Someone found a lighted house late one night
And he saw through the window a sight
A big man in a chair
And little tiny men everywhere......> Beach Boys
Name: Chas Stevens () on Saturday, January 8, 2005 at 00:09:13
City and State: Hilo, HI
Message: Being a MHS Monarch (Class 0f 1968), Hawthorne and Hawthorne Blvd are home to some powerful memories. Enjoyed your site, we're all children of the time. Check out for some cross town perspective. Aloha and Peace to you
Hey thanks Chas, I will do that. Always nice to check the local schools to see what's going on. Glad you found us and come on back anytime.
Name: Andrea () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 22:16:22
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Rossi
Class: 1982
Message: I just got a call from Kelly Vaughn-Graybill. Steve Dimmick {''Maddog''class of 82] is seriously ill. He is in a coma, and he isn't expected to come out of it. Please keep him and his family in your prayers............Andrea
Sorry for that, thanks Andrea
Name: Lyman Moss () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 21:08:57
City and State: Everett, Wa.
Class: 1959
Message: I am sorry to hear about Mr. Nyman and Phil Peterson, my prayers are with the families. It nice to see my old class mate Carl Rilling on the feed back page, how are you Carl you must be retired from the police force by now.
Hey Lyman good to see you hear again too. It's been a while.
Name: El Rojo () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 20:16:43
City and State: Kuna, ID
Maiden: Bothofus
Class: 1960
Message: In my opinion,I don't think that this venue should get too politically correct! What should be a place of rememberance, doesn't necessarily have to be a place of mourning. We all should respect the passing of our classmates and their relatives, but this place is a place of happiness. I say, put a symbol of a COUGAR next to their name on the alummni list and have a "RIP" next to it and let each who cares, grieve on their own. I'm sorry for each who has lost a loved one. I've lost several. But lets get on with this story of HHS. Cars, surfin, girls, Hawthorne Blvd., and beyond. Here we are!!! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Now you're talkin' EL....How bout those TROJANS!!! Name: Jim Peppers () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 14:49:15
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: Dear Cougars and especially John,
After reading the comments about the deceased, I decided to visit the tribute page which I had never done. It was very moving and I shed more than a few tears and not just for the people that I knew, but also for the people I didn't know because of their loving friends' and relatives? tributes to them. I noticed that you had a list of names by class, but the class of ?61 is missing or I was just too misty eyed by then. Anyway, I would like to know John how the other class lists were compiled and if it would be possible to make such a list for the class of ?61? Again thanks for this site, John. You?re the best by test in east and west!
Hope everyone had a nice holiday time though I?m sure tempered by the tsunami catastrophe. Take care cougars, Jim Peppers
Hi Jim, It seems that lots of people are missing the rest of Cougartown. I've received 4 letters in the last 3 days about misty eyed Cougs who'd never seen the Tributes Page and it's been around since 1998. It started with a remembrance of the class of 68s Terry Lowery, written poignantly by Kathleen Hamler Purchase, also class of 68. At that time it was on the index page and I didn't want to eliminate it so the Tributes page was born. Cheri Carter Kirk HHS68 wrote the verse in the tributes graphic at the top of the page and I added the foggy picture of our main arcade at HHS, looking west from about Nyman Hall.
As time went on, classmates, friends, and family have added to this page and it's become hallowed ground in Cougartown. I go there once it a while to reflect on my friends and others I knew by name but really not at all in school, when we all took our friendships for granted and of course, we were all invincible. GOSH I'm babbling here. The lists from the different classes were added by someone from that class who wanted their friends immortalized and who had a valid list. As time went on I've added to their lists. They probably don't represent all of their classmates who are no longer here, but the ones who've been reported. If anyone has a BONAFIDE list of their deceased classmates, please send it to me and they too will been added.
As we speak the Cougartown website is being revamped. Databases are being added to help better manage the site, as it has grown monstrously since 1997. The Vietnam page has been revamped from the inside and now will show our fallen heroes by what month they lost their lives.
The Alumni List is going through changes on the inside too and hopefully will be put together by the end of this month. The Tributes page needs the same treatment. Maybe separate pages by Class. It will all happen this year.
Thanks Jim for your concern and please know your class will be added too, as soon as I get a list from someone.
Name: Deano () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 09:16:03
City and State: tustin,ca.
Class: 1965
Message: John your the one that handles this great communication engine so do what you think is right on the deceased issue (just for thought, instead of their e-mail put in memory)
Thanks Deano, but I think I'll keep the Tributes separate from the Alumni List. The Alumni list should reflect happy places, reunions, and good times with friends. We have a Tributes page and a Vietnam page. In my opinion those hallowed pages should be kept separate.
Name: Sandra A. Perez () on Friday, January 7, 2005 at 00:15:33
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Hey guys! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a HHS yearbook up for grabs on ebay.
Hey John... as always, you are doing a GRAND job! ;)
Hi Sandra, Thanks for the heads up on the yearbook.
Name: Ray Castillo () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 19:48:25
City and State: palmdale, ca.
Class: 1973
Message: I saw Max's post about Brian Wilson on the Leno show. I was given the "Smile" CD for Christmas by my son. It's so perfect! Mr. Wilson probably knows how futile it is trying to properly promote such an incredible piece of work given the constraints of a couple of minutes on Mr. Leno's show. Not a knock on the Leno show at all, it's just not possible to do justice to Brian's masterpiece without him playing it from beginning to end!
Name: Linda () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 19:17:06
City and State: San Ramon, CA
Maiden: Booker
Message: I grew up in Hawthorne and lived on Eucalyptus Avenue until I was 14. My maiden name was Booker. I would have gone to Hawthrone High, but moved to South Torrance in August 1965. My grandfather owned 1-1/2 acres on Eucalyptus where he raised my Dad and later where my brother and I were raised. It's a major post office now. I have several pictures of the houses on that property from the early 30's, and several pictures of my Dad's elementary and high school group class pictures. I would have graduated in 1969 from Hawthorne and wish I would have. I would love to touch base with anyone from that class that I might have known at Eucalyptus Avenue Elementary School or Hawthorne Intermediate. My 7th Grade teacher was Mr. Jim Harrick. Does anyone remember him? He was the BB coach for UCLA and is now coaching a team back East. Please drop me a line if you remember me. It's been many many years.
Hi Linda, Yes, I remember Jim Harrick and his Championship year with the Bruins, but he came after my time at HIS. Thanks for letting all know you're here and please join in anytime.
Name: Robin () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 18:00:37
Email: RHood10542@aol
City and State: Monrovia, CA
Class: 1960
Message: John I agree with Howard. The alumni lists are to look up active e-mail addys. The tribute page was created for those Cougars we have lost but will never be forgotten because of the tributes written. Lists by class (on the tribute page) of the deceased would also generate more tributes as many people check in a few times a year and might miss an announcement on feedback. A link to the Vietnam page is also a good idea. People like Dean Stafford or Timmy Thomas who never had the chance to see a PC, let alone CT, would be left off the Alumni list and it would be hard to find two better Cougars. Thats my .02.....
PS Mr. Nyman , Cougartown is praying for you...
Hi Robin, I'm a little confused. A link to the Vietnam page from where?
Name: Paco () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 16:08:18
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Will people be added to the Alumni list that are deceased and not on the list now?
Name: Denean McKinney () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 14:23:35
City and State: Redondo Beach
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1980
Message: John, I like your idea of adding our dearly departed to the alumni list. A suggestion would be to say "in memory" for the e-mail address, that is not offensive at all to be remembered. That is 2 more cents for you.
Very good suggestion, Denean, I like that one. Thanks for your 2 cents. Any more?
Name: Max Roelen () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 11:37:48
City and State: Citrus Heights, CA
Class: 1974
Message: I saw Brian Wilson on the Tonight Show w/Jay Leno promoting the new Smiles CD. I was not impressed with the performance. He sang out of key, forgot some of the lyrics and he sits there at the keyboard and doesn't play a single note. Brian wrote alot of good music but he should give up the live shows. That's my opinion! Have a fine Cougar day.
Brian doesn't seem to do well on the Leno/Letterman type shows, promoting his CDs and Concerts, but really shines in live Concert.
Name: carl rilling () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 01:02:12
City and State: orygun city Orygun
Class: 1959
Message: Last summer I sent an email to Phil Peterson. I had heard he was deceased but his name was still on the alum list. I simply asked "Phil are you there".. Several days later I got the most wonderful email from his wife. She thanked me for asking about Phil. She had told me about his illness and when he passed. I learned about his family and what a wonderful husband and father he was. Had he been on some type of deceased list I never would have learned about his family and his illness. Just my 2 cents.
P.S. For Sale one Oklahoma sweatshirt. Cheap
Great point AND story, Carl. Would you have emailed if his name had been greyed out? Also, we have to ABSOLUTELY KNOW that the person is deceased before we do anything. I've had people tell me someone had passed; I take the email address and name off the list only to have that person re-add it.
Name: Glenn () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 00:28:20
Email: gfcrist*
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Class: 1964
Message: Personal feeling: The names of Cougars whose spirits have moved to another hunting ground will live forever on Cougartown. Is there enough room on the CT server to post Hawthorne and Wiseburn school pictures? And JB: Is jb1* your only working E-dress?
Hi Glenn, Sorry I didn't get back to you on the Nostalgia Drags subject.
Folks, this is something in the Cougartown works, if we have enough people interested. It's June 4th and 5th at Infineon Raceway (Sears Point) in Sonoma CA, and for about $85 a person it will be a weekend of nostalgia drags, Friday Night BBQ at Sonoma Creek Winery, and the Wine and Food Extravaganza in Sonoma Plaza with racing Legend Dan Gurney, plus just lots of friends with great places to eat and socialize. These are the preliminaries. If you'd be interested in being a part of this, please email Glenn Crist at the above email address stating same. Understand, you wouldn't be committing, just expressing an interest in the weekend in Sonoma.
If we get enough people committed to this it will be off to Sonoma for a Cougartown Nostalgia Drags Weekend.....The nostalgia drags are fun, but it's the getting together that's better. Thanks Cougs....
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 00:02:32
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: John, The more I think of it the better I like the idea of the email saying deceased. Maybe if the person has a tribute you could add a link to their tribute. You could also link to the tributes on the Vietnam page. I had thought of adding some icon such as a cross, broken heart or tombstone but none of them seemed just right. I didn't like the tributes only because if someone is looking for a cougar they may not think to leave the Alumni List for the tributes page.
Thanks Chris, Very valid ideas.....
Name: Mary () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 23:38:11
City and State: Grants Pass OR
Maiden: Rose
Class: 1970
Message: Just saw an item on EBAY that may be of interest-- its a class photo from 1955 Hawthorne Intermediate 8th grade class , it has most names written on the back,, a few I recognize (even tho i was a toddler then) its EBAY #6143599615,, the price at the time of this post was 99cents plus shipping
HHS Class of 59....There you go. It looks like our own Joe Bell and Dave Neuschafer are among the classmates.
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 22:48:14
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Just heard some distressing news. Wally Nyman, Hawthorne High's first Principal in seriously ill. Just thought you all should know and please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 21:47:16
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: John, This website has your ideas all over it and the important thing is that you make them work. I believe that putting "deceased" in the e-mail address column would be effective and non-offensive.
As time marches on more and more of us will end our time on earth. Your extensive alumni list is a cherished reference for many who wonder what ever happened to ...
Thanks for caring.
Hey Cal, Thanks for that and these are just ideas now as maybe we'll do nothing, but it was mentioned and I had thought about it a couple of years ago. Also, we don't want the Alumni List to become a place marked with headstones. On the other hand, one persons headstone is anothers tribute. Anyone else have any thoughts?
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 19:29:00
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: I think we should continue to use the Tribute page and list per class. I don't like graying out.
OK, any more ideas?
Name: Pat Underwood () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 18:30:05
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: While you guys are talking about the ?Buster Brown Show? I remember sitting in front of the television waiting for the show too start and when I heard; ?That?s my dog Tige, he lives in a shoe. I?m Buster Brown, look for me in there too?, I knew the stories would start. You had too be a kid of the times, too remember. It?s kind of a Spin and Marty thing. Who said you can?t teach an old dog new tricks? Ouch!! I don?t believe I just said that. LOL.
I remember that show, but not too well.
Name: James Armour () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 18:27:36
City and State: Shell Beach,CA
Class: 1970
Message: Hey John, maybe you could have an active and an inactive list as to not to confuse anyone when they try to contact someone who is no longer responsive(Or maybe upset thier family). Just a thought. Go Trojans!
Don't think I want to start another list but maybe where their email address goes, print deceased or just gray out their name and remove the email address. Don't want to make it too complicated. Wondering how the families would react too.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 18:21:56
Email: jfmiles#pacbell#com
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: John,
I for one think adding the deceased to the alumni list would be a fine idea. It certainly might help some looking for old friends. You would have to somehow designate the status but that should not be hard to do. If there is a present contact that is willing, you could even include their email for further information.
Once a Cougar, always a Cougar.
OK, thanks for your opinion, Jerry. Who's next??
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 17:17:14
City and State: Lomita, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Just want to get some thoughts on this one:
It's been suggested that we add the names of deceased Cougars to the Alumni List. Your thoughts on this idea would be appreciated.
Name: KIRK C. GREASBY () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 15:20:03
Class: 1976
In my opinion both are great teams. Out here the spread was 2½ and if not for my SC upbringing, I would have taken EITHER team and the spread. I believed it to be that close.
Name: Jim Sloey () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 12:51:16
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Congratulations to Troy. However, the AP is reporting this morning that an Entebbe like raid had occurred on the Sooner practice facilities by a Bill Callahan led group that replaced the Sooner players with Huskers. By the end of the half it was evident that Nebraska and Callahan were on the field not the Expletive deleted Hillbillies from Norman.
NAAAHHH!! That couldn't have been Nebraska on the field, they only lost by 36 points.
Name: gary bickers () on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 12:41:22
City and State: pve cal
Class: 1963
Message: Howard and all, the cat's name was MIDNIGHT. I'm not sure I should know that.
Name: Larry Cole () on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 23:09:22
City and State: Newbury Park, CA
Class: 1965
Message: Hello everyone. I came across this website while looking for Hawthorne High School on Google. Please feel free to get in touch!
Larry Cole, Are you SKIP's baby bro? Glad you found us and check in any time.
Name: Jessica Rodriguez () on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 20:39:41
City and State: hawthorne california
Class: 2006
Message: Hello!...Well I am still a student of Hawthorne High...I feel very proud to know that a lot of nice people attended this school before, I wish that many years from now my name can also be written here. I also felt really bad today when entering school because some vandals entered maybe at night and tagged our school, no wall was left intact, it's really sad to know that maybe some kids are doing this to our school without knowing how important it is to us. I love this web page, i just discovered it but now that I know that it exists, I'll be in here more often...jessica
Hi Jessica, Taggers are COWARDS, and spray painting a wall can't stop Cougar Pride. IT'S JUST PAINT, and Cougar pride goes MUCH deeper. Thanks for adding to our site, and welcome to Ctown. In two years you too will add your email to our list, but for now, please enjoy your time at the greatest High School in the nation...Hawthorne High.....
Name: Okee Fan () on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 18:19:32
City and State: HAW Sooner
Message: Go OU SOONERS!!!!!!!!
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 17:49:29
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: I pulled up Buster Brown Show on MSN, and came up with that as the name. Also Ed's Pals and Andy's Pals. Before Andy Devine was Smilin' Ed McConnell. Also Froggy the Gremlin. There's a whole story about the show. Another nice memory.
Here's smilin Ed now. Thanks Adrianne I hope this doesn't make the tabloids: Is it true? John Madden - Smilin' Ed's love child.