Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 18:17:20
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: OK..Let's see..Three songs I remember from my HHS days..."Wipe Out" Surfaris..."Time Won't Let Me" The Outsiders..And..."The Last Time" Rolling Stones.
Name: Jim Rowley () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 18:16:26
City and State: RB,CA
Class: 1979
Message: Just took a run back to Feb 2001.....Man, that was pathetic!!!
Pathetic, but a fun few days.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 17:52:04
City and State: Belmontshore
Class: 1974
Message: Neil Youngs' Harvest album, sophmore year, bought it at Cranes, where else, for $2.88. Big ad in the Cougar news, can't remember another for an album. Everyone wearing flannel shirts, patched levis and work boots. It was everywhere.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 17:44:58
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Okay, the CT picnic is going to be Saturday, August 21 at El Dorado Park in Long Beach. Walter Holt has kindly offered to help put this together. So come on Cougs let's make this a big event. Let's enjoy good friends, good food, old tunes and great fun. As for my three songs they are "I've Got You Babe," "Wild Thing," and "Surfer Girl." If anyone else has any ideas or would like to help in the planning of the picnic, please feel free to e-mail me.
Everyone who wants to go to the picnic please e-mail me at More info to follow.
Sounds great Sharon, Let's hope for a big GIANT CT TURNOUT!!!
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 17:25:11
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: I have enjoyed reading what songs remind people of their times at Hawthorne, and I have been so quiet this week that it is time for me to speak up. Here are my songs. Ventura Highway by America (Fresh), Let's get it on Marvin Gaye & Elton John's Yellow Brick Road (Soph), Queens Bohemian Rhapsody (Junior) and The Chain by Fleetwood Mac (senior). Glad I got that off my chest.
Uh, that's 4 Jill.
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 16:04:13
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: For favorite song..One Summer Night, It was I, Sleepwalk, Just two kinds of people in the world, and I was the one.
Mine would be, "Runaway", "Duke Of Earl" and "Blue Moon". These weren't necessarily my favorite songs, but when I hear them they remind me of cruising the Blvd.
Name: Jim Schroeder () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 15:47:49
City and State: Central Point, Oregon
Class: 1966
Message: Ouch; fell off a ladder and landed on a hazardously placed pitch-fork while searching low and high (and then low again) for those 1959 World Series Tickets. I was shocked to see that Mr. O'Malley jacked the price up half a buck from the regular season seats.
But even with all this blood on the key board, I want the world to know THE three songs from HHS (for me) Nothing will beat the feeling of cruising the Blvd. in anybodys car with "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones blasting from stock 3 inch speakers direct from KFWB. Or -- she's real fine my "409" by the Beach Boys. Sing along time! High on youth, and looking for "Fun, Fun, Fun."
That last one doesn't count. It just happened. I gotta slip 2 in for this last choice; either "Cocktails for Two," by Spike Jones and the City Slickers or "Time Won't Let Me," by the Outsiders. A band Bob Ball was in, played it at the HHS Talent Show one year. Gotta "Ramble On." I have to drive myself to the hospital now. Several stitches will do. Hope I don't get to much blood on the velour tuck and roll. My wife will clobber me. "Oh Pretty Woman." (don't forget Roy Orbison) Admit it if you drank milk out of the carton. Confession is good for the soul.
Jim and I have been bonding off camera for the last few days talking about good old Hawthorne and what it meant to each of us. Lots of great memories were exchanged along with some great pictures from his mom's attic
Hey Jim, great feedback and funny too. I have been upstaged though by your much powerful 59 World Series tickets. Guess I'll try and trump that where did I put my Roy Campanella night ticket stubs. Thanks bud, and join in anytime.
Name: Mike Hinsch () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 15:47:46
City and State: North Plains, OR
Class: 1977
Message: The three songs that make me think about the days at HHS are: Boston-"More than a Feeling", Eagles-"Hotel California"(any song on that album), Led Zeppelin-"Stairway to Heaven", The Who-"Who are you"....I'm sorry that's 4...I'll stop now!
Great picks Mike, Thanks
Name: doris () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 15:15:06
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
Message: Mike Mueller ... If you don't quit'cher complainin', I'm going to get BOBBY JONES after you! Hey Cougs ... remember Bobby Jones about 3 years ago? LOL!
You mean our resident Cougartown NORMAN?? That was back in February of 2001 if anyone needs help recalling him.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 14:37:09
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: I could name hundreds of songs that take me back to HHS but the one that jumped out at me was "Jukebox Music" by the Kinks. I remember hanging out in Terry Rameriz's bedroom with Joe Galindo cranking that song and playing round robin table hockey (you know with the metal rods, Montreal v. Toronto). Of course, there's Ted Nugent "Stranglehold" which often played during a ritual known as hot spoons. Finally, Frampton's "Do You Feel Like We Do" -- listening carefully to the "talk box" parts for the naughty line some interpreted as "I want to thank you" Oh, there's a cool show at the House of Blues this Friday.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 14:28:47
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Debbie Colbern! Time to come clean...I was in love with you when I was a kid. you were so smart and pretty. The Colbern family was very close to me. Dennis was my best friend. Mike was my idol and Greg was our protector and the guy who put up with nothing. I loved your mom and dad. The Colbern family was the most athletic family in the city. Their trophy room had more trophies than a trophy shop. I always tried to compete to see who would have the most trophies and of course they won. I had a ton of them and so did my brother but my mom didn't contribute much and my dad had a few. The whole Colbern family were winning trophies. Anyway I always thought Debbie and my brother would get together and get married. I hear Debbie is a big time brain surgeon or something like that now. Debbie I want you to work on my brain. Yes I do remember you baby sitting me. Say hi to everyone and if you are ever in Hawaii come see me.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 14:01:07
City and State: Costa Mesa,CA
Class: 1966
Message: OK Sharon... I guess I spend enough time at the beach as it is. (is there ever enough?) Although I do hear the grunion are running. Email me if you need help. Let's see 3 songs? #1 Be true to your school #2 Palisades Park #3 Ride the wild surf
Name: Mike Mueller () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 13:32:20
City and State: Pasadena, Ca.
Class: 1979
Message: On the whole Mr, Mrs thing- the language has probably changed over the years. Whenever referring to someone in the passive tense we always tended to drop the sir title but when addressing the peron directly we retained it. We didn't say "Good morning , Helvey" we said "good morning, Mr Helvey" but if we were passing in the hall it might be "how was your morning with Helvey?" which ws niether gramaticaly incorrect nor disrespectful. It's like what Armand mentioned with journalists.
Look at it like Orwellian Newspeak, resistence is futile. They'll haul you away to a camp if you keep insisting on old 1950's linguistics.
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 13:31:58
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Yikes! Speaking of old songs... Muskrat Love is playing on the overhead radio at work right now. I can't pinpoint an exact memory from this but just a general sense of the era and Hawthorne sights and sounds. Yes, yes, it's a slacker day today. I think they're called Mental Health Days only you stay at work rather than calling in "sick."
Might as well be paid for getting mentally healthy.
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 13:25:18
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: From John: "The parent word, as I recall, was "Twitchen""
Man, I've always wondered how far back that went! I thought it was new in our time. Now I know. I asked around at work and apparently it wasn't used up here in the Northwest during that time! I think I'll bring it back and start using it again...
Bitchen idea, Cindy......
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 12:57:08
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: A note regarding the Helms Bakery...
The woman who owned the Bakery passed away last month. She was 102 years old and a feisty biatch up until her last breath. Her granddaughter is a client of mine and I was telling her how many of us here on CT have such fond memories of that truck coming down the street blowing its whistle.
On another subject, there is a candlelight vigil in El Segundo tonight for another client of mine...Deede Keller. She's been missing nearly a week now. If any Cougars in the neighborhood would like to show some support for her, her family and friends please feel free to join us at the library park. Thank you. DZ
Thanks Liz
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 12:27:39
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: I'm up for a beach party! Or even a picnic in the park. The summer is moving on and we Cougs need to have a get-together. There is a great park in Long Beach, El Dorado Park. It has everything. If people would like to get together around mid Aug., I'd be happy to help set it up. Come on Cougs. Lets have a summer blast. Anyone interested e-mail me at We could all bring our own food or potluck. Bring your kids, grandkids friends and neighbors. This park has a nature center, paddle boats, hiking area, tennis, vollyball and more.
OK Sharon, you're in charge of the Mid August Cougartown Picnic at El Dorado Park in Long Beach. Make plans Cougars and if you want to help, email Sharon.
Name: Mary Ann Avila () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 11:26:36
City and State: Del Aire
Maiden: Stanley
Class: 1977
Message: My childhood was not Brady Bunch quality, nor was H.S. the best years of my life. However life is full of great ironies. When I became a parent, I got to relive my childhood through my kids, and now that I teach H.S, I try to emulate the qualities of teachers who had a positive influence on me such as Miss Violet Clark. Life is what you make of it, (corny but true?if life gives you lemons, make lemonade).
Have a great day,
Mrs. Avila
Thank you Mrs. Avila. Yes, Miss Clark was a mentor to me too. She was my freshman english teacher and I still often think of her. Tough but fair.
Name: Jim Sloey () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 10:51:05
City and State: redondo beach
Class: 1966
Message: Hey John guess who the luckiest guy in Cougartown is? The dad who went over to MR. Nelson and read him the riot act. That guy is lucky he didn't get literally thrown through the door. And if Mr. Nelson left you alone, after, it was because he didn't want to put up with some moron, or you didn't do anything wrong, probably the latter. Mr. Dan Nelson wasn't intimidated by your friend's dad. Trust me, I've seen Mr. Nelson get upset.
I wouldn't want to be in his cross-hairs.
Name: Stephanie Brito () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 10:29:16
City and State: RPV, CA
Maiden: Hall
Class: 1961
Message: Happy Birthday, Norman Steiner. Art Laboe...interviewing kids in their cars: it was so cool.
Happy Birthday Norm.....
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 10:05:18
City and State: Costa Mesa, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Mike....I am sure a lot of us who frequent this wonderful site were not part of the "in crowd" or had "Ozzie & Harriet" parents. What we did have were neighborhoods with friends we played with, schoolmates we hung with, were fortunate to live in a town that had places to go and things to do to take our minds off of some of the things that may have troubled us during that time. So if "we" choose to remember the "peaches and cherries" and share them with others here it is because most of us have learned that life is not bowl of cherries, dealt with our problems and moved on cherishing the good in it. So, please don't try to "put us down" because WE CHOOSE to share the good times. Trust me , if you've learned from and not dwell on the other crap you'll feel much better about life. It's way too short not to enjoy what you can of it. That's the last I have to say on the subject. Hey how about having a "Beach Party"?
Only if Frankie and Annette show up.
Name: Art La Mere () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 09:43:17
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: John I'm with you if my dad found out that I was in trouble at school I would get my A_ _ beat so I did not have him or anyone talk to the administrators at all I tried to keep him as far away from them as I could. I worked for the chino school district there in California before leaving the state and the kids in the late 80 and 90's had no respect for the teachers. Anyway have a good week.
Good stuff, Art. I agree that I wanted my parents insulated from the teachers. No need in them getting together and comparing notes. Name: nick pappagiorgio () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 09:26:40
City and State: LV NV
Maiden: rusty
Class: 1975
Message: Enough is enough already. Baker, oops, I mean Mr. Baker, I'm amazed and impressed that you've managed this site as long as you have. It's a great site; the way it looks, the way it's set-up, but most importantly, it's purpose which (correct me if I'm wrong) is to remember good ol' times at good ol' HHS. Why dwell on the bad times? That's what Dr. Phil's for. Anyway, instead of naming all the teachers we hated how 'bout naming 3 songs that whenever you hear them, they throw you right back to some special place or time during your high school years?
Hey Nick, GREAT IDEA!! but you'll have to give me a little time on this one. Who else has a song that takes them back to HHS?
Name: Barry () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 09:21:10
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Hi, The name of the show with Dick Garten and Dorothy Gardner was Handy Hints.
YES IT WAS!!! Now how long ago was that question asked. Thanks Barry.....
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 08:23:17
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: John, you struck a chord on this subject about respecting administrators and teachers. I agree that students and parents should respect them (remember the Golden Rule) and vice-versa. But the fact remains that quite often teachers and adminstrators do screw up things (believe it or not, they're only human) and occasionally they do need to have the air let out of them. I have many teacher friends and they have told me stories about colleagues who are unfit to be in the positions that they are in. While the vast majority are fine professionals, there are some who are not exactly stellar performers either. This is true in any industry. In the matter I was involved in, the staff involved did mess up. Then again, those same persons may have handled things expertly on another situation. Everyone makes mistakes. Whenever I've had to deal with the administrators of my daughter's high school, sometimes I can agree with them, sometimes not. You just have to deal with issues on a case-by-case basis. Anyway, enough pontificating. :oD
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 08:10:48
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: John, you may be right about the "Mr." thing. But if you look at the way journalists and others write these days, you will find the lack of the use of "Mr.," "Mrs." or "Miss/Ms." For example, you'll see an article on President Bush or John Kerry and usually you'll see, "However, Kerry did not get to the event until late" or "Prime Minister Blair met with Bush at the ambassador's residence" etc. That's just the way things are written these days. And, no, I didn't ask my friend's dad to get involved.
My take on that is teachers and school administrators deserve LOTS more respect than politicians.
Name: Dale Craig () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 04:04:54
City and State: Ctown CA
Class: 1976
Message: Big John how's it going been a long time since I've on Cougartown been to busy working and vacation sorry I missed cruise this to wet and I was ill next time I might feel better. I saw my brother in Marysville Wa this past May he is doing great a so is my nephew he will be 2 on Sunday his new email jeffc @ verizon . net I hope everyone has a great summer I am out. Dale
Hi Dale, Glad you're still with us. Thanks for the note and we'll see you at Fosters this summer.
Name: Debbie Colbern () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 03:36:32
City and State: Venice CA
Maiden: Colbern (never changed it)
Class: 1971
Message: I am so reluctant to write this message! I have been such a (passive) lookie-loo (i.e., lurker) on this site for soooo long! I usually save my visits as a reward for uninterrupted computer work. However, tonight, I'm coming out! Keith Jones, you little cutie! (Everybody knows him as BIG!... I know him as a "little cutie"). You tug at my heart strings in every message... whether it's about your daughter (whose picture I downloaded to pass around Venice Beach), or my recollections of your impish activities as a (small) child (i.e., the milkman and Helms "episodes", etc.). Do you remember that I was your babysitter? The cool thing was that you were usually in bed by the time I got there. But what about the time that your folks added an extra responsibilty for me? Bottle feeding premature baby rabbits???!!! I will never forget the trauma of that night (although I think it's part of the reason why I'm still ready for WHATEVER comes my way). I have more to say on Thriftimart since I lied (oops, I mean, modified history!) to get a job there, but I'll save that for another post. John, GREAT SITE! Incredible patience! You have a real talent for keeping this a place for "family" - a safe place to visit the past as we prepare for the present and the future. Kudos and gratitude, Debbie.
Well Debbie, you're a lurker, no more. Thanks for the nice thoughts and what I want to know is did you ever change Keith's diaper? Man, that thing must've looked like a sleeping bag. Thanks again....
Name: SusieQ () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 02:29:15
City and State: 87111
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 1971
Message: ...I haven't heard "spaz" since the early 60s! And Mueller, the "gig" you need is as close as your own back yard...
Name: Mike Mueller () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 01:55:21
City and State: Every City in LA is the same
Class: 1979
Message: I never got collared by Nelson. He was the HHS disciplinarian. I always flew under his radar.
Name: Mike Mueller () on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 01:24:49
City and State: Every City in LA is the same
Class: 1979
Message: I laughed at Helvey because A) I was a spaz, and B) He was wearing his motorcycle helmut while talking to the secretary in the office. I had been sitting there for maybe 40 minutes when I look up and see this and it set me off, it just tripped me out- it didn't take much to get me tripping and I just started belly laughing. He turned around, took off the Helmut, and made his infamous pronouncement loud enough to be heard acrosss the entirety of the Hollyglen housing track, then put the helmut back on, and about faced to his charriot in the school parking lot. I'm sory if anyone was offended by this antedote. I would think all the Helvey fans would find this story funny. I bet Helvey wouldn't have minded reading it.
Mike, AGAIN, that's MR. Helvey.