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Here's another 60's sleeper. The Marketts
Monday, May 10, 1999 at 10:55:39
Monday, May 10, 1999 at 09:56:42
Monday, May 10, 1999 at 07:15:17
Monday, May 10, 1999 at 01:19:59
Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 23:43:29
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 02:07:25
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Yes, I can confirm that rumor about Mrs. Hollen. I had her for a teacher in 7th grade at HIS. She brought in brains one day and tried to get everyone in the class to try it. I remember her walking up and down the isles of desks offering it to everyone. Whoever refused (almost all) were called sissies!! I remember her long wool skirts and nylons with a seam up the back.
Keith Jones - I just read somewhere you were in General Hospital for a while. Which part??? I admit, I've been taping that show since my oldest was in diapers.
John, this is a wonderful site. I've just spent the last couple hours getting caught up. You have a bigger impact on getting people together than you'll ever know. A few weeks ago, Janice Dorman, someone I only knew through my husband, asked me how my brother Dick was. I had no idea she knew I had a brother. Anyway I asked Dick the next time I talked to him if he knew anyone named Dorman. He was surprised and asked if I meant Buddy Dorman a friend he used to hang with during his high school years. Dick went to St. Bernards but we lived in Hawthorne. One thing lead to another and pretty soon these 2 friends who hadn't talked or heard from each other in 30 years wear typing long messages to each other. All because of this site. You really do make a difference in peoples lives. Thanks just aren't enough.
Kathy, I've said it before but the Internet is the perfect vehicle for finding and reuniting old friends. I hear this same story every week. It's very gratifying. Thanks you
Name: Shannon Hagerty () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 01:01:08
E-Mail: shannon121@earthlink.net
Maiden: Lester
Class: 75
Message: Hey John, let's hear it for the eastside of Hawthorne. I?m from East of Inglewood also. I went to Eucalyptus and Hawthorne Intermediate (now called Hawthorne Middle School with 6th grade). I work for Hawthorne School District. I was at HIS for a couple years before they changed it to a Middle School. There are still a very few teachers left. Mr. Dana was still there when I worked there. He?s long gone now. Mr. Sweeney died several years back. Mr. Johnson is still teaching last I heard. The skinny girls PE teacher was Mrs. Hollingshead. She retired just last year. Someone mentioned Mr. Hughes. He still show?s up occasionally. His daughter teaches now. Anyone remember Roger "Captain" Bly, Bob Cardwell, or Sara Sellars? How about Mrs. Holly? The rumors were she ate liver and monkey brains for lunch. Was it true?
Hi Shannon, Thanks for the update on HIS. I didn't know about the name change either. Sorry to hear about Mr Sweeney though. He was a great guy.
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 00:37:54
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:You all saw a picture of Mike Shay and his older son Pat earlier. Well here's a picture of his younger son Tim. As you can see, Tim is a breeder of large meat eating Dinosaurs. It looks like feeding time too as those big old nasty creatures just love snackin' on small children. thanks Mike
Name: Shannon Hagerty () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 00:28:03
E-Mail: shannon121@earthlink.net
Maiden: Lester
Class: 75
Message: Dave Krikac (sp). I saw that were asking about Kathy Lynch and Sheri Blackwell. I know my sister Miaaka is still in contact with Kathy and her sister Cheryl. One of them may know where Sheri is. Miaaka talks with Lori Lancaster all the time. She's in Virginia now. Miaaka's address is Miaakal@aol.com
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 00:26:57
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Who's DAD Krikrac? You mean DAVE Krikrac or did his dad go to HHS? I would believe that Dave could be MSG. He's just the type to be a Mad Scanner Guy. Actually, he's the type to be a Mad anything!!! XXOO Davie .... And to MSG: Your last note said "no problem John" ... no problem what? Oh the plot thickens!! Oh and PS, you goofy MSG, you forgot to put the era you went to HHS. I'm sure it was just a silly oversight. Just thought I'd mention it ... We'll all be waiting. (Hey guys, think he/she will fall for that one? heh heh heh).
oK MaD ScAnNeR GuY/GiRl, ArE yOu OuT tHeRe??
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 23:15:29
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: I've been gone for a while so if some one has answered this question, sorry for the repeat. That little store on the corner of Freeman and 118th St. was owned by Ben Nishinaka. I used to walk to school (in kindergarten that is) with his daughter Jeri, an HHS'76 alumni. Rumor had it that he spent time in a Japanese enternment camp during WW2. Living on 116th and Menlo, I stopped in his store everyday on the way home from school. What memories.
Hi Kathy, Yes Ben's Market was the winner in the "Favorite Mom and Pop Market in Hawthorne" vote-off. Thanks for the info...
Name: Not Telling Either () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 21:33:13
E-Mail: Or is it, Neither?
Maiden: No Way, Jose
Class: 00
Message: AHHHHHHHH, The Mad Scanner is DadKrikac!!!
Name: Secret () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 20:26:20
E-Mail: yes
Maiden: n/a
Class: 71
April Hanson Treadwell, You made the best
hamburgers I ever had at Frosty Freeze.
Name: Jim Sloey() on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 14:23:21
E-Mail: sloeylaw@intplus.com
Class: 66
Message: John
You have really created a wonderful site. It has become such a work of art that a day does not go by that my brudder and I talk about Feedback or some other aspect of cougartown.com.
Last week he ran into the legend, Joe Contestible (HHS Quarterback 1954 and later ECC, and Cal), and he is living in Irving Texas. He promised to punch in when he got home. I had not talked to Danny Litton in nearly 10 years due to changes in both of our lives and we were finally able to catch up! And then we tracked down John Abraham.
There is little difference between the classes once you graduate, in that we all have, as our roots, Hawthorne and Hawthorne High School. Although many of us do not live there any longer, we still all have that time and that place as a foundation as to who we are. I think it goes beyond nostalgia and hope of easier times and youth gone by [so fast!]. It is about who we are and where we originated. In a world that is going 900 miles a millisecond, reflection is something we need more to understand ourselves. We can get that on Cougartown. And we couldn't be prouder!
Thanks John
And the mad scanner is one of the v b or ? girls!
Geez Jim, you've got me tearing up here. Thanks man for the eloquence. Jim has found the magic in Cougartown folks. It's not what kind of tree you've become, or how youthful the branches, but the good soil in the "HHS Orchard" that brings us all together again. We all grew there once....
Thanks Jim
As far as the MSG being a "Letter Girl".... whattayasay girls?
Name: Pam Betraun () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 14:08:54
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Keith, In answer to you trying to locate fellow class mates. I can tell you about one, Teri Manos. I work with her husband Jeff. We had a luncheon here one day and I thought she looked real familiar. She has a cute little girl and works in El Segundo, she does nails.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 11:32:47
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Hi all,
If the contest for guessing the mad scanner is available to us old folk (c/o 67), I think it is a male from the class of 1976.
Yes anyone can guess Chris and the class of 67 aren't "Old Folks".....they're "Seasoned Veterans"
Name: SENIOR KNOW IT ALL () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 11:13:23
Maiden: MAYBE
Class: NONE
No, sorry there Colonel Klink, it's not me....
Name: The Hacker () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 08:18:27
Maiden: CJP
Class: 67
Message: OK John,
Tell us where is the link to: http://cougartown.com/lias-bday/lias-birthday.html
Dear "Hacker",
When I was in Las Vegas for the reunion there, I was invited to Mike and Gloria "V" Herlosky's for their daughter Lia's birthday party. I took some pics and I made her a webpage for her birthday present. Keep Hackin', maybe you'll find those bodies I buried. :o)
Name: MaD ScaNNer () on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 05:45:02
E-Mail: hahahahahahahahahaha
Maiden: akaMSG
Class: ?????
Message: Ok John no problem
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 21:59:08
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Sharon Bierman, no way is it my good memory that's making me think of all this old stuff. We have our genius host John to thank for bringing them to us via this web page. Thanks again John for all the fun -- I don't think we can say it enough! Wow, Sharon, I forgot about all the great memories from those books they read to us. Remember Island of the Blue Dolphins? And The Secret Garden? I had a book I was trying to find too, called The Village That Slept or The Little Village That Slept ... something like that. You're right, Mrs. Schaller took over from Mrs. Allen. She was great too. Remember when she used to take us outside for lessons? And I didn't remember that book with the letters and numbers (I knew what you meant!) but when you spelled out the busy bee thing, heck ya, I remember!! Hey, do you remember playing in Suzie Smeltzer's treehouse? Remember that creepy guy who followed us home one day in the dune buggy and we had to call the cops? Dave Krikrac, sorry for not calling you like you told me to -- I'm real bad that way. Just ask my sisters and my own mother (who got a msg on her machine for Mother's Day ... I'm a bad daughter, huh). David Gonzales said he was going to e-mail you, did he? And Jerry Dorsheimer, wake up and join in!! Where's Janey Crews? And the Kovachs? (Okay, Michelle, you're off the hook this time with the picture but I'm going to get you! Maybe the MSG will dig up an old El Molino picture of you and post it and then you'll be real sorry that I didn't post the current one! Hey MSG, give us another hint! At least give the era you went to HHS ... please????).
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 21:02:08
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: For now I'll just say it's NOT the Green Phantom.
Name: MaD ScaNNer () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 20:29:51
E-Mail: hahahahahahaha
Maiden: aka MSG
Class: ?????
Message: Really Cyndi, and who might I be ?
Ok MSG, But if she's correct, you have to admit it.
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 19:46:33
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: Hey Dave Krikac, my favorite brother-in-law! Leave it to you to bring up the streakers! I'm ashamed of you. Your most endearing memories should be all of those dates with my sweet, little sister! But since you brought it up I'm pretty sure one of them WAS Danny Manning. And I don't want to wrongly accuse anyone, but wasn't another on of them our 1975 Homecoming Queen? Hmmmmm....
John B.- I think I have figured out the identity of the Mad Scanner. But I don't want to give it away yet. I think I'll wait for another clue! ALOHA!
OK on the Mad Scanner Guy. I wish someone would figure it out cuz I sure don't know who it is.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 18:52:55
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Cindy Whitaker, I can't believe this amazing memory of yours. You've named several of my teachers at York - exception -Mrs Chapman (Kinder), Mrs Vanderzanden (4th?) and Miss Schaller (sp?) Didn't she take over during 6th grade when Mrs. Allen went out on maternity leave? She had us recite lines from a book called "I Like You" or something like that, we performed at an assembly. I can still remember my line, "I like you because you're a good person to like." (Boy that really says it all, huh?) Another of her favorites was a book using only single letters and numbers to make words (sounds brilliant, Bierman...) no, really, I still recall this line : D B S A B Z B (The bee is a busy bee.) This entire book was just letters and numbers. Remember "A Wrinkle in Time" ?? I have that book around here somewhere... I LOVED
the Silver Brumby books that were at the York Library. Did anyone else read them?? The library only had 2 that I knew of. I read them over and over and over. Now I've found that the author (name escapes me) wrote a whole series of books about the Brumbies; I found her listed on Amazon.com and used their locator service but they were unable to find any copies for me. If anyone knows where I can get them let me know. They were wonderful horse stories - oh for the good old days when all I wanted to do was die and come back as a horse! James Putnam-sat next to him during 2nd grade summer school-remember when you could go to summer school cuz you WANTED to, not cuz you HAD to? James would hold his index finger in front of his nose, cross his eyes and say "Bloody!" over and over. It was scandalous I tell you! Cindy I don't think we ever got so far over to 119th for Trick or Treat, we lived on 115th, we'd go up 115th to Prairie then come back down, there was a woman on 115th who dressed as a witch on Halloween, had a big old cauldron filled with kool aid and dry ice (I guess) it made smoke come out of the cauldron... oh how we loved to go there on Halloween... We live in a great neighborhood now for Halloween, gets tons of Trick or Treaters and LOVE it! Okay time for a breather. Thanks for the great memories.
Name: Dave () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 18:24:31
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Keith Jones, no way, how are you? Dude, you did not BLEND in. Not that jolly, head bobbin guy I remember, people knew you were around. Hey, the only HHS alumni I hung out with after kids was Glen Vickers(My best man). I believe he is still out in Diamond Bar, CA with his beautiful wife Pam and two cool looking blonde boys.
Anyone seen Kathy Lynch? or Sheri Blackwell? Just catching up...Hey Maria Lacoco, you out there.
God Bless All!
Name: Keith D. JOnes () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 14:37:41
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Dave Krikac how you doing? Remember me? I blended so I am hard to remember. I used to go to thr Rodium swap meet. I just remember it being always hot. Wasn't one of the streakers either Mark or Dan Manning. Anyone here from Bruce Chauncey, Dan Rael, Rod Johnston, Mark Dowell, Eric Keus (the best water skier I've ever seen), how about the big Robert Armbrust. Linda Jacobs comes to mind too. Rita Kobold, Teri Manos, Debbie Cleghorn. Is Courtney still married to Carr.
Is there anyone out there from our snow and water skiing gang. Used to go all the time with LArry King (water skiing)Eric Keus, me, Kathy Lynch and other would always go to Snow Valley and ski (sometimes SUmmit)
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 12:08:16
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: Joyce - The white safety belts - YES!! I remember that! A huge honor as I recall! I have the same memories from Elementary, you hit on them all (Brownie mtgs, cake walks, carnivals, first crush, all of 'em) Look at us, some 16 years apart, and some of the same memories!!
I also remember Christmas shopping at Newberry's. Remember Cindy, mom giving us $10 (or something like that) and we had to do all of our shopping for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, our sisters. Ewww, makes me see how spoiled my kids are! But it was a big deal back then!! Ha, 'back then', like I'm so old! I work on the playground at my kids school every lunch period (playing soccer) and my favorites tell me I'm like a teenager (wonder why they're my favorites). Keep on truckin....I mean typin!!
P.S. John - we need spell check here. I'm so fraid to hit the submit buttun in case I'v tiped somthin wrong or lef sumthin out!! HHS learned me well and I wanna pruve it!
No Problum Misheyl, Eye pruf reed these stuf. Tanks gurl...
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: My one big regret from Eucalyptus is being sick on the day the firemen came and passed out the red plastic helmets :( One of my happy memories is the annual carnival with the cake walk, the "fishing" for toys booth and the pocket lady. Gloria and I loved that pocket lady. We also loved going to the Roadium swapmeet and getting those animal-shaped erasers for a penny.
And did anyone else get those basket purses from Akron?
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@accex.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Those are great pictures of the car show at HHS. Did all the cars belong to HHS alum or was it just a general car show? That '58 Chevy Impala was my dream car when I was at HHS. I wanted one soooo bad. I remember the Sultans Car Club. One of my boyfriends belonged to them in '57, I think it was . They have been around for a long time. Thanx for bringing those pictures to our site, John. I loved it. Wish I could've been there too. Maybe next year!
Hi Karen, Glad you liked the pics. We had a great time looking at cars AND good old HHS too. The cars weren't necessarily students cars, however the little white car with the number on the side (A Griffith, I think) was owned by a teacher.
Name: Dave Krikac
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Ok Trivia time...Who were the streakers at the assemblies? I will give you a clue "It was NOT ME"
When I explain streaking to my 14 year old, he looks at me like the RCA dog.....
Name: Pat Prewitt-Deckard
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: My mother, Brother and I all worked at GILBERTS 5&10.
I was told by the management to LIE about my age and say I was 18 so they could avoid teenagers wanting to work there.
Our mother was there when we were robbed! I was there when SGT.Williams came to me and asked for the manager. I was the head cashier at the time. We had some suspicious people in the store. He came up from behind me and said" I am SGT. Williams and I think you have a Nut in here". I replied, "I know we have a nut in here" (he had scared the puddin out of me). He then stated there was a unit in the parking lot and asked me to go get them. I went out to the others and low and I actually KNEW one of the ARRESTEES!! It was our Ministers' son who had joined the "HELLS ANGELS"
When I acknowledged him HE was soo...embarrassed... I never saw him again!!
Name: Cindy Matthies
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: How about these teachers from York School: Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Brunk (BIG red hair!), Mr. Collier (asst teach to Mrs. Allen until he got his own class), Miss Biggerstaff, Miss Hauge (I cried when the school year was over because I was going to miss her! I think I had a crush on James Putnam and his cool paisley shirts ... well, and maybe his John Cougar hair too!). Oooh, remember that movie (cartoon actually) that all us girls had to watch in the cafeteria and all the boys tried real hard to peek in and see? I think that was 6th grade. And the ice cream bars we could buy at lunch for ten cents. Does anyone remember Regina Hall at Haw Intermediate? She always carried a little purse full of dimes at nutrition so she could pass them out to everyone to buy corn nuts or brownies (they called that nutrition?). And I'm soooo sorry, my sweet little sister but I just must post that picture of you. Keith asked so nicely that I just can't refuse! It should show up on Tuesday! John, on that last picture the MSG sent, you said he/she left that clue. Could those capital letters be initials? (And yes, I can only hope that I am as crazy as you because otherwise what fun would it all be? I take that as a compliment by the way!! YeeHaw!). Hey sis, think anyone remembers coming down our street (119th off Doty) on Halloween when Mom dressed up as a witch in that black tent with the eerie music playing? Joyce & Astrid Franken lived across the street from us if that jogs anyone's memory who knew them. (Hey, if it's okay for Keith to ramble on and on, can I too, huh huh huh?)
Great memories Cindy, and I meant it as a compliment....Oh, and ramble away. If you've got the floor, go for it!!!
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