Put on your high-heel sneakers,
Wear your wig hat on your head> Tommy Tucker
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at 00:16:24
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: You guys got 50 cents? Man, we were poor!
Name: Dave Krikac () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 22:08:26
Email: dave@thegearfoundation.org
City and State: Franklin, TN
Maiden: Biff McGurk
Class: 1976
Message: Yep You Know Yo Right Lizzy.....
Hey I remember I got my brother Kenny to laugh at the dinner table by looking like a monkey (Real Easy For Me) and he pushed milk out his nose....My Dad said "Alright in the Living Room" and I got "The Belt" Just two swats, but I deserved it.
What my Dad never knew was I went to my bedroom before the living room and nabbed TWO (2) Dr. Suess books and slid them in my pants on the way to the Living Room...Talk about the Green Mile coming down the Hallway.....I should have gotten an Academy Award crying after each SWAT.....My Dad musta thought "Boy That Kid has a Hard A**"
Our kids still say Yes Sir and Yes Maam here in the South....It's a great thing.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 18:19:20
Email: grizbear73@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Mr.Mrs.Coach
Class: 1973
Message: Liz, A great piece on growing up. I agree with you 100%. Even today out of respect and my up bringing, I still address those who are of my senior, Mr., Ms., or Mrs. As for the coaches I played for it is always Coach so and so. We were raised by a generation who taught respect and good manors. Get your work finished before you play, call if you're going to be late, I always had a dime for the pay phone, and let your parents know where you were going. My wife and I instill this behavior in our sons without the use of a hand, belt, switch, or buggy whip,(my grandmothers' favorite). And it takes a simple reminder to let them know when they're out of line.The streets I grew up on, everyone new whose kid was whose, where they lived, and their parents. These parents looked out for all the kids. Those were incredible times to grow up in. Even though we may have had different feelings towards issues at the time, if you showed respect to others, you earned respect for your behavior. Kids of today have 10 fold of what we had, but if they have been raised from a solid background they'll in turn raise their kids the same way. O K who's ready for a game of ditchem at Holly Glen Park?
I think people of today don't understand spankings. We spanked, but it wasn't a WHUPPIN'. It was more of a swat on the rear one time. When I say we spanked, my daughter was swatted once in her life. That's all it took. I see parents today, maybe in a store and the kid is going atomic on them and the response is to ignore the rampage. I don't get what that does. To me it teaches the kid nothing. Just my 2 cents.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 17:35:45
Email: dscwingo@pacbell.net
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: Elizabeth Estrada spoke the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We did however get a .50 weekly allowance. It was always spent at the Plaza. The show was .25 the popcorn, unbuttered, was .15 and the coke .10.
Name: Art LaMere () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 14:10:42
Email: artlamere@msn.com
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 1973
Message: Liz I did watch some of the show. I started to laugh and my Daugther who is 9 said that is not funny the little girl needs a spanking. So I told her about what her Grandpa would have done and it had a strap with a hand attached to it. I have to say you are right, back then parents had better control. later all
Name: Cindy Colby () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 13:30:00
Email: cindycolby@adelphia.net
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I am so sad to hear about Loretta, we all got together at the last reunion for a picture of our brownie troop. Thanks Addy. On a lighter note, I agree with Liz about our upbringing although, I had a friend at HHS who shall remain nameless, who yelled at her mother all of the time, I was so shocked that she did this, it made me appreciate my parents all the more, even though life was tough at home sometimes, I think my parents did a good job.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 11:28:04
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Anybody watch "Super Nanny" last night? Any of you Cougars from the 60s ever see a kid act out like those kids? Never! It didn't happen when we were growing up. I never saw a kid kick Dad or shout at Mom or throw a tantrum because they wanted something they couldn't have...if they tried it back then it was put to an abrupt end. What the hell are these parents thinking? I don't mean to get into a spanking vs non-spanking child rearing protocol discussion because it can be done without physical repercussions but for the newcomers here on CT...the younger graduates who read these pages and think we came from a better time...we came from parents who weren't afraid to 'teach' their little barbarians what behavior is acceptable and what wasn't, and there was no 'discussing' it. In the 50s and 60s we had chores, no allowence if you didn't behave as expected either. We didn't have 250 television stations ....we played outside. On 133rd Street and every other street in Hawthorne, there were kids playing 'kick-the-can' or 'hide and seek' in the streets. Sounds like dumb games but we played it for hours until it was too dark to see. We were exhausted when we came into the house. Our lawns were mowed every Saturday by a family member, not a hired gardener. Chuck Currie washed the family car on Saturdays and he and Kelley couldn't come out and play until the laundry was folded. We said, 'please' and 'thank you' or else. It was 'Yes Sir' and "No Sir". May sound tough but you didn't have to worry about your school getting tagged. Maybe egged but that's another story. Ah well...we've had this discussion before. Just had to say it again. I'm off to the beach...it's like..85 here. I love you guys!
Yep, I gotta say I did get 50 cents a week allowance, but I was an only child, so...
I agree with everything Liz said and without trying to sound too much like my parents, we grew up just fine. Thanks Liz....
Name: Marshall Noyes () on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 11:22:00
Email: MrNoyes@aol.com
City and State: Flagstaff Arizona
Class: 1969
Message: To anyone who may be interested, there is a 1967 El Molino yearbook, a 1968 El Molino yearbook and a 1969 HHS mens class ring for sale on Ebay.
Thanks Marshall, I'll be bidding on the yearbooks for Cougartown, as I need both.
Name: Pat Underwood () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 20:39:22
Email: onefamilyhistorian@socal.com
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Hey Elizabeth my brother Tim doesn?t have a computer so he most likely will never see your message, but I defiantly got a kick out of it. I wonder if any of the girls I went too school with had a crush on me, but if you think about it your dad warned you about guy?s like me. What with all the drinking, smoking, carrying on dancing with all the girls, fast cars and the A&W. GEE! That sounds pretty normal too me.
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 19:34:58
Email: cindywhittaker@comcast.net
City and State: Gig Harbor
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Dave Krikac! Wowee! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time watching Rocket & Co. (or was that all the water I drank?). So who did the voice they used to dub over your's? No, that was you? Seriously, that was very cute and you were awesome. You guys all need to check it out! Where can I see more? Plus I think we should get to hear the story of how you got hooked up with a project like that. Very cute!
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 18:25:30
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Thank you Kathleen....need a massage?
I've noticed lately, here on CT, there have been several guys, Keith Jones, Jim Raines, Ron Bluff, mentioning crushes or loves they had or have...Is it because Valentines Day is approaching? Makes me think I should decorate those flan to look like hearts. I remember, too well, the agony of going through my valentines to pick the perfect one for Tim Underwood, in the 6th grade. Nothing fancy, nothing mushy, nothing too, too loving and hopefully he'd read between the lines. I got your Valentine right here Tim Underwood, wherever you are. I also have one here for Tom Engle, Todd Wadman, Bobby Parish, Mike Whitley, ...*sigh*..Jerry Skaff...
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 17:34:27
Email: ct_helpdesk@yahoo.com
City and State: San Pedro, ca
Maiden: Nix
Class: 1974
Message: Okay, We WILL be at the next CRUISE NIGHT. I WILL Try to find some Lanyard material so I can teach the rest of you how to make those things again and who knows who else will show up?
Lizzy, This computer geek makes house calls. I sent you email from CT_HELPDESK@yahoo.com so you can open it and call me if you still need me.
GREAT!! Tell the hippie to bring an old car.
Name: Cindy Hall () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 17:31:18
Email: bhcindy@frontiernet.net
City and State: Bullhead City, AZ
Maiden: Trotter
Class: 1960
Message: For those of you who graduated in the early years of HHS, thought you might
like to know that Ethyle Swan, our school secretary for those years, died
Jan 13. She was a great lady -- full of fun and color. She and her husband
Doug had lived here in Bullhead City since 1963.
Thanks Cindy
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 17:25:03
Email: tombettyr@peoplepc.com
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Message: Hey Liz, I'm still out here. After 7 years on Cougartown, I've exhausted every Hawthorne memory I have. I could make some up tho! Went partying with Wayne & Donna Saturday night at Pala Casino - love those penny slots!!!
I am, like, so ready for a, like, cool party, Dude!
Hey Betty, Even though your Hawthorne memories are exhausted, glad you still check in. Thanks.....
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 15:14:26
Email: addy57@msn.com
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of one of our c/o '63 classmates, Lauretta Cleaver Mead, on December 10, 2004, with complications from a knee surgery. There will be a memorial on January 28, 2 p.m., at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 31290 Palos Verdes Drive West, Rancho Palos Verdes. (310) 377-6806. I am so glad that I was able to visit with her at our last reunion. That's why it is so important to try and attend them.
Thanks for letting us know, Adrianne
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 02:51:45
Email: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: man I wish I had a camera. The mountainns here are covered with snow. I can see Mauna Loa from my pool and it looks awesome. To be able to stand in my pool see the ocean and the snow at the same time is great. Mauna Kea even has more snow but I can;t see it. Plus, it has been so nice and sunny with no clouds in the sky. The snow has lasted now one week with sunshine so it mustr be cold up there. I heard it got down to 22 degrees. burr.. i'll stay at the beach, Aloha
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 00:27:30
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Art, you sweet thang...thanks for the nomination....and David, you voted for me because I put extra butter in your mashed potatoes. I'm not sure if that doesn't disqualify your vote. And seeings how John and Off Like A Prom Dress, Judy have actually spoken...there's still hope for her return. CT hasn't been the same since her departure. We'll just postpone the search for a new queen until the next prom. Keep your fingers crossed and stay tuned folks.
Sorry Robin, Holly Hollingworth is the wrong answer but the right woman...beautiful as she is, the answer is, of course, Holly Glen. Your boobie prize, and I don't mean that literally , you dawg, is a double serving of flan but you have to get your butt down here to collect.
I spent the day on the beach today. We're drying out from the recent storms and the 'LIVE DOPPLER 7' says it's Indian Summer for a few days.
Here's another Hawthorne trivia question...exactly how many miles is it to the surf from Holly Hollingsworth house on 133rd Street and Ramona? Hmmmm?
I'll say 4.2 miles Name: Ron Bluff () on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 00:22:51
Email: ronebago@aol.com
City and State: Zephyr Cove, NV
Class: 1981
Message: I remember having the bigest crush on Denean McFarland (McKinney now). She never noticed me until i showed up as an applicant for a roommate situation. I ended up being the best man in her wedding. He blew it. I'm grateful I still have here in my life. I love Denean McKinney and she is extraordinary.
-Ron Bluff
Name: Jim Raines () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 23:23:24
Email: Fourwindspublishing@juno.com
City and State: Salt Lake City Ut
Class: 1962
Message: Well John, I didn't want to let her (Pattie Lee)know what my real name was because I thought I was kinda' cool. I even signed my name Lanny Harris in the 1960 yearbook so I could keep up the fun. It was while I was on the WHIRL POOL ride at POP that someone told her my real name. Still, to this day, there are those who call me Lanny. I'm pretty sure that I remember seeing a picture of Pattie as a Freshman in her yearbook but maybe not. Best regards Jim/Lanny
Name: Dave Krikac () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 16:45:36
Email: dave@thegearfoundation.org
City and State: Franklin, TN
Maiden: Biff McGurk
Class: 1976
Message: I vote for my babysitter - "Liz" for Queen, or I would have to split my vote for Kelli if she was running...
Hey it's SNOWING in Tennessee.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 14:13:18
Email: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: LAURA RASCH, I tried to email you but it came back. I would love to have pics and see if I am in them or I know anyone. I went to all three of those schools. I had Mr. Mack (7th or 8th Grade), Mr Weiss (6th Grade) and Miss Findlater (4th Grade). Went to Peter Burnett for 3rd grade, Peter Burnett for 4, 5, and 6th grade) Dana 7 & 8th grade). Cabrillo for 2nd grade and trinity Luthern for kindergarten and 1st grade. I got expelled from trinity luthern a few days before Valentines day. Does anyone remember the Olympics we had every year between Peter Burnett and Cabrillo. That was fun.
Name: Robin () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 13:59:09
Email: RHood10542@aol.com
City and State: Stall 5 at the A
Class: 1960
Message: I'm still here Liz. I've just been real busy. At our last hole in the head gang meeting I told Senor Paco if Matt Leinart wasn't smart enough to go pro he didn't belong in college. Paco stomped on my derby and Jaguar John threw it in the toilet. I'm having a heck of a time getting someone to block it back up. Glad to see Walt back but stay out of that water for a while guy. Yuk!...Well I better get my tights on and go to the quiver boy club meeting. I'm running for treasurer this year (those suckers won't know what hit them :o)...See you all at Cruise Night 12...Oh and Liz, the answer is Holly Hollingsworth. Later Cougs....
Uh, that's COUGAR John, Robin.....and I vote we rid ourselves of those ridiculous Derbys and relinquish our memberships in "Sons of the Desert.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 13:42:07
Email: dscwingo@pacbell.net
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: The VFW breakfast was delicious. Jan is just the best cook around. He even made cookies. Absolutely delicious. Thank you Jan and Judy.
Yes it was very good this morning. Thanks again Sherry for the dues.
Name: Art La mere () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 13:18:25
Email: artlamere@msn.com
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: Two things first if we need a new Queen then Liz gets my vote. Second was watching the food channel last night (boring saturday night), they did a thing on PINKS so if you all do a PINKS run please send a chile cheese dog or two or 3 my way.. Later all.
Hey Art, We haven't had a Pinks run in a long time. It's just too hard to get to from lots of places. We'll do something soon, though. Next is the Big Cruise Night at Fosters on the 12th of Feb. Everyone that can make it, please be there.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 11:34:20
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: It's true....sadly, Judy, Queen of the Rowdies and Cougartown, has 'chosen' to stay away...Feelings get hurt sometimes, things get misread, and sometimes s#*t happens. I've been misunderstood my whole life so I'm used to it. Has enough time passed to start a search for a new Queen? We get new arrivals signing up on Cougartown everyday. I noticed this morning that the class of '64 still has the most members here and the class of '69 is tied with class of '72. We are spread out all over the world but here...we come together.
Hawthorne trivia question...True or False.
The southwest corner of Hawthorne is ..
(a) Holly Glen
(b) Holly Hunter
(c) Holy Mole
I went to the VFW breakfast this morning and spoke to Judy, and she spoke to me. I still consider her and Jan as friends.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 10:39:17
Email: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Whew! Surf Dude Walter has been found. Now where are the rest of the feedback contributors? Haven't heard much from the Kahuna Keith or Robin the Hood or Doris the princess or Lowrider Wayne, the Jensen bros. the Bierman girls....Where'd everybody go? John Crotty, and Cheesecake Girl. Come on you guys...we have some parties to plan ...and it sounds like a prom may be in the future. The Sloeys, the Valencias, Betty Boop Rodriquez, Arizona Tom and Dream Date Guy. If you guys don't start telling stories I'll have to make some up.....and you know I will. Do we need the Rowdy Queen to stir up some enthusiasm? I got an email from her a couple of days ago, btw. She and Jan are well. Lori Padelford, Momo, Marsha the Goddess...(the other Goddess) John? Tell'em what they'll win.
Just so everyone knows, Jan and Judy are perfectly welcome to add to this page anytime they want. I'm adding this because someone had asked me if they were purposely excluded, and they are NOT.
Name: Dave Krikac () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 09:11:30
Email: dave@thegearfoundation.org
City and State: Franklin, TN
Maiden: Biff McGurk
Class: 1976
Message: Cougar Sighting....Hey that's my ugly mug...he he he..
Something you or your grand kids want to check out, I did a few small pilots for a Saturday morning show called Rocket & Company. I play the EVIL bad guy, (kinda cheesey, I know) but it has cool special effects with people flying around with rocket packs and evil robots. It was released for the independant film festival and if you go to www.ifilm.com and search on "Rocket", you will find it.
If your bored.... Hey, I see a LOT of numbers spinning next to names in the directory, so let's keep those donations coming in to John for this awesome Cougartown community website. Pay it forward cougs.
Thanks Dave....
Name: Walter () on Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 05:35:56
Email: wholt48@socal.rr.com
City and State: Surf City
Class: 1966
Message: No John.... The one on the alumni page has wholt1948@socal.rr.com instead of wholt48@socal.rr.com..Will do with the music.
Too much math for me. Thanks Walter.
Name: Walter () on Saturday, January 15, 2005 at 23:30:14
Email: wholt48@socal.rr.com
City and State: Surf City
Class: 1966
Message: Not to worry Cougs! I am still out there in Ctownland reading posts and keeping up with things on here.....Yep I will be able to make Cruise Night this time as my work is changing from nights to days again and I will have Saturdays off so I do plan on attending this one. John I just sent a corrected e-mail address on the alumni page, I guess I sent it in wrong the last time......Surf report!!!! Today, even lakes have bigger waves!!!! But all is not lost a new swell is coming in Tuesday & Wednesday and the crud will be out of the water by then....Later Cougs
Walter, Glad you're still with us. Your email address doesn't work from here. That's the same email address on the list. Also, please bring your music to Cruise. Thanks....