Name: Marilyn Ross () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 00:57:13
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: A lot of the music listed is what my kids listened to. Lets go way way back to the 50's Rock around the clock, Bill Haley & the Comets. My Prayer by the Platters (or anything else they sang.) Sincerely by the McGuire Sisters. And can I sneak just one more in? - Sh-Boom, by the crew cuts. Now that brings back memories of a sweeter time.
4 classic 50s songs there, Marilyn, Thanks...
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 23:42:06
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Veach&Leach? Why not Leach&Veach? Your help is very welcomed. I'll e-mail you with my number. Speaking of Leach and Beach. Once when I was much younger I called K-earth radio to win a prize. I won a Beatles biography book. Anyway, when Rick Dees answered the phone and I said I was Sharon Leach from Long Beach. He started laughing and said Sharon Leach from Long Beach? It was funny at the time. I guess you had to be there.
We now have four Cougs helping with the Picnic. Mr. Holt, Mr. Veach, and Ms. Smith, and myself. Is that formal enough for you John? lol I'm one of the earlier Cougs who spoke to their teachers respectfully, mostly out of fear of my father killing me if I wasn't respectful. Oh, the good ole days!
That's great Sharon, let me know what's what as you 4 plan so it can be added here, and thank you for all you're doing.
Name: Lisa () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 23:25:36
City and State: Ramona, CA
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1967
Message: My husband, Carl was just talking about the Dodgers World Series in 1959, and now it is posted on Cougartown. Carl was telling someone he had attend a game of that series. He even has his ticket stub, oh, the things we save. He continues to be a die hard Dodger fan today. Carl graduated from Covina High and we shouldn't hold that against him since he does love a Hawthorne Girl. Pat, I haven't given up on the photo of gas station on Inglewood and Rosecrans Avenue. For anyone who knows my dad, Herb, his health is declining, and today I have increased acceptance since he is now struggling to smoke cigarettes which he has been doing for 78+ years. It does make me sad. Everyone have a great weekend. Love, Lisa
Name: Andrea () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 23:07:27
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Rossi
Class: 1982
Message: Is anyone from the early 80's attending the picnic?
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 22:45:37
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: I thought all the houses on 119th were gone for the freeway. I lived at 3723 and last time I was through that neighborhood, our old house was gone - completely! It's been a long time so I don't remember which houses on the block were still there. But apparently 3701 still is! If you get pictures of what it looks like now, I'm sure everyone would love to see them. I know I would!
Cindy, The house is gone and the 105 Freeway is there. They want to put a Historical Landmark where the house used to be.
Name: Bob Veach () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 20:47:39
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Nowigotit
Class: 1972
Message: Hey Sharon Leach, I'm not at my own computor or I would email you, but I live about 1-2 miles from El Dorado Park, just off of Studebaker. If I can be of any help, just let me know. We can be the partners known as Veach&Leach of Long Beach (man, I'm bad).
John, are you going? You always said you wouldn't get a Jackrabbit hop close to Long Beach or THAT school. Is Bud Rhodes going to smuggle you in the back way through Seal Beach? I should warn you, there will be some Poly football players waiting at the border with your picture. They may not be able to pass their SAT's but they can smell a Poly hater a mile away. (all in fun Mr. Baker, hope to see you there.)
Hey Bob, I'll be there all right. You can help me dish up the Jackrabbit stew. Name: Harry Jarnagan () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 20:41:36
City and State: Tracy, CA
Message: Greetings, Cougars. I'm the person who has applied to the State of California to nominate the site of the Hawthorne childhood home of Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys at 3701 W. 119th Street as a State Historical Landmark. Thanks to Gibby for posting his message below for me. Not being a HHS grad, I didn't think I could post here, and asked him to convey a message for me. I appreciate his doing so. I wanted to clarify a point or two; first, as Gibby said, I will be at the Hawthorne City Council meeting on July 27th to make a presentation to them concerning the landmark application effort. Meeting convenes at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall. The second meeting that Gibby mentions will be that of the State Historic Resources Commission on August 6th at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario. It will call to order at 9:00 a.m., and will be the meeting at which the Commission will rule on the requested landmark status of the Wilson home. I think that our Beach Boys landmark business will be completed by noon, however. Although I was prepared to give a "blowout" presentation to the State, I was told that that wouldn't be necessary. I don't want to jinx anything here, but let's just say that I am optimistic that this landmark application will likely be approved. Thanks for posting for me, Gibby, and thanks to you Cougars for your support.
Thanks Harry, good luck, and I'm pretty sure you'll have a large collection of Cougartowners present.
Name: Kell () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 20:20:01
City and State: Englewood, Or
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: 3 songs man that's tough..I thought about it at work, most of the day..(Very slow at Cone 9). So I think "Walk away Renee" by the Left Bank.."Michelle" The Beatles and "Misty Roses" Tim Hardin..There was such good music in "THE DAY"...
About Teachers..Man Coach Bravo was a bear..I had him for spanish..If whatever sport he was coaching at that time did poorly, watch out the next day..on one such day...i got hit over the head with his spanish book..guess i should have done my lesson!!..Did anyone have Mr. Tena for Government..did anyone know what the man was even talking about!!! but then there was Mr.Featherston..what a DUDE!! Surfer to boot! Typing my Senior year couldn't have been any sweeter!!
Name: Jim Gibson () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 20:08:46
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Mr. Harry Jarnagan, who is spearheading the effort to get the Beach Boys' (Brian, Dennis, & Carl Wilson) childhood home (formerly @ 3701 W. 119th in Hawthorne) recognized as a state historical landmark, is scheduled to make two, separate, presentations concerning the nomination. The 1st will be @ the City of Hawthorne City Council meeting on July 27th, @ 6PM. Mr. Jarnagan will offer the council members a preview of his presentation to the State of California Historical Resources Commission, scheduled for August 6th, 12 noon, in Ontario, CA. Harry has asked that current, &/or former, HHS students attend either, or both, meetings, to show their support. He underscored the fact that attendance @ the state (Ontario) meeting is especially critical. Verbal statements of support will be welcome. Why not take some time to honor the "Wilson boys" & their music & help Harry's effort? In fact, a caravan of HHSers would be awesome! If Mr. Jarnagan is willing to travel from Tracy, CA., to make the two presentations, it shouldn't be too much to ask Hawthorne Beach Boys fans/supporters to travel from South Bay cities. Questions? Contact Harry Jarnagan at
Sounds like a good cause, Jim. I can make the Hawthorne meeting but I've got grandson duty on the other. I'm sure there'll be lots of HHS Beach Boy fans willing to help out the cause. Thanks for the info.....
Name: Schroeder () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 18:50:45
City and State: Central Point, Oregon
Class: 1966
Message: Ah yes, now I remember seeing you at that game back in '59. Weren't you the guy with mustard all over his shirt? Sure you sat in the luxury box with a seven dollar ticket. The best thing was getting out of school to attend a ballgame! Our 4 dollar seats were so high up I was attacked by a Condor when I got a tub-o-corn. By the time we had hiked up to our seats the game was half over. -- A game, by the way, that was won by the Dodgers (5-4) when Gil Hodges hit a homer in the eight after the Sox had tied it up with a 4 run seventh on the strength of Sherm Lollar's 2-run homer. Some great baseball names we saw that sunny afternoon -- Early Wynn, Turk Lown, Billy Pierce -- all pitched for the Sox that day. They also had Nellie Fox and Luis Aparicio - up the middle and the man with hams for biceps, Ted Kluszewski at first. Roger Craig and Larry Sherry pitched for the Dodgers. My favorite Dodgers, Joe Pignatano and Rip Repulski, did not play much to my displeasure. (I liked guys who had cool names). I can remember that game (sort of), but I can't find the remote. Whats up with that.
Eat your heart out, Jim, as I found my World Series Game 5 stub too. We lost that one 1-0 and the not so mighty in 1959, Sandy Koufax lost it. No wonder I did lousy my Sophomore year, my dad kept taking me out of school to go to Dodger Games. Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 18:47:08
City and State: Claremont, CA
Class: 1965
Message: My living trust says that "Fun, Fun, Fun!" and "California Girls" will be played at my funeral. Guess that kind of sums up my philosophy. Hope everybody sings along. And if they threw in something by >Dylan, well that would be cool.
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 18:10:02
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: John, my finger slipped on the keys and I sent the first mail incomplete. My 3 HHS Memories Songs are-IT'S MY PARTY, WILL YOU LOVE ME TOMORROW?, AND WANDERER.
Good ones Adrianne
Name: Mike Shay () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 16:08:33
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Wanna Dance??
Class: 1961
Message: If I can only mention three favorite songs I'd say, for slow dancing it had to be a tie between "Maybe" by The Chantels (I think) , and "In the still of the night" by the Five Satins. For fast dancing, just pick anything by Little Richard!
Keep Cool; M.S.
I'm wondering what El Rojos music picks would be.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 15:54:39
City and State: W. Covina
Class: 1962
Message: OK! here are the songs that remind me of HHS; The Lion Sleeps tonight, Let Me In, and 26 miles across the sea. For Jerry Simpson and I, Wooly Bully would be our favorite car crashing song.
Hey, a summer Picnic sounds great! Who is cooking the hot dogs John?????
Hey Donald, We don't know yet. We'll wait until Sharon and Walter get the details ironed out.
Name: Frank Romano () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 15:21:03
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Class: 1961
Message: To Paco, and anyone else looking for a place to have retirement funds nested. The first thought is NOT on the hard eight... The second would be to speak to your CPA, or a trusted Insurance estate planner. There are a great number of programs, and as with everything else, its a risk //reward system. Depending on your position, you may also find that real estate may be a short term investment. One last item... think any investment through very carefully, and always do your home work, and avoid all your eggs being placed into one basket. Too many folks are still attempting to figure out how much it cost them to own various 401 K's that failed. We've all heard and know others in that lash up.
Thinking about those stories, almost makes the hard eight look okay.
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 14:25:45
City and State: Costa Mesa, Ca
Class: 1966
Message: Sure Ya can Bud...John's got it, Picnic in the day cruise at night. C'mon Cougs lets make this a great summer bash...I'm Bringin my tunes collection...Anyone up for a 3 legged race etc.??? See ya in the water, been having some fun days lately mostly at Bolsa or the north end of the Cliffs...Dawn Patrol Forever...
Name: Charlie Fox () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 13:41:56
City and State: RPV CA
Class: 1969
Message: Favorite three songs: Piece of my Heart (Big Brother w/Janice), On the Road Again (Canned Heat), and my most enduring favorite, Eric Clapton's live version of Crossroads (Cream)
Thanks CF....
Name: Jan Bazylak () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 13:18:29
City and State: Wrightwood ;Ca.
Maiden: Yocum
Class: 1968
Message: when is our next get together
Cougartown picnic is the next one
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 13:08:10
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: Geez Walter, that means none of us Cougs from 74 can make the picnic, See ya in the water. Bud
Sure you can. Just come early....
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 11:51:11
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Okay, I haven't seen any music posts about any songs from Johnny Mathis, the "Make-out King of Music" such as "It's Not For Me To Say," "Chances Are, "Gina," and "Wonderful! Wonderful." Just dim the lights and turn on Johnny Mathis and a lady was putty in your hands guys.
Now see, that could have been my problem. I was always playing "Surfer Stomp".
Name: Jerry Simpson () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 08:11:45
City and State: Santa Clarita CA.
Class: 1962
Thanks Jerry....
Name: Paco () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 03:37:08
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: After 41 years at SBC I will be retiring soon..Does anyone have any hints on "rollovers, lump sums, annuities etc"? I don't know many retirees. Any help please email me!
Please email Paco with your help. Thanks Cougs....
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 01:04:13
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: That was sweet Howard. My dads' I Was The One is my favorite too.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 00:23:09
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I always thought that Mr. Nelson, the most handsome man I ever saw, was in Blackboard Jungle. Every time I hear the Theme From a Summer Place, it takes me back to the summer between 7th. and 8th. grade. At this moment I can't think of any others, all of the 60's stuff takes me back. I have one memory that sticks in my mind, one day Martha Amour and I were sitting on one of the planters in front of the band room, along comes Miss Selz, she got the heel of her shoe caught in one of the expansion joints in the sidewalk and hit the deck, she sprawled out on the ground, Martha and I just about wet ourselves laughing, she never liked us and liked us even less after that, she was kind of a mean spirited woman and we took great pleasure in all of this. (sorry)
That is one woman who I don't recall anyone having a kind word towards.
Name: lyman moss () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 23:07:50
City and State: lake stevens, wa.
Class: 1959
Message: John you are awesome, I wished I would have kept my ticket. We were given candles to light in the row we were in, someone passed them out. I remember that Dan Nelson was in a few movies, I think that one of the movies was "The desert Fox" the other one was with John Wayne in a movie about submarines. I also heard that it is because of him is why we had the lunch time movies because he had connections in Hollywood.
By the way this post has a new address, Lake Stevens instead of Everett, no I haven't moved but the Morons up here voted to change our address.
Later Cougs.
I don't know which movies he was in or what his stage name was. I've checked the name, Dan Nelson and can find much. I always heard he was in a few Untouchable TV thingys but again, no proof.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 21:12:51
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: I think, no..make that I KNOW, MR. Nelson was all bark and no bite. Although he's no relation, I did become close friends with his Son, Brad, who went to Costa. At our Prom in PV I took a girl from Aviation, whose best friend (also from Aviation) was dating Brad. We thought, just for the heck of it, we'd take them along for OUR prom. (Now it was my understanding that at least one person in the couple had to go to Hawthorne in order to go to the prom.) I had my folks Lincoln, and actually picked Brad up at his house, being careful not to let Mr. Nelson see me. After we picked up the girls, split a bottle of Champagne, we were off to P.V.
After we parked we started walking to the ballroom at the Country Club, when we saw good ol' Mr. Nelson standing at the door, checking out the people going in. We started to back off, but then just said "Fudge It" (or something to that effect.) and walked in. I said "Hi Mr. Nelson", as I walked by, and he said "Hi, Alan". Brad said "Hi, Mr. Nelson" as HE walked in, and Mr. Nelson said "Hi, Brad", without blinking an eye. We couldn't believe we got away with it, and Mr. Nelson never said anything about it to me at school.
Years later I was over at their house, and we brought it up to him, and he just looked at us with a twinkle in his eye, and said he knew what was going on, but didn't want to ruin our night.
THAT's how I remember Mr. Dan Nelson.
Great story and great guy too. Thanks Alan....
Name: lyman moss () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 20:49:54
City and State: everett, wa.
Class: 1959
Message: Hey John B. I don't have my Campanella night ticket stubs either but I was there, it was something when they turned out all the lights in the Coliseum and every body lit a candle, there must have 100,000 people there. I like "just to be with you", "theres a moon out tonight" and many many more.
later cougars.
Hi Lyman, I found mine. There were 93,103 there that night. That's another number that sticks in my head. Also, those were matches and lighters. I can't imagine them lighting the Coliseum up like that today. No one smokes anymore.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 20:01:55
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: Favorite songs? How about some we got real close to? "Let there be Drums" by Sandy Nelson who played at our Senior Prom, and "Calcutta" by Lawrence Welk And His Orchestra who played (under the direction of Myron Floren) at the Palladium party in '62. Third choice? "A Summer place". That song was on the top of the charts for way too long.
Hey, I remember that Prom.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 19:20:46
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: JB, what do you expect, I'm a product of the 70's you know, that new math. I guess if I had read more closely, I would have noticed that y'all were naming tree songs, not fore. :)
Actually there were 5 there. Jill don't be a song pig. Name: Paco () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 18:57:58
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: The last "It was I" was "I was the one".See ya all at the 3rd annual picnic.
OOOOOH.......that's different, never mind.
Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 18:40:26
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: Mr.Crotty, I agree...the candy counter at Aloha Drugs was an amazing place. We'd stop there alot on the walk home from HHS. Once in a while they'd have a three bars for 25 cents sale!
Name: Frank Romano () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 18:22:56
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Class: 1961
Message: JB... the Song Runaway, was on the radio one night heading home when I met this very nice PV cop...third speeding ticket that day...not a record for me but close enough for government work. Dad didn't go nuts, he reminded me that I also had to make the car payment along with the fines. As I recall, the judge was not as friendly about it. Nice sound track.
3 in one DAY!!?? Frank, you are my HERO.