Our beloved first Principal, Mr. Wallace Nyman, has passed on.
All remembrances to Mr Nyman will be placed on this Page. Thanks all...
Name: Rich and Mary Prodin Sloan () on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 12:20:12
Email: rtsloan@cox.net
City and State: Laguna Hills, Ca.
Class: 1960
Message: Mr. Nyman started with a dream in 1950 of a school that could have fun while educating, a competitive athletic program with exceptional spirit, and a student body that would commit to excellence and take pride in their Scarlet & Gold. He hired the very best faculty, coaches and staff who also shared his dream. Mr. Nymans' guidance, expertise, personality and commitment to excellence put HHS on the map of top educators and in the National Athletic Record Books - all in just 10 years. HHS became our second home and classmates became our extended family, then and today. Mr. Nyman was a mentor, adminisrator, and the #1 Cougar. We were so blessed to have had such a wonderful person in our lives as a role model and a friend for so many years. We the student body also helped make his dream come true. HHS filled our hearts with so many special memories that will last a lifetime.
Mr. Nyman will be in our hearts and thoughts forever.
Richard & Mary Sloan, Class of 1960 Name: Kelly Kappen () on Friday, February 11, 2005 at 12:49:02
Email: KelKap@socal.rr.com
City and State: Westminster, Ca.
Class: 1957
Message: Mr. Nyman was my Principal while I was at Hawthorne. I graduated in 1957. I had a lot of contact with Mr. Nyman because I was an athlete and on the annual staff. He never disciplined me, most of that was done be Mr. Nelson when I ditched to go to the beach a few times.
After graduation in 1957, I went to Long Beach State to get my college degree and study to be a teacher and coach. After graduation and the completion of my teaching credential, I started looking for a job. Even in those days it was hard to get a job in physical education.
Long Beach State had a day where administrators from different school districts would come on campus and interview prospective teachers. I was sitting in a long hallway with about twenty other would be teachers waiting to talk to an administrator from the Centinella Valley Union High School Dist.. Down the hall came Mr. Nyman. He saw me and said "Hi Kelly, what are you doing here?" I told him I was waiting to interview for a job. "Thats me" He said with a big smile on his face, "Come on in". I went in front of twenty other applicants who just sat there with their mouths open. Mr. Nyman told me to call him every Friday at 2:00pm and not to worry about it. He would get me a job (no affirmative action in 1963).
The second week I called Mr. Nyman he told me to go over to Lennox High and talk to Principal Brubaker. There was a job opening and it was mine if I wanted it. I taught at Lennox for one year as a Physical Education instructor and coach before moving on to El Camino College where I worked for thirty eight years.
Mr. Nyman - they don't make em' like that any more!!!!! -What a great man!!
Kelly Kappen - Class of 57
To all my El Camino friends!
In my haste and an attempt to make my story about Mr. Nyman I forgot to mention the three great years I spent at El Camino trying to get my act together. I love you all! Thanks again Mr.Nyman for helping me get my first job and getting my life off to a wonderful start. God bless Mr.Nyman and my condolences to his family -Kelly
Name: Harry Reeves () on Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 10:42:23
Email: r2t2@msn.com
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Class: 1956
Message: Mr Nyman was my High School principal (52-56 and was truly a friend and supporter of all the students he was entrusted to educate and develop during those years at HHS.
It was through Rotary, however, that I truly gained a closer friendship with Mr Nyman (Wally). He was a mentor and always an inspiration to everyone in the club.
Wally was always well prepared, whether expected to be called upon or not, with an invocation suitable to any occassion or with words if inspiration to share at every meeting. He always had positive comments of encouragement to share with our members as a group or in casual personal conversations.
Mr Nyman will always be our clubs' shining example of what it is to be a Rotarian, reminding us in word and deed of the motto, "Service Above Self".
He will truly be missed by all, but never forgotten.
Name: Noel Sandy Barber () on Wednesday, February 10, 2005 at 01:10:55
Email: allmyeggs @ aol.com
Class: 1962
Message:I first met Mr. Nyman as a freshman in 1959. Dick Slauson was older and had a car so we decided to ditch and go to the Pomona Fair along with Joe Simpson and Roy Mears. We had a great time!
Next day I asked Loretta Morelli to write me a note as her writing (I thought was similar to my mothers) wrong, I got caught anD met Mr. Nyman along with my dad. He was cool and stated that the wrestling team was in need of help and if I showed up for tryouts, I might not be suspended. Well, I went from his office to the gym with my dad hot on my heels with the promise that if I made the team he would not tell mom.
By the grace of god I made it and continued for the balance of the next three years. Lettered 4 years varsity (at that time I was too small for anything else) wish it were that way now! I still have my Bay League championship medal and CIF ribbon and trophy.
Thank you Mr. Nyman for your guidance.
Ps- I could have been involved with the conspirators who placed the Alfred E. plaque above the Nyman Nall name plate.
Name: Jim Dally () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 23:30:10
Email: jmd619@netzero.com
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: My first day on campus as a Freshman I must have looked lost or confused but, to the rescue was none other than Mr. Nyman who was very helpful and he recognized my name and remembered that my sister, Susanne was the valedictorian for the FIRST graduating class at HHS. I think of Mr. Nyman in the same light as I do Jimmy Stewart and Ronald Reagan. Millions loved these fine people because of their kindnesses and warm hearts. I'm sorry as so many seem to be that I didn't talk with him more often. He'll be missed.
Name: Robert E. Smith () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 17:45:34
Email: resmith@earthlink.net
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Class: 1954
Message: My sincerest condolences to the family of Mr. Wallace Nyman. I have many fond memories of him when I was a student at HHS as well do many others. However, I would like to share something about him that a lot of folks do not know. I hadn't seen or talked to Mr. Nyman since graduating from HHS in 1954, until 1992, when I, as a relatively new member of the Westchester Rotary Club attended a Rotary District Conference where I had the pleasure of seeing and talking to Mr. Nyman again after all these years. In 1995, I was the Club President of the Westchester Rotary Club and I learned that Mr. Nyman, who was a member of the Hawthorne Rotary Club, was celebrating 50 years of perfect attendance. To the uninformed about perfect attendance at Rotary and what that really means, is simply the fact that he had attended a Rotary Club meeting once a week for 50 years. I had the distinct pleasure of presenting to him a special plaque honoring him for his 50 year accomplishment from not only a fellow Rotarian, but also a former student. I have also learned that Mr. Nyman was recently acknowledged for 59 years perfect attendance. I wonder how many of his former students are able to say that they accomplished perfect attendance while attending HHS. I know I didn't. I have been very fortunate to have been able to see and talk to Mr. Nyman approximately 6 times a year, every year since 1992 at different Rotary functions. . I will never forget this great Educator and Rotarian.
Name: Don Allen () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 16:36:32
Email: dandk@arkansas.net
City and State: Mena AR
Class: 1958
Message: Wally Nyman was a great principal, close to all the kids. My thoughts are with his family. Don Allen
Name: Karen (Cure) Allen () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 16:34:46
Email: dandk@arkansas.net
City and State: Mena, AR
Maiden: Cure
Class: 1959
Message: Mr. Nyman was a great leader, fair and honest with us. Know all will miss him.
Karen (Cure) Allen
Name: Liz Burrell () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 14:21:09
Email: eaburrell@ucdavis.edu
City and State: Davis and Torrance, CA
Message: All these messages about Theresa's grandpa are sooooooo great! Reading what others have to say about him just makes you realize the scope of what an amazing person he was. Theresa McCoy is my best friend and the granddaughter of Wallace, so naturally I had the pleasure of getting to know him and the family for the last 10 yrs since we met. He was one of the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, funniest man I've ever known. He always greeted me with a smile, a hello, and always seemed to remember the last conversation we'd had, asking how this turned out or how that went, even if it had been months since I'd seen him. He was always interested in what was going on in your life, and that was such a special quality because not a lot of people take the time to find out or care when you aren't a part of the family (though the rest of the family makes you feel like it! I love you guys!!) I would go over to Theresa's house after school sometimes in middle school and high school and he would pick us up, or meet us at the house and just knowing he was there put a smile on your face. He had such love and admiration for his family, and for him, family included more than Mike, Chris, Theresa, Vicky and others that have passed before him, his family's friends and clearly all the young lives he touched through his years working in public education were a part of his extended family too, and we all appreciated it. He will be missed greatly!
Name: Barney McArdle () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 07:31:56
Email: barney.f.mcardle@boeing.com
City and State: San Antonio, Texas
Class: 1958
Message: I have read all of the notes remembering Mr. Nyman and all I can say is that he was one of a kind, a wonderful man and person to all. Just makes me proud to have been a Cougar at that time or any other time.
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 01:00:51
Email: dukebuckingham@bigfoot.com
City and State: Clovis,CA
Class: 1964
Message: A year or so after Mr. Nyman left to become Asst. Superintendent, I was Feature
Editor of the Cougar newspaper. Miss McGinty decided it would be a good idea for me to go to CVHSD office and interview him. He was so casual and friendly, not like anyone that I would expect to be an administrator. Our conversation was warm and totally open and honest about his years as principal.
I took copious notes and wrote a long article which eventually was cut to three or four paragraphs to fit in the page. But, I will always remember that conversation and the friendship that developed.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 22:36:44
Email: themcdougals@centurytel.net
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: I don't remember anyone ever saying a bad thing about Mr Nyman. He was sort of like "God on campus". One day he brought a photographer into Senior Square where several of us were playing "grabasse". I thought we were in trouble, but he just wanted to get a photo. Mr Nyman staged the whole thing. Bob Shull, Bill Paris, Bob Anderson, Fred (or Bill?) Rand and I "threw" a lower classman out of Senior Square. The pic is on page 24 of the 1962 El Molino. He was one super gentleman with a great sense of humor. I am glad I got to see him at our 40th.
Name: John Andrade () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 21:52:36
City and State: RPV, CA
Message: I first met Mr. Nyman in the spring of 1967. I was finishing my student teaching at Cal State Hayward, and He and the principal at that time, Hal Wetzler, were interviewing candidates for an opening at Hawthorne High School. I was naturally quite nervous, since I really didn't know anything about the school district at that time. When I entered the conference room, Mr. Nyman walked up to me, shook my hand, smiled at me, and said RELAX! we are all family here. I promise I won't bite you. It was as if the weight of the whole world was just lifted off my shoulders. I will always remember that moment. Mr. Nyman was a gentleman with a contagious smile. He knew how to make you feel at ease. I guess I must of impressed him, because he hired me and the rest is history. Centinela Valley, Hawthorne High School, and the Community of Hawthorne has lost a giant of a man. I know he will be remembered in all of our hearts and prayers. My deepest condolences to his family.
Name: Hal Chauncey () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 20:54:44
Class: 1951-1972
Message: Hi John, We are so saddened to hear of the passing of one of our all time favorite people! He was everyones friend!
Wally Nyman was one of a kind!
In 1951, when Wally was appointed principal of the new Hawthorne High School, I was one lucky guy to have been chosen to be on the new faculty.
Wally had the gift of "knowing" people. The 20 that he selected was a mix of seasoned as well as first year teachers!
I first met him at the Rotary Club when I was director of the old Gunga Din Club. One day he told me that he wanted to put Hawthorne High School on the map through education and athletics.
He knew that football season was the first activity of the school year and that school spirit and tradition plus community support started there. Not only did I agree with his thinking, I also wanted to help him prove he was right!
His door was always open--and he was interested in everything you had to say-- he might not agree-- but he was always eager to try something new if he thought it had merit!
He was really a friend of the kids. He attended every athletic event, enjoyed every art show, applauded the musical programs, and appreciated all the effort that went into each shop exhibit! He gave support to every student and teacher!
As each class that graduated while Wally was principal has had their reunions through the years.... He loved to attend as many as possible----you can bet he was always there to see the "kids!"
Those who graduated in '54, '55 & '56, the first three graduating classes, are having their 50 year reunion next month. What a shame he won't be there to see how successful all his first kids have become! I'm sure he will be there in spirit!
He was a friend to all the kids and all those that ever worked with him!
An important chapter in the history of Hawthorne High School has just closed--- but never to be forgotten !! Name: Dan Dye () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 19:24:34
City and State: Torrance
Class: 1962
Message: Mr. Myman's passing is a great loss to all who knew him. Between 1959 and 1962 I don't think a day passed that I didn't see Mr. Nyman standing or walking somewhere in the main hallway. He was always professional, always smiling and you knew he always cared about every student. I never heard an unkind word said about Mr. Nyman. Knowing Mr. Nyman is gone is like losing a father. I know he is in a better place, Heaven, and standing in the main hallway greeting all of his HHS students.
Dan Dye
Name: Howard Graham () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 18:13:48
Email: bassing6@hopuston.rr.com
City and State: Houston, Texas
Class: 1960
Message: I was only called into Mr. Nyman's office twice in my 4 years. He had a way of putting you at ease, yet he could get his point across without making you feel like he was chewing you out. He was and still is The Principal. Howard Graham 1960
Name: Penny Prouty () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 14:46:32
Email: penny_prouty@usw.salvationarmy.org
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: I just read of Mr. Nyman's passing, today. Like many have already said, although I didn't know Mr. Nyman that well, I'm very saddened by his passing. I felt that we were all fortunate with him as our high school principal. Like so many others, I held a high respect for Mr. Nyman and will always remember his warm smile and sense of humor.
Name: Robin () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 14:25:48
Email: RHood10542AT aol.com
City and State: Monrovia , CA
Class: 1960
Message: Mr. Nyman was the kind of man you could talk to like your father. And with the exception of nearly 3,000 consecutive Rotary lunches, he was always there for every Cougar. But his greatest asset was his ability to assemble a faculty that respected him and in turn made HHS the school we loved. If all schools could have just a piece of his dedication and leadership, the "no child left behind" act would have never been heard of. We will ALL miss your smiling face Mr. Nyman. God bless your family. Robin Hood c/o 1960
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 13:49:26
Email: linrey@yahoo.com
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Maiden: Jones
Class: 1962
Message: I guess not many of us had any real personal contact with Mr. Nyman but I remember many times passing him in the hall and he would always make eye contact, say hello and smile. How lucky we were to have had such a gentleman for our principal. Rest well Sir.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 12:50:53
Email: ARizTom@cableone.net
City and State: Prescott AZ
Class: 1958
Message: Mr. Nyman, our Principal, our leader, our friend. Respected, as were all our teachers at HHS. I feel very fortunate to have seen him at our 98 reunion. There are times I feel that men of his quality lived only during our generation. An honor to have known him. TB from AZ
Name: Arthur E. Clark () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 10:32:40
Email: kcsp@earthlink.net
City and State: Tulare, Ca.
Class: 1959
Message: I know this person has gone to a greater place. In my association with Mr Nyman in the early years it was both interesting and educational.
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 03:28:52
Email: baxterldo@aol.com
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: I successfully spent four years avoiding being sent to ?the Principal?s Office.? As many of you remember, at the graduation ceremony we were handed an empty diploma folder with instructions to stop by the HHS campus the following week to pick up our real diploma. I visualized going there, standing in a line, and having it handed to me by an administrator. But, to my surprise, when I got to the otherwise empty campus I found Mr Nyman in his office, sitting alone, waiting for each of us to stop by. He did not just hand the diploma to me so I could be on my way, he asked me to sit and take time to talk. He wanted to talk about ?me? and ?my specific plans.? He talked to me as an equal and as a friend who was sincerely concerned about my future. Later as I left I found myself wishing I had stopped by his office more often during those years. John, thank you for this opportunity to share our memories and to say ?good bye? to our Principal, Mr Nyman.
You're welcome, Baxter. Thank you for sharing.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 00:51:55
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: I never went to the principals office so I never got to know Mr. Nyman but I still remember the great respect everyone had for him. Thank goodness the powers that be had the good sense to name our lecture hall after him in the early days. We knew then he deserved it. He always had that great smile and I am sure he is smiling down on us today.
Name: Rich. Gahlbeck () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 17:38:55
Email: studerich@yahoo.com
City and State: Ferndale, WA USA
Class: 1961
Message: I was not personally aquainted with Mr. Nyman (didn't get caught enough, I guess) but I do remember him from all of the assemblies, football games and on Campus, and will always remember his smile and caring attitude. I know he was personally responsible for many thousands of us being better persons by enjoying the fruits of his tireless labor in doing the best job possible as our beloved Principal, I will remember him always. Rich.-Class of '61 Forever!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 15:19:27
Email: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Is the Daily Breeze or any of the other papers doing a story on how much Mr. Nyman has given back to the community and everything he has done to change the face of it. It seems to me that he was a very important part of the development of the South Bay.
Name: Lee Ann Roehm () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 14:07:56
Email: lasurvivor@comcast.net
City and State: West Linn, OR
Maiden: Nixon
Class: 1964
Message: Not only was Mr. Nyman the very best as our principal, I knew him in his later years as a patient for two of the doctors I worked for in Torrance.
He was a true gentleman with such dignity and graciousness that is not often found these days.
Our society has lost a wonderful man.
Lee Ann Roehm
Name: Gary V. Johnson () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 14:05:48
Email: mjpeanuts@hotmail.com
City and State: Pullman, Wa
Class: 1961
Message: Mr. Nyman's passing fills my heart with much sadness. He was such a kind and caring individual, and certainly a very positive role model for teenagers. When I think about Mr. Nyman, I always remember him standing outside his office visiting with students whenever he had the opportunity. I admired and respected Mr. Nyman because he treated each student with respect and admiration. He initiated so many diverse leadership experiences and responsibilities for everyone in our student body. As a public school teacher, I wish I could have had the opportunity to have such an outstanding principal and colleague as Mr. Nyman. I feel so very fortunate to have had such a wonderful person as my HHS principal. He will always be in my thoughts and memories
Name: Bob Hoel () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 12:57:56
Email: cold h2oranch @aol.com
City and State: Irvine, Ca
Class: 1958
Message: We all will miss the "Father of our high school" Our greatest love to those he left behind..
Name: Jim Dick () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 12:08:50
Email: Jimbofire@juno.com
City and State: Lancaster,CA
Class: 1960
Like Jim MacLean said, Mr. Nyman will always be THE principal.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 02:45:31
Email: des249@yahoo.com
City and State: W. covina
Class: 1962
Message: I did not have much personal contact with Mr. Nyman during my years at HHS. I certainly knew him and had a great deal of respect for him. Like many of the students of our time whos parents grew up in Hawthorne, my dad and Mr. Nyman were classmates at Inglewood High. What comes to mind about him took place in 1959 and 60. Prior to my driving, my dad would drive me and several guys to the HHS football games. Once there, us guys would head off to the student section and dad, well he would generally end up sitting with his friend Wallace. In those days it wasn't cool to have your parent hanging out with the principal of your school. Now, looking back, it was way cool. Every time I saw Mr. Nyman at reunions and Cougartown functions, he would always mention something about his days at IHS in track and football. He was a kind and gentle man, and will be sorrowfully missed.
Name: Terry Robinson () on Sunday, February 6, 2005 at 00:38:35
Email: pspd501@aol.com
City and State: Palm Springs, Ca.
Class: 1958
Message: I am very sorry to hear of Mr Nyman's passing. He helped us all become the men and women we are.
Name: Jim DeLarme () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 23:07:25
Email: James.delarme@themls.com
City and State: Mar Vista California
Maiden: DeLarme
Class: 1961
Message: Oh YES, I remember Wallace S. Nyman like I remember being a COUGAR... I will not ever forget a man of his strength and stature in my young life. Mr Nyman was a "father figure" and a role model for THOUSANDS of COUGARS and yet he was there for ME...as though I was the only COUGAR that mattered at the time. The experience and the value I took away when I left HAWTHORNE HIGH was in NO small way a direct reflection on Wallace S. Nymans' character and warmth. I shall count his LOSS as a great one and look forward to one day again standing in his presence and smile.
Sincerely and with upmost RESPECT...
James E. ( "JIM" ) DeLarme Class of 1961.
Name: Ray Shelley () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 22:43:37
Email: rjshelley@sbcglobal.net
City and State: Mena, AR
Class: 1958
Message: John, for the past few years I have read the Cougartown feedbacks and watched as old friends connected while new friends were acquired. I didn?t realize until you posted the passing of Mr. Wallace Nyman, that he was the original Cougar, the leader of the pack. You can ask any Cougar who Mr. Nyman is and they would tell you, he was the Principal of HHS. What an honor. May he rest in peace
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 22:32:40
Email: dscwingo@pacbell.net
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: Mr. Nyman will truly be missed. He was a kind and decent man.
Name: George Key () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 21:58:56
Email: mathesh@aol.com
City and State: PVE
Message: I started teaching at Leuzinger in 1948. Mr. Nyman was assistant principal in charge of counseling. He took me under his wing and was my model until I retired in 1980.
No matter how serious the problem I would take to him he always gave me great advice and then sent me on my way with a joke to ease my pain.
After I took his seat at HHS he came to a PTA meeting one night and was sitting next to me. The PTA president asked Wally to lead the pledge of allegiance. We all stood up in an appropriate solomn manner and he leaned over to me and said, "how does that thing start". I was cracking up so bad I could hardly stand up.
I will always think of him with top respect, thankfullness, and joy for the way he could make the day worthwhile.
That was Mr. N, always learning, and never afraid to ask a question. Thank you Mr. Key, for a great anecdote.
Name: Gary Heath () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 19:08:37
Email: cva34gary@wavecable.com
City and State: Allyn, Wa.
Class: 1954
Message: While HHS was still being built the 9th & 10th grade class's were at Leuzinger. I lived quite aways from LHS & with no school bus's I would often hitch hike which was pretty common in those days. One afternoon I caught a ride with a gentleman. After asking me where I was going, he started asking questions about how I felt about the new school. I didn't hesitate to tell him that I didn't like it. I told him I liked Leuzinger just fine.
At the completion of the ride when I was getting out, he introduced himself as Mr. Nyman my new principal....
Great story Gary, thanks for that one....
Name: Gene () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 18:23:07
Email: nemo@zcloud.net
City and State: Sherwood, Oregon
Maiden: Nemish
Class: 1958
Message: Lots of good memories of Principal Nymam. He was a person of integrity and had a wonderful sense of humor. He needed a sense of humor in his job. Gosh, everyday being between the normal students, jocks, hoods, and surfers, he kept his sanity and did his best to get us all an education that was worth something. His idea was to let us learn while fun was allowed as part of the learning day.
Gene Nemish
Name: Jim Maclean () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 18:13:36
Email: ka6vjf@pacbell.net
City and State: Canyon Country CA
Class: 1959
Message: Mr. Nyman will always be my Principal, I will never forget him. May he rest in peace
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 17:06:20
Email: ct_helpdeskatyahoo.com
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Maiden: Nix
Class: 1974
Message: I never knew Mr. Nyman personally but his presence never left HHS. My Freshman Year at HHS, the Principal was Mr. Keys (I avoided everyone of that level of authority). I got curious one day and inquired why our beautiful auditorium was called Nyman Hall and the rest of that day I heard one story after another that left me in awe. I don?t recall any story in particular but I can say that there was a reverence on the Campus from 1970-1974 that all that knew Mr. Nyman personally held. From that day I first inquired about who Wallace Nyman was until I graduated, each time I went into Nyman Hall, I would look at all the display cases, the old pictures and when I entered the auditorium, for me it was like entering a church. It was a special place dedicated to a very special person. My condolences to his family, he touched hundreds if not thousands of lives and I?m sure he left his mark on each of them.
Name: Tom Shelley () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 17:03:23
Email: tomshelley@earthlink.net
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Mr. Nyman and I shared an office on campus. Well, not really but I was in there so much that it seemed like it. But the one thing that was always clear, even to this smart alickey, kid, was that Mr. N. cared about me. Having Mr. Nyman disappointed in me was like disappointing my dad. A truly sincere man who cared about the kids he served. He will be missed by more than he could ever have known.
Thank you Tom....
Name: Dave Long () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 16:05:49
Email: davelong@rain.org
City and State: Lompoc Ca
Class: 1958
Message: Mr. Nyman made going to High School exciting and fun. Thanks for making H.H.S. a great place to learn and be, Dave & Elaine Long
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 09:45:17
Email: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: By the time I got to Hawthorne High School Mr. Nyman was already Assistant Superintendant so I never met him while I was in high school. I had heard my sister, Bonney c/o '62, talk of him so I felt I knew him. The first time I met him was October 17, 1999 for the rededication of Nyman Hall. He was so polite and appeared grateful that so many former students showed up for the event.
Name: John Baker () on Friday, February 4, 2005 at 23:22:14
Email: jb1 at cougartown.com
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: When I was attending HHS all the people in my group, behind their backs of course, called the teachers by their first name. Ginger for Mrs. Mark, Otto for Coach Plum, Bruce for Mr. Halladay, you get the picture. Well one day in Drafting class circa 1961, I had the idea to ask Mr. Walden (can't remember his first name) if I could go to the library and study for my English test. Being the amiable fellow he was he said YES and wrote me a hall pass. Now the hall pass had to be signed by the Librarian and brought back to him the next day. My REAL plan was to slip off campus and go to Frosties for 20 minutes, have a coke with the boys, and be back in time to get my pass signed. I left the drafting room which was behind Frank's wood shop and walked across campus. Walking down the walkway next to Nyman Hall, I was just about to the main arcade and was going to make the left, then on to my car, when Mr Nyman walked out of the office and we were face-to-face.... He said, "hi John", with that big grin of his.... PANICKING, I said, Hi Wally... immediately breaking out into a HUGE sweat, and turned right toward the library where I spent the rest of the period.
Name: Tammy Tagami-Reeves () on Friday, February 4, 2005 at 22:27:34
Email: r2t2@msn.com
City and State: El Segundo CA
Maiden: Tagami
Class: 1976
Message: Wally's daughter, Christina, has let me know that the time of the services has been moved to noon (instead of 11 a.m.) This will accomodate the graveside services that they wish to have. She plans to visit Cougartown to read the remembrances and tributes to her father.
Name: EL & MRS ROJO () on Friday, February 4, 2005 at 21:59:15
Email: jakejude@aol.com
City and State: Kuna, I-dy-ho
Maiden: you Pick It
Class: 1961
Message: I remember Mr Nyman as being a real gentleman. That coming from a person who saw both the good and bad side of HHS justice...or just plain ole 1950's discipline!! Myself(60) and my wife(61) and a guy who's initials were MIKE WOOD(60), LOL, snuck out and ditched an assembly one day ( we were in the Knights and Diaconians etc..LOL) and went to Taco Tio. Thought we were safe. Sittin.. smokin.. laughin...listening to tunes in Mikes 54 ford. Old blue dog...Drinkin a Coke. Mike looked left and in the middle of a sentence said s**t theres MR NYMAN!!! He walked by the car no more the 15 feet away.All three ducked the best we could. WHEW! The good guy up above was with us that day. Didn't get caught. Hauled ass back to school for the end of the assembly. Don't know why to this day he never looked left? He knew us all by sight! I respected him and the rest of the Coug faculty. Lots of good people. Hope to meet him again some day at Taco Tio and hope he says Hello this time! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.