Name: sharon () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 15:50:15
City and State: long beach, ca
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: PICNIC UPDATE - We may have a winner for that slice of watermelon for the Cougar who has traveled farthest for the picnic. Rick Clendaniel Class of 1974 is coming in from Vancouver, BC. Of course I'm going to have to check mapquest for the mileage, as we have Barney McArdle, Class of 1958 coming in from Texas. Okay, I almost failed geography at HHS. Who was the teacher who taught that class? I got an A in P.E. Don't forget to go to the link above and sign up.
Another teacher has signed up for the Cougartown picnic. Mr. Richard Allen, Sr. He's looking forward to seeing some of his old students. The Ol' Coach, Mr. Hal Chauncey, will be there with his lovely wife, Cathy. It's always a pleasure to be around these two people.
Yep, Cougs are coming in from all over the place for the Cougartown Picnic. Be sure to make plans, and please RSVP. Thanks all......
Name: Marilyn ross () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 15:32:55
City and State: Garden grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: Leuzinger class of 57 also has a web site at They have some class pictures from Ramona and Williams and Hawthorne Intermediate. Also reunion photos from the classes of 54 through 57. Many of us went to school with Olympians that also went to HIS. I found a couple of photos of old friends there.
Thanks Marilyn....
Name: John Crotty () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 14:48:18
City and State: Hermosa Beach, CA
Class: 1969
Message: I just checked out the Leuzinger site. Many may try, but none can best our own creation by Mr. Brown. I mean no disrespect to their own web master, nor to their alumni. It just can't compare period. I am curious though. Someone told me that Hawthorne High School itself has a site and that you can shop the student store there. Is this true?
Hawthorne High had a website, but I think the webmaster graduated and the website went away. And who is Mr. Brown? Name: Harry Plotkin () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 11:07:45
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Maiden: Old Codger
Class of '52 - '97
Message:Madeleine - Mr. Clark passed away about three years ago. Mr. Tucker retired as Superintendent from Santa Monica School District and the last I heard he was teaching at U C L A. Are you John Short's sister?
Happy August and love to all,
Thank you Mr. P....
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Friday, August 6, 2004 at 01:40:44
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: Leuzinger does have a web site. It's
Thank you Marilyn, I just failed to upload the previous two feedbacks. Been having fun with my grandson, Cory, tonight, playing Elf shuffleboard and just forgot....sorry.
Name: Sharon Kettering Johnson () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 23:17:49
City and State: Nampa,Id.
Message: In response to Madeleine's inquiry, Leuzinger does have a website. Go to There is a section for email addresses, reunions, etc.
Hope you all have a great time at the picnic, it sounds like fun. Sharon Hey Sharon, how you doin there in Id? Thanks for the LHS news but we got it from Terrence. Glad to hear you're still out there.
Name: Terrence Poublon () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 22:16:51
City and State: San Jose, CA
Class: 1981
Message: To Madeleine Hahlbeck...
Leuzinger High still has an Alumni Webpage. It can be found at, and is run by Gary Smith from our class of 1953.
Gary keeps a list of registered alumni. If you check with him through that website, he might be able to tell you if Nels Ronneburg '57 is registered.
You are always welcome to visit Leuzinger's Class of 1981 website at There are lots of pages from our 1978, 1979, and 1980 Pylon Yearbooks... and very recent photos of some of our alumni. The 1981 Yearbook will be arriving soon.
Terrence Poublon - Chairperson
Leuzinger's Class of 1981 Hey thanks Terrence. Very nice of you to fill us in on the Leuzinger website.
Name: Richard () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 21:08:09
City and State: of Long Beach
Class: 1969
Message: Re: HHS Sign on El Segundo
If memory serves me correctly, the class of '68 decided their class would donate the sign, but it was left for the class of '69 to pay it off.
Any other '69ers remember that ???
Name: JAMES CICALESE () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 18:44:00
City and State: Lakewood, Ca
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Ct We have an update on the 30 year reunion. Anyone wishing to attend can now purchase tickets till the day of the reunion.
Thanks for the update, James....
Name: Sande () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 18:00:33
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Bashaw
Class: 1968
Message: I just heard from my dad that the HHS sign board has been torn down and replaced with a electronic board. Hats off the the class of '68 for their donation of the old sign - it lasted for 36 years and so have the memories! Thanks John for keeping HHS alive and well!
Hi Sande, I guess you haven't seen the pictures taken of HHS a couple of weeks ago. The new electronic board is shown there.
Name: Madeleine Hahlbeck () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 17:10:24
City and State: Murrieta Cal
Maiden: Short
Class: 1957
Message: When everyone was talking about Dana elememtary school. Does anyone know anything about Mr. Clark and Mr. Tucker
Madeleine Hahlbeck
Name: Madeleine Hahlbeck () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 17:06:48
City and State: Murrieta
Maiden: Short
Class: 1957
Message: Does anyone know how to get onto Leuzinger High's home page? I am trying to find a 1957 classmate for a friend.
I am looking for Nels Ronneburg 1957...
Madeleine Hahlbeck
Hi Madeleine, I don't think Leuzinger has a website anymore. Sorry....
Name: Penny Prouty () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 14:40:34
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: This is my second attempt to send a note in response to John Field's writing on 7/30/04....(I've had a few computer problems when I try to add Feedback) I just wanted to say that I was very moved by John's words that were addressed to his biological mother. I sincerely hope that someone out there, among our Cougar population, remembers his mother and is able to give John a response and hopefully, show his letter to her. It would have to mean so much to her and I'm sure she would feel very proud of John, especially after reading this letter, as well as his recent written contributions to Feedback. God Bless you, John and I hope that life continues to be good to you and that you never stop learning it's valuable lessons.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 13:59:08
City and State: Belmontshore
Class: 1974
Message: I talked with long time bud Rick Clendaniel last night and he is coming for our 30th.Rick's fired up as he has not really seen anyone in 30 years. Really looking forward to seeing all you 74'ers in Newport.
Name: sharon () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 10:25:55
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: PICNIC IN THE PARK, AUGUST 21st, 9am to 6pm.
First of all, Walter, thanks for posting the flyer.
Lots and lots of Cougars are signing up for the picnic each day. We are having a very large turnout. I have also gotten e-mail from Cougars all over the country that are just too far way to make it, but want to wish us a good time. We've got them coming in from Arizona and Texas, and I think a few from Oregon. Okay we will have a prize for the Cougar who travels the farthest for this picnic. Maybe an extra slice of watermelon.
Just a reminder. Some of you have e-mailed me that you are coming to the picnic, but have not signed up on the Cougartown sign-up sheet. I would appreciate it if you could do that, as that is where I am getting my official count. So if you haven't signed up on the Cougartown sheet and plan on coming, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks to everyone who is helping to make this a great event. I have received many offers of help, including one from Dan Pressburg '68, who is the community liaison representative for Councilmember Lerch in the City of Long Beach. Until this picnic, I didn't know all these Cougars lived in this fine city. Thanks John for being the catalyst for this picnic and all the work you have done e-mailing and posting information. You da KING.
Man, this thing is going NUTS!! Lots of Cougs are coming from all over. Yes, please fill out the RSVP form above, if you haven't done so yet, and thanks to each and every one of you for making Cougartown the number 1 High School website in the country.
Name: Lori Garcia () on Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 03:26:43
City and State: O.C.
Maiden: Padelford
Class: 1981
Message: Hi! Just checking in, its been a while. What time is the picnic? Will details be emailed to us? I hope some of the late 70's early 80's people show up. Dont get me wrong I love all the 50's and 60's people I just would love to see some people from my days at HHS. Does anyone know why the diner and burger place at the corner of Sepulveda and Normandie is taking so long to open up? I drive by it every day on my way to work and it just baffles me why it hasn't opened yet. Well, I'll check in when we get back from vacation, we leave tomorrow for Tahiti for a 10 day cruise. I can't wait for some well deserved R and R. Lori
Hey Lori, I don't know what the holdup is on that 50's diner place. It looks like it's going to be a fun place though.
The picnic will start about 9am and go until about 6pm. Have a fun vacation and we'll see you and hopefully lots of your classmates at the picnic.
Name: Shirley Wallace () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 19:10:34
City and State: Washougal, WA
Maiden: Patterson
Class: 1965
Message: During my high school years and earlier, I was always going back and forth to England. At age 56, I had my first book published, "Milla's Villa," based on a true story set in 1924, Lancashire, is now available at barnes&
Hi Shirley, You must've been in England the day the Senior pics were taken, because I'll be darned if I can find yours. So here's your Junior pic. Thanks for letting all your friends know you're out there.
Name: Tim Helble () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 17:08:26
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 1973
Message: Kim - thanks for running into Kevin Nolting. We grew up across the street from each other on Hansworth and were in the same Indian Guides tribe (remember those?) when we were kids. Kevin - if you see this, send me an email sometime. Ricki Farrell - also consider the Tucson east side - somewhere past Pantano. You get away from the city core and are close to the mountains to the east and north. If anyone wants to know what the best web cam on the planet is, check out the Arizona Web Cam during monsoon season at Scroll down to recent views at the bottom, click on one of the last seven days for which you can see clouds in the hourly photos, and get a good lesson on how thunderstorms form.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 16:10:53
City and State: Costa Mesa, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Ok gang...Since the photo page I posted the flyer on opens at less than a snails pace. I figured it would be easier to create a web page and post it there. So if anyone still needs the picnic flyer information it can be found at this site
Thanks Walter
Name: Raymond Smith () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 16:02:45
City and State: Portland, OR
Maiden: HOT HERE...anyone seen our rain?
Class: 1981
Message: I had to make a comment here. I just had a flashback that escape my mind. A few days ago I was outside in our front yard with my 4.5 yrs old daughter when a small golden/brownish butterfly landed nearby. It was the same kind of species I seen in California. The flashback was when I was a kid I used to catch these things with my bare fingers which requires skills. Me and my buddy would collect them to see who can get the most since they were many of them around and they come around every summer. A fond childhood memory.(oh ya, this butterfly got away when I try to get it!)
Yep, I remember a little 4 winged butterfly that hung out on lantana flowers. Fairly easy to catch too.
Name: Jann () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 07:51:44
City and State: Belmont. Nevada
Maiden: Morrison (LHS)
Class: 1972
Message: Do they still have the Hawthorne Fair with the Fair Queen Pageant? I was first runner-up in '72. Had to model swimsuits in front of the "old" dudes (in their 40's!!!) at the Cockatoo (Imperial & Hawthorne). Loved riding on the float down Hawthorne Blvd! No, the Hawthorne Fair has gone the way of Hawthorne's Pow Wow days from the 30's, and so has the Cockatoo/Lococos.
Name: Jim Dally () on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 02:07:43
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: A great friend of mine and many of you too probably, Ron Firey class of '62, is where? Anybody know? My last connection with him was in Oregon. No longer valid. Thanks for any help. J.D.
Hi Jim, Haven't seen Ron since our 30th reunion but there is an email address on the alumni list for him. I just emailed him on your behalf and the email address looks like it's valid. Hope this helps.
Name: JAMES CICALESE () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 20:30:41
City and State: Lakewood ca
Class: 1974
Message: Hi CT, Just letting the class of 74 know that if you still wish to attend the 30 year reunion you have till this friday to contact me at or check the reunion page on Cougartown. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Thanks Jim, Hope you all have a great time.
Name: Paco () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 15:07:06
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 1961
Message: Need help with buying a DVD recorder to replace my VCR, any help please email me. Hope to see you all at the Picnic on 21st. 24 days to go, but who's counting...(Retirement..)
Hey Paco, Just got back from Costco and they have a DVD/VHS combo for $89.99 No record feature.
Name: Carol () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 13:41:10
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Drulis
Class: 1977
Message: In Memory of my Loving Brother (Jim Drulis) Some of you may have know Jim
he graduated 3 years before me. Jim Passed Away July 25th with a very Rare Brain disease (CJD.) He has been very ill for the past 18 months but is now in peace with God. And he will be deeply missed by all of us and many Friends. Jim was 48 years old and is survived by an awesome wife and two lovely daughters. Carol (Drulis) Galbrecht.
Very sorry for your loss, Carol, and for the loss to all of Jim's friends and family. Always sad to lose a fellow Cougar, but nice to know the suffering has passed.
Name: sharon () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 12:31:11
Email: sharonlleach`
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: This picnic is shaping up to be a whopping old fashioned event. Richard Witte '69 is getting us a great deal on watermelons. Thanks Richard for your efforts. He's going to go pick them up too. What a guy. Walter, thanks for posting the flyer on line. You did a great job. Patty Smith is in the wings helping us out as is Bob Veach. Need a few more people to get there early and help us stake out the area. You Cougs are awesome.
Thank you very much, Richard, for the help. I hope you don't have to pick them too.
This Picnic is turning into a blockbuster of an event. Lots and lots of Cougars and their families signing up. Again, if you can help Sharon out with the early morning stakeout, it would be super. And Cougars ARE AWESOME!! Thank you all for your help.
Name: Kim Begley () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 12:26:57
City and State: Scotts Valley, CA
Maiden: Stembler
Class: 1973
Message: Cougar siting up here in Northern California! While attending a Bar-B-Que a few weeks back, I was introduced to a couple by the hostess who said the wife was her childhood best friend. I didn't hear the husband's name but he seemed familiar to me. He asked me where I was from and I said I was born in Southern California in 1955 and went to the same high school the Beach Boys did. He responded, "So did I!" It turned out to be Kevin Nolting, who I went to school with from kindergarten through high school. I hadn't seen him in 31 years. Kevin is a film editor for Pixar Studios and worked on Finding Nemo. He said he'd lost his yearbooks and had only a few pictures. So I went home and returned with our yearbook and photo album with class pictures. His wife enjoyed seeing pictures of Kevin at 5 years of age and Kevin had a good time reliving high school memories. It really is a small world and Kevin is now aware of this great Cougartown site. I'm looking forward to attending the Cougartown Picnic. I'm driving my son, Devin down that week to attend his first year at USC. Devin is one of 18 who was accepted, out of 750 kids who auditioned, out of 2,000 who applied for USC's BFA in Theatre (Acting). He's been involved in theatre and film acting/production since 12 years of age and this opportunity is a dream come true for him! See you on the 21st!
Now THAT'S a Cougar siting!! Thanks Kim for a great story and Kevin, please let us know what you've been doing since HHS. Also, congrats to your son on USC, and we'll see you at the Picnic.
Name: Don D. () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 12:10:48
Email: dondt_hotmail_com
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message: Linda Benson, Sonny Vardeman, Bill and Bob Meistrell, and John Joseph
received plaques on the Hermosa Beach Surfer's Walk of Fame this weekend.
Plaques can be viewed at:
Name: Debbie () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 12:07:19
City and State: Lawndale, Ca.
Maiden: Johnson
Class: 1976
Message: OK, I need help here. I have been trying to find my best friend Kathy Milo. I believe she is married now and her last name is Lake. We had such a blast at HHS and I think of her often. I believe she moved to Arizona, but that's all I know. Anyone who might know her, please, please ask her to contact me at my email address! Thanks. I love this site!! (
Good Luck, Debbie. I'm sure someone knows something.
Name: Marie Schultz () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 11:10:58
City and State: huntington beach,CA
Maiden: Damon
Class: 1966
Message: Love the web page
Thanks Marie......
Name: Walter Holt () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 10:29:24
City and State: Costa Mesa, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I saw Riding Giants also...What a great movie about surfing and it's history. Much better I thought than Stepping Into Liquid. My surfing of late was curtailed for a couple of weeks due to a sting ray sting in my foot. Man is that painful. First time in 46 years of playing in the ocean that anything has happened to me from a sea creature. It happened at Bolsa Chica on a day I met with Ron Reinholdsen C/O 65 for the first time in months and had to miss going with him to Sano the following Monday with the waves breaking there on a 5-6ft SW swell. Needless to say I'm back on the "Dawn Patrol" again. I converted the flyer to a smaller PDF file and have that posted in a Yahoo Briefcase folder @ in case these files are too big for anyone to download in their e-mail. It opens up there slow due to the file size. Sharon did a fantastic job on the flyer.
Thanks Walter....
Name: Dan Beebe () on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 07:39:19
City and State: Chubbuck, Idaho
Class: 1974
Message: Hope all is well with everyone and I'm looking forward to our 30 year reunion, time sure flys when your having fun!!
Hey Dan, Thanks for checking in and have a great time at your reunion.
Name: Carl Harrison () on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 23:22:09
City and State: still here after alls these years!
Class: 1972
Message: Catching up from the last couple of weeks and saw Keith Jones' thumbs up for Riding Giants, is a great movie. The last few Sundays KCAL 9 has been showing old surf movies, including Endless Summer. I was struck by the innocence of the world view in 1966. Even now life is so good when you are in the water.
HUH, and where's here?