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Here's a good one from the 60's....Enjoy > The Olympics
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 02:40:09
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: John, don't worry about the 'seizure world' comment a few msgs back. We've all heard it called that too! My husband's aunt & uncle live there (John & Liz Matthies -- just on the off chance your mom knows them.. Hey! You never know! It could happen! Has anyone ever seen the Surfing Santa in Hermosa Beach? That's my husband's uncle ... Uncle John's brother. Does anyone care? I didn't think so). And I'm sorry you can't stand apricot jam cause I sure miss it living way up here where they cost way too much in the grocery store. Guess I didn't get enough of it growing up -- had to wait until I got married and lived in Gardena with a tree in the yard. I sure thought I had California out of my system but this page brings back all the GOOD memories of living there. Hey Clark Milman, I still have a picture of us doing a puppet show in the 6th grade! Remember that? I think you worked with my husband at Boy's Market on Hawthorne Blvd. He was a checker when you were a box boy. Kristin Kovach and I worked in the donut shop (remember California Donuts?). I think Kelly Dunn worked there too (box girl). And where IS Paula Lutz? She was my very first friend when I started the 4th grade at York School and it was a big deal since we had just moved up from San Diego so it was a new city AND new school! You know, now that I work in the water dept (local utility company), I'm really starting to understand what makes HHS grads unique ... they REALLY DID PUT SOMETHING IN THE WATER!! But under union contract rules, I'm not allowed to divulge that particular industry secret. Don't worry though, strange and defiant behavior is about the worst we can all expect and it looks as though we've learned to handle that quite well. Especially now that we have this secret little corner of the world to let it all out! Our neighbors will sleep better at night knowing that! (Uhhh, by all of us I mean MOST ... those V girls ... well, looks like they still have a few fetishes... I mean issues, to work out).
Cindy, Thanks for the comments. I will ask mom if she knows John and Liz.....big place Leisure World, but you never know. I'm thinking I've been in Boys Market a few thousand times in my life. We all must've tripped over one another at least a couple of times.
Yes, even Dr. Spock would've re-written a few rules for the Valencia clan. You know, like ......It's OK to spank "Numb Butt" and V6 about once a week!!
Thanks Cindy
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 01:20:08
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Laura, I was one of the few who went to sixth grade camp and then went back as a counselor my senior year. What a blast. I still have a small scar on my forehead from getting hit with a snowball that someone put a rock in!
Roni - Hi! I don't know if I ever told you that you were responsible :) for the first and only time I ever got spanked by my parents. I was riding my bike down at the corner of 116th and Menlo when you came by (I think we were 7 or 8 then). Anyway, I dropped my bike and went off to play at your house. Needless to say when my parents found my bike lying in the street with me no where around they got a little panicked and sent all 4 of my brothers out in search. I finally showed up at home several hours later to some very angry (and worried) people!! Hey, when you live with four brothers, having a house full of girls down the block was heaven. I remember a Halloween party you had where every one was blind-folded and were told a story while sticking their hands in gooey stuff like olives and spaghetti noodles!
By the way, thanks for singing at my wedding. Steve and I are working on 22 years.
Name: annette cobb () on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 00:36:25
E-Mail: alcanet@earthlink.net
Maiden: cessor
Class: "80"
Message: looking for St. Joseph's alumni, any one who graduated 8th grade in 1976.
May have had Mrs. Fox - 1st grade
Sister Ann - 2nd grade
Sister Claudia
please contact me...
Name: Patti Barry () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 23:49:12
E-Mail: barry4pack@aol.com
Maiden: treckman
Class: 79
Message: Mandy, Mandy, MANDY! You always were the most wild out of us all! I had another HHS memory, and it was before I even attended there. Danny Fix put on The Wizard of Oz, and T2 played Dorothy, and T3, T5 and I played munchkins. I must have been in 7th grade, cuz I think Peggy was a freshman. Anyway, it always cracked me up that Peggy was a munchkin at 5'10". My dog Dixie played ToTo, and she did a wonderful job because she always barked at the witch (Sue Haggerty, I believe) when she said, " and your little dog, too!". I believe Faline Klein (is that how you spell it?) was the choreographer (is that right Roni?). She came up with the idea of painting black gloves with flourescent 'eyes', and making them blink by closing your hand (this was during the haunted forest scene). ANYWAY - I thought that was too cool. Simple things for simple people, I guess! You out there, T3 and T1?
Name: ERNIE NIXON () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 23:14:42
Class: 63
Message: John , did you receive the final copy of the 63 Cougar with the bequeaths and predictions. I mailed them thru the postal service if not I can mail them again. Thanks
Ernie, Yes I received your Cougar and it got lost in the shuffle. I am sorry and will get it scanned soon, I promise. Sorry about that. I receive lots of things from different sources and if I haven't gotten your particular thing on the site, please remind me.
Name: Laura Geele Wang () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 22:39:14
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Anyone else remember The Naked Man from throughout the 70s? He ran around town and popped up in odd places (you'll excuse the phrasing). The police searched and searched for him, but never found him.
One morning I was walking down Broadway to school (BDL-before driver's license) with a friend. As we passed an empty lot (remember when there were empty lots in Hawthorne? are there any now, except for the buildings they tore down at the mall, which my mother reports may be torn down itself -- hurray!), a man stood up from behind a shrub and waved at us. So we smiled and waved back.
Two houses later Denise said, "Oh my God, that was The Naked Man! We have to find the police." And we began laughing (also remember these were more innocent times and we were perhaps 14 or 15). But there wasn't a phone near us and we hesitated to knock on anyone's door.
But here came a police cruiser headed east on B'way toward us, so we dashed out into the street, still laughing hysterically of course, and waved our arms in huge circles to flag them down.
Since this was still more innocent times, the police smiled and waved back and continued on down the street. The never did catch him (probably was the Green Phantom :-).
When I was very small, we lived in the apartments behind Taco Tio, across from the Plaza Theatre. My babysitter would take us to have beans and cheese at Taco Tio, then let us run through the "garden" at the Plaza, which was rat infested. When we were all older, we thought it was really cool to hide in that garden and try to pry open the doors of the theater.
And how many of you went to sixth grade stay-away camp for a week in the winter (where a lot of us saw our first snowfall) and then came back six years later to be a counselor to more sixth graders?
Hey John, this is fun :-). I'm almost through the backlog of feedback pages (only about 25 more to go), so pardon me if I've repeated anything here. I recognize a lot of names, so anyone who sees this better send money fast before I start remembering more . . . .
Hi Laura, Great story. Another "Eastside Kid" folks. Glad you're having a good time, and keep those stories comin' girl.
Name: David Barboza () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 22:08:40
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Hey John: Ever try Chuck's in Belmont Shore over by the Olympic Pool? Trash Can Burritto. Only open till I think 3:00pm. Early morning Sat. hard to get a seat. Worth waiting for. Anyone remember Mike McClain. His green monster and flat black painted eggs on Halloween!!
David, No I haven't, but I will now. Thanks for the tip. It's on the way to my mom's, who lives in Seizure World in Seal Beach. Now don't send me email over that comment folks. My daughter made that one up, and mom thinks it's funny too.
Name: Mandy Martes () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 20:53:35
E-Mail: mandymart@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 81
Message: Ok, Roni, I'm posting. I popped over to CT to discover that the last time I checked in we were on page 54....now it's almost to 70!!! I have a lot of catching up to do. It won't happen soon, because I am doing some student teaching in third grade. I will be teaching second grade in September. One thing I have learned....teachers are underpaid!!! I had no idea how much work it is, in and out of the classroom! I FALL into bed at night, when I ever get there. It's great, though.
FYI... All El Torasco's are not created equal. I, too, have great memories of Torasco's. We would always go there after being at the beach all day. I remember the sandy, scorched feeling of my skin, not to mention my brain. Could have been the Henry Weinhardt's.....tsk, tsk....
We live in San Pedro, and found a Torasco's three blocks from our place! It fell flat on its face. Not the same. Oh, well! Maybe I need some Henry's first, but the brewery changed hands since we used to drink it, and it's not the same stuff.
Hi, Bill Snyder. You won't believe this, but, yes, I have once again lost Linda's phone number. I put it in my folder and my husband deleted my whole folder! He has gotten into trading Pokemon cards online. Get over that--he's 42. One of my four boys...42,9,8 and 6. Maybe you wouldn't mind emailing it to me yet again?!? (So solly)
See y'all..... MAYBE before June 18, maybe not. Whew! Mandy or I guess it would be T5
Name: Dewey Storie () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 20:42:49
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: Gee John I wish I knew you were going to be there for lunch, I could have met you there. I was at Raytheon doing a job
Dewey, Yeah, but I didn't even know which one I was going to. I'll let you all know next time and we'll "Cougarize" the place.
Name: pauline matthew () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 17:57:26
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 69
Message: does any one know where susie essner is, class of 1969.
Hi Pauline, Is Jim Essner her older bro? I will ask him the next time I'm in the barber chair.
Name: John Baker() on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 17:35:08
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Just got back from El Segundo and El Tarasco on Grand. The place was packed and I was there at 1:30. I ordered the Super Deluxe (around 5 bucks). Very very good. It's a meal and a half. A Monster Burrito!! I will go back, only I looked on the card and there's one right here in Lomita. Thanks to Tony Frink for mentioning it. I always like to try out the Mexican restaurants. They ARE my favorite.
Name: Ted Gioia () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 16:06:38
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Whoooa, now that Joe Mailander is posting Feedback, I will need to enter the Witness Protection Program myself.
Name: Joseph Mailander () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 13:55:51
E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Message: Well, I have been reading all about my alleged activities as a young man, and even about my alleged whereabouts. John, you are correct, I lived at the Birch address in the 60's next to Susie Ciampa. Now, did I ever throw darts at a picture of Susie? Never! Well, not without reason...
Did I put ketchup behind a photograph of Susie? That must have been resin from the apricot tree dripping down. (It was the apricot tree, not the peach). I have an apricot tree now and it reminds me of that enormous one on Birch we had in our backyard, and we are just about at the time of year when the apricots bloom. But Susie was quite a babe to be living next door to, I would have never thrown darts at her without succumbing to peer pressure, the most destructive element of adolescent life.
(Yes, I also lived on 129th Street near Chris Prewitt and was also the next door neighbor of Adrian Reynolds, but that earlier in the 60's. My parents used to move quite a bit in my early life. Only now do I realize that it was all part of the witness protection program. Was Adrian a good influence, with his Eton togs and alternately shy and courageous conversation and his fervent admiration of literature? Well, because of Adrian I memorized The Raven in first grade. From The Raven in first grade to tossing darts at pictures of women in fourth grade is an easy step. And I also got introduced to Dobie Gillis at a critical time, thereby saving me from years and years of responsible living.
Now, as for the Gioia files, and the FBI cuffing me in their Patty Hearst search--first off, that was on Acacia, in the apartment we were in in my high school years, not on Birch. And adding to the hysteria was the fact that this took place on April Fools Day 1975, so initial reports were not believed without confirming with my mother. But indeed, I was called home from school, taken into a car (but not beaten badly at all--well done, lads), and still it was my mother who bore the most indignity at the hands of the Feds, for she was having tea with two aunts of mine when the G-Men came busting into the place. The aunts were quite startled.
Gioia himself has quite a history, and much of it is in print or on cd. You often see him both anthologized in record stores and featured in bookstores. And his books have been published through the prestigious Oxford University Press, which is really meaningful if you are looking for a press that distributes in Dar-Es-Salaam. It is true that I was his best man (one perfect and somehow not humid August day about eight years ago in New York City) and I believe I even had a hand in the path through which he met his lovely wife.
If anyone sees Gioia, please remind him that he owes me Gogol Mogols for life, and it's been a long time since I've had one.
Oh, and let's not forget the girl in Ted's room at the San Francisco Hilton when we went up there for a journalism conference. What a surprise. I was shocked, shocked, I tell you, to discover her that morning.
Thanks Joe, I've been worrying about that Peach tree for days. My grandmother must've canned about a ten thousand jars of peach and apricot preserves from those 2 trees. That has a lot to do with why I can't STAND the stuff today.
Name: Howard Duran () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 13:33:57
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Great page! Just got back from Cabo, I think I found "Crazy Craig(Caldwell)". He has a group of "Grimmies" selling "Chickletts" in front of the "Rio Bar and Grill"! By the way, "Bobby Bausman, Gary Persinger, Rikki Pritchard and my brother in-law Daniel Morrow" have all passed on.....
Howard, You haven't changed one bit....well maybe ONE bit, but not much more than that. Great picture man, and thanks for sharing it with everyone. Sorry to hear about the early 60's group above. Thanks again Howard
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 12:59:15
E-Mail: yup
Class: 60
Message: All youse guys need not worry about my "butt fetish". I outgrew it as soon as....Ha ha..we have a confession!...But, (no pun) she has the sheer honesty to finally fess up and for that you gotta love V1:o) And JB ,all those years we slaved on Saturdays nights preparing communion, polishing the candle holders and helping older ladies (I helped one that was almost 30 once) cross Hawthorne Blvd to safety from those speeding party animals.... you never corrected me as I sang "bringing in the SHEEP"..No wonder I was removed from the choir...Also I noticed a slight conflict of stories in the last couple days...Larry doesnt want to admit being at the Colony Club with the guys as that could have put the then Miss Morelli at one of those beer can pyramid partys by herself or....???..Get your stories straight Cuipers before the tassles really get knotted...And yes I strayed a time or two ...But before a word of those TJ/upholstery/Juicy Lucy tales are typed into cyberspace, I must give fair time to Franz Russell, Tom Barnett and the rest of the gang to ice me....Later Cougs (I hope)..;o)
I thought that song was about doing the laundry....you know, "Bringing in the Sheets". Franz R and Tom B, now there's a couple of Saturday night party guys!! Thanks Robin
Name: Ted Gioia () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 12:45:52
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: John, you deserve the key to the city of Hawthorne. I knew that this web site would connect me to old classmates, but I was happy to see it also gives me news of my cousin Tom Gioia ('55) who I haven't seen in about ten years. Tom, welcome to Cougartown.
Ted, I just knew you two were related somehow. It's a small Cougar world. I love it!!
Name: Roni Kobel () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 11:35:55
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Well!!! FINALLY, a message from Patti (T4)! It's about time the T-girls started using up some space in Cougartown! Speaking of the Long family, last I heard, Doug was living in Hawaii (I think). Clark Millman called yesterday, and said he's read this site (let's hear from you, Clark!). Also last week heard from Debbie (Weber) Rudolph, who's coming to visit me after 20 YEARS!!!! Thanks to this site (indirectly), I also got reconnected with Coach Judy Friedman, who has been a marriage and family counselor for the last 16 years! Does anyone know what has become of Paula Lutz (class of 76)???? Come on T-girls, write in!
Hi Roni, Glad to hear that Cougartown is responsible for you re-contacting friends and teachers. I love those stories. Yeah, c'mon T-girls!!!! That's what we're here for.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 05:56:52
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: dignity
Class: 1974
Message: Glacier Glute? Chilly Cheeks? Iceberg Buns? And you wonder why I haven't written in?!! And Gloria I believe the correct rendition is "Ricki is a BUT"
Well if it isn't "Freezer Fanny".
Name: Susan Walling () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 01:35:47
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: You are right about Joe Mailander living in your grandparents old house, John. I vividly remember the day I gave Joe (who I had a huge crush on, by the way) my school picture. That afternoon while I was spying on him through the knot holes in the wood fence between our grandparents houses, I saw Joe and a neighbor boy named Steve throwing darts at the tree. It didn't take long for me to realize that they had hung my picture on that tree and put a package of ketchup behind it! I may have been young, but I got him back for it... I went right over and told his mommy and he got in BIG trouble! I don't think he talked to me for about 10 years after that. Ted, tell Joe I still laugh about it to this day.
By the way, all you El Tarasco lovers... there are two El Tarasco's in El Segundo also. One is on Main Street and the other is on Grand Avenue. The Beach Hut is still there and we have breakfast there on occasion. It's great if you don't mind the wait... and eating breakfast with a bunch of guys that smell like last nights beer fest!
Susan, They weren't throwing darts at the Peach tree were they??!! Someone get me Joe's Mommy's phone number!!
Name: Ricki the Butt () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 01:24:55
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: V1
Class: '61
Message: All youse guys need not worry about my "butt fetish". I outgrew it as soon as I left V5 and V6 to V2, V3 and V4. Although I must admit that Tom Selleck's "B" did catch my eye. Now I'm old, married, and conservative. Do you all buy that?
Ricki, You might be married and conservative, however you're not OLD!!
Name: Patti Barry () on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 00:16:51
E-Mail: barry4pack@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 79
Message: I've been reading this site for a long time now without adding any comments. It really is fun to remember high school days. Hi Roni and Peggy and Mandy and Beth! Treckmans Rule! Anyhow, I was remembering my one and only double date - I was with Kip Long and my now husband Ken was with Hilda Romero (we went to Knotts). Funny how things work out! Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the Long family these days? Craig Long and I had such fun goofing off as 'ta's' in Mr. Grahamer's german class. I also goofed off as a 'ta' in Mrs. Mark's English Lit class, with Ellen Bulder (now Lawrence - hi Ellen). Remembering high school days is also kind of SCARY since my oldest daughter is almost there - will be in 8th next year. Anyway, before my narrative gets as long as K.J.'s (I remember you, Keith), I just wanted to say hey to all you '79ers.
Thanks Patti for adding to this forum. It means so much to your peers to read your comments. Now that you've done it, please add your stories from time to time.
Name: Bill Snyder () on Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 22:04:46
E-Mail: griggit@earthlink.com
Message: El Tarasco's. Now that place brings back some extremely blurred memories. I remember talkig to some girls in a bug with Bryce Nygaard (77) outside of the place. The girls said something like,"You idiots smell like jalapeno peppers" and attempted to drive off. The engine was making all kinds of noise but not moving. I looked to the back of the bug where Nygaard was sucking up exhaust and laughing like hell. The guy was an animal.
Hey John, just want to thank you for this incredible site.
Hey, Thanks Bill. I'm going to try this Tarasco place tomorrow.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 21:26:45
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Every word Mike wrote is true. I know this because we were still talking about it years later when I worked at the Borderline...
WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!!!! Back up the IMPLANT wagon here!!!!! Swifty, Please explain!!! Do you mean ??!!
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