Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
I think I might be sinking.
>Led Zeppelin
Name: Sue King () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 20:59:35
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Alright John, another idea. We could run a campaign for a third brick as it seems there is some interest and then lets get hold of the monument folks and see if we can be sure that our three bricks would end up in a row. That would allow us the chance to write a longer message through all three bricks.....hmmmm....what do you think?
OK, you're in charge (NEVER volunteer here). Contact them and see what's what. Actually we're over on the 2nd brick by 40 or 50 dollars. I was going to give them the extra, but we've got some interest so let's plunge ahead.
Name: Karen () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 18:17:41
City and State: LVNV
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
Message: Hello everyone, I'm back online!! Had to get a new computer. The repairman for my old one told me to dig a hole, bury it and say a prayer!! hehehe Hell to get old, huh?
Two Bricks for the Beach Boys? Wow, that's great news and I see my name was added to the list. Well, I guess I owe David some money!! hehe Thanks, what a nice thing for him to do. He knows I'd be upset after I missed the first brick donation. That one went fast!!
I also wanted to tell you that I had a Cougar sighting. I was at a slot tournament and met a guy by the name of Dan Yoerger. He went to HHS but didn't graduate. He would've been in the class of '69. I told him about this site, but he's not on the net right now. He promised to look us up when he got on. His friend in high school was Larry or Jim Jeffries, I think he said. I'll check with him on that at the next tourney.
Always happy to be a Coug!
Hey Karen, Glad you're back and thanks for spreading the word....
Name: Dan Dye () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 17:13:48
City and State: Torrance, Ca.
Class: 1962
Message: To the Franz Russell family. I am truly sorry for your loss. We were both in the HHS class of 1962. I played four years of football with Franz. He was a great guy, an easy going, hard running fullback. Always fun to be around. He was a good friend. Sorry this is late, I haven't turned my P/C on for a while and didn't learn of Franz's passing until today. May God Bless and comfort the Russell family in this time of sorrow.
Dan Dye
Name: Penny Prouty () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 15:10:56
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: I'm revising my vote for the 2nd Brick...I think Steve Fraser's suggestion for the inscription would be great ... "The Beach Boys - Legends & Friends - Then, Now, Forever" (of course, signed by "Cougartown")...maybe we need a third brick?
Hey, maybe we do need a third brick.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 13:23:54
City and State: San Pedro/RPV, CA
Maiden: ladies of the canyon....
Class: 1972
Message: As I was trying to parallel park the other day, I had a memory of my father and his early 60's Chevy station wagon (with the last row of seats facing out the back window, who remembers that?) Do any of the car buffs out there remember the 'feelers' that were attached to the passengers side next to the tire to let you know when you were close enough to the curb to park? Talk about a blast from the blast. Was that standard for all cars of the early 60's; or perhaps it came with certain makers/models? On another note, I've finally hung up my pictures and settled in nicely in my first townhome in the canyons of RPV/San Pedro. I would love to get a handyman who can help with a few minor remodels and other misc. upgrades, that perhaps live in the area? I've finally entered the real world of mortgages, and reasonable/affordable quotes is what comes to mind for this single gal living on her own really needs right! And, Larry Bach, what a nice tribute to your grandma that you wrote the other day. You have such a artistic/poetic side....... for a fireman. :))))
Hi Enza, Curb feelers were actually going out in the 60s and probably introduced on the 1935/36 models.
Name: Adeline Ellington () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 09:28:07
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Oddo
Class: 1967
Message: Hello to all. Love looking at this website. Really takes me back with fond memories of a fun time!
Hi Adeline, Glad you like this place. Add to this page anytime you have a memory to share.
Name: Tom Chadwick () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 02:10:15
City and State: Templeton, Ca
Class: 1972
Message: I'm going to play a little bit off of Bob's.
Once a Cougar,
Forever a Cougar.
Welcome Home!
Thanks Tom....
Name: Larry Lemp () on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 00:06:35
City and State: Roseburg, Or
Class: 1971
Message: hello to all my class mates: email me and lets catch up and stay in touch. I'm looking for Kerry Kerber and Debbie Wadman. Would love to hear from any of my class mates
Hey Larry, Hope you get lots of email.....
Name: Walter Holt () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 22:25:33
City and State: Surf City, CA
Maiden: ridesthewaves
Class: 1966
Message: Thanks John
Maybe I should revise that to:
We're pickin up
Good Vibrations
Thanks Walter, My personal opinion; "Good Vibrations" will be overused on the monument, but don't let this sway anyone's opinion. More please....
Name: Walter Holt () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 19:18:55
City and State: Surf City, CA
Maiden: ridesthewaves
Class: 1966
Message: Darn the luck...Here I go off on a surfin safari and missed out on the bricks.. Surf was great!.. I did have a Cougar siting before I left...I sited Jim Eakin C/O 66 at John Wayne airport...Kelly, Steve was in our class of 66. Well at least I can try on the writing. How about:
I'm pickin up
Good Vibrations
Thanks Walter, glad you're back....
Name: Steve Fraser () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 18:01:25
City and State: Laguna Woods, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Brick 2 - The Beach Boys - Legends and Friends - Then, Now, Forever
Thanks Steve
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 16:35:17
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: Sure, I'm game for submitting an inscription. Sorry to have missed out on the donation part, though.
The Beach Boys and
Cougartown; Havin?
fun all summer long!
Forever a Cougar, Bob Melendrez Thanks Bob
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 15:57:48
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: Geez, talk about snoozing and losing... I spent some time in Nevada on the ?rez? with my dad, then came back to find not just one, but two Beach Boys bricks have been purchased! I?m sorry to have missed out. Dennis Wilson was a big reason why I became a musician. Next time, I?ll take a lap-top...
Hey Bob, sorry you missed out, but we still have to come up with what the 2nd Brick is going to say. Any ideas? 3 lines - 20 characters per line including spaces.
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 10:13:17
City and State: Englewood,OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: I had my first Cougar sighting..I was visiting Petey while shopping at Costco..I spied a Cougartown T..Well low and behold it was Steve Stevenson and his wife Patty from Bandon..What a surprise..Steve is a HHS grad class of 65 I believe.
Great Cougar sighting. I wonder how many Cougs we walk by every day. That just goes to show you should ALWAYS wear your Ctown Tshirt, I don't care if you're going to a sit down dinner at the White House. Thanks Kelley....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 17:38:01
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Narbonne
Class: 1977
Message: Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 1 "Dad has flown across the ocean, leaving just a memory"
Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 "No dark sarcasm in the classroom, teachers leave those kids alone"
Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 3 "I don't need no arms around me and I don't need no drugs to calm me."
It's going on 5 days since I mailed check #1 and check # 2 was mailed on Saturday. USPS must be having a hard time finding Lomita
Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 4 "Everyone blames the post office for their procrastination". Pay Pal is much easier and no EXCUSES! Dan, Got your second check but still no first check. If I don't get it by tomorrow I'll email you. You might want to put a stop on it.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 15:36:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: A special thank you to all who contributed to our Beach Boys Brick Campaigns. A true natural for HHSers and other schools in the area.
Just a reminder to please send your donations in today, as we need time for all the checks to clear before donating the money and securing the 2 Bricks.
Thanks Cougs
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 13:02:49
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Does the VFW in Hawthorne still serve breakfast on the third Sunday? If so wouldn't it be great if we had a huge group of Cougars show up and take over the place? This Sunday will be the third Sunday.
Hey Chris, Sounds like an easy get together. I won't be available this Sunday but that shouldn't stop anyone who's in the area from a great breakfast and good Cougar conversation. The VFW is located on 131st St. at the top of the hill west of Hawthorne Bl. Janny does the cooking and it's great food.
Name: Cathy Krause () on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 12:51:00
Email: LkwdCa at
Maiden: Krause
Class: 1965
Message: John, So glad you contacted me as I was just about to make our announcement. Yes, the Class of 65 will be having a reunion this year. The date will coincide with HHS Homecoming on October 28 and will again be a weekend event. We are in the process of looking for location sites, but it will be somewhere near Hawthorne as our theme is Bringing It Back Home Again . I'll contact you again when we've chosen our location. Preliminary announcements are being sent to all classmates that have email addresses.
Thanks Cathy, People from the class of 65, your info will be on the Reunions Page as soon as it's received from Cathy.
Name: Don D. () on Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 22:48:17
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message:Regarding HHS Class of 75 Reunion:
We narrowed our search to the Torrance Marriott for the proposed reunion date of Saturday, September 17th at a cost of $80 to $100 a person. We are currently asking all HHS Class of 75 alumni to indicate if they would be willing to attend for that date and location.
We request a response by Friday, March 18th. So far, 14 alumni have strongly indicated that they would attend. If we do not meet a threshold of at least 100, we will not be able to afford the event.
E-mail and visit for reunion information updates.
Name: NANCY () on Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 12:31:50
City and State: HEMET, CA
Class: 1966
Thank you Nancy and Lynn, I will add you to the list.
Name: Mr. Dana Newton () on Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 01:17:59
City and State: Los Angeles CA
Class: 1971
Message: Had one of those Helms whistles. Riding my bicycle and blow the whistle until too many neighbors told my Mom and she threw it away. She said she was sorry...thirty years later. LOL......
Hey Dana, That's gotta be a tough one to forgive. Thank you for the dues payment too.
Name: Jim Horak () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 23:53:17
City and State: Shanghai, China
Class: 1976
Message: John,
An FYI for anyone who passed through St. Josephs School on their way to HHS. There now is a basic St. Joseph Community website available at :
Thanks Jim....
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 21:22:24
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: I will Paypal a donation for the brick once my payment (sent today) reaches my credit card company. I went a little over-budget a couple of weeks ago on a little trip to Seattle (one of the places I visited was Jimi Hendrix's grave.
Hi Armand, Thank you for the donation. Hendrix memorial looks nice.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 19:02:30
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, I'm sending you $20 bones for Karen (Graham) Kuehl...her computer is down and she'd be mad if she missed the chance to go in for a brick for the Beach Boys...I'll send it monday, Okay? That's fine Dave. Thank you and I'll add her to the list.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 11:51:08
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: Come on 76ers, send in those donations for the 2nd brick, it's only ten bucks and you're leaving a legacy. Give up 2 of those overpriced coffee drinks for a good cause. Go to Paypal right nopw while you're still thinking of it. Aside: does anyone out there have access to I need names/addresses/emails for the class of 76. Please e-me directly if you can help out. Thanks!
Yep, less than 100 dollars to go on the last Beach Boys Brick. Become a part of it.
Name: Richard () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 11:33:43
City and State: of LongBeach
Class: 1969
Message: Brick Two:
Where friendships begun-
Stay true to the end.
When said just after "Stay true to your school", it sort of goes together.
Thanks Richard...
Name: deano () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 11:04:15
City and State: tustin ,cal
Class: 1965
Message: Hi John two things, 1st have you heard anything about a 40th for the class of 65 i just checked the reunion page and didn't see anything, 2nd i'm sending some money for the past dues and next years also the second brick and a couple of tee shirts i'll fill out the order form. also, turns out paco and i lived around the corner from each other small world hey.
Hi Deano, Thank you for the Cougartown dues, brick donation and Tshirt. I will add you to the list. No, I haven't heard from the class of 65 on a reunion. Come on 65ers, I know your class is really together. Let's hear from you.
Name: Anita () on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 10:10:35
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Don't know if this is the correct page to do this but I've noticed that you show both of my e-mail addresses on the alumni list except that my yearbook picture isn't displayed.....any way you can fix that?
Hi Anita, There are three of reasons why pictures won't show up on the Alumni List. The first is, I don't have all yearbook pictures. Secondly, if you've never left a Feedback, your picture isn't on the server. Third, if you have added a nickname (ie Anita (Nita) Harmon) the database will not find your picture. Since this is the first time you've added feedback, your picture is now on the server, so if you don't have a nickname added you should see it now. Hope this helps. AND thank you for the membership it is appreciated.
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 20:43:59
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 1960
Message: Dear Marsha, So very sorry to hear about Franz. Our prayers are with you and the family
Name: Max Roelen () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 18:53:58
City and State: Citrus Heights, CA
Class: 1974
Message: I know Brian Wilson and Al Jardine are famous, but as alumni of HHS, why do they not post anything on feedback such as thanking Cougartowners for their support? (or should I say DAH!) Just wondering!
Hi Max, Don't know other than they are both on such a roller coaster of a schedule, they don't have time to turn on a computer. Listen to Joanie Mitchell's "Free Man In Paris" and you'll get the idea.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 17:51:28
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: JB, I walked out to my mailbox on 3/9 and dropped that first check in the mail. Two days to Lomita shouldn't be unexpected. Heck I can make it in 2 days on the 405!
Hey Dan, What can you expect for 37 cents. We'll have them by mid week and that'll be just fine.
Name: Don D. () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 17:28:17
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message: Check for $20 in the mail for the 2nd brick, John.
HHS 75 Reunion update. Reunion committee selected the Torrance Marriot as location of interest. We meet with the hotel staff tomorrow to get pricing and scheduling information. HHS 75 info. is available at:
Thank you Don, you too I will add to the list.
Name: Penny Prouty () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 16:34:09
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: If you want our votes for the second brick's message.....My vote goes to Matt Peterson's "Their music lives in our"
So noted, Penny, and thanks for the donation and for the Ctown Dues. It is appreciated....
Name: Bill Ennis () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 16:13:26
City and State: Grass Valley, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I mailed my check for $20 yesterday.
So, put me on the list....
Hi Bill, Thank you for the brick donation. I'll add you now.
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 15:45:57
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: Okay, I was dragging my feet. But now I have to add my name and $10 along with my boss, Don, friend, Cindy, and huggie Jerry Pat. I'll put the dollars in the mail.
Thanks Adrianne for adding to the Beach Boys Brick donation.
Name: Valencia () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 15:29:16
City and State: Las Vegas
Maiden: Valencia
Message: Okay, I ba ba ba, ba bought a brick! (Well, $10 worth anyway!)
Thank you Gloria, for the donation to the Brick. Now if we could just get V5 to part with 10 bones. Name: Irene () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 14:51:44
City and State: Tulsa, OK
Maiden: Johnson
Class: 1979
Message: Oh My!!!!! Is that Floyd Hayes that was a Hawthorne Police officer? AKA Red? Wow, it has been years and years. If it is you please respond and let me know what you've been up to all these years. I hope you remember me!
Hi Irene, Why don't you just email him at
Name: Janice Mastropaolo () on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 13:43:56
City and State: Dana Point, CA
Maiden: Dorman
Class: 1974
Message: John, John, John!
I see I have to be careful with you.
Love the improved picture and no airbrushing! That's amazing.
I look mahvalous! :)
Yes you do, Janice....