Name: sharon () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 16:33:19
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Wow, Carl. I think it's great the way you are working to get people to come to the picnic. We had sooooooo much fun last year and I know this is going to be even better. Anyone up for a water balloon toss again this year. I have pictures from last year it was a blast. John, if you want to put one up, I will e-mail it to you. Also, I am working two jobs and going to school and I need someone to e-mail people from a list that John gave me to tell everyone about the picnic. I'm not even an eighth through the list. Would someone like to volunteer to take over? I have a short verbiage that I have written out. I could send the list (it would be in three separate e-mails) and the wording. It is a big task and I just don't have the time. Last year this really helped to get people interested. We have a lot of people so far including Cougars and their friends and family they are bringing along. We have room for 300 people. That is what our permit is for. The price to enter the park is $6.00 per car load. You will bring your own lunch. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park, so if anyone is a rule breaker, keep it in a cup, PLEASE. Also, pets are allowed, but they must be on a leash at all times. I'll end this now. BUT IF SOMEONE WOULD HELP WITH THE E-MAIL, I WOULD BE ETERNALLY THANKFUL.
OK, I volunteer Sue Bierman for that task. She's always wanting to help out. Sue, are you there? Also send the picture now and I'll put it up with this Feedback. Thanks Sharon for all your hard work on this and last years picnic. Everything will work out great.
Name: Carl () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 14:31:13
Email: Rilling
City and State: Orygun City, Oregon
Class: 1959
Message: Kurt Class of 1978. I sent an email and it came back. Dont forget the Alumni list. Class of 1978 has 118 members listed there, most have email addresses. That would be a huge picnic.
Sorry John about having violated the person to person chatter rule..
Hey Carl, actually that's not a "violation". You're trying to contact someone without an email address. The violation is when 2 people are conversing on Feedback about something that doesn't mean anything to the rest of the group.
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 12:17:34
City and State: Palmdale, CA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1978
Message: Another c/o '78er checkin in. I'm trying to get a few classmates to go to the Sept. picnic, sounds like fun! I'll post names as soon as we can get it together!
Thank you, Michelle. The more the merrier...
Name: Judi Garcia () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 10:05:01
City and State: Kansas
Maiden: Garcia
Class: 1978
Message: I'm here from the class of 78, Kurt Newman! I look in now and then to see what's going on. It's great to see familiar names from the 70's and see where people are these days!
That's peculiar, It says you're Judi Garcia. Anyway I wish I had a 78 yearbook, but don't, so your picture will have to wait until a later date. Thanks for letting all know you're out there.
Name: Anita () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 10:01:59
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Armand?.....I may be 3 years older than you, but I'm telling you right now mister.....cut the "Ma Bell" crap!
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, August 15, 2005 at 09:52:45
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: I have been receiving the updates for the C/O '67 missing. Just recently I received this message from Tom Reinig's daughter. ?I was looking up things about my dad and hes on your web page tom reinig, he's in iraq right now hes a sgt. major in the marine corps and has two daughters and a grandson :) hes a great marine and great father!! and grandfather.? She sounds like a proud daughter, I think that all of Cougartown should be just as proud!
Thanks Chris, I agree....
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 23:20:39
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Ma Bell, is that you?
Name: Kurt Newman () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 23:03:55
City and State: Livermore,Ca
Class: 1978
Message: Wow!..Am I the only person from the class of 78 that visit's this site?? Hmmm???
Name: Anita () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 21:30:55
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Okay.....I'm going to have "words" with who ever took that picture! John.....was it really necessary to post that? PLEEEZE!
Hi Anita, have words with Jerry Miles....
Name: Liz Perri () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 20:48:41
City and State: Kennesaw, GA
Maiden: Kerger
Class: 1979
Message: RE: Glenn Kerger 11/14/63 - 08/13/05
He's not listed as a graduate, but people knew him by his kicking leg in football and AYSO soccer and a brother to Liz and Dennis Kerger. He passed away. Causes unknown yet.
Viewing: Thursday 08/18/05 5pm - 8pm
Services: Friday 08/19/05 3pm
McAulay & Wallace Mortuary
902 N Harbor Blvd
Fullerton, CA 92832
Phone: (714) 525-4721, 1-800-995-5535
Dennis Kerger - 303-279-4738, 720-329-4137
608 2nd Street
Golden, CO 80403
Liz Perri - 770-514-1453
6030 Pine Mtn. Rd.
Kennesaw, GA 30152
Always sad to lose a Cougar friend. Very sorry for your loss and sincere condolences to the Kerger family.
Name: Anita () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 16:54:01
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: John Baker.....again, my hat is off to you! I cannot tell you what a pleasure and an honor it was to meet you yesterday. The fact that you drove 400 miles just to join the few of us Norcal Cougars for the California State Fair 'Beach Party' touched me deeply.
The concert was great wasn't it? The Surfaris appeared to be the 'original' guys. They are still led anyway by the original member Jim Fuller. Loved their tribute to Jan & Dean, the Beach Boys, the Ventures, Dick Dale and the Chantays. Did you not love 'Wipe Out'?
And now we know that the Ricky Nelson Legacy Band is actually Ricky's twin sons Gunnar and Matthew Nelson. The songs they performed in honor of their legendary father was quite a tribute.
As as far as the Jan & Dean Show goes.....the fact that Dean Torrence was still performing is something in itself, but he probably couldn't have pulled it off without the assistance of Al Jardine's son and the other guitarist and singer who had replaced Carl Wilson for awhile with the Beach Boys. But if you stop to think that it was Brian Wilson who wrote 90% of Jan & Dean's songs to begin with.....well as you evidenced last night, I was thrilled to have them sing mostly Beach Boy songs!.....
Thanks again John ~ ever so much!
Hi Anita, Yes I did have a great time with you and all the Cougs who showed up yesterday. A pleasure to finally meet you in person and thank you for all you did to make the day a very special one.
Name: John Baker () on Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 15:45:14
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Just wanted to say thanks to our small group (Gordon Bell, Myrna Bell Wood and hubby Jim, Janet Humphreys Burkett, Tim Powers and his wife, Debbie Miles and her mom, Jerry Miles, Anita Bell and her daughter), AND Max Roelen, who showed up yesterday at the Sacramento State Fair. And a special thanks to Jerry Miles and Anita Bell who were the ones who got it all started and who got us GREAT seats for the Jan and Dean concert. Very interesting that outside of "Surf City" and "The Little Old Lady From Pasadena" the rest of the Jan and Dean Concert was entirely Beach Boys or Chris Montez songs.
I got home at 4:30 this morning and after about a 7 hour nap, feel great and ready to do it again. Well, maybe not today, but.... Thanks again to all in attendance. Had a fun day with you all.
Name: Art LaMere () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 21:45:12
Email: same
City and State: Bettendorf Iowa
Maiden: same
Class: 1973
Message: Bob
As for the 138th St. group you can try and get Al to go but I tried one of the life size photos to send in my place, however the camera broke. Have fun you all.
Art La Mere
Name: edward schatz () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 18:40:33
City and State: lakewood, ca
Class: 1970
Message: Bach, get those glasses cleaned, it's "amoebic abuser". Everyone had those stood up events, part of life between the species I guess. Just bumps in the road, but a pain sometimes; besides, she probably got hers later, one can hope. Hawthorne was fun and interesting then, never the same, can't go back, just one run through per person. Your Dad was a good guy, never had beef or heartache with me, liked him, funny man. What was it, "Herman the German?" LOL.
Please email your friends these kinds of messages that only you two get. Thanks Cougs...
Name: Bobby Jensen () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 16:40:31
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Class: 1971
Message: Now my aunt and uncle were from Superior, Wisconsin and they also had a Superior Day Picnic Don?t worry John, we won?t go there. What I wanted to say is that I hope I see more people from the 138th street group attending this Great Cougartown Picnic of ours. Come on Potashs, Hoffers, Larsens, Klingenhagens, La Meres, Christophers, Poches, Johnsons, McClennahans Dunaways, Cullellas, Petersons, and the list goes on and on. We know you?re out there. Hope to see you on Saturday September 17th.
Hey Bob, Thanks for not going there and we'll see you and hopefully many from 138th at the picnic.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 10:57:33
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Well, Enza, as a father of a teenage daughter myself (she's 18 going on 40), I can probably relate to your Dad. It has been said that girls are attracted to guys with similar qualities as their fathers (provided they have a good relationship with "Dear Old Dad"). In my daughter's case, her boyfriend is an Army medic. From what she tells me about him, "he reminds me of me."
Name: Matt Peterson () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 10:34:01
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Class: 1974
Message: I enjoy the recent feedback. I look back at high school as bittersweet. I too was quiet and shy in high school. I was so quiet I couldn?t lead a group in silent prayer. But I grew out of that. Now I realize I had some great times and friends. A coworker of mine recently wrote a book called ?Surviving Our Teens, Growing Up in L.A.? It is about his experiences cruising, partying, and surfing in the 60s. He grew up in Southgate, but his experiences seem very familiar to what is posted here. Someone should take these Cougartown posts and write a book. It would be a best seller. There is a review of the book in surfer magazine at Sorry I will miss the fair event, but hopefully I can make the picnic.
Funny you should mention a Ctown book. It's about 2 years away....
Name: Bert () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 02:09:57
Email: Best
City and State: california
Message: looking for a few old friends, class of 89-92
They're here, Bert...
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 01:31:57
Email: enico72*
City and State: San Pedro Hill, CA
Maiden: getting older ain't for sissies.....
Class: 1972
Message: Armand thanks for the kind words, you are a sweetheart. And, I too wish I knew then what I know now, I would of had more fun too! In defense of our immigrant papa who came to America at the age of 44 with eight children and just a couple of suitcases, leaving behind his and mom's WHOLE families to let his children have a better life; AND not speaking a word of English...he did the best he could. You gotta remember he came from the 'old school' and served under Benito Mussilini not for one term, but TWO terms! So to say he was Strict was an understatement. Although number 6,7, and 8 of his youngest children (Annie, Nicky and myself),he had loosed his grip a bit and we actually got to go to parties and date! Of course what he didn't know is that Annie and I used to sneak out the bedroom window late at night for a little fun with Don Sargeant and Chuck Kidwell. (What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right?) The older Nicocia kids had it a LOT tougher, but are truly blessed today and have wonderful full lives here in America. Like the kids say today when things don't go exactly your way: "Build a bridge and get OVER it"! :))
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, August 12, 2005 at 00:31:04
City and State: Kuna, Id, Land Of The Kavemen
Maiden: Jake N jude
Class: 1960
Message: You know it's hard to write a poignant message on this web site because someone has been there, done that.
But the things I remmeber about our little Haytown was being the little brother. I watched my(two yrs Older) brother and his friends and the way they acted (beat the H**l out of me and my friends) toward us, but, I and my friends wanted to emulate them, or maybe learn how to "not" to let them get a heads up on anything us younger Cougs were thinking, or what we were doing. "But we watched" as they bought and slaved over their bitchin cars! Fought with there G-Friends. Uh not much home work folks. 1500 SATS All! Yea "RIGHT"! Worked for them and showed them off at school, cars and girls, and they were, most anyway, great athletes and we knew we had to be better, this is really special to voice my opinion and it was quite a rush to the younger Cougs. We had to be like them, or better! It also brings back some of the greatest times I felt when I was a "KID". As John and several have said, playing 500 in the street. A little wood tag. And how fun it was to play "Work Up". Metal Tag..ooh..don't touch the neighbors new car. No No! I remember the shadows of the evening, the weeping willows, so large, with shade everywhere, when most of us kids didn't want to go home but you heard the familiar Russell ...David...Dinner Time. You knew that the wonder of a great afternoon had slipped away. But my Mom and Dad were cool. I got my butt chewed regularly because I was usually the late one. But they loved the kids. The main reason why...they knew them all and the parents. One last fly in the sky to catch,probably hit by Bruce Johnson or even Rich Sloan if he drifted that far south,I lived on 118th pl, Rich 117th st. Before the San Diego FWY. Boy thats MEMORY at its best.:-)) It was really a dream...The feeling we can't get back because its never quite like the first hit, little league, middle league,...nah, maybe just being young. Catching polliwogs and watching em grow to frogs. We should all be able to do it again...and not look old or have artificial joints. Which by the way I have only two! But we, JJ and I, still look young and but well ain't never been too handsome . Just Cool. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N jude.
Been there done that, Thanks Jake...
Name: Dennis () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 22:34:41
City and State: Down Doheney Way
Maiden: Rigdon
Class: 1979
Message: Hey C-Towners, I just spent the last two hours catching up on all the feedback since I last logged on which was July 2nd. (thanks for all the birthday wishes BTW. Not!) I guess Mike somebody or another didn?t enjoy growing up in Hawthorne. Well I too am of the class of ?79 and I loved growing up in our town. I have many fond memories of life as a kid living in the York Elementary School neighborhood. It does sound like you older haytowners had it a bit better than us younger ones but I wouldn?t trade places with you for anything. Well except maybe for the chance to know Kelly Currie c/o 67, she seems like a real sweetie. Then again I wouldn?t have had the nerve to talk to her in HS. We are all very proud of our Beach Boys. Even though they were probably long gone by then as a kid we would walk by the old Wilson place and proudly proclaim ?That?s the Beach Boys house!? Heck it wasn?t until I got older that even knew what a ?Beach Boys? was. I just knew that they were ours. Back around ?80 or ?81 I was serving in the Army at Ft. Carson, CO when I became a born again believer in Jesus Christ. Some well meaning evangelist convinced me that all Rock n Roll was from the devil. So I proceeded to destroy my vinyl collection. Everything went until I got to My Beach Boys Albums. They were sacred to me an are still alive to this day. John thank you so much for putting up this site and keeping it going. I am so happy to hear that there are new cougars checking us out. I hope that it will help instill a new sense of pride in our little town that will one day take Hawthorne back to what it once was or even better. I will try to be at the picnic and maybe even crash the c/o 80 reunion. I?ll be the one in the Cougartown t-shirt.
Hey Dennis, Thanks for being out there and believing in Hawthorne AND the Boys. Looking forward to meeting you at the Ctown picnic in September. God bless you and all the younger Cougs out there (as if 44 is young)
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 20:33:13
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Enza's Dad? Did he want to date Larry too? (Funny thing, I don't remember meeting Enza in high school.)
No one did.....(Enza's DAD!!) Ask Cheryl Christensen Nicocia
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 19:49:28
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Egad! Poor Larry. How could he pass up Enza's beautiful long, brown hair? Those doe eyes (see her photo)? That wistful look calling out? Etc.? Etc.? Like I said earlier, there are probably many guys out there thinking, "if I only knew then what I know now!" Either that, or they're saying Homer Simpson's "D'oh!"
Yeah, well they didn't know Enza's dad then, did they.... Name: Paco () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 18:04:52
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Happy Birthday to my sister Patricia.
Happy Bday, Patricia.....
Name: Larry Bach () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 18:04:04
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: 2-shy-no-car-2
Class: 1972
Message: Why Enza, how flattering! Had I only known? I've been soaking my head in epsom salts for hours now to relieve the swelling. I've been turning the clock dial backwards too, but alas, nothing has changed. And eBay has no auctions going for those time machine chairs like that feller in the plaid coat made in that early 60's film with the pudgy creatures who had hair like Johnny Winter, bad complexions, and severe overbites; "Morlocks"! Well, I didn't have a car either and my dad wouldn't let me drive until I was seventeen, or own a car until eighteen and graduated, and only then if I paid for one myself in full, no loans. Once I finally had my license, driving my dad's '65 Mustang meant I had to vacuum, wash and wax it, as well as polish the chrome and Windex all the glass, besides bringing it back with the tank topped off (he always kept it at least half full for some "Cold War" preparedness reason). Northrop engineers were very anal retentive. The time I did score a date with a certain cheerleader (not the platonic cheerleader friend that was dating a "Randy" science teacher), I full-on detailed that Mustang, taking up a Saturday afternoon. As the story goes, later on that Saturday evening I got stood up, my "date" having "got back together" with her "ex"-boyfriend. The only submarine I was going to see would have come from "Rocco's" I'm afraid. Has anyone else ever been used to make someone jealous? That Mustang sure shined like a dime in a goat's a** though!
I remember a red haired girl who went to El Segundo high that I had met on the BL. She had a black 56 Ford and I thought maybe.... Well I told her I'd rub it out and wax it for her and she was JAZZED. I did, and she said thank you.....I haven't seen her since. Name: Bob () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 17:22:35
Email: Fraser
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca.
Class: 1960
Message: My Fellow Cougars- FYI
Walt Dixon will be signing and (selling) his new book, "Images of Hawthorne, A Pictoral Book of Early Hawhthorne", at the Hawthorne Main Library on Sat. Aug. 20th starting at 10:30 a.m. The Library is on Grevillea between El Segundo Blvd. and 126th St.
Also, this weekend, Sat. Aug 13th only- The Hawthorne Air Faire- Heavy Metal from 10am to 4pm at the Hawthorne Airport. Free parking at Lowe's on 120th and Crenshaw. It is supposed to be the best air faire yet. Lots of great WWII aircraft coming in. Hope to see you all at these great events, if not will see you at the picnic next month.
Sounds great, Thanks Bobby boy.....
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 15:31:56
City and State: Surf City, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Talk about submarine races....I took a lady friend of mine to the overlook at PV Cove. There we were on a very dark night arm in arm looking out to sea and the lights. When all of a sudden this bright light shines on us and wouldn't you know it a PV police officer. He yells at us "Can't you read the sign, no parking here after 9pm". Well it was late, dark and the sign was about 10' up. So I politely replied "what sign". He then obliged me by shining his light on it and telling us to leave. At least he was nicer to us than the kids in the car next to us.
Name: Max Roelen () on Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 14:34:31
City and State: Citrus Heights, CA
Class: 1974
Message: Just for the record, my wife and I will be attending the fair and concert this Saturday. Be there or be square! Have a fine COUGAR weekend.
Hey Max, We'll see you there....