Name: edward schatz () on Friday, August 19, 2005 at 21:55:26
City and State: lakewood, california
Class: 1970
Message: John, finished the email list took all day, but got through it. Reconnected with the 1st gal I ever connected with in my youth, from class of 75, I of 70, Michele Bowe. May escort her to her 30 year, the night of the picnic, or go for dinner and show before or after that day. I couldn't resist the temptation of looking at the pictures from the 75 class yearbook at the reunion site. Saw that picture, oh my lord, never should have looked. Oh lord, what am I gonna do? I detect radiation, the geiger's moving. Now I have to punish myself and cut it off, LOL. Hope all goes great for the picnic, might bring here from 75 if everything works out. John, I'm sure you and others know the feeling of reconnection after many years and know the worth of it in our short lives. And to see someone special again, that you never thought you'd see again....well, you know. Anything else I can help with, let me know, I'll try. To a great time Cougars.
Thanks much Ed and see you at the 2nd Picnic...
Name: Myrna () on Friday, August 19, 2005 at 20:03:13
City and State: Nevada City, CA
Maiden: Bell
Class: 1966
Message: Ok, I admit it, I'm a little slow..... but I have to say Jim, Gordon, and I had a great time at the Sacramento State Fair last Saturday. How you did it John - a 24 hour day, is beyond me. Obviously I'm a lot older than you!!! Meeting new friends and old classmates is always a kick. I know Anita isn't fond of the picture you posted, but everyone in Cougartown needs to know she had enough energy at the concert that even those on stage talked to her. She must have lost 10 pounds dancing that night. It was a great show and great people. I'm so pleased we were able to be part of the event. Wish we could make the Cougartown picnic but know that y'all will have a great time!!!!
Hi Myrna, I too had the best time with you all and yes, Anita had the best time of all and she wasn't even DRINKING!!
Thanks again to all who showed up in Sacramento, and you and Jim could make the picnic. It's only a 7 hour drive and I've got an extra bed, so you have NO excuse. If an old guy like me can drive it, you can too.
Name: Don DiTomasso () on Friday, August 19, 2005 at 10:12:47
Email: dondt(at)
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message:HHS Class of 1975
For those who have registered and not paid for the Sept 17 Class of 75 reunion, please submit the forms you received in the mail. Additionally, you can obtain the needed information and documents from Elegant Reunions
Rick Salsibury(rick57a(at) Eliza Cadavona( from Elegant Reunions is trying reach you so that you can transfer your group administration over to her. Please contact her.
Name: edward schatz () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 19:46:39
City and State: lakewood, calif.
Class: 1970
Message: Don't worry, John, I'll bring'em back headless if I have to. The list is going fine now, will let you know further, later. Found Michele at classmates, should have her here soon.
Thanks for helping out, Edward
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 19:22:25
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Looks like its going to be a great turnout for the picnic. I am planning to come and I'm bringing my wrecking crew with me. I'm looking forward to catching up with Matt Peterson, I don't know if you remember me, but I lived down the street from you. JB, I would love to be your ghost writer for your book, I've always wanted to write the Great American novel, what's more American or Great than Cougartown? Not sure if I can make cruise night, but will try. Hope everyone is doing fine, it's been a very wacky summer for me and my boys, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. By now I have the strength of Hercules :)
Thanks Jill, we'll see you there....
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 19:00:44
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: I just want to say that Sue Bierman King is doing a great job organizing and getting the e-mails out. She now has Sherry Wingo Peppers and Ed Schatz helping. It's a big job, but it looks like its all under control.
Also, I know you've mentioned this before, but just thought I'd give everyone a heads up. There are people phishing out there using Cougartown as bait. Don't bite. Don't reply to these. When you see them just delete them. The one's I'm getting the heading says that my Cougartown account is in jeopardy of being cancelled or that I have broken Cougartown rules and am being cancelled unless I respond. Again, don't open these e-mails, they may contain a virus.
Now back to Cougartown business. Right now that business is the picnic. You have a month to sign up people, but I wouldn't wait if I were you. I have a couple of fun games that I'll bet none of you have ever played. If you win, you could win a white elephant prize. Now that alone is worth coming to the picnic for.
Have a great Cougar day!
Thanks Sharon, and Edward, Sherry, and Sue for helping out. This one is coming together.
Name: Matt Peterson () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 17:39:10
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Class: 1974
Message: John, I think its great that you are writing a book.
Thank you Matt....
Name: edward schatz () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 15:00:54
City and State: lakewood, calif.
Class: 1970
Message: Big John B. Got this image of you in my head, kinda like Buford Pusser walking around with this tree trunk, crackin' skulls. lol. Anyway, got about 10 emails from Sue and the lists, will get right at it. Joined classmates for a 3 month period to find people, is it Kosher to have them join in and get on Cougartown? Classmates has extras, as a corporate site would, but this one is for us, so trying to get them over here. Man, if everyone came, there'd be nobody left in Hawthorne. Will do as much as I can, I don't do archiving and tracking down for nothing. John, we're proud you're on our side.
Hey Edward, Well Buford might be a stretch. Imagine Lou Costello only taller.
Thanks a bunch for helping out and yes, if you find people on Classmates that don't know about Cougartown, crack some skulls and gettem' over here. Thanks again....
Name: Cindy Foster () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 14:48:03
City and State: El Segundo
Class: 1978
Message: Hi Cougs, if anyone is interested in seeing photos from the Beach Boys Historical Landmark revealing on May 20, 2005, go here
Nice photos by Julian Jenkins.
Thanks Cindy....
Name: Matt Peterson () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 14:02:07
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Class: 1974
Message: John, we can help you with your book. Just start the stories on feedback. I am sure plenty of people will add to it and embellish it in ways you never thought of. Or maybe a Hawthorne High School class could go through Feedback and gather the stories. If the book will be in 2 years then the movie will be in 5. Who should play the young John Baker? See you at the picnic.
Now see, I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it. It'll be a little different than just Feedback stories, that's all I'm saying for now.
Name: Jerry () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 13:11:10
City and State: Hawthorne CA
Class: 1978
Message: Hello, I Just wanted to say Hi to everyone from Class on "78" The great years of my life . I miss all you. I also saw a few names here that bring back good memories. Take Care You All.
Hey Jerry, Welcome, and hope you do find your treasured classmates.
Name: Debbie () on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 08:06:30
City and State: Del Aire
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
Message: The State Fair was nice, but we didn't see any Coug's til the concert. I think Anita was the most enthusiastic one there, LOL.
What's this about a CTown book? Any details to share?
Hi Debbie, No, none yet. It'll be a couple of years off.
Name: Don Burns () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 23:28:51
City and State: Downey CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, had a Cougar siting today, customer came in to have some keys duplicated, saw my Hawthorne High Pennant, her name is Elaine Chow C/O 79. Told her about, she said she would log in. Later Don
Hi Don, GREAT siting. Thanks for passing the word.
Name: Terry Allen () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 23:04:45
City and State: Salem,Ore
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: Looking for Roberta (Bobby)Chasin, She had a sister Gigi???? And Joy Rasmussin??
Name: Max Roelen () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 21:58:11
City and State: Citrus Heights, CA
Class: 1974
Message: Hey J.B., you mentioned everyones name who was at the Calif State Fair except mine. I forgive you. It was a late night for the Senior Citizens. (No Denny's discount for me yet) The concert was a blast but I was wondering why the Safaris didn't sing Surfer Joe. That song was a classic behind Wipe Out. I won't make the picnic this year but will try next year. Hav a fine Cougar day.
GOSH DANGIT!! I knew I left out someone. Thanks Max for bringing that up. I am totally embarrassed and thanks for showing up. I will fix it now.
Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 20:03:44
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
City and State: San Marcos Ca
Maiden: huh?
Class: 1978
Message: Solution of the whats up with the 24th dilemma. John is correct! Just follow this simple formula and it?s perfectly clear! So the 24th is very correct it?s just that no one will be there on that date. Come on You Have to do the math!
(Back slash= division)
24Day/3.14pi=7.64 + 9\17date =924/24Day=38.5+17day=55.5/3.14pi=17day.67hr/of 24 Therefore on sept, 17th at 3:58pm This picnic will be kickin off Big !! I guess we have our joseph Mailander of math. It would be just a little easier to look at your own calendars and when the 17th comes up. SHOW UP at El Dorado Park in Long Beach. Thanks Britt, and will see you there.
Name: Kathy Peterson Downer () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 18:28:16
City and State: Marietta, Ohio
Maiden: Peterson
Class: 1970
Message: Re: Sharons feedback from 8/17, Kathy and Steve are coming from Ohio to attend the picnic.
ALL RIGHT KATHY!!! Thanks for the Feedback and we'll see you there.
Name: Norma () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 17:21:26
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Villadonga
Class: 1958
Message: We are looking for Marsha Myers, class of 1957. If you know of her, please let us know.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 16:11:54
City and State: Surf City, CA
Maiden: CowabungaSouth
Class: 1966
Message: Well John I know how you could get confused...Picnic On the 17th Cruise Night on the 24th...A September Double Header for Cougartown. Sharon, my new lady and I will be there Bright and Early to help set up and the tunes will be there too. Hope there's no surf that morning. Surf Report: Today at last we have some swell 3-5 ft with an Occasional 7 ft. Can't do the Dawn Patrol but will be out in the windy stuff after work real soon. Ride Ride Ride The Wild Surf......
Yep, after the 24th of September it'll be time for a Cougartown breather... Thanks Walter, see you there.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 15:32:51
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Now John, if Ed wants to make me three years younger than I am, I have no problem with that. On the other hand, had he said the class of 59 I'd want a correction.
Ed, if you would like to help with the e-mails, contact Sue King Bierman. She has taken over that very difficult task. That is probably the hardest part of putting this picnic together. Sherry Wingo Peppers contacted me last night also offering to help. If you all get together, short work could be made of a very difficult task. I want to thank you all for offering. Contact sue at
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 14:16:58
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Betty - I have a classmate, Vivian Kalman, class of 1974 who may be related to your Kalman. Vivian's email is on John's alumni list - it's a lead! Good Luck!
Name: edward schatz () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 14:01:32
City and State: lakewood, calif.
Class: 1970
Message: For that lovely Sharon gal of 69, if you need help with the emails for the picnic, let me know, I have the time. Michelle Drapeau, sent you an email before, are you related to Guy ro Alaine, classes of 70-71? And, does anyone know of or knew of Michelle Bowe, class of, let's see, @73-74? Curly blonde ringlets of hair and Elton John glasses.
Hey Ed, Speaking of typos, Sharon is class of 66. Name: edward schatz () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 13:52:44
City and State: lakewood, calif.
Class: 1970
Message: Big John B. Hope you punched in a typo after my last feedback, you mentioned the picnic as Sept. 24th, while the top of the page says the 17th. Hope it's the 17th, have a wedding on the 24th. That would be so not fun. Hope everyone listed and nmore show up, should be "radical"! Far-out, bitchin', psychedelic, heavy, etc.
I've been saying the 24th instead of the 17th for a few days now, for some grey matter reason. It IS the 17th, though, whatever I say. Thanks Ed....
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 12:13:46
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: I just did a count of the number of people signed up for the picnic so far. Including Cougars and their friends and family, we have just a little over 100 signed up. It's really starting to take shape. I don't know who is coming from the farthest part of the country. So if you are coming from out of state, sign on to feed back and let us know where you are coming from. Pretty slow on CT today, John. Where did every body go? Are you all saving up your energy for the picnic?
Sounds like a great start to a fun picnic, Sharon. Thanks for all you're doing...
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 09:53:02
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Class: 1969
Message: Morning, John-
I just looked on the Alumni List - Class of '67 - for a girl named Gaby Kalman, but she isn't listed. I have been sorting through some of my dad's old artwork, and just discovered a painting of hers he purchased at the 1967 Student Art Exhibit held at Bullocks Wilshire downtown. It's a very nice piece called, 'In The Park'. I'd enjoy talking to her, if anyone can help me locate her.
Thanks, Betty
Hi Betty, I'm sure someone knows Gaby's whereabouts. Good Luck.....
Name: Jacki Green () on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 19:15:22
City and State: Citrus Heights,CA
Maiden: Brown
Class: 1975
Message: Hooray to those who keep the spirit going! Is there a list of attendees for the class of '75' reunion? Not sure I'll be able to make it but I'd like to know who's going. I'm surprised to see how many Cougars live up here in the Sacramento area. Hey neighbors!
Hey Jacki, sorry you missed us last weekend. Small group but lots of fun. No list here but you might want to email one of your Reunion Committee Members on the Reunions Page. They should have an idea.
Name: Sharon () on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 13:36:50
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Like a true trooper Sue Bierman King has come through. Thank you Sue. When you see the list, you might want to change your mind. And a great big thank you to Keith. You sure made me feel good this morning. However, 40 years have passed since that picture was taken. If you have an age progressed computer program, please don't use it. LOL Looking forward to seeing everyone at the picnic. Get ready for some fun and games. I'm trying to come up with some new picnic fun. Walter, look forward to hearing your tunes. It was such a great picnic last year. I've sent John a couple of pictures of the balloon toss we had last year. Although not everyone joined in, everyone had fun watching and getting soaked.
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 09:03:39
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Pretty slick Baker man! OK Sharon, send me the list details and the letter and I'll pitch in. It's sure to be a success anyway - you did such a great job last year! No wonder we want this to be an annual event!
Thank you Sue. I knew you'd want to help out. You're a peach.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 00:52:18
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: The Big Tomato
Class: 1977
Message: I'm really bummed that I missed the Sacto event. From 1977 through 1987 I went to the State Fair every year (even lived across the street from "Cal Expo" a couple of years). And I had been to Sacto just two weeks ago (and by the way, to paraphrase Chrissie Hynde "I went to Sacto and my city was gone"). Anyway, sounds like a good time and I hope to catch up with some NorCal Cougs some day!
Hi Dan, What's a Sacto?? Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 00:49:00
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: This is for anybody who went to HHS when Sharon Moore attended. Everytime I see her pic I can't help but talk to myself and shake my head. I don't know if it me or what. But do any of you who went to school with her see her as I do. Was she really popular back in school. Cause I have to tell you she is very very good looking to me. I don't know if its me or what. Anyway, have to say that if I already haven't siad it before. Sharon....well you know already. Aloha
Name: Bonnie () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 23:21:05
City and State: Irvine, CA
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 1978
Message: Hello to my fellow classmates from '78 - you're all great! Hey, I'm a poet and didn't even know it. ;) Anyway, just wanted to check in with all the rest of ya......look forward to seein' ya at the picnic.
Name: Kurt Newman () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 23:05:55
City and State: Livermore,Ca
Class: 1978
Message: Well.Thank you 2 very much!! lol! ;)
Name: edward schatz () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 18:00:54
City and State: lakewood, california
Class: 1970
Message:Saw a post by a Michelle Drapeau, are you related to Guy or Alaine, not sure if they are one in the same, class of 71? Looks great, that many are coming to the picnic in Long Beach, should be an interesting "gathering". I am waiting for this to arrive, to bad that then it's gone. Hope that more people from different classes join the feedback, great for finding classmates. Anyone having information on any of the "Stripsky" brothers, four that attended Hawthorne High, mid-sixties to mid-seventies? Your are doing a great job here John, more than you know are appreciative of it.
Hey Ed, Thanks for that. Just trying to get and keep our Cougs together, along with introducing different classes to each other. Things like the picnic; it doesn't matter what class you're from, you WILL have a bunch in common, and make new friends with the other Cougs there, I guarantee it. We'll see you at the Cougartown Picnic on the 17th of September. It's lots of fun.
Name: Dana () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 16:45:49
City and State: Simi Valley Ca
Maiden: Salley
Class: 1978
Message: Just Checking in from class of "78" for Kurt
There you go, Kurt, two from your class today....