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Speaking of Tina Turner and "What's his Name". Tina and Ike Turner
Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 07:29:03
Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 23:30:01
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 17:22:22
E-Mail: sloeylaw@intplus.com
Class: 66
Message: The mad scanner is my adopted child, Keith Jones. Now can we get a new QOTW!
Thanks John
Jim, Instead of a new Question of the Week, I will change the name to the Question of the Month. :o)
Sorry man, I will change it today/tonight. No, Keith D. Jones is NOT the MSG.
Name: Betty Kean-Rodriguez () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 16:17:12
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: John-
Well, I can't keep quiet any longer. Reading Chuck Currie talk about the Rendezvous, Harmony, the Grand. Since my sister ran with that crowd, I got to go to the dances too.
My favorite spot was the Cinnamon Cinder in Long Beach. I went with anyone who would give me a ride. All the great line dances! And Tina Turner, when she was still with whats-his name! Had a few really great boyfriends from the Cinder. . . Guess that's why I still love to dance - no place to go nowadays.
Love this website!
All Right Betty!!!
A Feedback "Lookie Loo" has spoken out. Now that you've done it, don't you feel cleansed. :O) Well you're a lookie loo no more girl. Thanks for adding to this forum and please do it again.
Like I said before, I was a "toe stomper", so at the after-game dances, I was the guy that walked from one side of the dance floor to the other asking people if they'd seen "so and so" tonight. Man, what a Maroon!!
Thanks again Betty
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 16:06:50
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Ooh ooh ooh .... guess what! On page 45, John makes mention of the "Mystery Scanner GUY" !! It definitely says GUY! Sorry, John, it stuck out like a sore thumb and I had to mention it! Hey, a clue is a clue!
Hey great clue. Thanks Cindy Guy
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 16:03:05
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: John: didn't think about that part (slowing the pages down with too many pictures). Maybe you can highlight a few people or class at a time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who is here and available for any help that you might need on this page! Anything you think we can do to help ... just ask! Right you guys?? Just like helping with the dishes when you get invited over for dinner .... John is our gracious host and we should help with the chores! Okay ... I get to wash (I like the bubbles!).
The dishes are done, but I've got plenty of laundry. :o)
I know everyone likes pictures and I will add something. I'm working on a "Where are they now" page, right now. It's for people who would like to add a friend that they're looking for. Others come along and maybe know where that person's located. Right now we're doing that here, but as the Feedback Page fades into the sunset, so does the request. We're getting there.
Name: Frank Romano () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 14:52:50
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: O' for sure... that's Donald Clayton. I thought his brides name was Kathy for some reason... He was my 8th grade teacher at HIS also. Once in a while he would start talking about his days as a WWII pilot. I still smile thinking about Mr. Clayton. If my memory serves me, it seems he moved to Manhattan Beach right about the time of his marriage. Anyone have a location on him these days? About Ramona school. It was Mrs. Ruby for the 6th grade. Also, my mother (Mary) worked at the Ramona cafeteria from 54' to about 70'or so with Mrs. Van. In those days, we lived on Ramona Ave, just at 138th. The Escalante clan lived across the street. I think Mark found his way to the police department, Mike was teaching school at one of the Hawthorne schools and I don't know about Rebecca... The Greenfields lived two doors North on Ramona... Richard is in Reno, and Norman checks feedback once in a while too.
Hi Frank. Thanks for checking in. I remember Norman. He was in my class, and was at the First 10 Year Reunion last year.
Name: Laura Porter () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 14:30:03
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: Yes, that's dear Mr. Clayton. Although I had Mr. Dubas for homeroom, I had Mr. Clayton for math. He was great and always had candy bars on his desk because of his health. Does anyone remember Mr. Goodwin who used to drive the steam engine at Disneyland on his days off? I also had Mrs. Holley for 7th grade and for the first and last time got called into the principal's office and chewed out by my mom for calling her crazy to her face.
Calling all Class of 79'ers and Friends...our webpage and Missing Cougar list is up....check it out and let me know if you know the where abouts of anyone. Consider this an invitation to anyone from any class to join us at the House of Blues on July 24!!
Thanks Laura for the invite. However, from you, I still need a Missing List for the Class of 79. Thanks...
Name: Ted Gioia () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 13:34:59
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: David Barboza was asking about Mario Estellano ('74). I found myself in close contact with Mario for a spell in the 80's. I had returned to Stanford for business school, after spending two years overseas in England, and found myself assigned to Crothers Hall, an older building on campus which served as a dormitory for graduate students. On my first day, much to my surprise, I found Mario living in a room just down the hall from mine. He was attending Stanford Medical School and studying to be a doctor. I was the only person there who had known Mario for years, hence I could disprove all the fallacious stories he would spread about his past. For example, one of the residents told me that Mario would recount stories to his classmates about his time in Vietnam. Since Mario graduated from HHS in 1974, I found it unlikely that he had visited 'Nam in any capacity except as a tourist. Perhaps the story got garbled before it go to me -- maybe he had only been saying that his high school days had been like Vietnam. Several years later I encountered Mario for the last time. I was visiting the library at Stanford Medical School, doing research for a consulting project, when I ran into him. Mario told me that he had finished his medical degree and was working on a medical research project. It was amazing to see the transformation in Mario between high school and the time of his medical career . . . but honestly, I still wouldn't trust him as a doctor no matter how sick I might get. (However, as a bartender he is highly skilled -- and earned a much deserved reputation for excellence in drink-mixing skills both during high school and at Stanford.) All the best, Ted
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 12:21:31
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: WISE GUY!!! I'm working on '78 reunion pictures! Should be done by tomorrow (I hope).
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 11:30:42
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: John, you're too funny! Gee, Michelle, you need a new hairdresser. Since (and I don't know why but I think it has something to do with the genetic link we have) I do have to be loyal to my sister so I have to get her official 'oh-alright-if-you-must' approval before sending in her picture. I still want MSG standing by to put up a goofy high school one of her if she won't relent. Thanks for the compliments Swifty and Motor Mouth (Gloria). And you're real funny Swifty about hitting 40 ... I KNOW I couldn't have beat you guys to that number! (I hit it LAST year!). So John, how about a page where all of these photos you have collected can be viewed at once? My sis wants to see that one of Keith Jones a whole bunch of pages back but she can't find it. What would be really fun would be to see a then and now picture page! People could just update their 'now' picture as they find ones they like. Ooops, break's over ... back to work!
Cindy, I'll work on a picture page. It's hard to throw too many pictures on one page without slowing the page down to a crawl. The picture of Keith is on Page 45. Thanks...
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 10:22:56
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: My family has their own web page and it's been down for a whole day!!! I feel lost, but alas, I have the 'ol Cougartown to keep me feeling right at home!!!! I really do love checking in and reading EVERYTHING!! If anyone else wants to have their own family web page (I'll bet the Valencia's would love this) just go into myfamily.com!! It's all set up for you, all you do is type. Right Cindy? No John, I don't get any kickbacks (dang!). Keep on typin, you're all soooo funny!
Michelle, Where's your website? If anyone has a website, please let me know so I can link this site with yours. Then people can see what you look like now and what's been going on in your life. Also, where's YOUR picture for THIS site girl? Cindy, are you out there?
Name: Tina Ferguson () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 10:03:39
E-Mail: sfandtf@aol.com
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1968
Message: I had MRS. CLAYTON at Dana. That brings back memories! I had her in 8th grade when I first started "dating" my husband of 30+ years, Scott. She told me he was bad news and to stay away from him for "my own good"! Well, 2 children and 3 grandchildren later we're still together and he's still "the best" in my book! Does anyone know what happened to Mrs. Clayton? I thought she was a good teacher!
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 07:40:36
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
AKA: Swifty
Class: 76
Message: Oh Glo it's truly a small small world... I spent 7th grade at HIS where the fates brought us together... only to tear us apart as I was dragged kicking and screaming to Dana for the 8th grade... where... I... had... MRS CLAYTON for homeroom!!!! All these years and we NEVER
hit on this one before! The angels are looking after us, my friend. Do you remember Mr. Clayton mentioning that their pet bird had died? I recall Mrs. C came in very upset one day crying over
it. It was very touching because she had seemed like such a tough old bird.
Cindy dahling, you look mahvelous... I hope I look half as good when I hit my 40s (HAH!)
Swifty, Is this YOUR Mr Claydon?
Name: MaD ScaNNer
E-Mail: hahahahahhahahahahaha
Class: ????
Message: this is for Sue Bierman the email address for the MSG is mad_scanner@hotmail.com ; )...and no Mr. Hunter is not the MSG or is Mr. Keys.
Name: Gloria Herlosky () on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 00:38:28
E-Mail: Gpork
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Aha, the mad scanner is DALE HAHLBECK!!!! That's my guess, and I am sticking to it. Also, Cindy Whittaker, you look beautiful, and EXACTLY the same! Great pix of you and yours...can't believe you are old enough to be a grand ma! (I am still 17....in my dreams, I know!) I had Mr. Clayton at Intermediate. His wife taught at Dana. He was absent for about 3 months the yr I had him, he dropped an anvil on his foot. We had a substitute teacher, Mrs. Skibby...I was grateful when Mr. Clayton returned...does anyone remember HER? And I met Sharon Bierman, ol Swifty at Intermediate. She and I shared a class with Mr. Callahan, in 7th grade. (He gave me detention every day from the first day of class till the last. He said I talked too much. Can you believe that?! I still have the yearbook, (somewhere) from 7th grade. And in it, Sharon wrote, "To the biggest dips..t I know!" It's amazing that after an autograph like that, that I still am friends with her!
***YES, YES!!!! DALE HAHLBECK Jr*** What a quick mind that Gloria V6 Herlosky has and how DID you deduce that answer Gloria???!!!! I bet your WHOLE family is SO proud........it's the WRONG answer but nice try though :o)
Name: Patty no Gloria no Cynthia
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Ok, I believe the Mad Scanner is that paid-off defector Al, I mean Daryl, an HHS engagee....right?
No MSG :o)
Name: David Barboza () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 21:52:19
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Maiden: still don't need one
Class: 1974
Message: Ok. John if you can pass this along to MSG. See if he knows where there is a picture of me making a tackle on the football field. If he can that might give me a clue. Can you do it ???
David, I don't need to pass this onto the MSG as she/he is all powerful and all knowing.
Name: Rich Haffke () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 20:55:55
E-Mail: zymbrew@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: It is good to see folks from the east end of Hawthorne check in from time to time. I saw Miss Holley's name brought up. I had her in the 7th grade and still remember the cow brains, and, cow stomachs. Shannon Lester, do you have any info on the where-abouts of Mr. Mizuguchi? I had him for 8th grade. He was a great teacher although we were always trying his patience. As to the identity of MSG...George Key...he probably has every EL MOLINO ever produced.
Rich, Good guess. Jorge might know his way around a school yard or a Harley, but I think a scanner might be out of his realm of expertise. Am I correct Senor Llave?
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 20:37:01
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: As Cougartown's un-official Constable, I have used my superior investigative skills to deduce that the MSG is from one of the mid '70s HHS classes. Probably '74-'76, as most of his victims are from those years. If anyone else comes up with any new "clues", send them to me and I will compile them all to solve the mystery and expose this cad (or cadette)! How 'bout it John, a group prize?
Whatever you say Alan. I never argue with the guy holding the rubber hose. :o)
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 19:39:44
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: OK John - now that the rules for the "IDENTIFY THE MAD SCANNER CONTEST" have been established, it seems that we need to have a prize ready to award the winner! Any ideas anyone?
OK, How about a night on the town with the infamous Cougartown MSG......Be patient now, but Click Here to see what the MSG might think. :o)
Name: John Baker() on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 19:39:59
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:This is Cindy Whittaker Matthies HHS76 with her step-daughter Erica and her granddaughter Kayleigh. This was Kayleigh's first day of kindergarten. I remember MY first day in kindergarten....yeah right!! Thanks Cindy, you have a great looking family.
Now I think it's time we saw you sister's picture. Whattayathink??
Name: David Barboza () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 19:24:07
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Maiden: don't need one
Class: 1974
Message: OK .....The MSG got me. I really don't look like that anymore. Well the face is still the same. Hey Patti how are you and thanks for the welcome to CT. The hair is not that curly anymore and just a tad (yea right) grey. I haven't seen that picture in a long time. Unfortunately I lost all of my year books in a fire some years ago so. My thanks to the MSG it was a memory and a half. Wonder if anyone has seen Mario Estellano? Fondest memory of him was Mario, myself and a couple of others who shall remain nameless, though you know who you are. Getting drunk in the back of the team bus coming back from a track meet in Santa Barbara. Wasn't so bad till I stumbled (actually fell) getting off the bus back at Hawthorne right in front of coach Courtney. Don't remember what it was Mario made but do remember it had some kick. Well to all the class of 74 its great to know where still around.
David, That explains the mediocrity of the mid-70's HHS track teams :o) Thanks
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 18:22:45
E-Mail: RHood10542@aol.com
Maiden: Hood
Class: 60
Message Robin: I did get an e-mail from you quite a while ago, and I did answer, (twice), apparently, I had the wrong e-mail for you, I just wanted you to know that I did answer you, and, I hope you get this one-----Sandy (Wasti) Wyatt
I think this is FROM: Sandy-TO: Robin
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 16:36:47
E-Mail: Sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK John, we will all need a little re-cap on the photos sent to you from MSG - my mom's money is on George Hunter and I must say he crossed MY mind.....please give us a list - and just HOW can you get email and not have a return ID on it? Unless YOU are the MSG because YOU have been getting all the yearbook stuff.....I think MSG should tell us if he's just a lurker or if he is listed on the alumni page.....
Hi Sue, OK first I'll tell you that I'm NOT the MSG. That IS the truth. Second, I DO know who it is, but am bound to secrecy. After all, I don't want him sending in a "Geeky" high school picture of ME to put up. :o) And finally I will say that of all the guesses so far, no one has guessed correctly. The MSG has promised to divulge his/her true identity if named but you have to give YOUR true identity when guessing. None of the "Secret" or "Hacker" stuff. If a guess comes in under a pseudonym, correct or not, it will be ignored. And you can only give one name. In other words you can't type out everyones name that ever went to HHS......HEY, actually I could use a list like that :o) I don't know exactly how many pictures to date, the MSG has sent in, but they're all still on the Feedback pages. Thanks Sue, and good luck....
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 13:45:46
E-Mail: Hood
Maiden: A Hood is a Hood is a ...
Class: 60
Message: Hi John and yes how about the "eastside kids" of our town..Ramona K-6 Bodes, Black,Pasco, Bodes(she loved me:o). Bright, Taylor and Ruby.. H.I.S. Jimmy Page and Mrs Rosengren..(Mr Sweeney was a 5th grade teacher at Ramona prior to the coach at H.I.S)...really sorry to hear of his passing, a great guy. And I think we need a recount on the corner stores..Ramona #1...Cub Scout pack and Boy Scout troop 584 were started there..Flaming Arrow Patrol ruled!...And BTW the summer between 7th and 8th grade a place called Disneyland opened. A handful of us with Mr. Page rode our then 3 speed racers to POP , Knotts Berry Farm , and the biggest trip was to Disneyland.. yup all the way down Artesia Blvd to a young Orange Co. with a sleeping bag and a toothbrush. We went to Knotts Sat, then found a guy who let us sleep under what he claimed was the biggest avocado tree in the state...then went to DLand Sun and returned that evening. Quite a trip for a bunch of 7th graders....Would you let your kids do that today Cougars?... I think the difference was what I read in a book a few years ago.. "It Takes A Village"... We had one. It was called Hawthorne. Good to see Glen Oclassen and Roy Carpenter on board...Keep up the good work John ...You gotta love this forum....later Cougs
Robin, Great stuff man. Mr. Page sounds like "My kinda' Teacher". Thanks, and I do love this forum!!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 11:35:32
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I had a daily part in General Hospital where I played a security guard that had just busted some football players in the locker room doing drugs (coke). It was my third interview with GH and I think his name was Marvin Page (casting director) that finally casted me. When I showed up to the shoot the football players where only around 170 pounds. THey had to call in two more extras because I was so much bigger than they were they thought it looked unreal overpowering me. They had to lock me up in a towel cage. I did almost all my work after I won the World Armwrsetling championship in 1986 (way back). For the next three or four years I did mostly commercials and some TV and even less film. I think this episode had to have been done back in either 87' or 88'. Once in awhile I see some stuff I did in reruns. In fact when I first moved to Vegas I was with one of my friends over here and actually saw two shows I did in one day (GH and Dynasty). HAven't done anything in more than 6 years. My residual checks for these shows are less than $10 so I don't even cash them. Sorry took so long to explain this but I kind of enjoy talking about what I used to do. I am learning now though that it doesn'y matter what you were or did in the past, it is what you are NOW. SO I"m getting things going again now. I have some tapes of me in different things I've done but if you can find this tape I would love to get a copy. As some of my firends say that have seen my promo tape it is pretty much done poorly. I used to record and as I see things I'm on I start to record. Erase half some stufff and record over some more, so I have bits and pieces. And to the people who have emailed me as much as I would thing it be fun being the MSG I'm not...sorry.
Name: Krista Ward () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 08:23:36
Message: Hey, wuz up.
Name: MaD ScaNNer () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 03:57:57
E-Mail: hahahahahahahahahahaha
Maiden: aka MSG
Class: ????
Message: DadKrikac? ....I don't think so..try agan
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