Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 23:20:18
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Man, do I feel bad, the 21st. we are having a huge birthday bash for my little boy, he is turning 40 on the 12th. and I can't miss this one. I don't understand how he can be 40 when I am only 39, somehow the numbers just don't add up, there must be a mistake somewhere.
I hope you all have a wonderful time and I am really sorry I will miss it. Sharon, I know how hard you and your crew are working.
No problem Cindy, there will be plenty of Cougs there. We'll see you at Cruise Night.
Name: sharon () on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 21:52:33
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: Well Cougs, this is stacking up to be a great picnic. However, I just hit a major glitch. I have been e-mailing information all day to HHS class members. It seems that CompuServ cut off my e-mail for mailing too many e-mails and considered it spamming. Well, it took me over an hour to get it straightened out and get my e-mail back on. The only trouble is, I am having trouble sending mail now. I am on line and can open my mail, but it takes about 10 minutes for an e-mail to get sent. Needless to say, I can't continue to contact people. Sorry. If you want picnic info, you are going to have to e-mail me and hopefully, I can get on back to you. Sorry to have to use the message board this way John, but CS has me over a barrel.
No problem Sharon. If anyone needs info on the Cougartown picnic, please go here. Also Sharon, if you send me what you've been sending out, I'll send it out from here. Lots and LOTS of Cougars signing up (Coach and Cathy Chauncey just signed in) from all classes so this is already going to be a blockbuster of a picnic. Thank you all for participating and we'll see you on the 21st of August.
Also, with all the people signing up, we're going to need a few more volunteers to be there at 6am to hold the land we're going to need for this picnic. If anyone else can help out, please email sharon at and thanks to the people who've already volunteered.
Name: Jann () on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 19:35:20
City and State: Belmont, Nevada
Maiden: Morrison (Leuzinger)
Class: 1972
Message: Didn't go to HHS, but knew many who did- including my first love (I won't embarrass you by mentioning your name!) My parents and brother still live in Hawthorne, and my daughter and family and moved there. Sometimes I miss the good old days, but you can't go back... and I've grown used to not having phone service, traffic, air pollution. Living in a ghost town is the only way to come to grips with your own personal ghosts! Hey Jann, We go back, here, everyday. It's nice to remember Hawthorne the way it was. Thanks for letting your friends know you're out there.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 12:02:43
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: This weekend I lived dangerously. I went to my first Which Ones Pink concert at the Coachhouse. It was great! I don't like Pink Floyd, but I think I have been converted. If anyone has seen them, then you know what I am talking about, if you have not seen them, see them once. Needless to say, I had a Cougar siting on Saturday with none other than Dan Johnson c/o 77. Ok Dan, I did the plug, I will be expecting the pay-off later.
Name: Bob Milazzo () on Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 20:03:02
Email: rmil93312@aol
City and State: Bakerfield,Ca
Class: 1960
Message: Had a "Cougar Sighting" last week in Medford Oregon.Lisa and I were on a "Bike Road Trip" through Oregon and looked up Nick Fitzgerald Class of 1959.
Nick looks good and is doing well.Left his place and traveled down the coast the entire way home. Great trip (2000 miles)
Yes Nick I am still an "Old Biker"
Hey Bob, Glad you and Nick got together. God knows there're tons of Cougars north of the border. Thanks for sharing.....
Name: Laurie Hagberg () on Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 18:47:45
City and State: Camarillo, CA
Maiden: Jobe
Message: Stumbled on to this site as I was looking for others who disagreed with Gioia's memories of Hawthorne. I lived in Holly Glen -- went to school with Keith Jones and so many others who went to Hawthorne -- but I lived "south of the border" on 142nd street so graduated from Lawndale. Hello to all of my friends from Peter Burnett and Dana Jr. High!
Hey Laurie, Welcome aboard. I'm sure you know lots of people from our streets.
Name: Harry Jarnagan () on Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 14:19:54
City and State: Tracy, CA
Message: Just wanted to remind all of you who still reside in Southern California of the Friday, August 6th, hearing that will be conducted by the State of California Historic Resources Commission on the nomination of the Beach Boys historic landmark at 3701 W. 119th Street in Hawthorne. Although the meeting will convene at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time in Room 107 of the Ontario Convention Center (2000 Convention Center Way) in Ontario, California, I?ve been asked by the State to make a presentation about this landmark first thing after lunch that day; approximately 1:00 p.m. My presentation is in PowerPoint, and will feature selected music of the Beach Boys as well as images, maps, etc. I?d like to have any supporters of the landmark there that can make it. We expect some coverage of the presentation by the Los Angeles media. ALSO, for those of you with access to the XM satellite radio service, I will be interviewed on August 6th at about 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the Playboy Radio channel (Channel 205) about the landmark, along with Carl B. Wilson (Dennis? son) and Justyn Wilson (Carl?s son) who make up the rock group ?In Bloom.? You will be able to call in to ask questions during this interview, if you?d like. In the U.S., call 1 (877) 205-9796. Thanks again for your support, everyone. Take care. Harry Jarnagan
Thanks Harry, I'm sure you'll have a big turnout from the Cougartown folks.
Name: Larry Williams () on Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 14:17:26
City and State: Riverside,CA
Message: I had my early childhood in Lawndale and Gardena. About 1954..the year of the sea....20,000 leagues under..the lagoon creature...Sea hunt...the kingdom of the sea..and..Willie the whale with the detachable tail..
Here's what I remember from the age of 3.....willy the whale was cut in half by the propellors of a boat..there was a whale carcass on display in Redondo or Manhattan cost to get in this make shift arena, and there was this stinking, truncated whale carcass known as willie..but noteworthy is that there was a pop song playing on the radio " willie the whale with the detachable tail.....does anyone remember???
Hi Larry, Jerry Miles mentioned the same whale back on feedback page 130. I do remember seeing the whale when I was young, at a place in Manhattan, I think, where you could feed the seals and they had an aquarium there and a gift shop, but I don't remember exactly what it was called. Anyone else remember that place?
Name: sharon () on Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 18:45:35
City and State: long beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: What a handsome group of guys. As I remember the Hawthorne guys were always lookers.
Thanks Cindy for the compliment. I'm getting really excited about this picnic. It's going to be soooo much fun. Any of you guys up for a game of touch football? How about a watermelon seed spitting and eating contest? Or how about getting tied up for the three legged race? Let's travel back to yester-year and have a really old fashioned picnic. Where are the cheerleaders to cheer the teams on at the picnic. We need your support too. I know a couple of you have already signed up. Anyone got an old set of pom poms hanging around? Lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight. Hey, Jim Schroeder why don't you make that 10 hour drive and play a little football. Drag some of those Oregonites along with you. How about a North v. South game. Maybe we could get the ole coach to ref and whip you guys into shape. August 21, El Dorado Park, Long Beach. Bring your own football (BYOF).
Bring your hot dogs, ribs, kids and grandkids. This is shaping up to be an old time fun picnic in the park. Also, if anyone wants to show up early to help Sharon and her team stake out a large area for the rest, please email her. We need a few volunteers to be there about 6am. Thanks all.....
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 11:15:14 Email:
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: Had a little mini Cougar reunion myself last night as Rich Sloan HHS60, Kelly Kappen HHS57, Larry Hobson HHS57 and myself all got together for dinner at JT Schmids and an Angel game at the Big A. Lots of HHS and Hawthorne talk, good food and friends, AND the Angels won. Thanks you guys for a fun evening. Let's do it again.
Name: Lee Boswell () on Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 00:13:26
Email: skypi007@aol
City and State: rancho cucamonga , ca
Class: 1975
Message: I love this website ! growing up in hawthorne was truly special, the boy scouts (troop 297) and HHS are the best memories I have, am looking forward to to the 30 yr reunion , haven't attended any yet. I might as well start. And oh yes I'm no puss but I have a hard time keeping my eyes dry on this site. I'm going to start getting in touch with as many people as I can, If anybody out there remembers me please get in touch
Thanks Lee, Glad you've added yourself to the non-voyeurs and are going to participate. It's painless.
Name: John Field () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 23:11:09
City and State: bothell, WA
Class: 1974
Message: Hi 50?s Cougs. I have enjoyed reading about your lives and experiences in Hawthorne. Your stories are interesting in and of themselves. I however have an extra incentive to imagine what it was like back then. I was born on March 28th, 1956 at the Inglewood Bassinet hospital. My mothers name was Beverly Laythrop. I don?t know the name of my father but from what I understand, he was kind wild and spent time in and out of jail. For whatever reason, Beverly was not able to provide the life that she wanted me to have. I believe it was her love for me that gave her the courage to take me to term and give me to another couple to raise as their own. I love her for that. I can?t imagine what it was like to go through what she did. What I do know is that she was one of your peers. She liked to do the things you did. She liked the music that you did. She dressed like you did. Maybe she rode in the same car as you sometime. I hope that she had some friends such as I have seen on this site to help her through her pain. That?s how I imagine her life.
It?s not inconceivable that one or more of you knew her or knew about her. I believe that she was a Mormon because my adoption was handled through them. I am told that she lived in the area for a few years and occasionally came by to play with me. At some point it was decided it was time to stop. I don?t have any memories of the situation except I remember a period of time when there was a lot of crying and conflict that indirectly involved me. All I remember is the feeling. This would have been about 1958. I grew up on 5005 W 130th St. between Ocean Gate and Shoup.
If any of you knew her and she is still alive, please thank her for me. Let her know that I am happy with the way I was raised and the way my life has turned out. I would give anything to look into her eyes and tell her that I love her. She did the right thing.
Thanks, John Field
Name: Betsy () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 22:56:38
City and State: Scottsdale, AZ
Maiden: Watts
Class: 1976
Message: Ricki Farrell - Go south of Tucson to Sonoita, wine country, cool, green, Santa Rita Mountains, quiet ranches,. Tucson is cool, U of A, but already toooo crowded. Check out Bisbee, Copper Queen Hotel, art district, St. David, and all points in between. Sublime...
Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 22:47:16
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Gees Sharon, I thought you were doing a flier not an entire program. That is really cool, you are a pretty sharp cookie. Everyone needs to see this, we really have some talent here in CTown, starting with the King.
I thought the flyer was pretty cool too. Sharon, you are a real talent and thanks once again for everything. This picnic is going to be lots of fun.
Name: sharon () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 18:17:59
City and State: long beaqch
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Wow, what great music memories. This site is so wonderful with everyone connecting and sharing their memories. Speaking of memories. Let's not forget the great 1st Annual Cougar picnic at El Dorado Park in Long Beach. Please e-mail me if you plan on attending. I need to have some idea of a head count. I have over 60 responses. I need to know how many people will be with you also. I think I have the bugs worked out on the flyer. I've e-mailed John to see if it's working. Let's hope so. Come on Cougs lets get together an create some more great memories and talk about old times. Walter Holt is bringing the tunes. If you have requests, contact Walter. Thanks. Let's make this a really big event. Bring your friends and neighbors too!
Sounds like this is going to be a fun fun day in the park. Everyone please make your plans for Saturday August 21st. I know I'll be there with my party hat on. Name: Carolyn () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 16:30:07
City and State: Ann Arbor, MI
Maiden: Gamradt
Class: 1962
Message: YES!! I remember Donkins vividly - my second husband and I met there the day after Christmas 1974, and we will be celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary in August! Never thought I'd meet such a great guy in a bar but he's the love of my life and my best friend. We stopped by Donkins several years after we were married and it was owned by Tommy Lasorda, you know, that guy involved with the Dodgers. I believe it was called Tommy's. It had a completely different atmosphere from when it was Donkins. We were disappointed at the time to find out that Donkin's was no more. We use to go sailing and pull the boat right up to the dock by Donkins. Lotta memories and good times had there! John, the new pictures of HHS are great! Thanks for sharing your visit with all of us. Wishing you all a good weekend.
Thanks Carolyn, and here's hoping you and your beau have at least 29 more years together.
Name: Jim Schroeder () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 15:56:59
City and State: Oregon
Class: 1966
Message: Hats off to J Rout and El Rojo for their input. I downloaded Charlena from WinMX -it does have a certain mystic, so do-wopish - but yesterday when I just searched for "Charlena" a song by Hank Ballard came up. I didn't have time to see (or hear) if its the same song. Anyone with a clue (and a faster computer)? (Again, yearning for answers) So much good music -- so little time. Did download "River Deep -- Mountain High" by Ike and Tina and "Shout" by the Isley Brothers. Gonna lay them on fellow Cougs this weekend when I journey to the Port of Coos Bay to bacchanal with Terry Mazzotta (65) and Steve Stevenson (66). May play them some Outcast too. "I Like The Way You Move" is wonderfully Motownlike. No Perry Como or Abba! Enjoyed Mr. Fields musical cunundrum. In the immortal words of the alma mater; "let friendships begun, stay true to the end" -- or something like that. Optimidgets Rule!
Dear "Yearning", I think you better re-search. Hank Ballard doing Charlena would by like the Isley Bros. doing Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. but OPTIMIDGETS DO RULE!!!!
Name: doris () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 14:08:56
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
Message: Thank you John and John, and a special thanks to Danny Litton who emailed me. I haven't the foggiest if the Donkins in OR is related to the Donkins of old, but thanks John B. And John C ... really relate to that feeling of nice, quiet and cozy lounges in my "senior" years (aaarrrgh! hate that word) and I was totally unaware of the other places ... shows to go ya how much I did NOT get around. LOL! Anyway, thanks.
You are welcome, Big D.
Name: John Crotty () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 12:49:13
City and State: Hermosa Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Yes, Doris. I remember Donkin's. It was actually named Donkin's Inn. All the Marina's nightclubs drew crowds. The Lobster House, Charlie Brown's, The Warehouse, Bahama Mama's, The Red Dragon, The Attic (fittingly right above the basement), Big Daddy's, and later, the Red Onion. Geez, I did party huge, didn't I. Today, you couldn't get me in one of those places. Give me a quiet, quaint, intimate little neighborhood lounge and I'm happy. Old age has it's rewards!!!
Name: doris () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 12:03:58
Email: same
City and State: same
Maiden: princess
Message: I want to thank everyone for the OVERWHELMING response to my last post on Feedback. There must be no one who remembers DONKINS in Marina Del Rey or these 70's kids have scared all us old relics away for the time-being. Do NOT be afraid 50's and early 60's. Speak right up now and tell me: Does ANYBODY remember DONKINS in the Marina and is it still there? I WANNA KNOW! LOL!
Hey Doris, I never heard of it, but only went to that area a very few times. Anyone else remember Donkins in the Marina area?
I just did a search and there's a Donkins Pub in OR. Is that it? Name: John Field () on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 01:26:46
City and State: bothell, WA
Class: 1974
Message: Dewieeeeeeeeee! Glad to hear that was the 10 year but that?s selfish isn?t it! I had my ten year on the wall in my office a couple years ago but I couldn?t take it. I would get these comments like: what a beautiful couple, who?s that??? I?d proudly say that?s me and Kayce, my wife. NO WAY, THAT?S YOU??? What happ??. Then they stop when they see the hurt in my face (fake). Kayce still looks the same but I?ve changed a bit.
Dave Krikac- Too cool- can you think of anything else you?d rather be doing? Proof that America works everybody. Thanks Dave- you are an inspiration.
So, No takers yet. OK You and your significant other get a tall one for 4 correct answers. Now if anybody from another class gets it I?ll send a gift cert for 2 tall ones at Outback. I really want to hear from Mike though.
Just spent a great evening with Dave & some friends. The occasion was Kerry?s acceptance speech. This is a great country isn?t it? We had some lively discussions. To me that is one of the biggest casualties of politics these days. Nobody can discuss any more. How can we have a thriving republic without free, open and HONEST debate. If this election divides us we all loose.
Konniewithakay Are we talking Nancy Sinatra boots? As in laugh-in? Great web address in the email spot. It can?t be found. Wonder if somebody owns it.
C ya
John, If you want Mike to answer your question just email him. Email is the best way to chat with all these people. Maybe we DO need a chat room.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 23:52:39
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Hawthorne CA
Class: 1977
Message: Carolyn good to see you here (sorry I missed you at Northridge Park a few months back). Speaking of aviation -- I am an aviation lawyer -- although the closest I got to that stuff when I was a kid was riding my bike to LAX to check pay phones for change left behind by huried travelers. (My sister's wedding reception was at the Proud Bird in 1972 and I did listen to ATC on the headsets upstairs)
Name: Dave () on Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 23:43:17
City and State: Franklin, TN
Maiden: Bozo
Class: 1976
Message: Hey Cougs....Hope all is well. Carolyn Daves-You havn't changed a bit. Glad you are here.
Hey, I hear they are running a Aspercreme Commercial I am in there in California-Look for it, Sandy is finally over it now-being in bed with a strange woman and all....with only my PJ bottoms........
Check out we are making a huge impact with the disabled in our small town. Someone give me an excuse to come out there and start a Thrift Store in Hawthorne :)
Bless you all....Hey Liz, Kelley, Gloria, Sharon,Valerie, etc etc.
Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 20:35:05
City and State: Kuna, ID
Maiden: Jacobsen
Class: 1960
Message: Jim Schroeder, the big deal here about Charlena is that it spawned a party at a party. We were at JB's a couple of years ago and JB was showing me how to download from Napster and asked me what good old song's I could remember. Charlena came to mind. I was in the service, it was about 61 or 62, stationed in Shreveport LA and one night I was laying on my bunk playing with a TRANSISTOR radio and got tuned into a radio station called WLS out of Chicago at about 2:00am. This song came on and I was totally stoked. I never heard it again more than 3 or 4 times after that, so JB started downloading it and turned up the vvvvv's and the Party really started. The rest is history. Bitchin PARTY! The name of the group Jim, is The Sevilles. Now you know the rest of the story. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake n Jude.
Name: John Rout () on Thursday, July 29, 2004 at 19:33:54
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Was catching up on feedback and noticed that yesterday someone asked who did >CHARLENA. I thought you or El Rojo might have given the answer. You know me, can't pass up doo wop. It was The Sevilles and was released in 1960. "Go Charlena, big brown eyes, long brown hair, Charlena don't you know I care!" Hey John, how the heck are ya'? Yes it WAS the Sevilles and what a great "early single car garage" sound they had too.