Name: EL ROJO () on Saturday, July 24, 2004 at 08:54:32
City and State: kuna, id
Class: 1960
Message: John why are no one else's hair colored in their pictures? I feel a need to consult the ACLU.:-)) I love it. I only wish I had that much hair again, as I have a reverse Mohawk and Jude calls it a landing strip for flys. As you spoke of the Homecoming game...hhmmm...the wheels are turning. 5th of November eh? Could we maybe make arrangements if this becomes possible? I can feel another Charlena thing coming. We'll keep in touch. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Sounds good Jake, let me know......
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 22:36:43
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: Is that Associate Principal related to Alex Bravo, my old cross country coach and LA Rams lineman?
No relation.....
Name: Sherry () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 17:25:36
City and State: The Atomic City
Maiden: Rout
Class: 1965
Message: Thanks, John, for the pictures of the school. I was thoroughly enjoying them when suddenly it hit me....our mosaic in the cafeteria is gone. Do you know if it will be preserved? Or is it gone forever? Sniff sniff.
Hi Sherry, I don't know what happened to it. I'll ask. Does anyone know the mosaic's history?
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 16:18:25
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: Nice pictures, John! Thanks for posting them. Our Alma Mater looks great! The current "Proud Cougars" really have something to be proud of, and so do we. Have a great weekend, Cougs.
Thanks Bob, I agree completely.
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 12:31:54
City and State: Costa Mesa, Ca
Maiden: Thoseoldiesbutgoodiesremindmeofyou
Class: 1966
Message: Sure El Rojo...Now we're still listening to those same old tunes building new memories, hanging with new and old friends. Only now I seem to enjoy it even more and care less what anyone thinks if I make a fool out of myself, what fun. I still remember the first song & girl I danced slow dance in the seventh grade with at R H Dana. The song was "Oh Donna" by Ritchie Valens. I wonder how many people got pulled apart by the chaperones during that song. It seemed that was just one of those tunes you had to dance extra close to. The girl? Maybe she remembers too.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 10:27:24
City and State: Sullivan, IL
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: I joined the Bowling Club along with Lynne Johnson - still can't for the life of me figure out why. I was terrible at bowling having moved from the East Coast where we had Duck Pin bowling (smaller pins and balls that had no finger holes).... Anyway, our team won the trophy for last place. That would have been '62-'63 and we bowled at the Tropicana.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 09:58:48
Email: JimPeppers
City and State: Athens, Greece
Class: 1961
Message: Dear Cougars,
Well, finally someone from Hawthorne showed up here in Athens. It was a real pleasure to show Mike Stallings around a little bit of the city. His time was tight, but we did what we could. I hope he really liked the food at the place I took him. Mike is a very generous and knowledgable guy. It was such a treat to be able to help someone see the sights. Anyone else coming to Greece? Take care all and have a great summmer. Jim Peppers
Thanks Jim, for being the Cougartown liaison in Athens. I'm sure you'll see more Cougars this summer.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 22:08:37
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Did anyone see Mike Scott pitching at the celebrity softball game just before the All Star Game last week.
Name: EL ROJO N JUJU () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 21:16:52
City and State: Kuna, ID
Maiden: Youwereonetoo
Class: 1961
Message: Walter holt, you're right. I have just loved music since those early years. Case in point, I was in the service in 1961 and was in a department store in Louisiana, thumbing through the 45's one day when I came upon a record jacket and I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Brian, Al(Hunchy)Jardine the rest of the family. I was totally blown away. I didn't even know the Beach Boy's existed. They didn't play too many surfin tunes in Shreveport back then. :-) And of course this leads up to the fact that at any time or place each and every song can bring a good memory, or maybe not such a good one, depending on the circumstance when you hear the one when it happened! But most bring back floods of memories; of cars, partys, tender moments, thrill's and chill's. Still way too much fun. But turn on >"Charlena" and ask John B. & JB2, Harry Plotkin and Kathy, Robin and Marsha Hood, Dan and Ann Dye, Royal and Patti Lord, what one fun song can do to liven up a party. This was several years ago but it still rings in my ears. Go Charlena! And Oh What A Night. It was also after I graduated so I couldn't count it in my top "3", not as in "2" J.B.:-) We love ya Man. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude.
Hey Russ, Come on out and we'll do it one more time. Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 19:42:59
City and State: Kuna, Id
Maiden: We Are One
Class: 1960
Message: Hey Bake, that only add's up to two? You must have Gradgeated from Moaningside! Good to have you back.But, number three is Dream Lover by Bobby Darren!!! So there! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude.
Hey EL, Thanks as I was never what you call a "adder upper guy". And speaking of Morningside, our Homecoming Game this year will be November 5th against the Monarchs, so mark your calendars now for a fun night of football and fun at the Stick and Stein.
Name: Larry Biller () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 18:26:23
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: I'll be flying out of Portland and heading for L.A. area with my son tonite. Will have a Cougar siting on Friday namely my brother Kenny (HHS 70). We'll be going to a place on Friday the 23rd, called PaddyO's @ 20320 S. Western Ave. in Torrance to hear, among others, Kenny sing to the karaoke machine. John Crotty may show up and sing a few tunes as well. So if anyone can make it c'mon by after 5 pm and add to the Cougar siting thing.
Hey Larry, Sounds great. Hope lots show up.
Name: Mike Stallings () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 17:29:41
City and State: Torrance,CA.
Class: 1974
Message: John, Just wanted to say, "Thanks for the great site," for my first post. I have been a Cougartown fan reading feedback for several years now with, what I thought, nothing substantial to contribute. But I think now I do have something worth posting.
I teach architecture at El Camino and just came back from teaching an architectural history class on a traveling, six week Italy & Greece study abroad program, with 30 students. While in Athens I had a Cougar sighting, running into Jim Peppers. He was nice enough to take a night away from his family and show me all the architectural landmarks in the city. I enjoyed reminiscing with him about how Hawthorne High was in the 50's & 60's. He told me he was on the bowling team with you, which is cool because I didn't even know we had a bowling team. I used to hang out at Hawthorne Bowl all the time, it's too bad it's gone now. Anyways, thanks for a great web site and giving me something to read every day at lunch, and my dues are in the mail!
Hey Mike, Thanks for the feedback, FINALLY!!
Sounds like a dream trip, travelling to Greece and Italy to study their architecture. Also, glad you ran into Jim. Actually it wasn't a bowling team that we were involved with, but a bowling club that met once a week at Hawthorne Bowl, then later at Tropicana Lanes. Glad you like what goes on here, Mike, and hope to keep you coming back for many years. Don't be shy now, join in anytime you want and thanks too for being a Cougartown member.
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 15:16:37
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Just a friendly reminder about the Cougartown picnic on August 21. All you 1974 people will be in town and there will be plenty of time to go to the picnic as well as attend your reunion. We are going to start about 9:00 a.m. and go until about 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. If you get there around 9:00 a.m. and stay till about 12:00 or 1:00 p.m. that should still give all you lovely ladies and handsome guys time to get dolled up and get to your reunion on time. So, no excuses are acceptable for the class of '74 cause we'll know where to find you. LOL
Next I would like everyone who is planning on going, to e-mail me as I am planning on sending out an interactive flyer via e-mail with info, directions and a map. It is easier if you e-mail me, that way I can automatically put your e-mail in the mailing database for this flyer. Otherwise, I have to go to CT and lookup your e-mail copy it, put it in my database then e-mail you. Needless to say, I'm not going to go to that length to get you a flyer. So anyone who wants a flyer by next week will have to e-mail in order to get one.
We are planning on having a lot of fun activities. DON'T FORGET TO MARK AUGUST 21 IN YOUR CALENDERS/PALM PILOTS/DAYTIMERS/DAY-AT-A-GLANCE!!!
Thanks Sharon, This is going to be a fun picnic folks so make plans to be there at 9am on August 21st and be sure to email Sharon so she can get you a flyer.
Name: Susan Smith () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 09:56:46
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Nelson
Class: 1974
Message: First time visiting the site
Welcome Susan, Come on back any time.
Name: Peteard () on Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 09:16:37
City and State: Salem
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
Message: My three songs. Living, Loving, Maid - Led Zepplin; War - Edwin Starr; My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder; Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin; Listen To The Music - Doobie Brothers
Name: Fern Wettstein () on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 21:07:46
City and State: Liberal, Mo.
Maiden: Neuschafer
Class: 1957
Message: Thank you very much for the information on the Beach Boys. I bought their new C.D. of 30 songs "SOUNDS OF SUMMER", I don't know if I mentioned, but the two I saw at Tunica were Mike Love and Bruce Johnston. Bruce is the one that wrote "I Write The Songs" ---that BERRY MANILOW ALWAYS SINGS ..Thank you again . Fern Thanks Fern....
Name: Fern Neuschafer Wettstein () on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 16:37:44
City and State: Liberal Mo.
Message: I just saw the Beach Boys in Tunica Mississippi on July 16th which was my 65th Birthday... I graduated from Leuzinger High School in 1957 . Can someone verify if The Beach Boys were freshman in the year 1957? Thanks Fern Neuschafer Wettstein..I also might add since I'm 65 ha That I represented The city as Miss Hawthorne in 1958 in the Rose Parade.....Those were the days the fifties..(The Best) Hi Fern, or should I call you Miss Hawthorne? Thanks for the Feedback.
To answer your question; 2 of the original Beach Boys, Brian Wilson and Al Jardine, were Freshman at Hawthorne High in the 56-57 school year.
If you like the Beach Boys, there's a new CD by Brian Wilson called "Getting In Over My Head" that has lots of the old BB sounds on it. Also songs featuring Elton John, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, and Carl Wilson with a remix of Soul Searchin' are on the CD. It's way more "Beach Boy sounding" than anything Brian has done since he WAS a Beach Boy.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 15:38:09
City and State: Costa Mesa, CA
Maiden: doowaadiddydiddydowndiddydo
Class: 1966
Message: El Rojo... I couldn't agree with you more..Being a fellow music lover myself, It is too hard to come up with just 3 songs that take one back. As I listen to my collection Etc. There are many songs I listen to that take me back to the dances At R H Dana, dances at the Gunga Den, dances and events at HHS, the days/nights spent at the beach and many more events through this life so far. The great part is having the memories to recall along with thoughts of the wonderful people those times were and are shared with. SURFS UP this week Cougs and I look forward to sharing some music along with more goodtimes at the up coming picnic!!!!!!!
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 11:02:02
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hey everyone, my son did a great job yesterday as the Angels honorary bat boy, what a great day for him. If anyone was there, that was my son on the big screen before the game started. The players were very kind to my son, and he got all sorts of autographs. Not Cougar related I know, but just a moment that I wanted to share.
Name: ROJO () on Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 16:58:24
City and State: KUNA , ID
Class: 1960
Message: John.. Yes I'm still out here,to your consternation. I saw the post that you wondered what, I,El Rojo's, three favorite song's might be....Quizzical? Because of my love for music. I guess, that, In The Mood , Take The A Train, Oh jeez:)) I guess I'm not really that old:)) But, it brings up a cunnundrum. I loved music so much that it's a hard sell for # 3! There is in my mind and Judi's heart, only one # 1, and that's "A Theme From A Summer Place", bar none. I know you guy's and gal's think it's yours also!!!! But!! it was our's first!!! Ask any Cougar who ever came over to The Room and there were alot of people who frequented it, including two of the prominent member's of the BBoy's (it was a place behind the main house that all of us guy's called "The Room") and music played non'stop, but the only thing that played from 59-60, 90% of the time, was A Summer PLace. I was "In Love". It was a pro-mo record with the other side being Johnny Mathis Chance's Are. Bitchin Song's!!!! But it leads to # 2. I've been kind of known by our Kingy Guy, Mr. Baker, and to you kids, for my love of Doo Wop. The bitchinest song I ever heard, that just knocked me out, was when I was 13 year's old. Yes I was a Frosh at that age. It was "Come Go With Me" by the Dell Viking's. The greatest sing along, doo wop song I ever heard, that for the first time, knocked our sock's off when my brother( class of 58 ) was taking all the "little" kid's to school, 9th grader's and such, one morning in his 50 Merc, suicide door's, bitchin glasspack's, really cool. And to top it, Don't Be Cruel by you know who, was blasting on the airwave's at the same point in our young live's. God that was fun. # 3? No one should have to do this, as much as I love music John and you know it. Too many good song's. Jeez!!!!.... Ten or twelve come to mind. If I had Gradgeeated in 61 or 62, then it would be "Charlena", but I'm a Bobby Darren fan. His song's of " Dream Lover" and " Beyond The Sea"( was that 60'S ?) Are absolute classic's. So I guess, that's the way I lean. Too many story's behind every song. Each one bring's back poingant feeling's. But then there's "Zoom", "Sh-Boom" and "Rock around the clock". All I can say to each of you Cougs is don't forget the music. Who know's Where Or When. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake n Jude!
So in a nutshell, "Summer Place" and "Come go with me". See how easy that was. Name: Enza () on Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 10:01:49
City and State: SoSoHOT, SoCal!
Maiden: still looking for Mr.Right :)))
Class: 1972
Message: For all you Coug's who are into Antiques/Collectibles, there is a HUGE liqudation sale of a dealer friend of mine who is quitting the business; and has 40 years accumalation of great stuff! It's at the old Baker's Auction house in Paramount; 14100 Paramount Blvd., cross street Rosecrans. She has rented the whole warehouse and has it filled! It goes on til the 24th of July. Oh, BTW JB, regarding time marching on etc., just remember~ if you and I live to be our mommas's age (87), then these are indeed the "GOOD OLD DAYS!" Just thought I'd remind you that whatever happens, "The beat goes on", and my other favorite quote is "It NOT over yet!" And, Mike M. I have two words for you: SPELL CHECK!! :))
Amen to that, Enza
Name: Miaaka DeForrest () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 22:52:58
City and State: Olancha, CA
Maiden: Lester
Class: 1977
Message: Looking forward to the next cruise night at Foster's - when will that be any idea?
Hi Miaaka, The way it looks now, with the Picnic in August, Cruise Night will be in September.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 17:32:55
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: Reading the postings about the song 'Come Softly To Me' brought back a memory. A singer named Bonnie Guitar met with my dad to tell him about this new group. She asked my dad if he could manage them. This was about 1959 I think. Anyway you guessed it he declined to manage The Fleetwoods.
Name: Scott Martin () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 14:50:52
City and State: Oslo Norway
Class: 1984
Message: Hello H.H.S,
If there is anyone that remembers me, send me a mail. Would be nice to hear from some-one from the old city of Hawthorne :)
Have a good summer *_*
Scott Martin "84"
Hey Scott, I'm sure you'll hear from someone in your class. Thanks for letting us know you're out there.
Name: Mike Mueller () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 10:23:07
City and State: Pasadena, Ca.
Class: 1979
Message: I feel cheated having never been busted by Mr Nelson. Think of the feedback I could serve up here if only I had been popped by Nelson. My only recollection of Nelson was seeing him out on patrol keeping the peace. I didn't have any opinion of him bad or good, I figured he was just one of many people you didn't want to mess with and he was just there to do a job and that's it. There were too many songs in the late 70's to have one that I could link to HHS. I remember KMET and Dr Dimento. I also remember Disco, New Wave, Punk and Star Wars. They started and finished building the Hawthorne Mall which obliterated a lot of those historic landmarks like "The Joker". There was Jimmy Carter and the Energy Crisis, the red flag and green flag days at the gas stations. After I graduated the Shah of Iran fell and there was the hostage crisis and if you didn't vote for Reagan to get the hostages back you were considered a fairy. Crime in Hawthorne steadily got worse and I guess they built that big fence durring the height of the war on drugs in the 80's or 90's. I've driven through the area recently and it looks so different it is as if I never lived there. I don't connect to it at all. It actually looks better and less run down that it used to but seems sterile and without flavor. Bland and uninteresting, nothing left.
Name: nick pappagiorgio () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 10:02:32
City and State: LV NV
Maiden: rusty
Class: 1975
Message: very very sad news....Mike Smith (75) passed away yesterday. A good friend and probably the biggest-hearted guy I've ever known. Those who knew him, know what I mean.
Sorry to hear about your friend and fellow Cougar, Nick. My condolences to you and to Mike's family.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 03:15:20
City and State: Fullerton
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1961
Message: J.B., sir, you are my hero. There are so many things that I could say to Mike and others who have suffered the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," but I think that you have done a fabulous job. As a teacher, who has spent countless hours putting in my own time without pay, I thank you! One thing that some of you may not know is that MR. Nelson was an actor as well as an administrator. I remember when MR. Orrell, my English teacher for 4 years, told us to watch Dragnet one day. Sure enough, MR. Nelson was on it. I think he did several character roles. I got sent to his office once for too many tardies. I was a freshman, I deserved it, and it taught me to never be late to class again. Thank you again John for all of your work on this site. It's brought back wonderful memories and great "reconnections."
Ahh you are welcome, MRS. Farrell. You know this means as much to me as it does to all the Cougars who check in looking for their school buddies or to reminisce about the good old days at HHS. Here's to all the teachers who had to put up with smart-mouthed, inconsiderate, impudents. (is that a word?) Name: Schroeder () on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 02:08:26
Email: chezwizz
City and State: Central Point, Or
Class: 1966
Message: How 'bout the 3 best monosyllabic songs (if we need another category); Papa Oom Mow Mow by the Rivingtons -- Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa by Otis Redding and Ob La Di, Ob, La Da by the Beatles. OR the three best make-out songs (other than anything by Johnny Mathis or the Lettermaen. "I Only Have Eyes For You" by the Flamingos -- "Come Softly to Me" by the Fleetwoods and "So Much In Love" by the Tymes. Life is short, enjoy the music. By the way, I have a recording of Vin Scully doing highlights of the '59 season on vinyl John, and I didn't hear you yelling enough.
Hey Jim, If "Come Softly To Me" was a make out song for you, I may need to talk to your mother, as you were making out in the 5th grade. I didn't even like girls til the 7th.
I have the same vinyl recording. I think it was promoted by KMPC at the time. This is getting scary; we have dual collections going on. How about this one for a >multi-syllabic song from the 50s?