I've been in this town so long that back in the city
I've been taken for a lost and gone
An unknown for a long long time >Our Boys
Name: Steve Fraser () on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 02:44:15
Email: sfraser53@lworld.net
City and State: Laguna Woods, CA
Class: 1969
Message: Bob Veach - I had the pleasure of working with your dad on the HFD from 1968 until his retirement. A truly warm and pleasant man to work with. He will be sorely missed and not soon forgotten by the many friends he knew and worked with.
Name: Larry Bach () on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 00:19:06
Email: startnofyr@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Dear Bob, please allow me the honor to thank you and your family for accepting that particular sacrifice families of firefighters share; the acceptance of continual risk and his regular absence that allowed your father the freedom to stand the watch, away from home, wife, and children, for many nights over many years, serving his community, protecting and preserving life and property. There is no higher calling than to risk one's own life to save another's. While kinsmen die, parents die, and all are mortal, a good name never dies, nor the noble deeds of heroes. On bended knee, let me offer my humble and sincere condolences on the loss of your dear father, may he rest in peace. He remains a hero.
Name: fraser () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 22:23:58
Email: sfraser53@lworld.net
City and State: Laguna Woods, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Please clarify. Is this a Caliornia State Historical Landmark honoring the Beach Boys, as stated on the website? Or is it now a tribute to the Wilsons only, ignoring other members whose talents combined with Brian, Dennis, and Carl helped form one of the greatest rock bands in history?
If it states it on their website, then I guess it's a Beach Boys monument. It's historically marking where the Wilsons lived in Hawthorne.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 22:21:07
Email: AMVaquer@aol.com
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Larry (Bach): I collect soundtracks. The Duke was always a favorite (as is Clint Eastwood). But don't even get me started on George Reeves.
Name: Bob Veach () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 20:40:21
Email: grv5891@aol.com
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Class: 1972
Message: For those of you may have known him, my father, Gano Veach, passed away today at the age of 69 in Sun City, AZ. He was with the Hawthorne Fire Department from 1957-1986. An exact date for a memorial has not yet been arranged.
I will always remember him driving that fire engine in the annual Hawthorne Parade or responding to his own house after my brother and I set a bed on fire. God, I'll miss him.
Hi Bob, Very sorry for your loss. It's tough to lose a parent. My condolences to you and your family.
Name: Jake N Jude () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 20:00:43
Email: jakejude@aol.com
City and State: Kuna, ID
Maiden: EitherOr
Class: 1960/1961
Message: Jeez you don't show up for a few days and all he.. breaks loose. Read the stuff about the "Boy's" and John as you know one of my favorite tunes was Warmth of the Sun. My three lines...Fun, Fun, Fun,...The warmth of The Sun and Lets Get Back Together and Do It AGAIN! Also read Daryl Lundquist run down on the HHS middle league of 57. Funny thing, I guess I'm the only one who remembers that Dennees Cardinals won that Championship. Rich Sloan, Bruce Johnson, Ted Sprague, all tough ball players and all of us friends or close acquaintances, but they played for the Optimists. So sorry. We went 20-1 that year and took it all. But yes there were some fabulous ball players in that group of kids. Jerry Floree, who came a broken ankle in try outs from playing with the Dodgers. Hit .600 plus in middle league. Quite unbelievable. Punkey Murcer, Alias Don Mercer one of the slickest fielding 3rd baseman I ever saw. Would be up there with Bobby Guy of Fast pitch hall of fame credentials. The rest of us mortals on that team were around .350 to .500. Seems a little rich maybe, but the truth. Had a few kids from LHS and we all blended well. Sloan and Sprague eat your hearts out. And Ted it was you that served up the tasty curve ball that I drove into right center for the Cards to beat the Optimist for the first time in history. Sorry folks, don't mean to beat a drum, but if those guys read this they'll still be p.o.ed!!! LOL! Sorry we were late on the Brick thing John. Many things going on right now, MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU Jake n jude.
Thanks for checking in, Jake....
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 19:43:37
Email: sueking18@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Regarding contributing toward bricks and the Beach Boys monument - don't stop contributing now! While the "Buy a Brick" through Cougartown has completed, you can still individually contribute or even buy your own brick. The smallest amount to donate for a brick is $100 and that buys you a "one line" inscription. The Bierman family pooled our resources for that one and YOU CAN TOO! "Wouldn't it be nice" to leave your family name in Hawthorne? Go to www.beachboyslandmark.org and you can pay with PayPal. The deadline to participate is THIS Saturday, March 26. Don't miss out. And just my $.02 John, but I much prefer to name ALL of the original 6 Beach Boys on the brick. I think it'll work. Oh yeah, that's $.04.....
Thanks Sue...
Name: Cindy Colby () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 19:28:08
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Dan, thanks for the vote of confidence. I think you are out of luck cause I think John is doing everything in his power to keep this a Hawthorne site and you know how powerful John is. Done mess with King John, you know you will lose. See you at the next function. Cindy
am i that powerful really?
Name: Dan Johnson W1P () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 18:57:06
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 1977
Message: I like the Colby suggestion. Don't worry baby, I'll make JB turn this into a Pink Floyd site before I let it turn into a Beach Boys site! How'd we do on the 70s vs. 50s/60s contribution challenge? After, JB saves "everything"
OH, I forgot about that little ditty. I'll have to go through them but I think the older classes prevailed.
Name: Melinda () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 18:52:17
Email: linda.farrow@ngc.com
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Maiden: Elia
Class: 1982
Message: I just checked in and saw that a 3rd. Beach Boys Brick was out, John is it too late to donate? I've been out of it, had my second shoulder surgery (same shoulder twice) in 4 months and its kicked my butt this time around. And saw that more bricks were being purchased, I would love to contribute and ask all class of 82 alumnis out there to do the same :)
Hi Melinda, Unfortunately it is over for the Bricks. The deadline is this weekend and I'm sure we couldn't make another one. Thank you for trying.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 12:51:54
Email: Dendan2@aol.com
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, Well, at least I tried! A couple of us from LHS made it on the list in time anyway...Thanks! And of course you can wear your hat! Hey we even have a "Link" on our little site that will take people from there, right to here! Heck, we at LHS love Cougars, they always made nice pets! (Hehehe) Just kidding! Nobody get mad. I'll get your e-mail address from Karen and send you and your hat an Invite...Thanks John Thanks Dave....
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 12:22:56
Email: Dendan2@aol.com
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, So...what's left on the balance of the last brick? Whatever it is, let me know and it'll be from "Your Friends from Leuzinger" Okay? That is if you'll come on our little web-site and say "Hello". Deal? I'll send you the invite via your e-mail...Thanks Hey Dave, Thanks for trying, but we've made our goal. I will come on your website and say hello, however. If I can wear my Cougar Rooter Hat. Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 12:21:14
Email: jb1 at cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: WE'VE MADE IT!! Thank you to all who've contributed to our Beach Boys Brick campaigns. Now it's on to getting the info to the Monument Committee and donating the funds. I will do that on Friday. If you still haven't sent your checks, please do it today. Thanks again Cougs.
Name: bud () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 11:57:40
Email: bud.rhoades@fullmerinc.comb
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: Thanks to all who have confirmed so far for the 2nd annual C-Town Classic 50+ players so far! I have had many ask who the check should be made out to. Please make checks payable to Knotts Berry Farm with Cougartown Golf on the bottom memo portion.
Thanks again to everyone who is making this better than imagined.
THAT IS GREAT!!! Sounds like this is going to be a fun event for all in attendance. Thanks Bud and Wade, and we'll see you on May 21st.
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 11:32:16
Email: havnfun2@sbcglobal.net
City and State: Palmdale,CA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1978
Message: John, please add myself, Dan Drapeau and Cindy Whittaker to the #3 brick campaign. I'll be sending my $30 check today! thanks!!
Hi Michelle, Thank you too, for helping out the BBB. I'll add you all to the list.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 11:29:32
Email: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: I can remember the Million Dollar Movie
but not the theme. Listened on Amazon but 30 seconds is not enough. Guess I'll never be a contestant on Name That Tune. You guys are scaring me- we need to finish off this last brick- I'll kick in another $10. Come on,
Cougs. Let's be done with this. Send in your pledge and your money.
Hi Sharon, Thank you for ANOTHER donation. We're just 85 dollars from the end, Cougs. Like Larry the Cable Guy says, "Gidder Done".
Name: Charles () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 10:13:43
City and State: Ca
Message: Didn't Al Jardine go to HHS also?
Yes he did. Al graduated in 1960. Name: Nick Fitzgerald () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 10:09:52
Email: nfitzge163@aol.com
City and State: Medford, Oregon
Class: 1959
Message: John, do you really want all the attention from outsiders that will come to this site if you show the .com on the cougartown bricks. Can't it just be COUGARTOWN!! I hope this site stays for Hawthorne High and area schools, this is not a Beach Boy Site.
Hi Nick, Yes Cougartown's allegiance is to the HHSers. I'm sure cougartown.COM gets many many more hits a day from Google, around the world, than it will from a side street memorial in Hawthorne. Don't you worry Nick, the site isn't going to be converted into a Beach Boys site as there are plenty of them around the net.
Name: Debra Elliott () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 09:13:30
Email: gede673@pkfamily.com
City and State: Hawthorne,Ca
Maiden: Reid
Class: 1969
Message: I sure enjoy reading everyone's memories about Hawthorne. Thank you John Baker for handling all this. Know it has to be alot of time.
Please put me in for $20.00 for the third brick. I will send the check to you this morning. I think those from the class of 69 should finish this brick. The beach boys played at our Senior prom, so that is a great memory. Debbie Elliott
Ahh thank you Debbie for helping out. I will add you to the list.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 07:41:04
Email: themcdougals@centurytel.net
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: I like Cindy's lastest version. What I really want to see is brick number 3 paid for. We are almost there folks. Dig deep, it will be too late next week. I missed helping restore the chairs in Nyman Hall because I was slow to open my wallet. Missing a couple meals wouldn't have hurt as much as that memory. It is only money!
Yep, we're getting close to the end. If you were planning on adding to the Brick, please do it today.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 00:34:02
Email: des249@yahoo.com
City and State: W. Covina
Class: 1962
Message: I think that's a keeper John, being Cindys latest submission for the Bricks...
Name: Larry Bach () on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 00:27:39
Email: startnofyr@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Well, John, since you ain't just a whilstlin' Dixie, then the producers of "The High and Mighty" must have dubbed in someone else whistling that tune for the Duke. Armand, you know too much about John Wayne, and all this time I thought you were only a Godzilla afficionado. I'm impressed.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 23:50:03
Email: mlr922@hotmail.com
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: The High and the Mighty, that triggered an old memory of Hawthorne Hi. They used to show movies at noon in Nyman Hall. That's where I saw that movie. We had one hour lunch periods but not long enough for a movie so I guess we saw it in two parts. I had forgotten all about that.
I saw Sayonara, Gigi, and Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, and they were shown in 3 days.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 23:47:28
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Try it this way:
The Wilson Boys
Our Boys
The Beach Boys
Brian, Carl & Dennis
Friends and Legends
Cougars Forever
Be True
To Your School, HHS
OK, anyone have a problem with this one?
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 23:13:43
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: OK, this is my last word on the subject, I do like one of the lines that Matt wrote so I replaced one of my lines and used his.
The Wilson Boys
Our Boys
The Beach Boys
Brian, Carl & Dennis
Friends and Legends
Cougars Forever
Be True to Your
School, HHS
I like this one too....well, everything but "School, HHS" on one line. So how do we solve this?
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 22:40:21
Email: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: I remember Humanoid Systems. Me and my friends always wanted to get in there to see if they really made robots. But we were to scared of robots so never did.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 22:01:00
Email: AMVaquer@aol.com
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: The theme from "The High and the Mighty" was composed by Dimitri Tiomkin. You can get an instrumental version in the CD, "True Grit: Music From The Classic Films of John Wayne" (Silva America, #SSD 1037, 1994). The CD also contains music suites from "Stagecoach," "The Quiet Man," "In Harm's Way," and selections from "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon," "The Searchers," "The Alamo," "How The West Was Won," "The Longest Day," "True Grit," and "The Cowboys." The City of Prague Philharmonic did the orchestration. Not a bad disc for Wayne fans.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 20:47:30
Email: See Alumni List
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: Fellow Cougs! Due to the hundreds of SPAM messages I get each day, I've had to change my email address. Not to mention I finally came into the 21st century and got a broadband connection, rather than the d1nosaur dial-up I've been using. See the alumni list for the new address and please update your contact info. Thanks for the space, John! Keep on Cougin'!
Thanks Alan for the info, and if anyone else has changed their email address, please update it on the Alumni List.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 20:19:14
Email: jb1 at cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Again, thanks to all who've contributed to our Beach Boys Brick campaigns. You've all gone above and beyond. And now we're scrambling to get this last brick filled (4 days left). If you're thinking about adding your name, please do it soon as we're quickly closing in on the due date. Thanks Cougs
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 19:54:54
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I just think it should say 'Be true to your school', two of them are no longer with us and I don't know that Brian knows or cares that we are here.
Name: Larry Bach () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 19:09:45
Email: Startnofyr@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Hi Enza, I remeber the "Million Dollar Movie" too. I used to watch it when my parents were out late on bowling league nights. The "High and the Mighty" was a 1950's John Wayne picture, where he was an airline pilot with engine trouble, a very good prequel version of the "Airport" series of films. At the end of the movie, the Duke struts away from the plane he just landed with only a wing and a prayer, whistling that famous tune. Btw, that haunting melody can be had with many other hard to find numbers from, Eric Records, "Hard to Find Orchestral Instrumentals". 1999, Universal Music. :)
The Duke was to TOUGH to whistle.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 18:35:35
Email: themcdougals@centurytel.net
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: I agree, Matt has a plan. Let's go with it.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 18:23:06
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I am not too sure about the true to their school bit. I didn't think it was about the music, just that they were Hawthorne boys.
Give a suggestion; we have about 4 days.
Name: Laura Anderson () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 17:28:16
Email: mrsanderson404@hotmail.com
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: I vote for Matt's....well said and it honors both The Beach Boys and the school we all share and love.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 17:22:27
Email: cfox@yahoo.com
City and State: RPV CA
Class: 1969
Message: I was scrolling down and saw the photograph of the pool area at the Cockatoo Inn. What a shock. The last time I saw that pool I think I was 12 or so. Andy Lococo lived down the street from my family on Manor Drive. His son, Phillip, invited a bunch of us to the hotel one summer day to swim and have lunch there by the pool. I keep going back to that photo you posted, John, trying to accept the present condition of the place. Sic transit gloria Cockatoo. Nothing lasts but the memories.
Name: Jerry () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 15:49:51
Email: Miles
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I was trying to incorporate several others ideas into nine lines but I think Matt hit it dead on. Although Cougartown.com times nine is not bad either:) But my vote is yes on Matt?s submission.
Thanks Jerry....
Name: Matt Peterson () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 13:59:58
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Class: 1974
Message: So John, we can?t agree on three lines so you want us to come up with 9 lines? I think that Cougartown.com should be on each brick. That said, after stealing from others here is my suggestion:
Brian, Dennis, Carl
Our Boys
Friends and Legends
Their Music
Lives Forever
In Our Hearts
True to their School
Cougars Forever
OK, I say let's use it. It's getting late and times-a-tickin'. Whattayasay Cougs....
Name: Evan Kramer () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 13:31:17
Email: evan@mydfz.com
City and State: Port Orford, OR
Message: I didn't graduate from HHS but worked a few blocks away on El Segundo Blvd at Humanoid Systems right by the freeway in the mid 70's. We used to go to the market at lunch and passed the high school many times. I'm also a big Beach Boys fan knowing they attended school there is special for me.