Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
I think I might be sinking.
>Led Zeppelin
Name: Charlie () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 10:54:16
City and State: RPV, CA
Class: 1969
Message: Enza,
The Million Dollar Movie, which aired on Channel 9, used the theme music from "The High and the Mighty."
THAT'S IT!! Knew someone would get that one. Thanks Charlie for the answer to Enza's burning question.
Name: Don D. () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 10:11:12
City and State: South Bay
Maiden: N/A
Class: 1975
Message: One of our own, National Endowment of the Arts Chairman, Dana Gioia is mentioned in the Daily Breeze.
Hey thanks Don....
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 09:41:50
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: The line for brick ordering is this week. If this third brick is to get laid we need your pledge and your money in. Otherwise we'll be left with two bricks and that's not enough room for the planned inscription. So take the plunge and make that pledge and click on Paypal.
PS I think copacetic is more commonly spelled with a c not an s.
Yes, we also need more suggestions for the sayings. I think the last day is March 26th to get bricks and sayings in.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 01:31:49
City and State: San Pedro, Ca
Maiden: still searching 4 a heart of gold......
Class: 1972
Message: As I was watching a old movie late one night, I was reminded that we had something called the "Million Dollar Movie" back in the early 60's, that played the same movie every night for the week. What I recalled today was that the opening music was a man whistling a great tune; which I can still hear the melody but can't recall any other information. Anybody remember that whistler and what the name of that tune was? And, was it called the Million Dollar Movie?
No Clue.....
Name: Larry Bach () on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 21:46:58
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Hi Ed. I hear your message. Well I still git around. Be careful re-connecting so you don't get shocked. Hope you're doing well in Lakewood. Been there a lot and I still haven't figured out where the lake or the woods are. Cheers.
Name: Edward Schatz () on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 20:46:43
City and State: Lakewood, Calif.
Class: 1970
Message: It's very strnage, all of you beings out there, all of the frienships that you so treasured in your youth, and don't connect. No photos, no information, no anythings, are you so desolate and detatched that you fled your friends? For all of the fun and pains you endured, the website will only be an empty list, but you should thank mr. baker for assembling and maintaining it. it seems the futher we move ahead in time with the classes, the more isolated the individuals have become. thanks, you did a great job, and keep it up as long as possible: baker man!
Hi Ed, thanks, and I am thanked by the people who show up on this site everyday. Thank you too for being out there.
Name: Fern Wettstein () on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 19:42:52
City and State: Liberal, Mo.64762
Maiden: Neuschafer
Class: 1957
Message: Hi John:
Please put me down on the list with my $10:00 contribution on the Beach Boys Brick .My check is in the mail. I love Hawthorne . Many memories there . I worked at Thrifty Drug Store . attended Williams Grade School, Hawthorne Intermediate, and Leuzinger High School ... Hi Fern, Thanks for the Beach Boys donation and sorry about that Leuzinger thing. Name: AETIVS () on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 14:10:13
City and State: Riverside, Ca.
Message: Sorry for the psuedonym, but that's what I'm publishing under.
I just wanted to say thanks for the excellent research material. I'm polishing up a story that takes place in 1973 and I needed to know how to spell "copasetic" ... slang doesn't always appear in the dictionaries. I've saved your mini dictionary for use so I can litter character speech with the proper colloquialisms of the day. I already know many, but more never hurts...
Thank you.
I'm class of '85, BTW. Not of much use to you guys. I do listen to the music of this period, but Led Zeppelin, Cream, Argent, Hendrix and such are more my bag than the Beach Boys. Nothing against the Beach Boys, I'm just not much into the surf scene.
Name: Debra () on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 01:30:42
City and State: Lancaster
Maiden: Lee(shouldastayedLee)
Class: 1972
Message: Haven't checked in for awhile. JB, I'll be sending in $10 for that brick. However, I'm still thinking about what to write. I've been sick with the flu and that was indeed no fun. Happy belated St. Patty's day to all. Happy belated Birthday to you Larry Bach ...
John, I still can't thank you enough for this website ...
Thanks Debra, Ill add you to the list.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 22:11:53
City and State: moving to Waco, Texas
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: I'll stick with the Illini for now. Bruce Weber is a class act - hope he coaches the team into the Final Four and then on to a championship. Bobby Knight has never been on my list of people I have respect for. College basketball sure gives us something to watch until the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (or is that Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles, or maybe the Los Anaheim Angeles Angels) start their season.
Go Anaheim.... thanks Sharon
Name: Cindy Colby () on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 15:24:46
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: OK John, Here is my suggestion for all three bricks. Cindy
The Wilson Boys
Our Boys
The Beach Boys
Brian, Carl & Dennis
Cougars Forever
Be True to Your
School, HHS
Hawthorne Loves You
Hi Cindy, Good one, thank you....
Name: Rosalie Russell () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 23:22:05
City and State: Upland, CA
Message: To all the wonderful Cougar Alums who sent cards and emails, posted on Cougartown and attended the memorial, thank you. I know Marsha and Lorene were touched by the wonderful stories so many of you shared. Franz was a very special person and I was privileged to share his life for so many years. We met October 3rd, 1965 about six hours after I arrived in CA. I also met Avery Knapp and Gary Persinger on the same night. We shared many memorable moments with Avery and Gary and their families as well as Johnnie McFall and his family and Richard Lewis. Franz, Gary and Johnnie are waiting for the rest of us to show up in heaven, but until then, thanks to all who remember Franz and how much he touched our lives.
With much affection for all of you! Lindsey, Michael and Rosalie Russell Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 20:10:26
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: John, can you give us the rules ie. letters per line, and anything else you can think of.
Yes, we still have 20 characters per line including spaces, but now we'll have 9 lines instead of 3. The bricks will be set one on top on the other. Good writing.....
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 18:02:05
Email: chernico
City and State: Keno,Oregon
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 1962
Message: Thank you my friend, for the call and the birthday wishes on ct. I Partied all day and into the night ... we had green Tequila.
Some of my new friends here surprised me with a party yesterday and we had a blast. We drank, and laughed till we peed our pants ..
Great bunch of "girls".......
So today I am feeling my age ha ha
So, thanks again, Love you more than a frosty shot glass .... Me.
PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY To ENZA & sister CATHY today, and to my daughter ANITA tomorrow.
Glad you had a fun on!!!
Name: Sarah () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 17:35:23
City and State: Silver Spring, Maryland
Message: Thanks for this site! It is a really nice site. I needed to find some 60's slang for a research paper and you have an awesome page all organized already. Good work!
Hi Sarah, yes, use it as a cheat sheet.
Name: carole () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 16:51:01
Email: isahigh
City and State: lake isabella
Maiden: anderson
Class: 1960
Message: John you scare me! I guess this means I still owe $20.00. Geez no trying to fool you. lol
At least Name: Daryl Lundquist () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 15:15:51
City and State: Colorado Springs, CO
Class: 1962
Message: Hello John. Count me in on the 3rd brick. $25.00 on the way. If anyone has time to go by the Cockatoo before it is completely demolished I think I left something in the covered parking area in 1977.
Thank you Daryl and did you lose it in the pool area?
Name: Schroeder () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 15:07:49
City and State: Oregon
Class: 1966
Message: Brian Carl Denny & Dave
Everybody at Cougartown
Uses Burma Shave
Now Dave....hmmmm, was that the original Beach Boy? Name: Donald Scheliga () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 14:38:28
City and State: W. Covina
Class: 1962
Message: I agree with Cindy and you John! "OUR BOYS" captures the sense of belonging. Good one Cindy!!!
Thanks Don, I knew SOMEONE would agree. Name: Robin () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 13:58:21
City and State: Monrovia
Class: 1960
Message: Brick 2 or 3........Brian Dennis Carl- Cougars Forever-
STOP THE PRESSES. I just found out we can stack our 3 bricks and come up with a 9 line saying, so get those brain cells working on this one.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 10:27:45
City and State: Los Angeles, California
Class: 1971
Message: Anyone need some used bricks? I see that developers have begun demolishing the main section of Hawthorne?s Cockatoo Hotel. I understand that Pournamdari and Golban, owners of the property, have not presented acceptable detailed plans to the city and that there is no scheduled timeline to rebuild the proposed 100 room structure. I wonder what they will call it.
I heard they were tearing down the Cockatoo/Lococos. No idea what's what on that yet.
Name: carole ferruccio () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 01:50:04
City and State: Lake Isabella, ca
Maiden: anderson
Class: 1960
Message: OK John, now that I am almost caught up on dues (I really cant remember how long I have been reading cougartown but I'm guessing longer then 4 years) I am sending $10.00 for the 3rd brick. Sorry I don't have a saying for the brick but I do like "be cool to your school"
Hi Carole, Thank you for the donation to the monument. To answer your question about how long you've been in Ctown, it was Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 14:04:33 and you were living in Newhall. I throw NOTHING away. Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 01:09:23
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: OK, I have to add my two cents for the second brick.
Our Boys, Cougars Forever,
I like it. Thanks Cindy.... Just a reminder that this is not a "Beach Boys" monument, but a Wilson Monument. Our Boys, meaning the Boys that went to HHS, I think is better than Beach Boys. Just my $00.000002 worth
Name: Larry Bach () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 23:21:21
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Hi Betty,
Thank you for the kind comments. You know, when I was a kid, the word "keen" or the more emphatic "keeno" meant "cool". So when I heard my Sundale Avenue cousins, Don and Lynn Matteson, talk about Betty Kean, I thought it was a nickname, something like Betty "Cool". Even in High School I thought you were "cool" because you were an editor of the "Cougar" school newspaper. :)
Name: Laura Anderson () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 22:59:50
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: Well Sharon...Looks like UCLA did buckle under Bobby Knight and the Red Raiders....Hubby went to Tech so after the Cal's sad loss in the Holiday Bowl this past Christmas and UCLA's first round loss in March Madness, I'm taking a lot of ribbing about our west coast teams. Of course if there was more to do in West Texas they might not be so wrapped up in Football and Basketball. Oh well..guess I'll just put on my brand new Cougartown shirt, play some beach tunes on the Ipod and drown out the "guns up y'all" cheer.
True Laura, EXCEPT for the Trojans in the BCS Championship Game. Maybe there's more to do in Westwood than Exposition Park. Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 20:58:02
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Since Pet Sounds won Album of the 20th Century
Pet Sounds
Cougartown Sounds
They all sound Great
Good one Keith, thanks....
Name: Nick Fitzgerald () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 20:57:54
City and State: Medford, Oregon
Class: 1959
Message: OK John, I just got my PayPal receipt for the $10.00 for brick # 3. Do you think we can get enough for 2 more bricks??
Nick Fitzgerald HHS59.
Hey Nick, Positive thinker that you are....a Brick at a time, my friend. Thank you for the donation ....
Name: Elaine () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 19:18:43
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Maiden: Divin
Class: 1961
Message: I have all but 2 of our Cougar Newpapers from 1961. John, could you use them for anything?
Hi Elaine, I have all the 61 Cougars compliments of Stephanie Hall, but thanks for asking.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 18:23:45
City and State: Waco, Texas
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: I'll send a check for $10.00 to add to the collection for Brick #3. Started a new job in Waco, Texas and missed the collection for the first 2.
So the Illini lose one game and you move to Texas to be close to Bobby Knight huh. I guess you'll be rooting against UCLA. Thank you Sharon for the donation and good luck with your new job.
Name: Skeeter/Joan () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 15:58:04
City and State: torrance ca
Maiden: chouinard
Class: 1970
Message: LOOKING FOR MIKE & SHERRY WINTER please email me at I seen he just signed up for classmates so if you can help it would be much appreciated. Also if anyone remembers the WOOD sisters SHERI, SUE & Debbie
Hi Joan, Sheri Winter is on the Alumni List, listed under the class of 72.
Name: Sheila () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 13:11:38
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Varga
Class: 1990
Message: Top of the morning to ye all from Hawthorne! Happy St. Patty's Day
Hey Sheila, Happy St. Paddys day to you too....
Name: Maureen Trott () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 12:50:00
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: Hi John, Just a suggestion for one of the bricks...
"Pet Sounds" at or on
Thanks Mo....
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 12:21:33
City and State: San Pedro, Ca
Maiden: Pisces rule!
Class: 1972
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back......
This is my Irish saying and Birthday wishes for my bestest Sister-in-law, Cheryl Christensen Nicocia, who on St. Patty's day while attending HHS dyed her hair green and was sent home by the principal. That is just one of the many antics that she shared with the Nicocia kids back in the middle 60's. Life would of been so boring without the humor/fun that you brought to our family. Have a great day! And, Larry Bach, OMG, your b-day is one day before mine. (So, that still makes me!) I'll raise a glass (or two) in honor of Cheryl's and your b-day. Let the parties begin!
And happy early birthday to you too, Enza.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 11:46:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Since we are going to do a 3rd Brick, and we are over about 40 on the second one, I'll add the last few names to the third brick, from the second. Little busy today so I'll set the 3rd brick up this afternoon. If I accidentally leave your name off the list, please email me and let me know. I'm easily confused.
Thanks Cougs for your generosity.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 10:23:58
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Message: Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! Larry Bach, I just wanted to say your tribute to Rosalie was great. I loved your grandma. I love your whole family. Don and Lynn are my brothers. .
Betty Kean-Rodriguez
Name: Matt Peterson () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 10:17:00
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Class: 1974
Message: Happy St. Patrick Day everyone. Here are some suggestions for the second brick:
Timeless music, Endless fun,
Thanks for the music, Your neighbor,
We can Still, Hear the Music,
Good ones Matt, Thanks....
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 02:26:34
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: John, I will be sending a check for 20 bucks. $10 for the Coug-town dues and $10 towards the third brick. Or do you need two separate checks??... Baxter
Hi Baxter, Just one check will do for both. Thank you for the donation.
Name: Larry Bach () on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 01:32:59
City and State: torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: By the Saints and Bejabbers! It's time to celebrate the 'wearin' o' the green' or the Leprechaun will pinch you on the 'Gulliver' if he sees ya (or was it punch you on the 'Gulliver' and seize you?). No early tippling either.
Thank you Enza, for the kind words. Now I have to go find a new Derby two sizes larger. Now off to start a fire...
Are you wearing green, Divotchka? :)
Happy Saint Patricks day to all and Happy Birthday to my good buddy Cheryl Christensen Nicocia. Have a great one Cheryl and stay away from the GREEN GRAPPA!!
Happy Birthday to YOU too, Larry. I just saw you added yourself to the BD List. Have a happy day.
Name: Anita () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 21:59:58
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Wow.....I first heard about this website last October at our 35th reunion but didn't actually sign on until 4 days ago ~ now I can't stay away! So here is my 2 cents worth on the inscription for the 2nd brick.
'California Girls'
Will Always Be
True To Our School
I'd like to figure out a way to incorporate 'Good Vibrations with 'Wouldn't It Be Nice', but everything I've come up with sounds a bit too suggestive.....oh well, back to the drawing board!
Thanks Anita...