Name: Madeleine Hahlbeck () on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 23:44:29
City and State: Murrieta -Calif.
Maiden: Short
Class: 1957
Message: I would love to see the picture of the Dana kids... What page is it on? What year was it?.... I should send some of mine... I left Dana in 1953...
Dale, Valerie and Sheri's Mom....
Hi Madeleine, It was on this page a couple of days ago, but it's gone now. It was a 7th grade class from 1957, so they would've been HHS class of 62. Sorry you missed it.
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandroa () on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 21:57:56
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: I must confess I had never heard of PINK'S until Cougartown Feedback. Tonight I was watching the Travel Channel featuring Hot Dog Heavens. They saved California until last, and sure enough, the only one they showed guessed it! History and all. Even Bruce Willis proposed to Demi Moore there. Looking forward to the "run".
Well Adrianne, you must've lead a very sheltered life. Right now the Pinks Run is going to be on Friday instead of Saturday, because my cousin's daughter is getting hitched on Saturday. I'll post it by this Saturday.
Name: Dean Morris () on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 16:58:36
City and State: NorCal
Maiden: Nagurski
Class: 1972
Message: Happy 4th of July to Cougars of all ages. Here's to everyone having a good weekend, some great BBQ, good beer, homemade ice cream, and another Dodger loss to the SF Giants' ace tonight. Don't despair, if Manager Dick Tracy pitches to Mr. Bonds, Barry Bonds, you can even have some good, old fashioned fireworks over the Outfield Pavillion (whatever happened to bleachers?).
BTW, Dodger Stadium does not look and sound like the old Dodger Stadium anymore; too many beachballs, ugly long hair pitchers, distracting sound effects drowning out the voice of Vinny echoing through the Park. Nothing stays the same... If I could have my wish, it would be to buzz cut that impostor Dodger Jeff Weaver at 1st Base on a close play. He would know what hit em! Now that would bring back the old Giants-Dodger rivalry!
Other than that, how'd you like being upside down in a 57 Chevy, Mr. Campanella?
Is this the 4th of July weekend already? I'll be mowin' my lawn. Have a safe one, Cougs.
Name: Sharon Leach () on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 14:36:35
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Want to wish everyone at Cougartown a Happy 4th of July. Also, last weekend my husband and I were driving home on the 405 fwy and I looked to my right and saw in a storage yard an Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. It is right where the 110 and 405 come together on the south bound side just past the 110. It must be the place where they store one of them in between uses. It was great to see and reminded me of when I was a little girl and Little Oscar would make personal appearances at the supermarket. I wish I still had that little weinie whistle they used to hand out. Great memories on CT all this week. Thanks to everyone for sharing. Everyone stay safe.
Thanks Sharon, The last time I saw little Oscar and his weiner mobile was at Roths Market in Hawthorne. Great memories......
Name: Bobby Fitzgerald () on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 02:44:57
City and State: Santa Ana, Ca.
Class: 1960
Message: Hi John Had a great cougar weekend, went to Vegas for Bob Bunim's class of 62 Birthday and golf and cougar day with both Bob and Jim Perry class of 60 and had the pleasure to party with Jim and Sandie (Tully) Perry class of 62. Wherever you go you will find a COUGAR. Have a safe 4th to all.
Sounds like a fun weekend, Bobby, especially when you go with Jim and Sandie. She'll keep the party going all right. Happy Birthday, Bob Bunim...another Cougar reaches THE milestone, or is it "the crest of the hill". Name: Don Scheliga () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 15:38:41
City and State: W.Covina
Class: 1962
Message: Row 1 pic #3 Lynn Beach, Row 2 pic #7 Diane Barbosa, Row 3 pic #1 Jerry Fox, poc #7 James Lambert and Row 5 pic #6 David Stark.
Hi Donald, YES you've gottem....uh, all except Diane Barboza which is really Sally Fraser. Thanks.....
Name: Marsha Russell () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 15:13:57
City and State: Redondo Beach
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: The last picture on the 2nd row is Sally Fraser (your first love). Also, 2nd row fifth picture is Sherry Farlow, fourth row second picture is Richard Lewis and the fifth row, fourth picture is Alice Ramirez.
Hey Marsha, YES, you are CORRECT!! And I guess I told you the Sally Fraser story before huh. Yep, she was my kindergarten sweetheart at York, all right. Of course, she didn't know I existed. All she cared about was MY GRAHAM CRACKERS AND MILK!!
Name: Vince Jesse () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 14:33:45
City and State: Woodland Hills, CA
Class: 1983
Message: Hi John. I believe the second row, third from left is my mom Andrea Dew. All the old memories of Hawthorne are great! Keep them coming.
SEE, we're all related. I remember your mom Andrea, Cheryl Christensen, Tonya Hobson, and a few others all walking home from school, down Broadway, together. Thanks Vince....
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 12:44:30
City and State: West Covina
Class: 1962
Message: Happy Birthday Greeting to Norman L. Greenfield HHS Class of 1962. Where did the time go? Hope you have a happy one Norm!
John, the dues check is in the mail.
Happy Birthday Norm. Thanks Don....
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 09:36:03
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: If you like '60s music; The American Legion Post 291 of Newport Beach is having a California Beach Party July 25, 2004! Dick Dale, The Surfaris, The Chantays, The Torquays and The Duo Tones are just some of the groups scheduled to play. From what I have heard all proceeds will go to the Long Beach Veterans Hospital. Tickets must be purchased ahead of the event. Click here for more information.
Thanks Chris....
Name: Susie () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 02:53:11
City and State: 87111
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 1971
Message:On the Dana picture-I did not know Roy Ryse, but as a visitor to the Vietnam site, I know that he, unfortunately, shows up there also. God bless him.
and it's Bobby Ferguson....Have a safe-n-insane 4th of July weekend!
Yes, Roy Ryse was a friend and all around nice guy. Roy's brother, Jerry Miles from the class of 66, sent the picture
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at 01:19:15
City and State: West Covina
Class: 1962
Message: Hi! Mia. Glad you found your way to Cougartown, and pleased to here that Noemi is doing well. Say Hi to your Mom and Uncle John for me. The next time you are in Hawthorne, please try and stop by and say Hi to my Mom, she asks about you and your family. Perhaps you can make it to one of Johns Cougartown events. Take care, Donald
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 23:39:48
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: I remember when I was real little going around the neighborhood sometimes and taking the milk from the porch when I saw it and would drink it all while riding my bike. They were in glass bottles. I think it was Adohr milk or something like that. When they introduced Quake and Quisp ceral to the market they left a small box of each in every house mailbox and I must have taken at least 30 of these little boxes and hid them up in our rafters of the garage where I would hide sometimes. IWhenever I was hungry or something I would go grab a bottle of milkl from a neighbor go up to my little fort and have Quake and Quisp ceral for a couple of hours. Of course I have grown up and would never do that or condone it. How's that for karma. My dad always told me he wishes that I woluld have kids put me through what I did them and his wish came right. Aloha
Name: Mia () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 22:49:32
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: Gardner
Class: 1985
Message: What a fabulous website! I was surprised to see the Dana class photo. For anyone that knew George Lopez, he was my favorite uncle and was tragically killed in an automobile accident 6 yrs ago. He married his high school sweetheart, Noemi Aguilar Lopez who suffered brain injuries in the same accident, but is making remarkable strides. She is the sister of my mom, Alicia C/O 65...anyone remember her? (she turned out to be a great lady)
Hi Mia, Yes, all us Cougars are related in some way. Thanks for adding to the mix and sorry to hear about George. At least 6 people are no longer with us in that picture.
Name: Sally () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 22:05:14
Maiden: Gillette
Class: 1963
Message: Hello everyone. That was my sister (half sister) in the Dana picture. Her name was Judy Gillette. She died 5 years ago of cancer. Correction on the majorette picture. That was of Sally Gillette. Does anyone know the email of Penny Upstead? Not sure of the spelling of her maiden name. She was also a majorette at HHS. Where did they all go? Would love to hear from any of them.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 22:02:22
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: I don't think the milk man put our milk away - might have been too early in the morning. I do remember the ice man walked in the kitchen to put the ice in the ice box and the Sparkletts water man just opened the door and yelled Sparkletts man and walked in and reloaded the water cooler. These were always such nice people. They all wore such nice uniforms. I guess I'm old fashioned but I really miss that. The Good Humor man was in a clean white uniform and his truck was always clean. Most ice cream trucks in my neighborhood are covered with peeling and faded decals and look really dirty and the drivers are never dressed very nice.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 21:30:20
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Class: 1960
Message: Neil:
Great sign, looks familiar. Tell them to start selling Moxie, it's making a comeback. Started prior to Coke. Amazing what you can find on the internet.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 21:14:19
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
Message: No Bob, I wasn't thinking of Zeke Montanez, but rather Cheryl Zukenberg( the big G ) in our flag girl group. We gave her the nickname of Zeek, but for the life of me I don't remember why. I do remember the other Zeke too, (probably lots of us girls do!)
Name: Neil Larson () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 18:18:04
City and State: Crestview , Florida
Class: 1971
Message: to Gary Nelson Granite Bay, Cali-
Yeah man! I was all over the A&W site last month , it must be DejaVu, all over again! I just finished a local eatery sign in town... You might say I was inspired! When they said to call it D&W's ... it was simple poetry!
Why don't we add another digit on to the number of times that logo has changed...
By the way the foot traffic & profits of the joint have risen since I completed the graphics!
They do not serve Root Beer! (yet)
Name: BOB FAULKNER () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 17:06:49
City and State: GARDEN GROVE, CA.
Class: 1963
Message: Janet, the only "ZEEK" I KNOW IS Zeek Montanez, SP, AKA: CHRIS MONTEZ. Will that work???. Speaking of the Adohr man, does anyone remember when they used to not only order your milk, butter, cheese, etc, but used to put it away also?? Today they would shoot you if you came into someones back door at 3 am. ps, JB, YOU ARE A WALKING WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE. Everyone have a safe 4th.
Thanks Bob and yes I do remember when the milk man would come into your house, open the refrigerater, and start loading it up. Times, they have changed.
Name: Gary Bickers () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 16:44:16
City and State: pve, cal
Class: 1963
Message: Tomorrow is my birthday. The good news is I'll be having dinner with some other Cougars. The bad news is, as I said last week when I met about 30 Cougars that just came from graduation, he look in their eyes when I told them I graduated 40 years ago; it was like a glaze. Time flies if your having fun or not.
Happy Birthday Gary and time is REALLY flyin', it was 41 years ago.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 15:15:44
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Class: 1960
Message: John:
Another fun topic (previous)is A & W Root Beer. Did you know it started in Lodi, CA but can you guess how many times the logo, name, mug size and ownership has changed? Go to, or A & W Root Beer Timetable.
Hey Gary, Yes, I've seen that website. Very interesting to all the Allen & Wright Root Beer fans out there. Thanks....
Name: Penny Prouty () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 15:04:18
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message:I think the photos that are remaining unnamed, that I think I remember, are
as follows:
Second row, 3rd from left, is George Lopez.
Second row, 5th from left, is David Wells?
Second row, 8th from left, is Judy Horne.
Third row, 5th from left, is Kathy (can't remember last name)?
Third row, 7th from left, is Thelma Moreston
and 3rd row, 4th from left........Bobby (or Robby?) Ferguson?????
Thanks Penny, you pretty much cleaned the slate...
Is that Treva Weyer, 2nd row, 2nd from left; and Ron Puckett, 3rd row, 2nd from left?
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 14:40:47
Email: wch1ispinkAtaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: Tom Hatten still does the Entertainment Report on KNX 1070
Amazing, Tom Hatten has to be between 75 and 80. He goes on like Stan Chambers. Thanks Dan....
Name: Ray Scholl () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 14:31:18
City and State: Sacramento, Ca
Class: 1962
Message: John, in the Dana class 57, I believe top row 2nd right is Marie Laraway, 8th is Glenn Ely, 4th row 2nd from left is Judy Gillete, and 3rd row 1st from right is Ron Wardlow I believe.. could be wrong..
Hey Ray, How're you doing? Yes, I agree totally now, as I think you meant 2nd row 4th from left on Judy.
Name: Karen Newkirk () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 10:50:46
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Hoffman
Class: 1962
Message: On the subject of the Dana class picture, that was Mrs. Cameron's class. Top third from the left is Penny Hopper. Top third from the right is Cody Soares. I used to know all those kids, but I can only recall some first names of others.
Hi Karen, Thanks for helping and yes, I agree with Cody Soares, but after looking at senior pics, instead of Penny Hopper it's Penny Rahman. There are still a few easy ones. Someone else must know them too.
Name: Pat Hydo () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 10:00:14
City and State: Lake Elsinore, Cal.
Maiden: Lee
Class: 1964
Message: Hey John, 1 more guess, and thats ALL it is, is a guess. First row #8, would that be Ron Ely?. Its probably not, but I'm a glutton for being wrong lol. Also, I should have known Kathleen Christianson's name (and face), I used to work for her Mom and knew her and her sister...but that too was a few years ago. Pat
You know, I really don't know. Is Ron Ely and Glen Ely the same guy? It kind of looks like him, huh.
Name: carl rilling () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 04:57:57
City and State: Oregon City Ore
Class: 1959
Message: Just puttin a name to the faces of the Dana picture. The picture above the Dana name is Bill Arnolds lil brother. A couple left of him is one of the Lopez boys, then Milton Calkin brother of Bob Calkins 59 second row from top on the end, and on the bottom right,is the lil sister of Becky Christensen. Just cause all those folk look like their bros and sisters.
What about Inglewood Farms, delivered milk all over town. Don Pearlmuter was our milkman that had the route on 119th pl. Their trucks had a cartoon cow on the side. Trucks were cream colored.
Helms brownies were also great, not square but oblong and thick and nutty. The jelly filled sugar donuts were my favorite. The first whistles were blown by the drivers, in later years tthe whistles were attached to the truck and hooked up to a air compressor.
Jo Comello, where are you. Always a Cougar..
Thanks Carl for the names. This picture is coming along nicely. YES, Inglewood Farms....good one.
Now see the tooter that I remember on a Helms truck wasn't connected to an air compressor. It was a pull down handle that forced air (bellows-like) through a whistle that was mounted outside the coach.
Name: Bobby Fitzgerald () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 02:55:26
City and State: Santa Ana, Ca
Class: 1960
Message: RH Dana class pic. upper rt Linda Balinger, lower rt Jay Hendricks. thats all for now. always a cougar
Hey Bobby, great memory. I had the Linda part right. Name: Pat Hydo () on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 at 00:41:21
City and State: Lake Elsinore, Cal
Maiden: Lee
Class: 1964
Message: Hey John, Oh brother, I could have sworn that that was Sonia Laird. Oh well, chalking it up to CRS and will leave it at that, it was still fun to guess. Have a great 4th. John all you Cougs!. God Bless America :*)
Thanks Pat.....
Name: Pat Hydo () on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 23:58:26
City and State: Lake Elsinore, Cal.
Maiden: Lee
Class: 1964
Message: Hey John, I was a RHD grad, class of 60, so looking at the picture I think I remember a few of those kids names: Row 1 #2 is Sonia Laird. Row 2, #1 is Desmond Ford (I was in his brother, Merle's class). At the bottom left, next to Mrs. Troy is Darlene Delp. Sorry that I couldn't remember more names but you know how that goes, CRS strikes again. But CRS and all, "I'm Proud to be a Cougar"!.
Hi Pat, YES you are CORRECT!! Well, the Sonia Laird one is wrong, but....
Name: Janet Burkett () on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 23:46:13
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
Message: WOW... Pat Okuda, now there's a name from my past...a fellow flag girl, (I think she was the ! and I was the S). And, Judy Gillette was mentioned recently, a majorette at the same time! What a great group we had marching and performing with the HHS band...and we weren't geeks either! Love you guys! Does anyone know where "Zeek" is??
Zeek Who???
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 23:38:14
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Speaking of Arden Dairies, their plant used to be on Slauson Ave. near Vermont. We used to shop at Sears on Slauson and Vermont and would occasionally pass by the Arden plant. It had a distinctive (and huge) milk bottle on top of the main building. Anyone have a photo of that?
Name: Lyle Tucker () on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 23:01:12
City and State: Roswell, NM
Class: 1977
Message: Re: my picture and my hair. That's not my senior picture, John - I was too damn cool (or so I thought) to wear a suit and tie, so I didn't get my senior picture taken.
(Eeeediot!). I tend to call that one my Marlene Dietrich pic.
I remember Sheriff John, and Popeye with Tom Hatten. Every year I waited for Sheriff John to name me in his Birthday Song segment, BUT HE NEVER DID!
(Heck, I didn't know your Mom had to submit your name - I figured the Sheriff was like Santa Claus and simply knew everything.) But I think my favorite morning show host had to be Hobo Kelly. For some reason she really stuck a nerve with me - probably because my Mom always
touted her Irish heritage (in her high school yearbook her nickname is "Irish").
Marlene Dietrich THAT'S IT!!! Name: Gary Nelson () on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 22:32:52
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Class: 1960
Message: What's left of the Helms Bakery Company is still in Culver City at the Helms Museum in the Helms Furniture District Complex, including the trucks, uniforms, etc. Go to: or look under Helms Bakery
Hey Gary, Thanks for the info. It's been a fun topic....