Name: Jim Peppers () on Friday, August 13, 2004 at 07:10:03
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: Hello Cougars from the Olympic city. It looks like the games begin today! My wife and daughter saw a rehearsal of the opening ceremony and it's not to be missed. Things have all come together in the last few days. Athens is a changed place. There is a real infrastructure now. The mass transit system made a huge leap and changed overnight. The city is cleaner than I've ever seen it. Mike Stallings, you wouldn't recognize Athens from what you saw just a few short weeks ago. There is a very festive atmosphere in the city and everyone is expecting the games to be the best ever. Of course, we had some bad news yesterday about our top Greek athletes. Doping! We're all sad and anxious about this turn of events. Former President Bush is here and the thing they didn't show on CNN were the signs people held up that wrote, "Killer Bush". The anti-American sentiment is as strong or stronger than ever. But the Americans that have come, haven't been spit on...yet. I'm excited about seeing the opening ceremonies tonight. My wife is having me record it because she won't be able to see it as she is a volunteer hairdresser for the opening and closing ceremonies. I was going to be a volunteer, too, but decided against it. Anyway, I hope everyone will have a wonderful time at the picnic and that all the Cougars are having a wonderful summer. All the best from Athens, Jim Peppers
Cool.....Cougartown has a roving correspondent at the Athens Olympics. Those protesters were referring to George HW Bush's new gangsta rap group. Thanks Jim and go easy on the Ouzo.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Thursday, August 12, 2004 at 21:23:11
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Not sure what the live strong wrist band is. I know my good friend Bill Kazmaier (world's strongest man) promotes that wrist band thing that supposed to make you stronger and healthier. So I got one and it didn't do a thing to me. Not sure if it's the one though.
Just go to and type in, "live strong wrist band"; lots of places come up.
Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, August 12, 2004 at 19:51:23
City and State: Kuna, ID
Maiden: Honorable
Class: 1960
Message: OK Schroeder, you can bad mouth the Padre and you can bad mouth the Mule, but you can't bad mouth CHARLENA!!! Texmex, authentic Mex, Richie Valens, who was really great too. But don't bad mouth the Doo Wop, cause Los Lobos don't rule. DUDE!
P.S. Just filling in the space's JB. EH? Where is everybody?
GEEZ, I thought we were going to go an entire day without a feedback. I have NO IDEA where everyone is.
Name: Andrea () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 22:21:29
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Rossi
Class: 1982
Message: Hi everyone.........this is off topic ..but does anyone know where I can get one of those 'live strong wrist bands''?..if you do please email me..someone I know is looking for one,.......thanks......Andrea
Name: Milton () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 19:56:55
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Class: 1984
Message: HI Harry. Did you recently have an article published in The Daily Breeze newspaper? If so, I enjoyed reading it!
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 18:34:29
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Good afternoon all. Richard Witte, class of 1969 had made a very good suggestion for the picnic on the 21st of August. He has suggested that people bring their used cell phones so that they can be donated to our service men who are risking their lives for our country. Richard will be responsible for collecting them at the picnic and getting them to the proper distribution center. Richard has forwarded this link that explains what will be done with the phones and why Hopefully, we can get lots of Cougars to bring their used phones and the accessories that go along with them. I have three myself. My husband calls me a techno junkie.
Remember lots of fun, games, and corny prizes at the picnic. Along with music and the great company of other HHS Cougars, not to mention the watermelon. See you all there.
Sounds like a good way to get rid of your junk phones folks. You'll be helping out a serviceman with his/her calls home and getting rid of your unusable phone. Thanks Richard, for a great idea.
Name: Harry Jarnagan () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 14:35:47
City and State: Tracy, CA
Message: Cougars.... I appreciate the enthusiasm and support that many of you have expressed for the recently approved Beach Boys landmark on W. 119th. We have a committee formed up which is moving forward on monument design, construction, and dedication. If you would like to consider making a tax-deductible donation (private donations will be the only funding available for the landmark), please take a look at There is a donations page, which will also include electronic donations capabilities via Paypal in the next day or two. Thanks again, everyone. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about this. Harry Jarnagan
Well Alan, I guess that answers that question. Thanks Harry and good luck....
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 13:35:41
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: No more "Huntin' with Hunter" RIP...
Man, I thought Hunter Hancock had died long ago
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 07:35:09
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: I just got back home yesterday from 11 days in Japan. No Cougar sightings and even stranger yet, no American car sightings (although one of our tour members did catch a glimpse of a Corvette). From Koriyama to Hiroshima, I was on the lookout for any American-made car but saw none.
Too bad we can't say the same for Japanese cars here.
Name: sharon () on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 00:02:54
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: Dang, so that's where that french fry came from. You owe me a root beer, John.
So, we meet again, eh.... Name: Schroeder () on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 19:21:57
City and State: Oregon
Class: 1966
Message: Are you soliciting Mr Baker? Slow day in C-town? Well not here in Oregon. I was sunning myself next to the nasturtium bed--the picture of bucolic tranquillity--when a lovely butterfly that was fluttering about the flowers, darted near-by and unpredictably did a loop while I admired its beautiful orangeish-brownish-redish wings, and darned if the little bugger didn't suddenly slam into the side of my head nearly putting my eye out. I screamed as blood gushed from my retina. I will never go outside again without proper equipment--such as safety goggles and a helmet -- you can bet on that. Use this as a warning for all those determined to go to the upcoming Cougar picnic: nature, though beautiful can also be very dangerous. Dress appropriately when going out-of-doors. Look what happened to Gypsy Boots. (This is not irrelevant John, its a public safety warning. The fact that Los Lobos have done a version of Charlena-- now thats irrelevant)
OR Irreverant....and Too SHAY, Jimmy boy; watch out for those Oregon butterflies as they're EXTREMELY dangerous. Name: Surfer Sue () on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 19:07:33
Email: OS6-OU812
City and State: Surf City
Maiden: Hey You
Class: 1963
Message: Hi, I'm Surfer Sue who do you do? Does anyone remember me? I was 5'5". I remember A dude named Mammal, what'a hunk of burnin' love...Is 26th st. still there? I loved the Roadium. I loved Hawthorne High and all the schools in the Bay league. If anyone remembers me please email me...Cowabunga
Hey Sue, I remember you. How do you do. As I recall you loved all the guys in all the schools in the Bay League too. And that Mammal guy was such a LOSER!!!
Name: sharon () on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 19:06:44
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: I was wondering the same thing, John. WHERE IS EVERYBODY? It was so, excuse the expression, boring on feedback today that I decided to look at the rest of this great site, which I hadn't done in a long time. I went to the hang outs page and that got me to thinking about the "A," so I googled it and found their corporate site. It's really cool. Brought back a lot of old memories. A&W started in 1919 in Lodi California. Anyone else know anything more bout them or have any great memories about cruisin the A?
P.S. anyone up for a balloon toss at the picnic or a potato roll, how about a little trivia game about good old Hawthorne and HHS. No fair practicing up you guys. See you on the 21st of August.
I know Allen and Wright started the company and I tossed a french fry over the top of my car and into a girl's root beer in the car next door, ending any chance of small talk between us. It just wasn't to be.
Name: Bill Junge () on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 07:38:22
City and State: Lake Havasu City, AZ
Message: Cool site! My son sent me the link and I have enjoyed seeing some of the places we cruised to from Redondo. My website has some car club plaques from Hawthorne and you are welcome to add them if you please. The URL is
Did Chevies Inc have a plaque?
One fellow who saw our website wrote me and mentioned that he belonged to the Torquemasters car club from Hawthorne and that they hung out at the A&W from around 1959 - 63. His name is Doc Eades and he had a 1955 fully customized ford ragtop but I don't think he went to HHS.
Some other hangouts we cruised to were the Scrivners drive in at Western & Imperial and there was also a drive in at Crenshaw & Rosecrans but I think that was Gardena. I belonged to a club based in Gardena called the Vampires (So Calif) and one of our member's uncle owned Wray's Drive In on Crenshaw but we were not allowed to hang out there. One of our main hangouts on Hawthorne was Mary's Little Lamb on the corner of Torrance Blvd. There was also an A&W in Walteria and one on Western in Torrance.
Also, what about Patmars on PCH in El Segundo? Did you ever cruise there or to Airport Village?
Lots of old memories from the late 50's. You have a cool website and I'm glad my son sent me the link. I bowled in a league at the old Inglewood Sports Center on Hawthorne and drove my lowered 49 Chevy up there every Friday night. On the way home to Redondo around midnight, I would cruise through the A&W.
Hey Bill, Thanks for the shout and no, Chevies Inc. didn't have plaques, but 2 decals about 6 in. long. One in each back window. The plaques that I remember were the Rituals, Clockers, Benders, Toucans, T Timers, and VC from Inglewood (I think it stood for Vatos and Camel herders), and I just talked to friend Mike Shay, and he belonged to the Villagers SWLA and their plaques had a shrunken head with crossed swords underneath, with red jackets and matching patches....very COOL. Great memories Bill....
Name: sharon () on Monday, August 9, 2004 at 12:56:00
Email: or
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: To everyone who has signed up for the picnic. I will be sending out an e-mail at the end of this week with a schedule of events, directions to the park and directions inside the park where we will be holding the picnic.
As for the unofficial winner of that slice of watermelon for the Cougar who has traveled farthest to be at the picnic, so far it appears to be Deborah Kelly, class of 1974 with 2278.3 miles coming in from Tallahassee. Deborah is followed by Barney McArdle, class of 1958 with 1440.57 miles from McKinney, TX. Taking up third place so far is Rick Clendaniel, class of 1974 with 1300.60 miles. Rick is coming from Vancouver, Washington. I guess Vancouver is still in the U.S., just barely. I guess we'll have to have some sort of watermelon presentation scheduled into the event.
For those who have not yet signed up, but are planning on attending, please go to the sign-up sheet. We have more and more Cougars signing up daily.
Thank you Sharon and we'll see you all at the picnic on the 21st.
Name: Curtis Smith () on Monday, August 9, 2004 at 12:20:39
City and State: Auburn California
Message: Barris had nothing on my hot car. Yellow '64 Ranchero with a V8 and four on the floor. I was sure that I would prevail at Lions. Oh well.
Name: John Crotty () on Monday, August 9, 2004 at 09:26:19
City and State: Hermosa Beach
Class: 1969
Message: Geez, how stupid of me. I was writing my ode to JB and a detective named Brown was asking me for some advice at the same time. I meant to write..."Mr. Baker," put wrote Mr. Brown instead. Can you please forgive me MISTER BAKER???? Please!!!!
Sorry no, you'll have to turn in your gun and badge at the picnic.
Name: Don Burns () on Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 22:48:30
City and State: Downey, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, you could probably raise enough money at the picnic, I won't be there, I have free tickets to the Wynnona Judd Concert at Buffalo Bills,& 2 free nights. but I'll send $10.00 bucks to you asap if you are going to take up a collection. Hope everyone has a good time at the picnic. Later Don
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, August 8, 2004 at 21:19:28
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: I just read the article in the Breeze (thanks for the link, Debbie) and saw that they hope to raise $2,000 for the monument to the Beach Boys to go along with the plaque.
What better place to raise the money than here on Cougartown. If everyone here would just kick in a dollar, there'd be more than twice the amount he wants to raise. How about it gang? Let's dig up his address, or set up a PayPal account and get this ball rolling!
Great idea, Alan, I'll work on that one....
Name: Trelawne (Gay) () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 16:36:49
Email: treangel3@msn,com
City and State: Phelan, California
Maiden: Beals
Class: 1971
Message: Wow, this is too much!! I love it!!
I'm trying to look through all the pages here, boy it's tough (so many).
My parents used to tell me that High School was the best time of your life. Well it's true!! I miss so many people and don't know where to find them. If anyone remembers me, please e-mail and trust me, I will get back in touch. Does anyone know whatever happened to Kris Pekkala? John you have outdone yourself!!! love to all!!! Gay Beals my e-mail address is
Hi Gay, Glad you like the website and hope you find lots of your classmates.
Name: Martin(Butch) Beals () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 15:55:08
City and State: Hesperia, California
Class: 1967
Message: Wow, was so impressed to find this site!
I'm fine and doing well. Married to the sme lady ( Judy Connely ) from Leuzinger forever!!! Has anyone seen Larry McGregor? If so tell him to get in touch with me please. I would love to hear from all my friends so e-mail me, ok?
Hey Martin, Glad you found us. Stay in touch....
Name: doris () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 13:57:46
City and State: twin falls, id
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
Message: Sure wish I could attend the picnic but I start back to work for the fall, winter and spring on August 23 and that's just cutting it too close. I know you guys will have a GREAT time. Take pictures ... lots and lots of pictures! Good to see you posting Madeleine! Keep it up girl!
See you at the next one, Doris.....
Name: Terrence Poublon () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 13:49:52
City and State: San Jose, CA
Class: 1981
Message: Hello John and Hawthorne High...
Just found this cool piece of information dated Aug 7, 2004 on The Daily Breeze Website today. It is entitled "Good vibrations precede Beach Boys' recognition".
It states that the five-room home at 3701 W. 119th St. in Hawthorne where Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson -- three-fifths of the Beach Boys band -- grew up and crafted many of their early tunes had been torn down for the Century (105) Freeway. The nine-member California Historical Resources Commission on Friday unanimously approved historical landmark status for the site.
By next March, the site should be marked by a bronze plaque with the state's bear logo and a brief description of the location's significance. They are hoping to raise money for a monument to the band that will stand next to the plaque.
To read this wonderful article go here.
Congratulations to Hawthorne on a significant moment...
Terrence Poublon - Chairperson
Leuzinger's Class of 1981 Thanks Terrence but I think Debbie beat you to it. Name: Lisa () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 13:38:11
City and State: Gallatin, Tennessee
Maiden: Williams
Class: 1974
Message: Greetings from the South! (But not South Bay). Would love to come "home" for my class reunion...maybe I can for the next one. :-)
Always make it a point to be at your reunions. It's not like a weekend party that will happen again in a few weeks. By the time the next one comes around, many of your classmates will be dead.
Name: Kelley () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 13:13:10
Email: it'ssobeautifulhereicouldcry
City and State: coos bay or
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: Picnic sounds sweet...everyone have fun..and hide that Beer! Since the picnic is going to be in Long Beach..a question about Long Bch..Is there any part of the Pike still around..I understand the roller coaster is gone. Is there a sign or something that states where the Pike was? Got a couple of Tat's there between the ages of 18 and 22. A pretty tough place in those days..
The last time I looked there was just one tattoo parlor left. The rest is being converted into something, but no clue as to what.
Name: Debbie () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 13:08:38
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
Message: The Beach Boys got approved for the historical landmark status. It's on the front page of the Daily Breeze for locals, or go here for those of you who live out of the area.
Good News!! Thanks Debbie....
Name: Heather () on Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 00:21:16
City and State: Mukilteo, WA
Maiden: Reoch
Class: 1975
Message: Happy birthday to Sheree Klingenhagen and congratulations on her new marriage! Best of wishes to you and Patrick - I wish you a long life of happiness - you deserve it!
Name: Madeleine () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 21:35:10
City and State: Murrieta, Calif
Maiden: Short
Class: 1957
Message: Thanks to Marilyn Ross, Terrence and others. I will try to track down this Nels fellow. Mr. Plotkin.. Yes! John short is my baby brother! The two of us were always in the same room at Dana. And Dale Hahlbeck Jr. is my baby boy.
Hi Madeleine, You must be very proud. Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 20:46:39
City and State: kuna,ID
Class: 1961
Message: John whats a Pylon? Isn't that when you jumped on the littlest guy in P.E. and said " Pylon"! Eh? :-). Wish we could make the picnic, it sounds like a Charlena kind of time. Trying to figure out how to manage Homecoming. OOOOh, now that would be fun. I've tried to tune my voice to Cherry Pie and I feel I could do the Doo Bah Doo Bah's very well. Hope you folks have a wonderful time at the Picnic. You Leuzinger people don't get your hackles up, it's all in fun. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Hey Russ, No, the low part is for me and besides my name is already Johnny. You have to figure out how to do the Marvin part. Just got back from seeing Spiderman II with my grandson. They didn't kill him but they sure messed up his leotard. Name: Mike Shay () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 20:41:22
City and State: Cerritos, CA
For a good time call: OS6-9393
Class: 1961
Message: I really enjoyed seeing John's pictures of the new additions to our beloved campus. In the true spirit of giving back, I'm personally going to donate a new feature to Hawthorne High School. Construction will soon be starting on the new Mike Shay Non-Strip Cabana and Food Court. This area will give much needed seating, shade, and a large selection of vending machines to a selected area adjacent to the boys locker room. Now there will truely be a place of honor for those (like me) who think PE is for followers.
Now THAT'S FUNNY!!! Or as Coach Ron would call it, "Neer-Do-Well Hell". Where there's a Cigarette Machine filled with Pall Malls and Dirty Magazines on every bench. That could be the only thing that would bring Coach Sevier back from the other side. Name: Lee Boswell () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 20:32:31
City and State: Rancho Cucamonga
Class: 1975
Your right about the LHS website, It's underwellming, But Mrs. Hahlbeck's freind is there. But in the class of 75 there's about ten people listed, that's very sad, so many freinds from HIS whent there. We are so lucky to have this site. Later bye
The thing of it is, there's someone out there with the desire to help find the Leuzinger alumni. That is what it's all about --- end of story.
Name: susiE () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 16:31:25
City and State: 87111
Maiden: klingenhageN
Class: 1971
Message: ... birthday wishes to my sister Sheree, class of '75...
Happy Bday, Sheree