past few years. Have a Happy Birthday Big Dog!:-). MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
And you, me too Jake. Thanks and hope to see you and Jude somewhere soon.
Name: Maureen Trott () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 13:39:14
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: Hi John Boy....Just wanted to wish you an early, Very Happy Birthday on Sunday (since you will probably have the website down over the weekend). You are one great friend! Have fun what ever you do!
Thanks Mo, and yes I'm planning on being surprised by a few people. Name: Jill McFarlane () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 13:34:11
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: As usual your birthday is easy to remember, it falls on the same day as my youngest son Trevor who will be turning 9 on Sunday. How is it JB that Trevor keeps getting older, but you stay at the age of 39! It's remarkable. Pretty soon you and Trev will be the same age and you will be young enough to be my son.
By that time I'll be DEAD. Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 10:44:59
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: Had you down on my calendar, but with weekends as busy as they are, I'm going to jump in right now and wish you the best of birthdays, and a wonderful year ahead! We want you around for a lonnnnnnnng time to share in the memories. Also birthday wishes to my Alex for tomorrow.
Thank you Adrianne, missed you around here for the last month or two. Happy Bday to Alex too.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 08:30:55
Email: jfmiles at pacbell . com
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I certainly would like to concur with Mister Sloey?s thoughts about Cougartown and the toil, sweat, and expense of John Baker?s that has produced it. I would also like to add my sincerest birthday wishes of health and happiness to him and to my very own sister, Debbie Miles ?77.
Jim, best of luck in your new venture. But I can?t say I?m surprised that you migrated to a profession that by its very nature is a little twisted. Have a great weekend everyone.
Yes, the pretzel business, by it's very nature is a little crooked all right, but Sloey, I hope you sell millions of Uncle Bucks Pretzels.
Thanks Jerry and Happy Bday to Debbie and to Sandra Perez, Loita Garrison Mathews, and Marshall Noyes, the last of our August Bdays.....
Name: Jim Gibson () on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 01:12:37
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Hey, John - Met you @ the Beach Boys landmark dedication. Hope you have a great birthday! Remember, as the T-shirt says, "Old Guys Rule - the older I get, the better I was". No doubt applicable to most of us here! Happy birthday, big guy! - Gibby
Hey Gibby, yes I remember you. I can still remember back to the Beach Boy Dedication. Old Guys do rule, but I'm not old yet. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Name: Jim Sloey () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 22:38:21
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: It is truly remarkable what you have started here Mr. Baker. I try to explain to people, who were not as fortunate as we to have gone to Hawthorne High School, about this website but it's like trying to explain rock 'n roll. You have to be a Cougar to feel the essence of Cougartown. You have captured it for all of us John for the most part out of the goodness of your heart and your wallet. For everyday I forget to say thank you, you know that I think it. AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a great friend may God bless you with many more years. Thanks JOHN BAKER!
Well thank you Mr. Sloey for being here and for your friendship for the last 7 or 8 years. BTW folks Jim has started a new business... No I'm not kidding this time. Uncle Buck's Pretzels. I'm not sure when he'll be going full tilt but I'd say within the next 2 weeks. Jim, come on back with the details as I LOVE those things and want to be your first customer. Thanks again for the birthday wishes and good luck with the pretzels.
Name: Jeanne Carrillo () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 21:17:31
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Maiden: Burk
Class: 1969
Message: Cindy and Debra, John thanks for the Birthday wishes. I appreciate the wishes. Cindy, I noticed you graduated in 1963. Did you know my brother Dennis Burk? He also graduated in 1963.
Geezzz... had another senior moment!! I forgot to wish Debbie Miles and John Baker a Happy upcoming Birthday. Hope you both have a wonderful day.
Thanks Jeanne...
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 19:29:23
Email: enico72*
City and State: San Pedro Hill, CA
Maiden: getting old ain't for sissie's
Class: 1972
Message: In regard/defense to Bob Fraser and his mommas's birthday restaurant choices: Do you REALLY think a steak dinner would be the right menu choice for a 90 year old? Perhaps a nice bowl of egg flower soup and some pan fried noodles were in order~huh? :)) Hats off to ANYONE who makes it to their 90th B-day and STILL has the get-up-and-go for a celebration at ANY restaurant! Geez, in 40 years I hope I'm able to make it out the door to go ANYWHERE. :) Happy B-day Momma Fraser.
Gramma made it to almost 96 on Cottage Cheese and Sanka. Name: Sue Walsh () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 18:59:27
City and State: Hesperia Ca.
Maiden: Jolly
Class: 1961
Message: I will be out of town for a few days, so I know it is early but---HAPPY BIRTHDAY John.
Hi Sue and thank you for the Bday wishes. Come on back and join in anytime. I'm sure you've got some eastside stories to tell.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 18:42:21
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Maiden: Old Codger
Message: Cougar sightings - Tuesday evening at China Buffet on Western Torrance.
Bob and Karen Fraser and family celebrating Bob's Mother's 90th birthday. AND one of the Smith girls - I think Phyllis, Pat's younger sister.
Also, just around the corner, a super birthday to Big John Baker! Whatta Guy!
Love to all,
90th Bday and frugal Bob only sprung for Chinese food? I would have thought it would at least be a steak. Thanks Mr. P...
Name: howard rosen () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 17:38:33
Email: howiedegreat
City and State: toronto ont. canada
Message: i always thought that soupy sales real name was milton hines
Some say Hines, some say Supman....slow day in Ctown, boy....
Name: Keith D . Jones () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 13:02:45
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Just saw the pic of the landmark for the beach boys. Odd design they came up with. Looks like one of the barbques from Holy Glen Park just bigger. Does it stand for something?
Yes, it stands for how much the Beach Boys loved to BBQ. Name: edward schatz () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 10:32:16
City and State: lakewood, california
Class: 1970
Message: John, thought I'd put this in here, so that people might see it. I archive the life's work of an international artist, and you can see his work at I think some might enjoy seeing this, let me know.
Hi Ed, the link should be Hawthorne related, otherwise people are sending links to their grammas cat pictures.... You understand this IS a Hawthorne website, right? No need to respond, as I know you understand.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 00:26:31
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: It looks like the Beach Boys Landmark WEB site is finally coming back to life. It is still not finished but there are a couple of photos. Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 19:56:44
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
Type letter after r: s
Maiden: wha?
Class: 1978
Message: I remember finding Sand Dollars And pulling up a handfulls of sand crabs as the waves would go out, I checked online and the going price for sand Dollars is about .95 and lower (maybe connected to the peso?) anywho if ya been swimmin between May and July you REALLY! should brush your teeth and use some ethyl grade(100+) mouthwash,
Go here to learn more about the Sand Dollar.