Got me runnin'
Got me hidin'
Got me run, hide, hide, run
Any way you wanna let it roll
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Jimmy Reed
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 19:40:42
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Nope, I draw a blank on the dairy, so does Sherry ?62. I lived in the other direction and She does not remember ever stopping there. - John, Here?s to you, man! (as I raise my Bubble-Up bottle high in your direction), I would not have had the patience that you had thru last week/weekend. That was insane, but interesting. - Baxter
Thanks for trying Baxter, but I think it was Rockview then too.
Name: Larry Bach () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 19:40:39
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Bad Boy
Class: 1972
Message: I'm ignorant about Pinks. Is it more than hot dogs or are the hot dogs more than just a hot dog??
About 1963-1964, I used to 'sneak' over to the "Dairy" from Eucalyptus School (way before it was fenced in) during lunch recess to buy candy and trying not to get caught. There were apartment units next to the "Dairy" with a cement 'Venus de Milo' type statue out in the front planter. Someone spray painted the pubic area black (probably Rocky Teeder, who lived in the building, anyone remember him). Being in the 4th grade (Mrs. Covington's class), the "naked" Venus of Broadway seemed pretty funny at the time.
The hot dogs a good, Larry.
Name: al murphy () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 19:23:27
City and State: Idaho
Message: Hi John, When I was in Hawthorne years ago,in the late 50-60s it was the Rockview dairy at Broadway and Inglewood ave. How about Art's Deli on Inglewood and 129st? They had the best taco's and green chili burrito's and their sauce was out of this world. YUM! Art's daughter was a member of the Police Explorer unit with the Hawthorne P.D. this was in the mid 60's she went to H.H.S. Have a good one, really enjoy the site, AL
OK then, it's been Rockview all along. Thanks Murph' and great memory of Art's... great place
Name: Sandra A. Perez () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 19:20:56
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Hey Art, I think you're recalling "White's Bakery" on Hawthorne Blvd. As far as The Dairy goes, yes, we called it "The Dairy" too. It is no longer there, though. It's now a freakin' strip mall! Speaking of malls, I was so sad to hear when they closed down the Hawthorne Mall. I loved that place! Every weekend my mom would take us there (we lived on 120th and Grevillea Ave.)to shop at The Red Eye or Lerner's and then we would have lunch at either Round Table (which was called Lord Byron's Pizza first) or at Foster's Freeze. The day would end with a trip to Boy's Market for groceries. Good times, yeah...
Name: Pat Underwood () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 18:07:21
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: In 1966 I used too live at 4855 W Broadway apt K, just next to the Rock view Dairy when there was a big dirt field behind it. That?s where I parked my 1958 Impala and my 64 Olds Cutlass. I loved the raw milk they had with the cream floating at the top. Their buttermilk was too die for. Yum. So glad we finally returned too good old Hawthorne Memories.
Name: deano () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 17:12:42
City and State: tustin
Class: 1965
Message: everyone i knew just called it the dairy
Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 17:10:49
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: Info concerning plans for the Hawthorne
mall can be found at
I was hoping for a Beach Boy museum.
Name: Debbie Miles () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 17:02:10
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: In the late 60's we just called it "The Dairy". In fact, I was reading Laura's memories of Eucalyptus Park. I loved playing there, too. We met as older kids, but I wonder if we ever crossed paths there? The turtle was a favorite place whenever the kids on my block could get a ride "way over" to Eucalyptus.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 15:48:38
City and State: Thousand Oaks,CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: The drive-thru dairy at Inglewood and Broadway was called "Rockview Dairy" during the early-mid 70's. I can still remember Linda Spivak and Linda Howard telling me they'd save me a seat at the Rockview at lunch. In retrospect this was probably a reference to the Roxy.
I just went through the ads in all the early yearbooks I have and no luck on the early name. I'm sure Denny Unfried or Baxter Dodd might know.
Name: Mary Ann Avila () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 15:13:52
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: Stanley
Class: 1977
Message: Corner of Broadway and Inglewood...wasn't that Rockview Dairy?
It was that too, thanks Mary Ann....
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 12:43:46
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 1971
Message: Bab's Milk Bar was on Inglewood Ave. I can recall if it was the Milk Bar at Broadway or the one at 142nd Street.
I also wanted to thank Charlie Fox for the information on Tooties.
The one on Broadway and Inglewood was called something else in the early 60s. Maybe the picture is in an early El Molino.
Name: Art La Mere () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 12:35:00
Email: same
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 1973
Message: The Mall I think was opened in the mid 70's as for the dairy the name whites dairy comes to mind.
Thanks Art....
Name: The Jones Family () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 11:22:47
City and State: Austin,TX
Class: 1980
Message: I was curious of what became of the Hawthorne mall? Has it been demolished yet? I have not been in Hawthorne for years but was thinking about the first time it opened back in the early 80's. That was a hang out for families to meet with one another. My first job was at the Foot Locker located down stairs. We sold dolphin shorts & it was the most populer clothes for the girls in Hawthorne High.
No, the Hawthorne Mall is still standing, but only the north end (Montgomery Ward part) is occupied. I think it's used by the school district for something.
Name: Sandra A. Perez () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 11:12:49
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Thank you, Mr. Baker. Finally... back to Hawthorne Business.
Does anyone remember the Dairy Mart on the corner of Inglewood Avenue and Broadway? I used to stop there on my way to school and buy Dr. Pepper flavored gum. They would jack up the prices too. I remember paying 60 cents for that gum when it was only 35 cents at Clark Drugs! But when a 14 year old wants gum to stay awake in Ms. Dykton's math class, she'll pay any price...
It was there when I went to HHS too, only it was called something else. Do any of you older Cougs remember what it was called in the early 60s?
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 11:03:30
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: For all those going to Pinks on Saturday, have a great time! Wish I could go! Just a few weeks until the C-Town Golf classic.
See you all on Saturday...
Name: Larry Bach () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 00:03:18
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: I want my land back too. The Dutch purchased (not stole) rights to Manhattan Island from local inhabitants. An ancestor (Wallerand Dumond) came to New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1657 in the dutch service. The English stole Manhattan from the Dutch and I want it back, or at least reparations, maybe one of Trump's towers. On behalf of my greatgranmother, a Chippewa, I want all those tribal lands in Wisconsin restored as well, or at least an acre or two to build a casino and not pay state taxes. And I want my ethnic language back. When the USA declared war against Germany in 1917, Congress passed the "Anti-Sedition Act" virtually putting out of business 97% of the 10,000 German language newspapers in America an curtailing the meetings of German American clubs and associations. Politically correct Americans even renamed sauerkraut "Liberty Cabbage". I'm a victim, where's my free ride?
OK WE ARE DONE!! This is the LAST feedback with any political leanings one way or the other. If you don't see your feedback on this page please don't email me. If it has to do with this subject, it will not be added. This whole thing in malarchy. I'm ready to CLOSE THIS PAGE. No time or energy to keep adding this trash talk. This page is for Hawthorne memories. Now what the hell does the immigrant crap got to do with our HHS and memories?
Name: Sandra A. Perez () on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 00:00:33
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Oh God! Can we please stop with the "Immigratiion, Illegal vs. Legal, Health Care, Americans vs. Non Americans" crap already! Good God! Get over it already! If you go to another country, stuff is translated into English all the time. Americans retire in other countries all the time too. Not all of them try to learn that countries language, just like not all immigrants learn to speak English here. SO WHAT! Instead of complaining, do something about it. Don't slight others because they are different, preoccupy yourselves with your own families and what you are teaching them by your words and actions.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 23:47:11
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 1969
Message: Ooooo, John got his button pushed, along with many others, no doubt. But y'all know me pretty well, I think, I just gotta prove y'all right by ageeing with Bob. Honor the land and honor her inhabitants. Can't we all just get along? I'm coming Saturday night to Pink's if anyone wants to fight it out...LOL But I'm bringing my (almost 2yr old) grandson so be gentle. He's a cutie and I want to introduce him to Layla, Dan's beautiful daughter. Oh yeah, one more thing... I met a guy tonight who played football with our own Bill Sloey from c/o '69. Danny Miller played under Coach Swearingin (sp?) at El Camino. He graduated from Bishop in '69. I, of course, plugged CT so maybe he'll drop in. I'm sure many of you know him. Sitting with him at Hennesey's was like sitting with Norm at Cheers, where 'everbody knows your name". OKay...over and out. Lizzy
Name: Bob Veach () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 21:11:07
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: No Hating
Class: 1972
Message: After reading the many messages concerning our nation's infrastructure and the problems caused by immigration, I find it interesting that we label them "legal" and "illegal". Aren't they all just people trying to get back to a land that belonged to their ancestors before we came here illegally and took it from them. Hmmmm.
My ol' granpappy used to recite a biblical saying- "we will all pay for the sins of our fathers."
He also used to say that if people think you're stupid, why open your mouth and prove them right. A few of you should heed that advise. Quit being a bunch of haves vs. have nots and NIMBYs.
Spoken like a true Poly fan, so then Bob, WHY did you open your mouth, Hmmm?
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 19:45:48
Email: sueking18ataoldotcom
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hey Roberta Moore - you go girl! A few years ago our own Marsha Russell, HHS64 walked the walk in Santa Barbara to Ventura. I was there when she came over the finish line and WOW! I hope you'll correspond with her and get some insight and tips and I wish you a great adventure and peace on your journey. I am going to your site when I finish here to make my donation in honor of Marsha and in memory of my own classmate, Shelly Gustason who lost her battle just a few years ago. Three local friends were just diagnosed and are in the early stages of treatment so this hits home. I hope all Cougars will get out their ATM's and donate a few dollars - it is soooo easy on your site! Do it in honor, in memory, in hope. Make us proud Roberta! Oh yeah - dont' forget everybody - Saturday is Senior Ditch Day at Pink's (and Harry Plotkin's birthday shhhhh) - be there or be square!
Thanks Sue, it IS a great cause and I too hope lots of our Ctowners go to and get involved.
Name: Roberta Moore () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 18:10:00
City and State: Baker, Nevada
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1967
Message: John, Thank you so much for your support and generous donation of the tee shirts. I can hardly find the words to express my heartfelt gratitude and then, when you added the direct link to the Cactus Mamas website wow!
Janis Peterson and Tom Chadwick thank you for your generous contributions. Please email me and let me know what year you?d like me to list for your class and if you?d like me to put ?in memory of _______? on my Cougar tee shirt. I would like to honor your loved ones as well.
You, and all the Cougars, are the very best!
60 miles...I don't like to DRIVE that far. Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 16:41:04
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: The Dark Side of the Moon
Class: 1977
Message: Doris Troy, just one look. Ms. Troy passed away recently. She not only was a highly regarded artist, she made a very vaulable contribution to one of the greatest albums in music history "The Dark Side of the Moon" Among other things, she provides the very moving female backing vocals on "Time" and "Brain Damage/Eclipse" (EVERYONE knows that part where Roger sings "you shout but no one seems to hear" followed by Doris' "wooo ooohhhh ahhhhh"). See JB, everything comes back to Pink Floyd in the end.
And just a little more Cougartown bandwidth sinks into the sunset.
Name: Debbie () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 15:27:56
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Linda H.,
Are you still with Delta? I've been with Delta for about five years!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 13:46:50
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Melrose
Class: 1977
Message: Those pamplets sure are taking their toll on corporate profits for health care providers and HMOs. Have you seen the film "A Day Without A Mexican" -- very entertaining and even educational. So, whose on for Pinks?
Name: Jeanne () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 12:02:53
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Maiden: Burk
Class: 1969
Message: I don't write too often but I wanted to expand on the "recent grad" feedback. I have worked in healthcare for the past 15 years. Do you know why your health premiums keep going up and up... because every health plan must print all literature in 13 threshold languages for all immigrants who don't and won't learn to speak English. The state also requires that we provide transportation and interpreter services for them at the doctor's office. This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those dollars can not go for the care of members but rather to the "lack" of illegal immigrants who are more interested in having what America has to offer rather than being "Americans". The costs of illegal immigration reach corners of our economic condition that we aren't even aware of. Ok, well that's my 2 cents worth.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 10:37:50
City and State: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Class: 1969
Message: Tooties were invented in 1960 by Dr. John "Tootie" Hanson. For more information on Tooties, go to Another one of Dr. Hanson's specialities back then was teaching speed reading. In 1967, when it was determined that my reading speed was right around 120 words per minute with 60% comprehension, my dad enrolled both of us in Dr. Hanson's class. My reading speed increased to around 2000 words per minute with 85% comprehension. I remember we used a slide rule to compute our speed.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 10:36:37
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: The Tooties of yesteryear sound like the Hacky Sacks of the 90's... 76'ers if you haven't already, send me your name, addr, phone, and email if you are interested in our 30th reunion in summer 2006. We are getting LOTS of responses and don't want to leave anyone out. We are projecting a large turnout, and space will be limited. If you wait until next year to decide, you will miss out!
Name: Roberta Moore () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 10:16:05
City and State: Baker, Nevada
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1967
Message: Hi Cougars!
I am going to participate in the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk in Phoenix, Arizona October 21-23. Sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, this walk is to raise funds for research and hopefully, a cure for breast cancer. As a breast cancer survivor, I am dedicated to doing this 60 mile (yes, I said 60 miles!) walk. I look forward to joining fellow survivors and those wonderful, supportive friends who will walk a long side me, walking towards the cure for breast cancer.
Along with having breast cancer myself, I lost my mother, cousins and dear friends to breast cancer, and I?ve watched some of my dearest and bravest friends charge into battle and beat the odds. I hope you will think of me or maybe more important, think of a family member or friend who has endured this disease and how important survival is. I am trying to raise $2,100.00 to help pursue the cure for Breast Cancer and I am hoping that you will be kind enough to make a donation and become one of my very important sponsors in this walk towards the cure. (Even a little bit makes a big difference!)
I would like to make this walk a way of showing Cougar spirit. As I explained to John Baker when I wrote and asked him if this would be appropriate to put in the feedback section, I would like to proudly wear a Hawthorne High School Cougar tee shirt on the last day of the walk and to the closing ceremony a tee shirt loaded with the names (and classes) of all the Cougars who have helped me by making a donation and becoming one of my sponsors.
I am part of the Cactus Mamas team. Even though I reside in Nevada and work at Great Basin National Park, some of my park ranger buddies pulled a team together at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona) and asked me to join them. So, if you?d like to learn more about the Cactus Mamas and become a sponsor, please go to our website. When you open the page, scroll down to my name and click on ?Click here to sponsor Roberta?. That link will take you directly to my personal page on the official Arizona 3 Day Walk page and the rest is up to you!
I appreciate anything you can donate and I will do my best to make Hawthorne High School?s Cougars proud. (Even if I have to drag myself across the finish line! Day one is 22 miles Day 2 is another 22 and Day 3, we get a break and only have to walk 16 miles!) Please, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
And for any Cougars living in the Phoenix area, hope you'll be present at some point during the walk. I?d love to have a lot of Cougar sightings! And there will be photos!
Thanks from the deepest part of my heart,
Roberta (Caldwell) Moore
Class of ?67
Hi Roberta, Sounds like a great cause. Cougartown will start it off by donating the Tshirts you just ordered. Thanks much and good luck with your walk....
Name: Danny Litton () on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 07:57:38
City and State: Marietta GA
Class: 1968
Message: Mrs. Helen Leeder followed (how ironic!) Mrs. Franks at dear ol' Eucalyptus.
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Monday, April 25, 2005 at 22:16:54
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: Yes! Danny Litton was was Mrs Franks who was the principal at Eucalyptus...Wasn't she a shorter woman with red/brown short hair? I may be wrong....I swear there was another one that came later....a tall woman with a lot of blonde hair that she wore in a bun fairly high on her head...She was an older woman. I remember her being very strict too....This was around 1958 or 59....somewhere around there. I remember Grace Hendrickson...I may have her confused as the 2nd principal at Eucalyptus. Back to the park....we were only allowed in the grass area but not in the actual park/playground area...we would play baseball out there too....with teacher supervision. Does anyone remember Miss Chinin (spelled wrong!). She was a kindergarten teacher from Hawaii who used to do the hula for us in the class room. What about those little tiny cartons (square) of ice cream that we could buy at lunch...and Jewell the lunch lady....and last....the old gray house on the corner of Eucalyptus and 120th Street. We all thought it was haunted....It was full of weeds, trees, and looked very abandoned. The window upstairs was always opened. It was verrry dark in there...and we would strain our eyes to see if anyone was in there watching us....No one ever investigated (that I know of) I always wondered who lived there, or if anyone ever did.....