I thought I was dreaming
But I was wrong, yeah yeah yeah
Oh, but I?m gonna keep on scheming
Til I can make you
Make you my own Doris Troy
Name: Wade Greasby () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 22:13:34
Email: grizbear73@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Justthanks
Class: 1973
Message: Dear Cougs, yesterday, today, and future. A note of thanks to all those who responded with the love, sympathy, and empathy. Pen and I met at our ten year reunion in '83 and we married in '87. She was my better half and will always be with me. I feel an incredible loss, but the outpouring of support from all Cougar alumni has been a great deal of comfort. Thank You everyone. I have let my sons read the feedback about the concern of fellow Cougs towards their mom and myself and for those who attended the service we dearly appreciate your kind words, prayers, and hugs. My sons were really impressed with the response of those alumni who attended. Dad you and mom had alot of friends from high school. So thanks again and I'll be feeding back soon.
Name: linda huthmaker () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 21:43:29
Email: lindaannhuthmaker@yahoo.com
City and State: torrance, ca
Class: 1963
Message: Hi John, I thought I'd seen you before, and now, I know why. I also worked for Hughes A/C from '65-'dec 69, before going to Western Airlines (now Delta). I was at LAX, but maybe you knew my cousin Sue Varner, at El Segundo. also temp'd at Culver City (also the Surveyor project). Small world, huh John? May see you Apr 30
Regards, Linda
Hi Linda, Sorry, Sue does not ring the bell for me. Nice to know we have HAC people on the website. It was a great place to work and I'll definitely be there at Pinks.
Name: Laura Anderson () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 20:18:59
Email: mrsanderson404@hotmail.com
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: OMG...Sandra...I was at Eucalyptus 10 years before and vividly remember Mama Cobb on the upper elementary playground. She always made lanyards for all the teachers and supervisors...she was good too!! The girls would follow her around trying to learn how to do it. Funny...I don't remember any other supervisor but here. My favorites were Mrs. Keesling, Mrs. Davis and above all Mrs. Rehart...Now that I'm teaching I think back on all the great stuff Mrs. Rehart did with us and try to "channel" her. I wish I knew how to get in touch with her. My 5th grade class made a huge colonial flag all by hand...wonder whatever happened to it??
Name: Jerry Miles () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 18:45:45
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: To Bob Jensen,
I don?t remember Tooties being advertised or even hearing of them by that name and I was there when that Cougar was published. But on page 125 of Feedback, Terrie Kostiszak posted, ?Tooties bags, this guy in Hawthorne invented Tootie bags and had all the kids in the area play toss and other games with them. He claimed they would help our vision and reflexes coordination.
I hope that helps.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 17:10:57
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 1971
Message: A few years back I asked a question on Feedback regarding ?Tooti?s? being advertised in the school paper.
I never got a response from anyone. I then thought I was imagining the whole idea.
Today I took the time to look at Cougar News and I was looking at the last page of the June 11, 1965 issue and there it was ?Surfers: Improve balance for Hot Dogging by bouncing a Tooti on your toes?.
Even when I was in school no one seemed to know what a Tooti was. I remember that someone said that Tooti?s were small bean bags. There has got to be someone out there that really knows what a Tooti is and if you do please share it with me. Hope to see lots of friends at Pink's!
Hey Bob, you know what a frutti is, well you put that with a tooti and you got ice cream. See you at Pinks....
Name: Teri () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 15:07:44
Email: teri8045@sbcglobal.net
City and State: Paradise, CA
Maiden: Klein
Class: 1973
Message: Wade...You and your family are in our(all the Klein's) thoughts and prayers. Teri
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 10:41:57
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Well, I guess my memory is fading. I got an e-mail from Danny Litton who corrected, Mrs. Franks was the principal at Eucalyptus and as you and he said Mrs. Hendrickson was at HIS. My mistake, thanks for the correction. Cindy
Name: sam deckert () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 05:32:23
Email: saminossipee@juno.com
City and State: ossipee, nh
Class: 1976
Message: Well, hello all. So I was in need of HHS address and came across this site. Flipping thru the pages I noticed my HS sweethearts name, Lori Belger, and e-mailed a note to the person who was speaking of her. Days later I received an answer from Lori and we have been in touch many times since then. We are getting together in June. I live in New Hampshire and Lori is still in California. Seems life does go full circle at times. To be continued.......
Hey Sam, Glad you found us and thanks for the story.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 02:11:16
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I have no idea why I know this but the principal at Euclyptus was Grace Hendrickson. I only remember two teachers when I was there, Miss Covington was one of the most wonderful people I ever met, I actually have a picture of the two of us together. The other teacher I remember is Miss Hurt, not good memories so I will remain silent. I almost forgot, Andy Anderson was our school nurse, maybe district nurse.
Grace Hendrickson was the principal at Hawthorne Intermediate in the late 50s.
Name: Sandra A. Perez () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 01:15:06
Email: sanna@cox.net
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: I went to Eucalyptus from 76-82 and I remember those high schoolers making out under the tree by the fourth grade classrooms. They would even bring a blanket sometimes! We would all get together and whistle or yell, "Ooooooh". I too remember that turtle and the slide at the park. We were only allowed to go up to a certain point on the field and then Mrs. Cobb would blow her whistle at us. We always pushed just a little when we got to the sixth grade. You know, rebellion and all... ;) I drove by around 4 years ago to show my kids and I saw that they tore down the fourth grade classrooms to build some huge two story building. It looked like a lunchroom downstairs, I'm not sure. Our principal was named Mrs. "Queitszch"? Let's just say she believed in corporal punishment... Did anyone have Mrs. Gross for third grade and chorus? She loved to call us nincompoops!
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 00:24:31
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: To Laura...I forgot all about that turtle.....We used to dig under it too.....weird.....I remember Eucalyptus before there was a kiddie pool....I remember when they put in that slide...those winding kind....we thought that was so great.....I remember checking out those red rubber balls in the equipment room.....so Nancy Martin and I could play even more 2 square....We were totally addicted to it.....I remember...Eucalyptus elementary before they built the 5th and 6th grade rooms....I think they had barracks.....I was still on the other side of the street somewhere between Kindergarten and the third grade.....Did anyone ever have Mr Hilton, Mrs Boyle, Miss Covington, Ms Moore or Mrs. Daily? I can not remember the names of the two principals they had there....I remember their faces but thats it....Does anyone remember? They were both women.
Name: Laura Anderson () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 23:56:22
Email: mrsanderson404@hotmail.com
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: Wow Jean...your memories of Eucalyptus Park rang a bell with me..I too went to Eucalyptus and remember the thrill of making to upper elementary and getting to cross through the chainlink gate to the big grass field. No one really ever went into the park playground....On the odd occasion my mom would let us go to the park on the weekends and it seemed like we hit the mother lode...swimming in the kiddy pool in the summer, borrowing all kinds of equipment, playing carroms in front of the staff house...there was a turtle in the playground and we would all hollow out the sand and see how many kids we could fit under there...good times....good times.
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 23:37:35
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: Small world...I worked at Hughes aircraft(Culver City) in 1968. I was only a temp and was there for 6 months...I was a file clerk in personnel...it was my first job ever....at $1.75 an hour...I remember a black girl there named Jetta...and there was a guy who worked on the assembly line who wore a cowboy hat all the time....He used to flirt with me a lot.....I was verrrry shy back then so it went no where....besides I was dating my ex husband then...Floyd MacErnie. When did you work there John?
From 1965 to 70 in El Segundo on the Surveyor project, building test equipment.... Dept 26-43.
Name: Pat Underwood () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 22:32:36
Email: onefamilyhistorian@socal.rr.com
City and State: Hawthorne. California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: In the early 60's, the A&W was the place too be on a Friday or Saturday night while we cruised the Blvd. If you pulled in and were lucky enough too get a parking space you had to back into, you could sit there and watch all the cruisers and racers strutting their stuff. Sounds of cam shafts, headers and dual quads wasting the .28 cent a gallon fuel as we challenged another car to a race or just reviving your engine too get a chicks attention.
The fame the A&W in Hawthorne received could be heard from Hollywood to Garden Grove and cruisers came in droves, just to show off their cars or cruise our famous Blvd.
What other town could you possibly say had so many famous places too visit as Hawthorne did; The A&W, Taco Tio, The Light House, Fosters, Skippy?s or Biggies, the Plaza Theater and our own Hawthorne Blvd and I haven?t started on the Wich Stand yet.
Yes times change and so does Hawthorne, California. The Hawthorne of the sixties is gone, but in fifty years the class of 2005 will remember Hawthorne with the same reverence as we of the sixties do.
I was a graduate of Lawndale High (1963) and my son went there his freshman year (2002-2003) and he said the school sucked (ouch that?s my alma Mata). He attended Hawthorne High his sophomore year (2003-2004) and he said Hawthorne sucked. Don?t hate him John, he?s only a kid. So now he goes too Leuzinger High and he loves the school. He says he has a gang of friends and the teachers are right, that means he has lots of friends and the teachers are good.
He will have his own memories of Hawthorne. So here?s a 17 year old and a 60 year old with the memories of the same town, but his are in the second millennium and mine are way back in the first. What will he see fifty years from now??
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 21:22:19
City and State: Albuquerque NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: After viewing the new cafeteria for HHS...all I can say is that is one big lunch room! I can't picture something that big on the campus. A few child hood memories.....During the 4th 5th and 6th grades at Eucalyptus...the kids really got into playing tetherball...and then there was four square...I recall Nancy Martin(69) and I would play 4 square at school a lot. We played it at home in the drive way too...of course that was 2 square....I remember kids bringing yoyos to school...Being selected to be a crossing guard monitor was such an honor then....I remember making those soap missions in Miss Covingtons class in the 4th grade too....during our recess we would play in the grass area that was connected to Eucalyptus park....We would see high school kids making out once in awhile in the grass..and just giggle.
Speaking of the park...we used to play hand ball there a lot...A guy name Chet (Wojechowski?) was always there...He was like the god of hand ball for a lot of kids that would play....and try to beat him. I doubt if any of us ever did though. Chet went to HHS and graduated in 66 or 67. Those sure were care free days, Summer seemed forever....unlike now....a year goes by so fast now....Guess thats part of getting older....I love to read those 50's and 60's days in Hawthorne.....
When I worked for Hughes in the 60s I had a friend named Bob Schwartz and we played handball at Eucalyptus after work. I was in my mid 20s and he was about 47. I never won a game in 2 years.....Bob, if you're still out there, I do not want to play you even now, unless you give me 15 points. Name: Vincenza Benvenuta Enza Nicocia () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 21:16:35
Email: enico72*aol.com
City and State: every city, USA
Maiden: Aka...Immigrant to Hawthorne in the 60'/70's
Class: 1972
Message: Sandra Perales, you took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn't of said it better. What about Columbine, Co? I didn't see too many illegals there, or anyone of color. Change: It's the one constant, be it good or bad. Didn't every generation's parents have adverse reaction to the youths of that era? When recent grad looks back at Hawthorne, no doubt he will be up in arms as well. There's good people in the inner cities and bad people in the prestigious cities. Just check out Meganslaw.com and see how many are living next door to your so called nice white neighborhoods sans drugs and gangs. Dean Morris and everyone else that gave their opinions: it's a free country and thank God we are able to speak freely without persecution. Just my 2 lira's worth. :)
Well said, Vincenza Benvenuta...
Name: Sandra () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 20:32:12
Email: sanna@cox.net
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Okay, that's enough! I see that this poor kid's right to speak his opinion has brought division to an otherwise "united" Ctown. I guess everyone here gets along only because we can't see each other's color or race behind our computer screens? Hawthorne, Lawndale, Torrance, Carson, etc. all these towns change whether for better or worse over the decades. You honestly think that things would stay the same forever in Hawthorne? If there is no change, there is no progress. Even the Beach Boys left long before Hawthorne went "bad". If it was such a FABULOUS town then why did all of you leave? You think if you had all stayed it would have remained the Hawthorne of yesteryear forever? Come on people, I suppose you still want schools to be segregated too? Drugs, violence and abuse happen not only in Hawthorne, but in Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes too. It's just well covered up with money, pretty paint and landscaping. Let's stop all this bashing of Mr. Morris and get back to what I thought this place was all about... the love a place and time we all grew up in. Whether in the 50's or the present. Mr. Morris, I admire your value system... equality and freedom of speech is what our nation is built on. Remember, "Give us your tired, your hungry, your poor..."
Yes, I agree Sandra, let's get back to OUR Hawthornes, whatever the era, and forget all the politics. Hawthorne, and for that matter the world, has changed, we all agree on that, so let it go. We are all Cougars here, and there's no reason for us to polarize ourselves into different factions. Recent Graduate, you are welcome to speak your mind here anytime you want. You're a Haytowner too.
Name: Sharon () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 20:25:56
Email: sharonlleach@cs.com
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: No thank you Walter, but thank you for considering me for the position.
Sorry Walter, we need Sharon for the 2nd Annual Cougartown Picnic this Summer. Name: BOB FAULKNER () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 18:24:23
City and State: GARDEN GROVE,CA.
Class: 1963
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 14:04:17
Email: baxterldo@aol.com
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Speaking of protesting change in our H-town, I remember that night we were cruising A&W and discovered that some idiot put up a ?No Right Turn? sign at the back of the parking lot. To heck with the traffic jams, I felt like my freedom of choice had been taken from me. I got out of my car and threw that sign like a lawn dart across the alley into a vacant lot; turned right onto 136th to the Blvd and continued cruising. When we made the circle back to the ?A? parking lot the sign was back in place, so I decided that this was a perfect time and place to make an observation of human behavior. We found a ?No Left Turn? sign and placed it across from the ?No Right Turn,? made a left turn and went on cruising. Next time we drove by, H-Blvd, the parking lot, and the vacant lot were in chaos! Just as I suspected, people did not turn left or right but went straight into the vacant lot with no outlet. Cars were everywhere. All I could see thru the dust was lights bouncing around in the lot. No one would take the lead. Not satisfied I thought if they like signs, we will give them signs. I called a buddy who drove a deuce pickup to aid us in the quest. By the time we got through, A&W was offering ?S&H Green stamps,? ?Blue Chip Stamps,? ?Tune Ups and Break Jobs,? ?Purina dog Chow,? ?Hires Root Beer,? ?No Parking,? ?Tenants Only,? ?Produce,? and more, all strategically placed out front and throughout the parking lot and the vacant lot. The next time we returned to the scene to admire our handy-work, that poor manager was out front jumping up & down waving his arms and pointing at us. I looked down the street where he was looking and there was Sgt Tom Bigelow in an unmarked HPD car. He called for a black & white backup to stop us when we turned onto the Blvd. After Tom had a private conference to quell the cops? laughter, he gave us the usual threatening lecture - something about a $500 fine and jail time for each sign - then told us to take the signs back where we got them and they would not press charges. We complied, but as we loaded up the signs, we found a lot of extra ones that we did not recognize. Others had joined in the protest. Of course all our efforts never changed anything, but we tried... Come to think of it, that was a time when I got less than I deserved from the HPD. I love that town? John, Sorry this got so wordy? Baxter.
Great story Baxter, and yes it was wordy. Name: Kurt Newman () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 12:49:24
Email: kurtsstuff2003@yahoo.com
City and State: Livermore,Ca
Class: 1978
Message: I was visiting my sister in El Segundo not too long ago and decided to venture into Hawthorne to see what changes have occurred and it's sad to see that most of the "changes" have to do with security and protection and such! But I did get the chance to visit with Tim Gallegos and his parents that actually still live in the same house! That was really a great opportunity!!
Glad you got to visit in Hawthorne again, Kurt....
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 12:43:17
Email: elizabeth.aleccia@gmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 1969
Message: Good Morning Everybody...I just want you local readers to know that there are dozens of little newborn dolphins leaping in the waves in South Redondo. I didn't walk to Manhattan today so I'm not sure how far north this giant pod, flock, school...whatever...is. Don't miss the fun and bring the kids but you better bring a sweater as it's not quite summer weather yet. It'll get the joy back in your heart to watch the newcomers continue the cycle of life. Love you guys...oldtimers and newcomers as well.
Thanks Liz....
Name: Debbie () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 11:31:12
Email: pinkelephant10atyahoo.com
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: fair
Class: 1977
Message: Just wanted to let everyone know, construction has started on the Beach Boys' monument. There's an article on the front page of the Daily Breeze about it. The website is www.dailybreeze.com for those of you who don't live locally anymore.
Hi, Maryann! I don't like smoking at any age (heehee nothing personal to the kids who hung out at "the wall"), but under the pink hair and piercings is a teen not much different from the way we were. LOL, if you happen to have one for a family member take lots of pictures so when THEIR kid is showing their individuality.....you can whip out them ole pictures!
Thanks Debbie....
Name: Laura Anderson () on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 11:24:29
Email: mrsanderson404@hotmail.com
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: Pat Underwood's feedback about places being torn down and changed hit home with me...I remember vividly the day I drove down Gale Ave near Imperial and saw that the red house that I, and Dan Johnson before me, had enjoyed was now an apartment house. That house was really something with a dutch door to a patio housing the best avocado tree and tree house...a bamboo grove that was the best for playing in...a yard big enough for a badminton court...and a great front porch that hosted many friends and neighbors when I lived there. It's a weird feeling to see a place you loved just....gone. I now have a home that reminds me of that one.
The house I grew up in, luckily, is still there, along with many of the neighboring houses. Of course today it has an iron gate across the driveway. We used to keep the key under the mat on the backporch, but it was rarely locked. I can still drive by and remember the good times growing up in good old Hawthorne.